Eli Hazan Peter Lundgren MEP THE THIS TIME I’M VOTING MAGICIAN NEXT WEEKEND IN So, how did this happen? How is EUROSCEPTIC it possible that despite everything We should do everything we can to described in the international oppose the use of institutions that media, the Israeli public trusts should be neutral in the elections p.20 Netanyahu over and over again? p.9 for party political purposes. p.9 Issue #6 | May 2019 A fortnightly Newspaper by the Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe (ACRE) | theconservative.online ECR Group CONSERVATIVES CONTINUE TO Photo: Shutterstock.com Photo: GROW When the ECR Group was founded in 2009, many critics said that it would not survive on. They said it was impossible to split from the EPP. However it managed to sur- vive and grow, and became the third largest group in the Euro- pean Parliament. p.3 Richard Milsom WE MUST ACT NOW TO SAVE THE BALTIC The Baltic takes on a further importance when it comes to security. As we all know, Russia is a Baltic state. It’s largest naval ports are on to the Baltic. p.8 Profile ELISABETTA GARDINI High-profile EPP MEP from Forza Italia, joins ECR p.10 panish voters went to increased number of seats. direction of Spain’s economy, three parties have managed party. This government found the polls on Sunday The Socialists are set to return as well as debate about the to secure 40% of the popular itself in difficulty following 28 April to decide the with an increased majority. future direction of Spanish vote between them, showing the controversial referendum Jan Zahradil future direction of These elections were per- culture. Elements of the cul- a promising future for Spain’s in Catalonia. however a vote CAMPAIGN Sthe country. These elections haps the most fiercely fought ture war that has been taking conservative movement. of no confidence in late 2018 mark the first time that Vox in recent memory, highlight place in other countries have Spain’s political situation forced them out of power and DIARY Part V. have entered the Cortes Gene- the divide within the country. been seen in this election. has been turbulent over recent saw the Socialists come into rales. And have seen a decline The snap elections, called in What has also made this years, in 2016 snap election power with a minority gov- Berlin, Munich, Brussels p.16 in the number of seats for the February, were the result of the election different is the fact was called after the Decem- ernment. The new Socialist conservative Peoples Party, Socialist government of Pedro that three centre right par- ber 2015 elections failed to government, lacking a demo- who’s leader Pablo Casado, Sanchez failing to pass a bud- ties have contested the elec- deliver a majority to any party cratic mandate resolved to call Conservative Icons has taken the party in a more get through the Parliament. tion. The conservative Vox, or coalition. Mariano Rajoy a general election, which they traditional direction. The Cit- This election has been nota- the formerly governing Peo- and the Peoples Party man- won. They will now have to FRIEDRICH izens Party of Albert Rivera ble for a campaign focused on ples Party and the classically aged to form a coalition gov- form a coalition with the far- HAYEK came in third place, with an public finances and the future liberal Citizens party. These ernment with the Citizens left and regionalist parties. ■ by Roger Kimball Ask anyone: the Industrial Revolution is a stigma that no amount of societal amelioration can remove. p.18 SPECIAL FEATURE USA Ready for Trade TRADE Ambassador Sondland’s Remarks at the European Parliament Conservative Music ECR Group Discussion on US-EU Trade - April 9, 2019 CHINESE SPANIARDS n speeches and op-eds and during comes to the transatlantic relation- media interviews I have tried to be ship. With that in mind, I am not AND JAPANESE very frank in my assessments. Good here to complain or to lecture—I ITALIANS I by Jay Nordlinger friends should be frank; and though we would rather take this opportunity to share so many interests and values, it’s strategize. When asked, with a gun to my not constructive to sweep aside our dif- Despite what you are hearing around head, to name my top ten operas, ferences. I truly believe that most peo- town, the United States is open for busi- ple appreciate an honest exchange that ness and actively working to improve I always include Porgy and Bess moves the needle. the global trade environment in ways (Gershwin). It’s an American I think that many in this room hold that will ultimately benefit both sides of thing. I had it in my mother’s milk. opinions similar to my own, and take the Atlantic. It means the world to me. p.21 a strategic, long-term view when