Birds of the List Coding s S F W Most birds are migratory, therefore their ___ Great Egret ............................u c a r Patuxent River— occurrence is coded by season: ___ Great Blue Heron* ...............c c c c ___ Wood Stork ........................... X Jug Bay Area (s) Spring March–May ___ Glossy Ibis .............................u r o (S) Summer June–August ___ White Ibis ..............................X X The Jug Bay area on the (F) Fall September–November (W) Winter December–February Swans, Geese, Patuxent River provides and Ducks some of the most outstanding Relative Abundance: birding to be found in Maryland. The (*) Nesting has been confirmed in the area. s S F W (a) Abundant—very numerous species. ___ Tundra Swan .........................c c u National Audubon Society designated Jug (c) Common—present in suitable habitat. ___ Mute Swan ............................o o o o Bay a “Nationally Important Bird Area” (u) Uncommon—present, not always seen. (o) Occasional—only a few sightings/sea- ___ Greater White-fronted Goose .......X X because of its high numbers and diversity son. ___ Ross’s Goose ............................. r of birds. This valuable region contains (r) Rare—seen every two to five years. ___ Snow Goose (white & blue) ........o o o a variety of habitats: open water, tidal (X) Recorded sighting but very rare. ___ Canada Goose* .....................c u a a freshwater marshes and mudflats, shrub– ___ Cackling Goose .........................r r r ___ Black-bellied Whistling Duck X scrub swamps, forested uplands, and ___ Fulvous Whistling Duck ........ X X open fields. The Jug Bay area includes the Loons, Grebes, Cormorant, Herons, ___ Wood Duck* .........................a a a o Patuxent River Park and Merkle Wildlife and Ibises ___ Mallard* ................................a c a a Sanctuary in Prince George’s County, ___ American Black Duck* ..........a o a a the Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary in Anne s S F W ___ Gadwall .................................u u o Arundel County and is a component of ___ Red-throated Loon ..............r r r ___ Green-winged Teal ...............c a u ___ Common Loon .....................o X o o ___ American Wigeon ................u u o the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine ___ Eurasian Wigeon ..................X X Research Reserve in Maryland. ___ Horned Grebe .......................u u o ___ Pied-billed Grebe* ...............c o c u ___ Northern Pintail ...................u c u ___ Northern Shoveler ...............u u o More than 300 species have been identified ___ Red-necked Grebe ...............X X with over 100 confirmed as nesting. ___ Blue-winged Teal* ................c o c ___ Eared Grebe ..........................X ___ Canvasback ...........................o o o Known for its highly productive freshwater ___ American White Pelican .......... X X X ___ Redhead .................................r r r tidal marshes, Jug Bay attracts large ___ Brown Pelican ............................ X ___ Ring-necked Duck ...............o u o concentrations of waterfowl and marsh ___ Great Cormorant ................. X ___ Greater Scaup .......................o o o birds and provides a critical stopover for ___ Double-crested Cormorant ............ c u c o ___ Lesser Scaup ..........................o u o many neo-tropical migrants. ___ Least Bittern* ........................u u u ___ Surf Scoter ............................. X X ___ American Bittern .................u o o ___ Black Scoter .......................... X Staff and volunteers combined resources to ___ Black-crowned Night Heron .......... o o o o ___ White-winged Scoter ........... X produce this checklist. Additional species ___ Yellow-crowned Night Heron .......... r r r ___ Long-tailed Duck .................o o not included are always possible. Please ___ Green Heron* .......................u u c ___ Common Goldeneye ...........o o o record all nesting and any new sightings ___ Tricolored Heron .................r r o ___ Bufflehead .............................u r u o ___ Common Merganser ...........c o c at either visitor center’s bird sightings list. ___ Little Blue Heron ..................o o o ___ Red-breasted Merganser ........u o o ___ Cattle Egret ...........................o o ___ Hooded Merganser ..............u o o ___ Snowy Egret ..........................o o u ___ Ruddy Duck ..........................u u u Plovers, Snipe, s S F W Vultures, Hawks, and Sandpipers Eagles, Bobwhite, ___ Black-headed Gull ............... X and Rails s S F W ___ Ring-billed Gull ....................a u a a ___ Black-bellied Plover .............o o r ___ Herring Gull .........................a o c a s S F W ___ American Golden Plover ......... X ___ Glaucous Gull ....................... X ___ Turkey Vulture* ....................c c c c ___ Semipalmated Plover ...........u o o ___ Thayers’ Gull ......................... X ___ Black Vulture* ......................c c c c ___ Killdeer* ................................c c c u ___ Iceland Gull........................... X ___ American Avocet .................X X ___ Lesser Black-backed Gull ........o o u ___ Osprey* ..................................c c u ___ Black-necked Stilt ................X X ___ Great Black-backed Gull .........u u c ___ Mississippi Kite ....................X X ___ Willet .....................................X X ___ Royal Tern .............................r r X ___ Northern Harrier .................u r u c ___ Hudsonian Godwit ................... X ___ Caspian Tern .........................u o u ___ Golden Eagle ........................ X ___ Greater Yellowlegs ................c r c r ___ Forster’s Tern ........................c o c r ___ Lesser Yellowlegs ..................c r u X ___ Common Tern ......................r r r ___ Bald Eagle* ............................u u u c ___ Solitary Sandpiper ................u o u ___ Least Tern ..............................r r ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk ...........u c u ___ Spotted Sandpiper ................c u c ___ Black Tern .............................o o ___ Cooper’s Hawk* ...................u o c u ___ Upland Sandpiper ................ X ___ Bridled Tern .......................... X ___ Ruddy Turnstone .................X X ___ Northern Goshawk ..............r r ___ Black Skimmer .....................X X X ___ Red Knot ...............................X ___ Rock Dove* ...........................u u u u ___ Broad-winged Hawk* ..........o r o ___ Sanderling .............................X X ___ Mourning Dove* ..................a a a a ___ Red-shouldered Hawk* .........c u u c ___ Dunlin ...................................u u o ___ Yellow-billed Cuckoo* .........c c c ___ Red-tailed Hawk* .................c u c c ___ Semipalmated Sandpiper ........ o u o ___ Western Sandpiper ...............r o ___ Black-billed Cuckoo ............r X r ___ Rough-legged Hawk ............ r o ___ Least Sandpiper ....................o o u ___ Barn Owl* .............................u u u u ___ American Kestrel* ................u u u c ___ White-rumped Sandpiper ......r r ___ Short-eared Owl ...................r X X ___ Merlin ....................................o o o ___ Baird’s Sandpiper .................. X ___ Long-eared Owl ................... X ___ Great Horned Owl* .............c c c c ___ Peregrine Falcon ..................r o r ___ Pectoral Sandpiper ...............o o ___ Ruff ......................................... X ___ Barred Owl* ..........................c c c c ___ Ring-necked Pheasant ......... X ___ Stilt Sandpiper ......................X X ___ Eastern Screech Owl* ..........o o o o ___ Wild Turkey* ........................u u u u ___ Long-billed Dowitcher ........ X ___ Northern Saw-whet Owl .........r u u ___ Northern Bobwhite* ............o o o o ___ Short-billed Dowitcher........r r ___ Common Nighthawk ...........u r u ___ American Woodcock* .........c c c u ___ Limpkin .................................X X ___ Chuck-will’s Widow .............r X r ___ Common Snipe ....................c X c c ___ Whip-poor-will* ..................o o o ___ King Rail* ..............................r r u u ___ Wilson’s Phalarope ............... X ___ Chimney Swift* ....................c c a ___ Clapper Rail ..........................X ___ Red Phalarope ...................... X ___ Red-necked Phalarope ........ X ___ Virginia Rail* ........................o o c o Hummingbird, ___ Sora ........................................u r a o Gulls, Terns, Kingfisher, Woodpeckers, ___ Yellow Rail ............................ X Doves, Cuckoos, Flycatchers, Vireos, and Shrike ___ Black Rail ..............................X X Owls, and s S F W ___ Purple Gallinule ................... X Nighthawks ___ Ruby-throated Hummingbird* ........c c c ___ Common Moorhen* ............o o u s S F W ___ Belted Kingfisher* ................c c c u ___ American Coot .....................u r u u ___ Franklin’s Gull ......................X ___ Red-headed Woodpecker* .........o o o o ___ Laughing Gull .......................c u c o ___ Sandhill Crane ......................X X ___ Red-bellied Woodpecker* .........c c c c ___ Bonaparte’s Gull ...................u o r ___ Northern Flicker*.................c u c c s S F W s S F W ___ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker .........u c u ___ Cave Swallow ........................ X Warblers and Tanagers ___ Downy Woodpecker* ..........c c c c ___ Rough-winged Swallow ...........u u o ___ Hairy Woodpecker* .............u u u u ___ Barn Swallow* ......................a a a ___ Pileated Woodpecker* .........u u u u s S F W ___ Tufted Titmouse* .................a
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