Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 22, Special Issue Allium Discoloration: The Nature of Onion Pinking and Garlic Greening R. KUBEC1*, M. HRBÁČOVÁ1, R. A. MUSAH2 and J. VELÍŠEK1 1Department of Food Chemistry and Analysis, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, *E-mail: [email protected]; 2Department of Chemistry, SUNY Albany, Albany, NY, USA Abstract: Precursors involved in the formation of pink and green-blue pigments during onion and garlic process- ing, respectively, have been studied. It has been confirmed that the formation of both pigments is of a very similar nature, with (E)-S-(1-propenyl)cysteine sulfoxide (isoalliin) serving as the primary precursor. Upon disruption of the tissue, isoalliin and other S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides are enzymatically cleaved, yielding prop-1-enyl- containing thiosulfinates [CH3CH = CHS(O)SR; R = methyl, allyl, propyl, 1-propenyl], among others. The latter compounds subsequently react with amino acids to produce the pigments. Whereas the onion and leek-related propyl, prop-1-enyl and methyl derivatives can form pink, pink-red and magenta compounds, those containing the allyl group yield dark blue products after reacting with glycine at pH 5.0. Keywords: Allium; garlic; onion; discoloration; pigment INTRODUCTION sulfoxide (isoalliin, 1). Isoalliin is the major free amino acid occurring in onion and it is also present During processing of garlic (Allium sativum L.), as a minor S-substituted cysteine sulfoxide deriva- onion (A. cepa L.) and leek (A. porrum L.) intensely tive in garlic. The key role of isoalliin in the dis- colored pigments are often formed. In the case of coloration of garlic was later confirmed by L���� garlic, green, blue-green or blue compounds are [5]. Although B������������ and T����� [10] generated, whereas onion and leek homogenates tentatively identified the major color developing may turn pink or red within several hours [1−9]. compound to be (Z)-thiopropanal S-oxide (5), the The pigments are, however, quite unstable and lachrymatory factor (LF) of onion, this finding has eventually turn into yellow or brown compounds never been confirmed. which significantly lower the organoleptic qual- Described herein are our investigations into ity of the product. Thus, effective controlling of the identification of the precursors involved in this discoloration process is apparently of great the discoloration of onion, leek and garlic during economic importance for the food industry. processing. Our attention was mainly focused on Despite having been studied for almost 50 years, the roles of isoalliin and its analogues, together this phenomenon is still very poorly understood. with their primary decomposition products, i.e. It has been shown that the discoloration is a mul- (Z)-thiopropanal S-oxide and thiosulfinates. tistep process. The first step is considered to be an enzyme catalyzed degradation of an amino acid EXPERIMENTAL precursor, leading to formation of an ether-soluble colorless compound. The latter compound, called Material and methods: Detailed description of the ‘color developer’, subsequently reacts with vari- chemicals and instrumentation used as well as ous amino acids and carbonyl compounds, yielding syntheses of reference compounds and alliinase the pigments. S������ et al. [8, 9] proposed that isolation can be found in K���� et al. [12]. the primary amino acid precursor involved in the Model experiments: Aliquots (1 ml) of stock solu- pinking of onion is (E)-S-(prop-1-enyl)cysteine tions of S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides (5 mg/ml) Proc. Chemical Reaction in Food V, Prague, 29. 9.–1. 10. 2004 109 Vol. 22, Special Issue Czech J. Food Sci. and glycine (15 mg/ml) in 0.1 M KH2PO4 buffer S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides, was investigated in (pH 5.5) were placed in 13-ml glass vials. A portion the first stage of the study.The four major derivatives of 0.5 ml of an alliinase solution (40 mg/100 ml) occurring in the S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxide pool was added, the total volume was adjusted to 5 ml of alliaceous plants, i.e. S-prop-1-enyl-, S-methyl-, with the buffer, and the vials were capped, shaken S-propyl- and S-allylcysteine sulfoxides (isoalliin, and immersed in a water bath (40°C) overnight. methiin, propiin and alliin, respectively) (1−4), When studying the role of thiosulfinates and the were prepared by synthesis. Various combinations LF, 2 µl of a thiosulfinate or (Z)-thiopropanal of the S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides, glycine and S-oxide were mixed with 3 ml of a glycine solution onion alliinase were mixed, incubated overnight at (10 mg/ml 0.1 M KH2PO4, pH 5.0) in 10-ml glass vi- 40°C and the resulting change in color was evalu- als. The vials