NEPALI AAWAZ | AN INTERNATIONAL FORTNIGHTLY FREE www.nepaliaawaz.com January 24-7 February, 2006 Vol 1 Issue 9 Music legend and Nepali recording artist pioneer Tara Devi dies at age 6 Special Report: Talking Nepal post Feb. 05 A special interview feature with Kul Chandra Gautam (Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF), leading Advocate and Photo: SUBEL BHANDARI lobbyist Dinesh Tripathi and Bharat Shakya (Chairman, Kathmandu Valley FM Broad- caster’s Forum) to discuss the the situation Little Buddha of Nepal since King Gyanendra seized The story of Ram Bahadur Bomjom absolute control of the country on 1 Feb. 05. The 17-year-old “buddha reincarnate" from Nepal has made news headlines across the World in BBC to an upcoming issue of GQ. This special report from Bara, the site of Ram Bahadur's meditation, is a special report on the developing story. /fhdfu{df dfcf]jfbLsf] v'Nnf ;}Go ultljlw ;/sf/L ;'/IffsdL{n] j'6 jhfg]{ k"j{klZrd dx]Gb| /fhdfu{df PstkmL{ rf/dlxg] o'4lj/fd e+u ePnuQ} cj /fhwfgL SHRESTHA Photo: ANUSHIL clxn] dfcf]jfbL ;]gfx? k/]8 v]Ng yfn]sf 5g\ . /fhdfu{df / zx/df cfqmd0fsf >[+vnf ltj| kfg]{ 3f]if0ff u/]sf 7fpFlkR5] ;]gf / ;z:q k|x/Lsf Jof/]s ePklg ToxL ljrdf dfcf]jfbLx? ToxL /0fgLlts p4]Zo xfl;n ug{sf nflu dfcf]jfbL ;]gfx? xltof/;lxt 9'Ss;Fu ;}Go ultljlw ul// /fhdfu{nfO k[i7e"ld jgfPsf] jtfpF5g\ . x]sf 5g\ . JANUARY 24 - 7 FEBRUARY, 2006 NEPALI AAWAZ | Moktan Digital Studio For all your professional Digital Video Services: Birthdays and Sweet 16s Weddings Music Videos Editing Replication of VCDs or DVDs With 14 years of experience in London, Belgium, Brunei and New York, you know you can't go wrong with Shambhu Moktan (Tamang) video services! Ph: 917.930.2336 Email: [email protected] | NEPALI AAWAZ JANUARY 24 - 7 FEBRUARY, 2006 JANUARY 24 - 7 FEBRUARY, 2006 Contents Letters REPORT • 4- 6 Hi, Hello, It's deja vu in Kathmandu. The last few days have When my parents called me up and asked been some of the most ridiculous days in the city in me about my safety situation and behavior, recent times. In fact, the last time I recall anything SPECIAL FEATURE • I was surprised to find them panicking out 7- 9 like this happening, it was just about a year ago of the blue until they explained they read an TALKING NEPAL POST 1 FEB.05 on 1 Feb. 2005. The King was just taking over the article on Nepalnews.com. I couldn’t believe country, and by that I don’t just around that time, but that the “intellectuals” of Nepali society had literally while his speech was being broadcast on so easily made up their minds about what EXCLUSIVE REPORT • state TV, when this ridicule was played the first time. Nepali students are like in the US. And 11 -13 Back then many said “for better or for worse,” but it was even worse that Nepalnews.com LITTLE BUDDHA: THE STORY OF RAM BAHADUR BOMJOM now it’s quite clear how that move turned out. spun the issues into a totally new direction. Thanks Kashish for clearing out the issue Not only did the King do it (shut down phone lines, with your rejoinder. People in Nepal imagine FEATURES • 14 arrest leaders and activists and ban public assembly that our lives here is like the movies, they and rallies) once last year, but he had the audacity don’t think about our college deadlines and ENTERTAINMENT • 18 to repeat it again. Or try his damnedest best to at work schedules. Maybe Nepali Aawaz can least. What is wrong with him? What is wrong with do more stories about the lives of Nepali SPORTS • 20 the people working for him? How much will this students in the US so that these wrong government and King make the people of Nepal impressions about us don’t linger. Your suffer? It seems he wants to do everything but deal paper’s last feature called Weekend In The HOROSCOPE• 22 with reality. For the King, this is quite pathetic. For Life of Nepali Students was great. Nepalis, very unfortunate. Nepali Student, Suresh Shrestha, North Carolina. Kathmandu. Hi, Hi, I am writing to quickly thank the Nepali NEPALI AAWAZ | AN INTERNATIONAL FORTNIGHTLY Something really needs to be done about the Aawaz team for doing a splendid job by situation of Nepal. Why isn’t there enough pressure producing the first decent paper in the of EU, UN, US and other international communities US that has provided good content and on the King of Nepal to back down and look for managed to be consistent in its publication. peaceful