We may expect at any time a new You can see that I appreciated the uals, all thought of knowlege to be gained molecule is seen to be constructed as directive from the Upper Echelon that side-whiskered girl's point of view. I was swept from my head. (turns back to audience, chalk in hand) firework rockets may not be fired off in had tried to gain the attention of a lec­ The little red flag might have been MUMBLE MUMBLE mumble mumble lecture theatres, which is a pity. The turer my self in the early, naive days. successful. How was 1 to know that thc ". The match lit withVs|i'ak, fame of the April rocket has spread Eager for enlightenment, dubious about oaf next to me had only gotten out of fingers. Impatience. Curl of .blue sm^koj^ abroad, and one feels that enlightened some knotty point, I, too, have waved a East Germany by selling his sister to a and GLORY! Ricochetting .between all'- persons throughout the Commonwealth limp arm in the air and called "'scuse Commissar? Anyway, there was no need four wells and ceiling, a:;goIden comet. \ will suffer a pang of regret that the me, Sir" or even more briefly "Sir", in a to kick my ankle quite so hard. Screams. Howls. Agitated nylons (aiid glorious spectacle of a Pain's Thunder- weak and embarrassed tone. Of course, The white card with "ATTENTIO.\" more) to view from prbne glamour tak­ head' (four-colour fireballs and an "Sir" never heard the call. The plaintive printed upon it in black was a good idea, ing cover below benche'si,; A thunderous atomic bang) exploding with a full- plea ebbed wanly across two or three I think. Naturally, I had to hold it re­ report, and gaily hued \c;a;laxies going^A throated roar immediately before the yards of packed student humanity and versed from thc lecturer's point of view into nova about the ears\6^\jthc" aw?^'. cinematic screen above the lecturers' dais dribbled drably out of hearing amongst until it should be required. It was not stricken prof. ' "*•*'' .''.-•'* may never again be seen. the feet of row three. Apart from causing until much later that I noticed seven Of course, it will not be allowed to hap­ It was entirely my own idea. The girl about fifty students to miss the most im­ rows of freshmen behind mc standing pen again. Last night a notable genius, with the side-whiskers and the two-bone portant sentence of the lecture (the one rigid and unblinking, under the mis­ who may go down in history, said, "To spectacles said that the only way to get they always examine you on, and make apprehension that this was some new gain my attention, please knock thrice attention was to let off a maroon. I did sure never to mention again during the rule of Senate or Union. 1 had been sharply upon the bench with your not know what a maroon was, but was course) it served no purpose other than wondering why the lecturer looked knuckles and remain with arm raised interested enough to look it up in Encyc. to win a few dark looks, a malicious grin vaguely ill-at-ease, and stammered quite aloft. I will finish my sentence, and then Brit. It sounded wonderful. But has any­ or two, and many enquiries amongst definitely in two places. indicate by raised eyebrows that I am one ever tried to buy a maroon in Bris­ neighbours as to what that last sentence prepared to receive your query. One bane? Myers said that they might import was? Which naturally led to a further knock might be mistaken for a casual one (at appropriate cost). Army Dispos'- couple of gems of wisdom being lost for student foot striking wood. Two might als, who have clothed and supplied me ever. A SHORT represent an article dropping from bench for many years, opined that 'there were Waving a handkerchief proved even above to bench below via intermediate not no money in 'em'. Woolworth's less successful. Unfortunately, it was the STOREY obstruction. Three knocks could only thought it to be some sort of sweetmeat, one in which I had wrapped my supper- represent the rolling of a dropped apple and referred me to a candy store. Finally money, to guard against bandits, and in down thc steps, which I take to be a I lighted upon thc Rocket, tucked behind the uproar caused by two-and-fourpence So I took the hirsute young lady's rare occurrence". thc fruit boxes at AIoppo's Corner Shop, in pennies cascading down thc steps to suggestion for what it was worth, and Someone, in all these years, should a sad remnant from last Guy Fawkes'. the delighted squeals and scramblings of came at last armed with fizzcr and box have thought of it before. I am rather It would have to do. other poverty-stricken budding intellect­ of matches. "And thus the long-chain glad that they did not. 