![RAYTHEON U8A8MOCIARSTRAT 5Dapfile Hill ORIIIE SMOC-ROC Mlst2fr2 POBOX 1800 Tewcllbury MA 01818 HUNTSIIIU AI](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
AMENDMENT OF SOUCITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT ~MENDMENTIMODIFICA'DON NO. REQ.NO. FO0253 6. ISSUED BY· CODE <.:.:.;:...;.;;:;:.::;..... __-17. ADMINISTERED BY (Ifotlo""than - DCMARAYTHEON U8A8MOCIARSTRAT 5DAPfILE HiLl ORIIIE SMOC-ROC MlST2FR2 POBOX 1800 TEWCllBURY MA 01818 HUNTSIIIU AI.. 3e11D7·3801 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., ~reet, Colllty, ~atc and Zip Code) RAYTHEON COMPANY 360 LOY.aL ST. ANDO\IERMA0181~ 10.o\.M2D. OF CONTRACTIORDERNO. ll'ougvo98-c.ooo1 nUnDored lolioilalion ia ~ ..-ut IKth in Item 14. 1hobourond dlla l!*itad "r~p' o~ i. not ClIlDllded. O. nu.1 IckDowledsa ra"pl orlbi .......01 ....' priorto tha bour Ind dlla Ipeoiled in tba lolicllalion or _ .-.ncIad by One oftbe 1fI1IowiDS .-thoda: (I) By eOJqlllllinB It_ 8 IIId 15, ..01 retumins ""pi. ortba _dlllml; (b) BylClcnowledsi. reoeipl oftbi. _01_1 OlD ... oopy oflbl 0.,ubnitted; or (e) By lapll1lllleltaror toles_which inelud~ce to die .olicitalion.nd _dillin, nunDln. FAILURE OF YOURACKNOWLEDOMENTTO BE RECEIVED AT1HE PLACE DESIGNA mD FOR 1HE RECElPTOF OFFERS PRIOR '10 lHE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIBD MAY RESUL TIN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFBR. Ifby virtul ofthil_dllllllt YOII deaiteto chuBe In 0. "rudy .ubnilted, luch chinS. n)' b..... a by Ielesnmor lellar, provided _h talosnunor lottar 1liiie .. ra .....ce to the lolimtatioa .nd Ihilllllllldll'Et, ..d i. received prior to the opllllins hour ud dale epecifed. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (lfrequircd) 13. THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICA IT MODlFIESTHECONTRACfIORDER THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (SPecifY althorlty) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM lOA. TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE \..nIU'I'..E.i> (such as chanlCS in paying P~ANT TOTHE AUTHORITY OF FAR OTHER (~ecify type of modification and authority) E. IMPORT ANT: Contractor [!] is not, 0 is required to signlhis <bcument 8Ild rctlR copies to the issuing oftlce. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENTIMODIFICATION (Organized by UO' section headings, including solicitation/contract SIiljcct matter Wiere feasible.) Modification Control Number: ___ (b )(6) The purpose of this rrodlflcatlon is~Mxflflcation POO251. ACANMK, fromCM GFEBSO01015913300001 to CIt GFEBSOO1015913300030. All other tem. and concltlona renaln the lame and no addIIIonai fundilg hal been provided. II provided hlmn, alii.",. and ocnditioal oftbe doculllDllt reimJced ia IItm9A or lOA, II \. NAME AND TITLE OF SlCIIIER (Type or print) IS8.00NTRACTORIOFFEROR I SC. DATE SIGNED 30·105·04 STANDARD FORM 30 (Rev. 10·83) APPROVED BY OIRM 11-84 Prescribed by GSA OOd.'501 FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 DASG60-98-C-OOO 1 P00253 Page 2 of2 SECTION SF 30 BLOCK 14 CONTINUA nON PAGE (End of Summary of Changes) OO~50~ AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT v DCMA RAYTHEON USASMDClAASTRAT "API'\,,( HIll. ORNE SMOC·RDC PO !lOX 1!Dl ,.,,"'"lEWIS8URY 1M 01878 HUNT$'v1J.£ It. 39107.:311)1 AND AO[)RFS'\OF mNTRACfOR (No .