FEDERAL EGISTER 9 ^ 1 9 3 4 ¿ y VOLUME 19 NUMBER 140 Washington, Wednesday, July 21, 1954 Authority: §§ 524.375 to 524.388 issued CONTENTS TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE under sec. 32, 49 Stat. 774, as amended; PERSONNEL 7 U. S. C- 612c. Agricultural Marketing Service Page § 524.375 General statement, (a) In Proposed rule making: Chapter I— Civil Service Commission order to encourage the exportation to Handling: Part 6—Exceptions F rom the eligible countries of honey produced in Milk in Central West Texas— 4499 Competitive Service the continental United States, the Sec­ Prunes, dried, produced in retary of Agriculture, pursuant to the California_______________ 4503 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR authority conferred by section 32 of Rules and regulations: Public Law 320, 74th Congress, as Honey Export Program VMX In Federal Register Document No. 54- 66a (1954 marketing season) _ 4491 5051, filed July 1, 1954, (19 F. R. 4011) amended, offers to make payments to the word “Appeals” was omitted in sub- exporters of such honey, subject to the Agriculture Department paragraph (1) of § 6.113 (b). Effective terms and conditions set forth in this See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ upon publication in the F ederal R egis­ subpart. ice; Commodity Credit Corpora­ (b) Information pertaining to this ter, subparagraph (1) of § 6.113 (b) is tion; Commodity Stabilization subpart and forms prescribed for use Service; Forest Service. amended to read as follows: under this subpart may be obtained from § 6.113 Department of Labor. * * * Alien Property Office the following: Notices: " (b) Office of the Secretary. Erwin M. Graham, Fruit and Vegetable Vested property, intention to (1) Chairman and two Members, Em­Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, return: ployees’ Compensation Appeals Board. United States Department of Agriculture, Fourteenth Street and Independence Avenue Ferber, Ruza________ ____ _ 4505 (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403 ; 5 U . 8 . C. SW., W ashington 25, D. C. Sawady, Harry, et al__-------- 4505 631, 633; E. O. 10440, 18 F. R. 1823; 3 CFR, Minard F. Miller, Fruit and Vegetable Di­ Army Department 1953 Supp.) | vision, Agricultural Marketing Service, United States Department of Agriculture, See Engineers Corps. United States Civil Serv­ P. O. Box 19, Lakeland, Fla. Civil Aeronautics Board ice Commission, John W. Gannaway, Fruit and Vegetable Notices: [seal] Wm. C. Hull, Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, Callison’s Flying Service; Cana- Executive Assistant. United States Department of Agriculture, dian-Alaskan irregular serv- Room 248, New Custom House, Denver 2, tF. R. Doc. 54-5563; Filed, July 20, 1954; Colo. ice ; hearing------------- 4505 8:47 a. m.] Warren C. Noland, Fruit and Vegetable Civil Service Commission Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, Rules and regulations: United States Department of Agriculture, Competitive service, exceptions TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 1031 S outh Broadway, Room 1005, Los Angeles 15, Calif. from; Labor Department___ 4491 Chapter V— Agricultural Marketing Werner Allmendinger, Fruit and Vegetable Commerce Department » Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, See Maritime Administration. Service, Department of Agriculture United States Department of Agriculture, Old Mint Building, Room 226, Fifth and Mis­ Commodity Credit Corporation Subchapter B— Export and Domestic Consumption sion Streets, San Francisco 3, Calif. Notices : Programs Robert H. Eaton, Fruit and Vegetable Sales of certain commodities at Part 524—H oney Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, fixed prices; supplement to United States Department of Agriculture, export price list and review SUBPART—HONEY EXPORT PROGRAM VMS Eastern Building, 515 Southwest Tenth of domestic price list for 66A (1954 MARKETING SEASON) Avenue, Portland 5, Oreg. July 1954__________________ 4506 Sec. § 524.376 Eligible countries. Eligible Commodity Stabilization Service 524.375 General statement. countries to which exports of honey may 524.376 Eligible countries. be made include all foreign countries Notices: 524.377 Rate of payment and determination Peanuts; redelegation of final of net weight. and their territories or dependent areas, authority by Oklahoma ASC 524.378 Eligibility for payment. except: (a) those countries and areas Committee regarding market­ 524.379 Prices to be paid to the producer. listed in Subgroup A of Group R of the ing quota regulations for 524.380 Claims for payment supported by Comprehensive Export Schedule issued 1954 crop___ ______________ 4506 evidence of compliance. by the Bureau of Foreign Commerce, 524.381 Records and accounts. United States Department of Commerce; Engineers Corps 524.382 Amendment and termination. Rules and regulations: 