'PAG£2 SEMPER FLOREAT, TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1964 done to death by slanderous tongues Sir, ment, with full support of the In the first edition of Semper When University freedom is really make on their lives. In other people. Thus being so supported Floreat I read "My First Little threatened, as It was in 1967, words, it Is a lack of Intestinal Congratulations to tho archi­ could not be considered as bar­ GrOlden Book of God". I Inferred student apathy Is forgotten. But fortitude or Just plain courage tects of the Social Sciences build­ barous and unthinking, as this that certain controlling bodies of it Is not up to the students to which stops many becoming ing:—ho has placed the mirrors In "learned" article would lead us to the University were acting like save Council from the results of Christians. the ladies powder room for the little 'gods' (having no allusion Its own misjudgmcnt. But Christ died for all, that all convenience of 6' 2" Amazons believe. Realizing that on Saturday to the Almighty Qod). In subse­ Finally, as a graduate of this might be forgiven. only: perhaps he considers the quent Issues X have read the University myself, I think the others beautiful enough? All un­ night, in the native quarter of Yours sincerely, "down-town" Johannesburg, there criticism of this article as blas­ suggestion that the carrying of HOWARD THOMAS, der 6' 2" must remember to bring phemous Inflammatory iQurnatlsm. cards by students will spoil the their portable step ladders when Is an assault a minute. Alt homes Arts I, E XJ-er. tn the suburbs having their doors I thought that the editor would reputation of the University and they wish to make renovations— have pointed out that the little depreciate the value of any quali­ unless they have an obliging and windows barred, we would be­ gin to appreciate the problem 'god' like creature had no refer­ fication gained there Is ridiculous. friend with broad shoulders. I ence to God; but it seems that he If it is true then the Union is would like to thank him for in­ which would face such a country. In South Africa the people who revelled in this criticism and I more to blame than the Adminis­ cluding mirrors In his blueprint, feel that his defiant replies s&ow tration: my Union card which I agaui but I hope the powers-that-be will are opposing apartheid are tlie ones who beforehand were the that he is dogmatically retaining am obliged to carry when on Dear Sir, make their inclusion worthwhile. this slander as an unusual form Union premises and to have greatest exploiters of the native It Is evident from the editor's A. H. (Arts III) races. It is strange how sud­ of praise and thus he is becoming brought up to date each year w£s denly they become concerned for more and more Involved In first Issued in J1962—the Adminis­ note on the comment put forward the welfare of such people as blasphemy which cannot be con­ tration did not issue cards until by Peter Blackburn re "My First doned. 1963. Little Book of God" that the soon as they realize they are not editor has a false concept of available to work for them at I am afraid that I must agree Yours faithfully, Christianity. It would be ex­ cheap rates or for the reward of with other critics In saying that W. L. GRIFFITHS. tremely beneficial to the editor If words liquor. at present the Union paper hardly he were to do some research on sir, In a tetter such as this it is seems worth printing, though I the subject in God's Book—the very difflcult to deal tn full with realize a larger number of con­ In the last edition of the Bible, not only to review his such an involved problem How­ tributors must be found. ideas, but so that he could take Student newspaper there appeared ever, let us not be confused by the MARVYTH. an article—"The Mixed Bag of sex steps to ensure his future by ac­ typical misunderstandings and Dear Mother of Two, cepting the Salvation proclaimed Politics". Undoubtedly this disscr- the artificial barriers produced by tion was composed by some I quote you from Semper, in the Bible, and provided freely politicians and older generations by God because thc penalty of our highly intellectual political critic concerning apartheid. 17-3-64: "If life is to continue sex but unfortunately ho or she seems ]s a disgusting necessity, but a sin has already been paid for by Let us at least think before council His Son—Jesus Christ.
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