WRANGELL ST. ELIAS NEWS JULY & AUGUST 2013 PAGE 1 w.wsen.n ww et Wrangell St. Elias News “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty” Vol. Twenty-Two Issue Four July & August 2013 $2.50 McCarthy celebrates independence s the floats were staging Anext to the McCarthy Museum, crowds lined the main street of the town, awaiting the opening of festivities commemo- rating the birth of our nation. Sticking with tradi- tion, the Kennecott Avenue Marching Band was at the forefront of the parade. They stopped in front of the crowd and played a spirited rendition of the Na- tional Anthem. All photos WSEN staff What is a parade without children? The appropriately small “McCarthy Kiddos” float was sandwiched among much larger fire trucks and logging vehicles. The fun level of this group was anything but small, though! PAGE 2 WRANGELL ST. ELIAS NEWS JULY & AUGUST 2013 A note from the publisher McCarthy Center has a selection brating your 94th doing Alaska’s oday is July 12th and Mc- for sale, if you want one!) Boreal Canopy Adventures. Carthy folks are experi- Our Alaska guests tell us the Another subscriber, Charlie Tencing another of those mosquitoes are just as bad in Branch, sent a newspaper clip- hot, summer days. The high temper- their neck-of-the-woods. I am ping from his hometown paper ature today peaked at 80 degrees. thankful to report that they have We are seeing record temperatures in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Jamie lessened in the last week. Maybe Esler (brother of Jason Esler) this summer. On June 25th the ther- our reprieve is on the way! mometer “finally” stopped at 90 and his wife Mandy are well- degrees. After a long, cold winter Rick and I enjoy the notes known in McCarthy. He was and very little spring weather, Mc- our subscribers write. I had named the Coeur d’Alene School Carthy leaped into summer for all hoped to print some of them but District’s Teacher of the Year. its worth! McCarthy Center, our we ran out of room. Irma Haa- He will represent the school dis- local grocery store, is pumping out land is a Kennicott Kid. She is trict in the Idaho Teacher of the the ice cream cones. now 93 and still reading the WS- Year contest this fall. We wish As you can see, we are late in EN. “Those childhood memories you well, Jamie, and thanks getting this issue to the printing in Kennicott including Fourth of Charlie for the news. stage. If you are reading this, July’s in McCarthy, are more viv- WSEN welcomes aboard the you know we made it. Our B & B id the older I get.” Interestingly, following subscribers: J.C. and is doing very well this summer Irma celebrated her 90th birth- Katherine Scott, OK; Julie Ny- bringing many wonderful guests day riding the Costa Rica Zip holm, AK; Sharon Lain, AK; and our way. The “busyness,” howev- Line! Irma, I thought you might Mike Murphy, AK. er, has put the WSEN on the want to know that McCarthy now back shelf. Most of our reader- has its own Zip Line owned and ship is very patient with our tar- operated by Fred and Ann Dure. diness, except for subscriber You might want to consider cele- Carol Michal who usually calls and reminds us she is waiting for her next issue. She misses her McCarthy area friends and loves Table of Contents reading about them. McCarthy celebrates independence..................................................................1 Another subscriber, David A note from the publisher...................................................................................2 Adams, surprised me, along with Items of Interest.................................................................................................3 many other McCarthy ladies, by Alaska Grown-1980 continued...........................................................................6 giving us “sun and bug bonnets.” Budworms and Warblers...................................................................................7 These are no ordinary bonnets. Kennecott Recreation Hall lease enables continued community use................8 Each hat was especially tailored McCarthy celebrates Independence Day (continued from cover)......................9 to each lady. The hats came with How the conservationist “Saved” Alaska.........................................................10 colorful netting that could be let Does History Really Repeat itself?..................................................................10 down to cover the face for pro- Looking back in time at the world's oceans.....................................................18 tection against the pesky mos- USDA annouces rural grower subsidies..........................................................19 quitoes that invaded our little Open Fire Ban Lifted .......................................................................................19 town this summer. Thank you so Crowley’s Tugboat receives recognition..........................................................22 much, David and daughter Dena- Subsistence hunting permits available ...........................................................22 