and meaningful means of bringing things Congratulations also to the Shabda team New York Bureau as close to normal as possible in the country? I have in Toronto for publishing a youth magazine Editor: Kashish Das Shrestha read some comments on the situation by people there. It's so wonderful to see something Correspondents and/ or Regional Representatives: Bhaskar Rai (MN), Bhumika Ghimire and Dawa F Sherpa (IN), Eta Shreshta like Secretary General Kofi Anan, but what has been like this flourishing abroad. (MN), Neeha Shrestha (NC), Piush Dahal (MN), Sakar Bhushal (TX), Santosh done in terms of action to ensure the King and his Samiti Pandey Basnet (CA), Shreeja Shrestha (MD) and Shiva Bista (Baltimore) government doesn’t continue this outrageous way US. of rule, one that defies and violates law and consti- Nepal Bureau tution? How can the world just sit back and comment Dear Nepali Aawaz team, Nepali Desk Editor: Dr. Pradeep Bhattarai but not do anything concrete? Sure we don’t have I am a huge fan of Nima Rumba and what a Senior Correspondent: Anushil Shrestha oil or extreme political importance to the US or EU, delight it was to see his pin-up in your last Editorial Staff: Preena Shrestha (KTM), Sahara Shrestha (KTM), but do the government of these countries stand for Subel Bhandari (KTM) issue. I used to enjoy the pin-ups in your Photo Contributor: Anup Prakash (KTM), Bhushan Shilpakar (KTM) human rights or just self-centered interests? older issues too, Santana and Avril Lavigne Marketing: Jaison Chalise (KTM), Krishna Raj Sharma Belbase (KTM) Sandhya Kumari, were the ones I liked the most. Thanks for Distribution: Safal Media (Western Nepal), Birat Media (Eastern Nepal) US. giving me nice stuff to fill up my walls with. Oh, Robin's pin-up was fantastic too. I look New York Corporate Office forward to more of those in the coming Publisher & Distributor: Moonlight Records Corporation issues. Executive Director: Chandra Prakash Sharma Prabal B. External Relations & Marketing Manager: Gambu Sherpa Contact Information Phone: 718.271.3066 Website: www.nepaliaawaz.com Emails: General Information: [email protected] Comments/Feedback: [email protected] Advertising: [email protected] Event listing: [email protected] Models: [email protected] Mail: Nepali Aawaz 51-01 39AV CC42 Long Island City, NY 11104 Nepali Aawaz: An International fortnightly is publiished by Moonlight Records Corporation, NY,USA. Nepali Aawaz and Moonlight Records Corporation are both registered trademarks. www.moonlightrecords.org JANUARY 24 - 7 FEBRUARY, 2006 NEPALI AAWAZ | REPORT ;fOk|;df g]kfnL sfo{qmd w/fg pT;jdf ;fF:s[lts /f}gs ;fO{k|;af6 ;l/tf >]i7 Photo: ANUSHIL SHRESTHA ANUSHIL Photo: ;fO{k|;sf] cd]l/sg sn]hn] x/]s jif{ em} cfk\mgf] b]zsf] af/]df hfgsf/L u/fpg] o; jif{ klg ut dlxgf ljleGg b]zx?af6 qmddf g]kfnLx?sf tkm{af6 cd/ ;'Aaf / cfPsf ljBfyL{x?sf] k|:t'lt /x]sf] ;f:s[lts ljsf; >]i7sf] ;+of]hgdf clezfg /fO{, w/fgjf;Lx? clxn] hflto klxrfg ;lxtsf] ¥ofDkdf df]8nx?n] nf]s ;+uLtsf] ;fydf sfo{qmd cfof]hgf u/]sf] 5 . >L/fd k/fh'nL, CifL yfkf, zf]ef /fO{, ;f:s[lts pT;jsf] /f}gs ;+u} /dfO{ / hflto klx/g k|b{zg ub}{ Sof6\js u/] ;f] sfo{qmddf ;fO{k|;df /x]sf g]kfnL b'uf{ k'g, nId0f cof{n, /d]z >]i7 / x]sf5g . k'jf{~rns} ;fF:s[lts ;x/sf] . ljBfyL{x?sf] ;lqmo ;xefuLtf /x\ dgf]h /~hLtsf/sf] ljeLGg k|:t'lt /x]sf] ?kdf /x]sf] w/fgdf clxn] df}lns hflto ;df/f]xdf w/fg pT;j d'n cfof]hs of] . Plzofsf] g]kfn, ef/t / rLgsf lyof] . ;f] cj;/df g]kfnL ljBfyL{ k]df ;+:s[lts ;fu/ pln{of] . ;ldltsf ;+of]hs tyf 306f3/ lgdf{0f laBfyL{x?sf] k|:t'lt /x]sf] ;f] cfof]hgfdf nfdfn] g[To k|:t't u/]sL lyO{g . tLg tyf cg'udg ;ldltsf ;+of]hs, k'j{ gu/ g]kfnL laBfyL{x?n] g]kfnL ;+:s[lt;+u} g]kfnL 306f eGbf a9Lsf] ;f] sfo{qmddf Ps w/fgnfO{ b]zs} cfw'lgs / km]zg]jn k|d'v dgf]h s'df/ d]ofª\af] w/fg hg x:tsnf, g]kfnL vfgf, g]kfnsf ko{6sLo b]zsf ljBfyL{x?n] cfk\mgf] k|:t'ltsf nfuL ;x/sf] ?kdf lrlgG5 . aflx/af6 x]bf{ ;xeflutfsf nfuL dfq geP/ df}lns If]qsf] af/]df k|b{zgL ;+u} hfgsf/L u/ Ps 306f kfPsf lyP . oxfFsf o'jfx?nfO{ lab]zL klx/g / ;+uLtn] hflto ;fF:s[lts klxrfgsf nfuL ;d]t fPsf lyP . ufFh]sf] b]vLG5 t/ cfk\mgf] df}lns ;F:s[lt cu|0fL gu/ ePsf] atfpg'eof] . æw/ / uLt ;+uLtx? k|lt dl/d]6\g]x?sf] klg fgjf;Lx? hlt cfk\mgf] 7fFpsf] lasf; oxfF sdL 5}g eGg] s'/f w/fg pT;jn] lgdf{0f ug{ cfkm} dl/d]6\5g TotL g} cfk\ b]vfPsf] 5 .
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