Shabazz unifies Your letters to MLK chronology: FAMU falls legacies of Martin the editor Remembering his to Delaware State and Malcolm dream Opinioni I Opinion 5i Sports S The Famnan - JANUARY 12, 1995 The Voice of Florida A&M University - Tallahassee, d , Vol.81 No.1 Students plead innocent, ill in jail Students charged in was represented by his attorney, declined to comment on Homecoming-weekend Robert Harper. U.S. Circuit Judge Washington's plea due to the sen- violence plead innocent Nikki Ann Clark scheduled a Feb. sitive nature of the case. 15 hearing to discuss case man- Washington was released on bond agement. Nov. 9. BY lINGRII), 1IDDLETON SlTF \ RITFR Both White and Squaire spent FAMU students James the holidays in jail and are being FAMU student Vincent Squaire, 20, and Kevin White, 19, held at Leon County Jail without Kenon, 23, pleaded innocent to a of Jacksonville pleaded innocent bond. charge of attempted first-degree to murder charges Wednesday for White's attorney, Clyde murder in an unrelated homecom- the homecoming-weekend shoot- Taylor, said they plan to file a ing weekend shooting. Kenon was ing death of Tallahassee motion for bond as soon as they denied bond at a Dec. 14 hearing Community College student receive information from the State in U.S. Circuit Court and is being Wendell Oliver. Attorney's Office. He said that if held at the Leon County Jail. Oliver, 20, was shot during a bond is granted, White will proba- FSU student Steven Schultz, party at his apartment Oct. 29. He bly go home to Jacksonville until was permanently paralyzed in the died of gunshot wounds to the the trial. Oct. 28 shooting. chest. A third FAMU student, Kenon is also charged with If convicted, Squaire and Marcus Washington. 20, of Lake three other felonies including \White, charged with first-degree Spring, Texas, is being charged shooting at an occupied vehicle. If murder, face life imprisonment with accessory to murder in the convicted, Kenon faces life and could be sentenced to the case. imprisonment and could be sen- death penalty. Washington's attorney, Dean tenced to the death penalty. The Famuan sftLc WOODS Morphonios, said a plea hearing is He is being held at Leon the court- Squaire did not attend the Kevin White and Vincent Kenon enter scheduled for Jan. 31I, but County Jail without bond. room at a U.S. Circuit Court hearing Wednesday. U.S. Circuit Court hearing, but Clinic foul-up has students on hold About 2,000 student sibilities. records left out of But students said the, were clinic computer system left without an explanation. causing confusion and frustra- BY K.TRl(E (,REEN tion over their seemingly NTUT HNITER impossible registration holds. if they A filing mix-up at the "1 can't understand FAMU Health Services Student let me register last semester, now," said Alice Clinic kept many students from why not registering for classes. Scroggs, a junior industrial A health services worker engineering student. hold were said about 2,000 students were The students on affected. Students were put on told by the registrar's office to hold after an employee left the contact the clinic to take care of clinic in October and some stu- their holds. dent's immunization records Once at the clinic, the stu- dents' files who were not trans- weren't entered into health ser- Shabazz to address convocation were vice's computers. Without ferred into the computer checked in another file. proof of immunization, students approach of Dr. King and Shabazz, whose speech is "We do have student cannot register for classes at Malcolm X's widow Malcolm X." said William titled "The Status of Blacks in records on written file." Shetty FAMU. speaks at FAMU today McCray, director of student Today's Society," is the director said, "And students can check "It was a swift turnaround, activities. "She can lend her own of communications and public these written files." and with a new person on board personal insight to that situa- relations at the City University Kirby said that students B JACQLELINE LOE there wasn't enough time to tion." of New York Medgar Evers should always double-check .ta, RITFER catch up on all of the work," Nyesha Cook, Student College. their files if they are unsure Betty Shabazz, widow of said Henry Kirby, assistant vice Government Association Vice about their status. Malcolm X, will deliver the president and dean for student President and convocation com- The convocation is co-spon- "Ifstudents' problems are ke note address at today's affairs. mittee member, said that some sored by Student Activities, not resolved in the health clinic., Martin Luther King Jr. Former health clinic office people think of the Rev. King SGA, FAMU Campus Ministry they need to come and see me Convocation. manager Jeannette Barnes was and Malcolm X as opposites,. and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity because nine times out of ten I "...She can shed light on the responsible for updating the but "overall their struggles were Inc. SGA is paying Shabazz can take care of the situation by perceived differences in philoso- student files, and when she left to help black people." S8,000 to speak and cover travel phone," said Kirby. phies and ideologies in the FAMU in October, Harriet expenses. Jennings took over her respon- Pi t t (iNI( I :l 2 THE FAMLAN/JANUARY 12. 