li for your kindness and special Cooking with Peggy.........................................................................................28 touch to bring a smile to the A LOOK AT THE WEATHER...........................................................................29 ladies of McCarthy. (By the way, Lightning starts fires in WRST.........................................................................30 WRANGELL ST. ELIAS NEWS JULY & AUGUST 2013 PAGE 3 Items of Interest My ears perked up at this one. We bara, and dog Clark, drove the Nik and Gina Merlino and no longer have a dog, but we do Rice’s camper van to McCarthy this family: The summer season is well have a yard that needs quite a lot of year, arriving the second week of on its way for the Merlinos. In fact, attention these days. May in a snow storm! John got the I don’t usually see Nik except when Congratulations, Nik and Gina, better deal, I think. He flew up the I pass him on the road, or when he on your marriage and welcome to week before, arriving in McCarthy comes for propane. He and Gina the neighborhood, Cassidy and Dy- on the mail plane. are nearby neighbors but once lan! When he arrived, he found his their rafting business—McCarthy Patti Pollizzo: Writing about a house already occupied. Sonny As- River Tours & Outfitters— begins, busy summer season, made me bury and Dian Cook, with their they are on the go, usually hurtling think of Patti. After spending her three dogs, had made the long down the Kennicott River. first winter in McCarthy, she has drive north from their winter quar- Nik made a quick stop at our begun her second year working for ters in Texas. Due to a late spring place this week to have a propane McCarthy Lodge. She is the manag- break-up this year, Sonny and Dian tank filled. That gave me a good er for Ma Johnson’s Hotel which couldn’t get to their home on the opportunity to see what news was keeps her slate quite full. However, other side of McCarthy Creek until taking place in his neck-of-the- when she isn’t at the lobby’s front right before Barbara and Marcheta woods. counter, you probably will find her arrived. The first item he shared was he at the lodge’s greenhouse. Once the snow melted everyone and Gina’s wedding in January— “Whew! After thinking the got into their summer routines. naturally, while on a raft trip! “Gi- snow would never melt, we got the Barbara is working part-time at Mc- na is the brains of the operation!” greenhouse planted and all the Carthy Center store, gardening and said Nik. They have two guides and flower beds, too. Of course, now planting her favorite flowers around one more expected to help fill out with the heat, we are watering two their summer home. She also takes this season’s business venture. The or three times a day. It’s worth it great pleasure in cooking up deli- Merlinos specialize in ½ day, full though! Our chef loves having the cious meals for John and the Sun- day and multi day river expeditions fresh herbs and edible flowers for day luncheons at the McCarthy in the Wrangell-St. Elias National his dishes, and the rest of us all Community Church. Park. love the color and beauty the flow- John is working on the house Gina’s daughter, Cassidy, 11, ers bring on McCarthy’s main and cutting firewood for next year. wants to be a river guide and a dog street.” In his spare time, he works at the whisperer, says Nik. She loves to I’m sure the visitors enjoy your McCarthy-Kennicott Historical Mu- sketch dogs and has started her handiwork, Patti, but so do we lo- seum, upgrading the museum’s own business venture—a dog sitter cals! Keep up the good work, but technology. With the help of a and walker. don’t forget to take the time to grant from the Rasmuson Founda- Cassidy’s brother, Dylan, is 9 smell those flowers you planted. tion, the Museum has been able to and he, too, is in business for him- John and Barbara Rice and purchase a new computer and soft- self. He is offering to do yard work. Marcheta Long: Marcheta and Bar- ware. John says this will enable Wrangell St. Elias News (USPS 011301) VOL. Twenty-Two, Issue Four, July & August 2013. Published every two months at McCarthy, Alaska. McCarthy, PO Box MXY, Glennallen, AK 99588-8998. Phone (907) 554-4454. FAX 1-866-487-7657. E-mail: [email protected]. “Copyright © 2013 by Wrangell St. Elias News. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the express permission of the publishers.” Contributors to this issue: Peggy Guntis, George Cebula, Mark Vail and Rick Kenyon Jr. Subscription price is $14 for one year in the USA. Canada $16. Other countries $23. Advertising rates upon request. Deadline for publication in next issue is August 15. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT GLENNALLEN, AK. 99588. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Wrangell St. Elias News, McCarthy #42, PO Box MXY, Glennallen AK 99588-8998. PAGE 4 WRANGELL ST. ELIAS NEWS MARCH & APRIL 2013 them to digitize their inventory reading during her quiet hours.
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