524.383 Persons not eligible for payments. and (b) those countries, including de­ Anchorage regulations; Colum­ 524.384 Set-off. pendencies of foreign countries, located bia River, Oreg. and Wash— 4497 524.385 Joint payee or assignment. in North, South and Central America or 524.386 Good faith. D u m p in g regulations ; ap­ 524.387 Definitions. on the islands adjacent thereto. The proaches and entrances to 524.388 CSS Commodity Offices. (Continued on p. 4493) coastal ports--------------------- 4498 4491 4492 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com- Pase Land Management Bureau Pas« federâûpregister mission Notices: V 193* ¿0^ Proposed rule making: District Foresters; redelegation Stations on shipboard in mari­ of authorities regarding lands time services; assignable fre­ and resources___________ ;__ 4505 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, quencies_________ _________ „ 4504 Rules and regulations: and days following official Federal holidays, Illinois; revocation of E. 0 . 4247, by the Federal Register Division, National Federal Power Commission June 5, 1925-,_____________ 4499 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Notices: ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ T e x a s Eastern Transmission Maritime Administration thority contained in the Federal Register Corp. and Transcontinental Rules and regulations: Act, approved Ju ly 26, 1935 (49 S tat. 500, as Gas Pipe Line Corp.; applica­ War risk cargo insurance; cor­ amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ tion and fixing of date for rection____________________ 4499 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ mittee of the Federal Register, approved by hearing________________ ____ 4505 Post Office Department the President. Distribution is made only by Federal Trade Commission Rules and regulations: the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Rules and regulations: Classification and rates of post­ m en t P rin tin g Office, W ashington 25, D. C. age; parcels addressed to cer­ The regulatory material appearing herein Harley-Davidson Motor Co. ; tain A. P. O.’s_____________ 4498 is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, cease and desist order___ ___ 4495 International postal service: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Fish and Wildlife Service Postage rates, service avail­ am ended A ugust 5, 1953. Rules and regulations: able and instructions for The Federal Register will be furnished by Alaska commercial fisheries; mailing; Hungary_________ 4498 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Resurrection Bay area, closed Secret Service per month or. $15.00 per year, payable in waters_____ _______________ 4499 advance. The charge for individual copies Rules and regulations: (m inim um 15tf) varies in proportion to th e Foreign Claims Settlement Com­ Gold; seizure and forfeiture for size of the issue. Remit check or money mission violations of Gold Reserve Act, order, made payable to the Superintendent 1934, and Gold Regulations_ 4497 of Documents, directly to the Government Rules and regulations: P rin tin g Office, W ashington 25, D. C. Appeal form and time limita- Securities and Exchange Com­ There are no restrictions on the republica­ tions____ _________________ 4498 mission tion of material appearing in the F ederal Claims, definition of_________ 4498 Notices: R egister. Hearings, etc.: Forest Service Equity Corp. et al_________ 4508 Notices: Michigan Consolidated Gas Regional Forester, Eastern Re­ Co___ __________________ 4508 CFR SUPPLEMENTS gion et al.; delegation of New Jersey Power & Light Co- 4507 authority with respect to de­ Wheeling Electric Co_______ 4507 (For use during 1954) termining and advising Di­ Treasury Department The following Supplements are now rector, Land Management Bureau, concerning develop­ See also Secret Service. available: . ment of minerals_____ ____ 4506 Notices: Title 43 ($1.75) Alliance Assurance Co. Ltd., Interior Department London, England; acceptable Titles 47—48, Revised 1953 See Fish and Wildlife Service; reinsuring company on Fed­ ($7.75) Land Management Bureau. eral bonds ________ __ 4505 Interstate Commerce Commis­ Wage and Hour Division Previously announced: Title 3, 1953 Supp. sion Rules and regulations: ($1.50); Titles 4 -5 ($0.60); Title 6 Notices: Puerto Rico, textile and textile ($2.00); Title 7: Parts 1-209, Revised Applications for relief: products in; minimum wage 1953 ($7.75); Part 900 to end ($1.25); Battery material from Mun- order_____________ _______ 4496 Title 8 ($0.35); Title 9 ($0.50); Titles 1 0 - cie, Ind., to Asheboro, N. C_ 4517 13 ($0.50); Title 14: Parts 1-399 ($1.25); Chlorine gas, liquefied, from CODIFICATION GUIDE Part 400 to end ($0.50); Title 15 ($1.25); Perkins, W. Va., to South_4516 Title 16 ($1.00); Title 17 ($0.50); Title Grains, whole,
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