• Sh eet, County, !ialc and Zip Co~ ) RAYTHEON COMP.IHY 3eOlCW'aL.1T. ANOO'JER MA 018'1(l.4O) (SEE ITEM II) l OA. MOO. OF CONTRACfK>ROER NO. 0l.SG60-98-COOO1 lOB. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) I I , , i ...' .... d.d II Hlllnb ;mI ,em 14. ThehourOlld datupacilod brrocclp. " fUji, o iUJllended, D 101l0t e>IIendtd . Oltr ""a. tdno.. ( cod lle '-;pl oflbi • ...,lIdlllmt priono tbo bour IIIId dote . , ,,,,' Ied i. dle.olici, ..i()n Or" ......ded by one oftb ,l>lIo"'08 _bodt: (0) By ...,,,,,1"'08 II .... , ..01 I ".lIIId reI"",ill8 ___ O(Ipi .. ortbe _dIJo:OI: (b) By ICkQowledaioi rltCelpl ofthi.ln"ClIdmeoot on cICb copy oflbc ob n brritted: or(e) By .epant. letIoror telIS""" .... kkb iBcl,,"" • rri_ to IbuolicilatiOfl W _01""", n ......, FAILURE OF YOURACXNOWlEOOMllNTlO 8E RECEM!O "TTHE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR 1M!> RECEIPTOf OFfERS PRIO R 10 nil! HOUR AND 010 TE SPECIFIED MA Y RElIU l TIN REEC'nON OF YOUR OFFEL Ifby y;lt"oorth,. omeod .....' yOil d"',..lo ...... lOll 0. 1I....ty ..haiRed , l udl dlq. -.y be...scby 1eI ...... or lemr, pravide:l -=h td q"""'" Ielter .....eo ......... to the oolicilot;"" ..d this _dmtnt. tnd ;1 received prior lO!!Ie opaili>a hour _d dote . pea,*,. See Schedule CII ANGE ORDER ITBM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONT RAcr ORDER NO. IN ITEM l OA. as changes in payins I THIS SUPPLEMEm AL A<JtEEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AlffHORlT Y OF: Co ntractor isnO I, is reqJiredlo sign this OOCI.IneDI andretWl oop;es to the issuillg offlCC. DESCRIPTION (Organized by UCF sectioo beadings, incilking solicitationloontract subject matter ""'ere feasible.) Modification Control Number: (b)(6) To issue a change order training due to replacement of sotjiers conductilg the LUT as oulli\ed In a:AM-CAB-B letters, JLENS-2012· 012 and JJ..eS.2012-018, dated Mlrch 30, 2012 and Aprl2S, 2012, respectively. The required trairlng is as foBow s: Genie Man-Lift Trairling, lAah Test and Training Range (LITlRj , 12 students: fight Ci'ector Training, ~ 6 students; and Maintainer Course Training, lJTTR 17 students . , -toNAME AND TITLE OF SIGlER (Type or print) (b)(6) COm'RACfORlOFFEROR DATE SIGNED I )0 (Rev. 10-83) APPROVED BY OIRM 11-84 Prescribed by GSb. FAR (43 CPR) 53.24) DASG60-98-C-000 1 P00254 Page 2 of12 SECTION SF 30 BLOCK 14 CONTINUATION PAGE SUMMARY OF CHANGES 1. SECTION A - SOLICITATION/CONTRACT FORM The total cost of this contract was increased by $724,879.00 from $1,920,203,430.00 to $1,920,928,309.00. 2. SECTION B - SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES SUBCLIN 0017AA The target cost has increased by from to ,:====~ The target profit/fee has increased by from to. 7 The total cost of this line item has increased by $724,879.00 from $1,682.454.983.00 to $1,683,179,862.00. This includes an increase in target cost of :onsisting of cost and a lcrease in facilities capital cost of money, and an increase in target fee target cost less facilities capital cost of money. CLIN 0030 The total cost of this line item has increased by•••• tr,O~J ••••• to t•••••••• • As stated in Modification P00251, CLIN 0030 has been established for the sole purpose of obligating GFEBS funding for performance of SubCLIN 0017AA. The value of CLIN 0030 equates to the amount of GFEBS funding obligated for performance of SubCLIN 00 17 AA and should not be considered additional contract value. Informational