were capped, briefly sonicated (1 min) ated. A pigment was formed in only those systems and kept overnight at 45°C. After cooling to room containing both isoalliin and alliinase. Although temperature, the solutions were filtered (0.45 µm) the addition of glycine significantly enhanced the and their UV/Vis spectra were recorded. intensity of the color formed, its presence was not essential for color development (perhaps isoalliin RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and the other cysteine derivatives were incorpo- rated into the pigments instead of glycine). Because the observed discoloration seems to oc- Even though (Z)-thiopropanal S-oxide (LF, 5) cur only in members of the Allium genus, the role was reported to be the major color developing of the most typical compounds of these plants, compound in onion [10], no pigment was formed COOH R COOH R = CH3 (2) S S CH CH CH (3) O NH2 O NH2 2 2 3 (1, isoalliin) (2−4) CH2CH=CH2 (4) alliinase alliinase S O LF-synthase SOH R SOH (onion, leek) (5) 2x 2x O O O S R S S R + S S R' S S R S O (24) − (21 23) (9,14,19) (6−8,11−13,16−18) R,R' = CH3 (9/10,21) O S R CH CH CH (14/15,22) S 2 2 3 S S O CH2CH=CH2 (19/20,23) (25) (10,15,20) color developers amino acids pigments Figure 1. Formation of the pigments in Allium species 110 Proc. Chemical Reaction in Food V, Prague, 29. 9.–1. 10. 2004 Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 22, Special Issue in model systems containing LF and glycine un- the relative ratios of the corresponding amino der any of the conditions studied (temperatures acid precursors (1−3) present in the tissue. Since 40−95°C, various concentrations). Thus, our at- 9/10 and 21 (and to a very limited extent 24 and tention was drawn to another class of compounds 25) are also present as minor constituents in garlic arising from enzymatic degradation of isoalliin homogenates, a small amount of the red pigment and its analogues, the thiosulfinates. All the major may be formed in garlic. In fact, some red-colored Allium-occurring thiosulfinates [RS(O)SR´; R, R´ = compounds are perhaps generated even from 19/20 CH3-, CH3CH2CH2-, CH2 = CHCH2- and CH3CH = and 23, as indicates the shoulder at 538 nm in the CH-] (6–25) were synthesized and allowed to react UV/Vis spectra at pH 5.0. However, the presence with glycine at 45°C to test their ability to form of the red pigment in garlic may be masked by the the pigments. Indeed, pink, pink-red, magenta much more abundant blue compounds formed from and blue compounds were produced overnight in 19/20 and 23, which are the key color-developing all mixtures consisting of 1-propenyl-containing compounds occurring in crushed garlic. thiosulfinates. Whereas the onion and leek-occur- J����� and P������� [3] were the first to report ring thiosulfinates (9/10, 14/15, 21, 22 and 24/25) on the significant influence of carbonyl compounds yielded pink, pink-red or magenta compounds, the on the rate of pigment formation. Their findings solutions containing the garlic-related derivatives were later confirmed by Y�������� et al. [6] and (19/20 and 23) turned blue at pH 5.0. S������ et al. [8] who demonstrated that some car- Our findings indicate that the sequence of re- bonyl compounds were apparently involved in the actions leading to pigment formation includes discoloration process. We have made very similar (1) enzymatic cleavage, upon tissue disruption, observations. Addition of a carbonyl compound of isoalliin and other S-alk(en)ylcysteine sulfox- (e.g. formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde ides, ultimately yielding prop-1-enyl-containing and acrolein) to model solutions had a significant thiosulfinates, among others; and (2) reaction of effect on the intensity of the resulting color. The rate the thiosulfinates with amino acids to produce the of pigment formation in the carbonyl compound- pigments (Figure 1). The major color-developing enriched samples was somewhat higher than in compounds formed in onion and leek homogenates those with no aldehyde added. However, as we are 9/10, 14/15, 21, 22, 24 and 25. Their relative have demonstrated, the pigments are also formed proportions would be expected to vary signifi- in solutions consisting only of prop-1-enyl-contain- cantly from batch to batch, depending mostly on ing thiosulfinates and glycine. This indicates that O H R S H + R S O R' CH S S R' 2x O R S R S H + R CH S S R O R R S S S R S S S O O O O O S S S S O S S Figure 2. Formation of various thioaldehydes from thiosulfinates Proc. Chemical Reaction in Food V, Prague, 29. 9.–1. 10. 2004 111 Vol. 22, Special Issue Czech J. Food Sci. some carbonyl or even thiocarbonyl compounds structures of the amino acid(s) and thiosulfinates formed via decomposition of thiosulfinates are which serve as the reactants.
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