Levels of Protein and Protein Composition in Hard Winter Wheat Flours and the Relationship to Breadmaking1 S. H. Park,2–4 S. R. Bean,2 O. K. Chung,2 and P. A. Seib3 ABSTRACT Cereal Chem. 83(4):418–423 Protein and protein fractions were measured in 49 hard winter wheat percent SP based on flour showed the highest correlation with loaf flours to investigate their relationship to breadmaking properties, parti- volume (r = 0.85) and low but significant correlation with crumb grain cularly loaf volume, which varied from 760 to 1,055 cm3 and crumb grain score (r = 0.35, P < 0.05). Percent gliadins based on flour and on protein score of 1.0–5.0 from 100 g of flour straight-dough bread. Protein com- content were positively correlated to loaf volume (r = 0.73, P < 0.0001 position varied with flour protein content because total soluble protein and r = 0.46, P <0.001, respectively). The percent IPP based on flour was (SP) and gliadin levels increased proportionally to increased protein the only protein fraction that was highly correlated (r = 0.62, P < 0.0001) content, but albumins and globulins (AG), soluble polymeric proteins with bake water absorption followed by AG in flour (r = 0.30, P < 0.05). (SPP), and insoluble polymeric protein (IPP) levels did not. Flour protein Bake mix time was correlated positively with percent IPP based on pro- content was positively correlated with loaf volume and bake water ab- tein (r = 0.86) but negatively with percent SPP based on protein (r = –0.56, sorption (r = 0.80, P < 0.0001 and r = 0.45, P < 0.01, respectively). The P < 0.0001). Proteins have long been known as the unique component in Recent research has been conducted to understand the role of wheat responsible for its breadmaking quality. Wheat flour pro- wheat proteins in breadmaking quality, especially with regards to teins can be divided into two broad groups, the gluten and non- the large polymeric wheat proteins and dough strength (MacRitchie gluten proteins. Nongluten proteins include primarily albumins and 1992; Wooding et al 1999; Cuniberti et al 2003). However, there globulins (AG), which are considered mainly metabolic proteins is still debate as to the role of the various protein classes on bread- but may have some role in breadmaking (Hoseney et al 1969a). making parameters such as absorption, mixing, loaf volume, and Gluten proteins (gliadins and glutenins) have been recognized as crumb grain. For example, gliadin proteins have been reported to the major components responsible for variations in breadmaking be highly related to loaf volume by many researchers (Hoseney et characteristics. Gliadin proteins have little resistance to extension al 1969a,b; Finney et al 1982; Branlard and Dardevet 1985; and are mainly responsible for the cohesiveness of dough, whereas Weegels et al 1994; Khatkar et al 2002a,b). Others, however, glutenin proteins give dough resistance to extension (Dimler 1965; have observed that gliadin proteins have an insignificant effect on Hoseney 1992; Uthayakumaran et al 2000). Wheat proteins can loaf volume and that the glutenin proteins are the major compo- also be classified based on molecular size, either polymeric or nents responsible for loaf volume (MacRitchie 1978, 1985; Mac- monomeric proteins. Polymeric proteins include mainly glutenins Ritchie et al 1991; Gupta et al 1992; Borneo and Khan 1999; with minor amounts of high molecular weight AG, whereas Toufeili et al 1999; Uthayakumaran et al 1999). Labuschagne et monomeric proteins are gliadins with low molecular weight AG al (2004) also found that fractions with mainly gliadins negatively (MacRitchie 1992). affect important quality traits. Large polymeric to monomeric Many studies have attempted to relate wheat proteins to bread- protein ratio was related to better baking qualities. making quality (Bushuk 1985; Hoseney and Rogers 1990; MacRit- Many studies have been conducted to relate dough strength or chie 1992; Borneo and Khan 1999; Toufeili et al 1999; Uthaya- loaf volume with protein content or protein composition as a sepa- kumaran et al 1999; Wooding et al 1999; Khatkar et al 2002a,b; rate research object. However, limited research has been conducted Tronsmo et al 2002; Cuniberti et al 2003). Pioneering work in this to explain the effects of changes in protein content and composi- area was reported by Finney and Barmore (1948), who found tion together on breadmaking parameters such as water absorption bread loaf volume in hard red winter and spring wheat cultivars and mix time requirements, loaf volume, and crumb grain. The grown at several regions was related to protein quantity. Later, objectives of this research were three-fold: to investigate the rela- Finney and Yamazaki (1967) and Finney (1984) stated that both tionship between flour protein content and protein composition in quantity and quality of proteins affected breadmaking properties hard winter wheat flours; to find individual effects of protein sub- such as mixing time, tolerance, dough handling properties, water classes; and to find overall effects of flour protein content and absorption, oxidation requirements, loaf volume, and crumb char- protein composition on breadmaking parameters. acteristics of bread. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1 Cooperative investigations, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Samples Service, and the Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University. Forty-nine hard winter wheats were provided by the U.S. Contribution No. 06-76-5 from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service Manhattan, KS 66506. (ARS), Grain Marketing and Production Research Center (GMPRC), 2 USDA-ARS, Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, Manhattan, KS 66502. Names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, the Hard Winter Wheat Quality Laboratory, Manhattan, KS. Eight USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of wheats were from the North Central Plains of the Northern Region- the name by the USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of al Performance Nursery, including SD94149, Jagger, Crimson, others that may also be suitable. SD94241, SD94227, Tandem, Rose, and SD 93528. Forty-one 3 Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. wheats were from the Southern Regional Performance Nursery, 4 Corresponding author. Phone: 785-776-2708. Fax: 785-537-5534. E-mail: seokho. including W94-245, OK94P549, W94-137, T89, W94-042, W94- [email protected] 320, W94-435, and T93 from the North Central Plains; W94-042, OK94P461, PI495594, NE93405, NE93427, XH1881, T93, DOI: 10.1094/ CC-83-0418 This article is in the public domain and not copyrightable. It may be freely re- NE93496, G1594, and G1720 from the North High Plains; W94- printed with customary crediting of the source. AACC International, Inc., 2006. 042, KS84W063-9-39-3MB, W94-435, T89, CO920696, NE93496, 418 CEREAL CHEMISTRY CO940700, CI13996, NE93405, TX95V4993, T94, OK94P461, ments from SE-HPLC and combustion data were converted into TX94V2130, and CO910424 from the South Central Plains; and milligram quantities and then reconverted into percentages for T89, WX95-2401, XH1877, CI13996, NE93405, NE94632, easy comparison among the various protein subclasses as described OK94P461, TX94V2130, and KS85W663-11-6-MB from the in Bean et al (1998). Southern High Plains region. Baking and Bread Quality Evaluation Protein Composition An optimized straight-dough baking method (Approved Method Protein subclasses were measured using a combination of extrac- 10-10B, Finney 1984) was used for an experimental breadmaking tion, SE-HPLC, and nitrogen by combustion (Bean et al 1998). test. The bread formula contained 100 g of flour (14% mb), 11 Briefly, wheat flour (250 mg, 14% mb) was mixed with 1 mL of mL of a solution containing 6 g of sucrose and 1.5 g of sodium 50% 1-propanol using a spatula. Samples were continuously vor- chloride, 5 mL of aqueous malt mixture (0.25 g of dried malt), texed for 5 min and centrifuged (Eppendorf 5415C) at 10,000 rpm dry active yeast (1.0 g), shortening (3 g), and 1 mL of ascorbic for 5 min. This extraction procedure was repeated a total of three acid solution (5 mg). Bake water absorption and mixing time times. The first and second supernatants were pooled 1:1 for were estimated based on mixograph data and finally optimized analysis of total soluble proteins (SP) using a Hewlett Packard subjectively by the appearance and feel of the dough. 1090A HPLC system with a Waters ProteinPak 300SW SEC Doughs were fermented for 90 min at 86% rh and 30°C. They column (300 × 7.8 mm). Mobile phase was 50% acetonitrile plus were baked at 218°C (425°F) for 18 min and were weighed imme- 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (w/v), column temperature was 40°C, diately after removal from the oven. Loaf volume (cm3) was and flow rate was 1 mL/min. All samples were filtered through measured by rapeseed displacement immediately after weighing 0.45-μm filters before analysis and 20-μL sample was injected. the loaf of bread. One-day-old breads were machine-sliced and Proteins were detected with UV at 210 nm. Chromatograms were crumb grain was graded by a baking expert. Crumb grain scores divided into three areas including soluble polymeric protein (SPP), were graded and recorded on a scale of 0–6, where 0 is unsatis- gliadins, and albumins and globulins (AG) (Fig. 1) (Larroque et al factory; 1 is questionable to unsatisfactory; 2 is questionable; 3 is 1997; Bean et al 1998). The pellets remaining after centrifugation questionable to satisfactory; 4 is satisfactory; 5 is excellent; and 6 were analyzed to determine the insoluble polymeric protein (IPP). is outstanding. The descriptions for each grade were presented in The pellets were mixed with 1 mL of acetone, the mixture cen- detail in our previous study (Park et al 2004).
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