SubCLINs under CLIN 0030 will be established each time additioanl GFEBS funding is obligated. CLIN 0030 and its SubCLINS will not be segregated from SubCLIN 0017AA, identified, accounted for, invoiced, analyzed, or reported separately from SubCLIN 0017, including EVMS. All scope remains under SubCLIN 0017 AA with associated incentive events and flat zones. SUBCLIN 003002 is added as follows: ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNlTPRICE AMOUNT 003002 GFEBS Funding for SubCLIN 0017AA CPIF FOB: Destination ACRNMX $719,132.00 CIN: GFEBSOOlO17438300030 B-17. INCENTIVE FEE FOR SUBCLIN 00 17AA1CLIN 0018 (SEEH-19): In accordance with FAR 52.216-7, entitled "Allowable Cost and Payments", and FAR 52.216-10, entitled "Incentive Fee", the total amount for reimbursement of cost and fee for performance under SubCLIN 0017AAlCLlN 0018 are set forth below: Target Cost oo~S04 DASG60-98-C-000 1 P00254 Page 3 of 12 Target Fee (b )(4) Incentive Arrangement: Maximum-- Fee: (b )(4) Minimum Fee: (Share Ratio: Government/Contractor) (b )(4) Underrun: __or the amount by which the total allowable cost is less than the target cost until maximum fee is attained. Overrun: ••• the amount by which the total allowable cost exceeds the target cost until minimum (b) (4) fee is attained. FAR 52.216-10, INCENTIVE, paragraph (e)(1), is stated as follows: (e) Fee Payable. (1) The fee payable under this contract shall be the target fee increased b_nts for every dollar that (b )(4) the total allowable cost is less than the target cost or decreased b~ts for every doilail1lat the total allowable cost exceeds the target cost. In no event shall the fee be greater th~ent or less th~cent ofthe target cost. (b )(4) B-18. TARGET COST. TARGET FEE. I'.1INIMUM INCENTIVE FEE. MAXIMUM INCENTIVE FEE. AND INCENTIVE ARRANGEMENT FOR SUBCLIN 0017AA/CLIN 0018: SUBCLIN 0017AA - (Two SDD ]LENS Systems) a. Target cost: (b )(4) b. Target fee: (b )(4) (b )(4) c. Minimum incentive fee: (b )(4) d. Maximum incentive fee: (b )(4) e. Total target cost and target fee: $1,683,179,862 3. SECTION G - CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA Accounting and Appropriation Summary for the Payment Office As a result of this modification, the total funded amount for this document was increased by $719,132.00 from $1,876,986,879.63 to $1,877,706,011.63. SUBCLIN 003002 (GFEBS funding for SubCLIN 00 17AA): Funding on SUBCLlN 003002 is initiated as follows: ACRN:MX elN: GFEBSOOI017438300030 oo~5D5 DASG60-98-C-000 1 P00254 Page 4 of12 Acctng Data: 02120122013204000001 171722550030003242A.0000013.1.1 6100.9000021001 Increase: $719,132.00 Total: $719,132.00 Cost Code: A5XFJ Target Cost, Target Fee, and total for the above increase of$719,132 is distributed as follows and includes an increase in target cost os 7 cost and f facilities capital cost of money) and an increase in target fee of_ Target Cost (b )(4) Target Fee u,)..{ Total llo)LIf: IMPLEMENTATION OF AND EXPLANATION OF THERELATIONSillP OF THE LIMITATION OF FUNDS (LOF) CLAUSE TO FEE OBLIGATIONS, subparagraph c., is revised to read as follows: SUBCLIN 0017 AA : THIS CUMULATIVE PRIOR MODIFICATION TOTAL· (I) Amount Required for Full Funding, Including Fee: $1,682,454,983 $724,879 $ 1,683,179,862 (2) Amount Allotted Under the LOF Clause for Payment of Costs: $ lb)u(.
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