it CONTINUED ON p.14 2 EDITORIAL theconservative.online theconservative.online EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 3 Gaming Industry ACRE Events Emma McClarkin MEP ’m the last few weeks have seen ACRE organ- In Stockholm we took the Blue Green series European Commission Goes After Gamers ise a number of events. As expected, the main on the road and held the Baltic Sea Summit in EUROPEAN-AMERICAN I focus has been on issues that matter in the the old Swedish Parliament building. We heard he European Commission has upcoming European Elections. Namely the Envi- from a number of experts and stakeholders, launched a statement of objec- TRADE EVENT ronment, European Security and Free Trade. as well as members of our Swedish Democrat T tions against a number of the In Brussels, ACRE President Jan Zahradil held partners. Topics included the impact of Rus- largest games companies in the world. he US Ambassador to the the Brussels Business Breakfast as part of his sian waste disposal in the Baltic on fishing and Amongst those target was Valve, a com- European Union spoke at campaign to become President of the European tourism. pany that runs a gaming platform with T an event organised by the Commission. He engaged in an honest discussion In Riga we held an event with our Latvian part- some 150 million users, and 47 million ECR Group in the European Parlia- with top business leaders from across Brussels, ner party, The National Alliance, in which ACRE daily users. ment recently. The event, co-hosted covering a range of important issues around the Presidential Candidate Jan Zaharadil spoke of The claim is that the Valve, and five by Conservative MEPs Emma Mac- single market. the need to ensure that all member seats are given video games companies, had unfairly Clarkin and Syed Kamal, was on the In Turin, we joined our Italian partners for a a fair hearing and respected, no matter how small used geo-blocking to prevent users in one importance of the trade relation- lively discussion on the Future of Europe. Listen- or new they are. The conference also covered the country, purchasing games for cheaper ship between the EU and the United ing of speakers from both Italy and the wider EU topic of Energy Security and the need to prevent by changing their settings to another. States. about how best to tackle future challenges faced the construction of Nord Stream II or risk putting The practice was apparently carried out Ambassador Gordan Sondland Conservatives by the Union. control of Europe in Russias hands. ■ in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, reassured participants that “Despite Latvia, Lithuania and Romania, over a what you are hearing around town, States intends to address the funda- moving number of years. The Eurozone has its an estimated 70% of global online video liability to a platform provider in these the United States is open for business mental inequities at the heart of trade own pricing structure, common across games sales through its platform circumstances is not supported by appli- and actively working to improve the in the 21st century, whether that’s the entire currency area. ‘Steam’. cable law.” global trade environment in ways that through fighting unjustified, protec- The penalty for doing so would be The company has however defended Valve also highlighted that the region will ultimately benefit both sides of tionist barriers; the exploitation of Forward 10% of the company’s global income. itself in a press statement. “The region locks were the responsibility of the the Atlantic.” gaps in WTO rules; or non-market, Since Valve is a private company based locks only applied to a small number of games publishers, not Valve themselves, He went on to say: “You might not state-led industrial policy that dis- in the United States, it does not have to game titles. Approximately just 3% of all however they have removed the locks. appreciate the tactics being employed torts the market.” publicly disclose its finances, however games using Steam (and none of Valve’s They also pointed out that the differ- or the bluntness with which this Both the US ambassadors, and it is estimated the they earn around $4 own games) at the time were subject to ence in prices was based on what the administration speaks, but the time MEP MacClarkins comments are billion a year. The company, founded by the contested region locks in the EEA. publisher asked, rather than the price for politely demurring and turning a reproduced in our special report on game designer Gabe Newell, controls Valve believes that the EC’s extension of set by Valve. ■ blind eye has long passed. The United trade on page.
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