1995 A 1-800-COLLECT CALL WAS ALL IT TOOK FOR MARY TO FORGIVE DAN FOR THAT WICKED CASE OF POISON IVY. Save The People You Call Up To 44%. THE FAMUAN /JANUARY I 2, 995 3 SCLC leader to speak at FSU IFbMI But some students, eager to register Monica Jordan, a senior theater stu- The Rev. Joseph Lowery. president WHO: Joseph E. Lowsery, co-founder and begin the semester, took matters into dent was cleared after her files were of the Southern Christian Leadership and current president of the Southern their own hands. checked in the card system. Conference, is speaking at Florida State Christian Leadership Conference When Andrea Singleton, a senior "Iwas never told that they lost my University's Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. XVHATr Florida State University's majoring in biology, was told to provide a records, I was just told I was cleared," Commemoration Convocation Friday. eighth annual Dr. Martin Luther King duplicate copy of her shots and retake her Jordan said. Lowery helped King form the SCLC. Jr. Commemoration Convocation shot, she chose to pay $34 and retake her Mike Shepard, a senior construction Lowerv has been president of the WHEN: 11 am-noon, Friday shot. engineering technology student said he SCLC, a civil rights organization that WHERE: FSU Ruby Diamond "1 wanted to get my classes and infor- relied on the help of his mother to get off mainly comprises black ministers, since Auditorium mation in on time so I could graduate. So ot immunization hold. 1977. He seved as vice president under I went down to take the shot," Singleton He called on Jan. 4 to find out he was King from 1957 to 1967. said. on immunization hold. When he called the clinic, one of the workers told him he would have to comie down and straighten :; .' - I; ~-- I . C I-' / things out. The next day he had his mom call and NAFTA, GATT, APEC, & speak to an employee at the clinic. THE SUMMIT OF THE AMERICAS "My mom called from Denver, Colorado and said she wasn't hanging up until they found my records," Shepard THE TRANSLATION & CRITICAL LANGUAGES INSTITUTE OF said. "They came back 10 minutes later FLORIDA A & M UNIVERSITY and told my mom they found my records." offers Director of Student Health Services the following courses for Spring Semester 1995 Shainkar Shett'o said, "If students don't have proof that they hate their immuniz'a- tsiur~e (i~H it no ( )n lime Plac e tion records, then they must pay to get a shot. The only students that don't have to SPT' 3809.601 Practica in Medical & Sc. Translation Jan.17 T.Th., 5:O0-7:OOP.M., TCLIF, Unit 5 get a shot are those who are over 40 years (f age" Shetty said. SPT' 4900.601 Translation Seminar Feb.27 TBA TCLIF, Unit 5 Kirby said the health clinic will tinish SPT 4960.601 Translation Certificate Exit Exam .lan. 26 Th., 3:00-6:OOPM TCLIF, Unit 5 the computer entries wxhen registration is ov er and office traffic dies down. CIII 1100.000 Intensive Conversational Chinese Feb. 1 M.W., 5:00-7:OOPM TCLIF, Unit 5 If 'you are on hold for immunization contact these people for help: SPI 1100.000 Intensive Conversational Spanish Feb. 1 M.W.,7:00-9:OOPM TCLIF, Unit 5 Harriet Jennings- tHealh Clinic Office Maaer (599-3777) SPI 1101.000 Conversational Spanish for Administrators Jan. 17 M.T., 12:00-1:OOPM Lee II., Hl 3d Sylvia Beacham- He'a It/n Se'rvice Manger (599-3~777) Dr..S hankar Shetty Il)irectew eof Student Health .Scrvice (599-3777) Register now. Space is limited. First come,tirst served. For classes beginning on February 1, the latest registration date is Dean Henry Kirby- As .istant Vice January 27. For classes beginning on January 17, the latest registration date is January 14. For more information. President and D)ean for Student A/lauirsr Please call Dr. Norman at 561-2482, or Dr. Lalha at 561 2696 (599-3183) Gn $1i,199. Orcabot S/23. smonth S-J 5 itc 991 cr9rt' 475 4/160, Perfom'ma Plus Dipkty Apple' Kev'boa rdll1 and mouse Onl $2699.
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