elcome to For More Information W Kenai/Prince William Sound Area Office PO Box 1247 Soldotna, AK 99669 (907) 262-5581 North Coastal District Office Welcome PO Box 1578 esurrection Seward, AK 99664 R Resurrection Bay, with its tranquil turquoise (907) 224-3434 or stormy gray waters, rocky islands, and the www.alaskastateparks.org rugged mountains and glaciers that surround Bay Area it, is a perfect example of Alaska’s coastal beauty. Many of Seward’s visitors only see the Alaska State Parks area’s state parks from a cruise ship, but they are missing out. To really enjoy all this area has to offer, we invite you to get up close and personal. Get your hiking boots, kayak, or boat ready and head out to one of the state park units in Resurrection Bay for an afternoon excursion or weekend adventure. There is a large state recreation area, a small state recreation site, and five state Area History marine parks in Resurrection Bay. The coves and inlets of Resurrection Bay sheltered generations of the Alutiiq-speaking people known as Unegkurmiut. In the late 18th century, many Native people were coerced into hunting valuable sea otters for the Russian-American Company. Soon, cultures blended, the Native population declined, and by the late 19th century most Native villages were abandoned. Since then, Resurrection Bay has been used by gold-seekers on their way to Turnagain, Nome, and Iditarod. Hundreds of railroad workers boosted Seward’s population by 1917. Seward Harbormaster Then, Resurrection Bay experienced a flurry PO Box 167 of activity during World War II when the U.S. Seward, AK 99664 military constructed fortifications at Caines (907) 224-3138 Head and other points in the bay. Today, you [email protected] can see glimpses of history from land or water Marine VHF Channel 17 in the Resurrection Bay Area State Parks. For emergencies call 911 North Fork of Tonsina Creek in Caines Head SRA Derby Cove Creek in Caines Head SRA Panama gun mount at Rocky Point in Caines Head SRA Photo courtesy of sunnycove.com Photo courtesy of Ben Hagedorn Alaska State Parks Area Highlights Wave Action Wildlife Boating is popular in Resurrection Camping Public-Use Cabins Bay and is the only way to reach Resurrection Bay provides important and varied There are two public-use cabins (PUCs) in Caines the state marine parks. Most Historic World War II Fort and Garrison Camping in the Resurrection Bay area state parks is a bird habitat, attracting birders from around visitors kayak or take a water rustic backcountry experience. Each of the five state Head SRA—Derby Cove and Callisto Canyon the world to see Tufted and Horned Puffins, taxi to these parks, as only Fort McGilvray in Caines Head State Recreation Area marine parks allows for beach camping. To protect cabins. Both can be accessed by small personal Common Murres, Pigeon Guillemots, Bald Caines Head SRA and Lowell (SRA) is the most accessible of Resurrection Bay’s fragile beach rye grass, please avoid camping on boat, water taxi, or by hiking the Caines Head Trail. Eagles, and Spruce Grouse. Black and Point State Recreation Site (SRS) WWII-era fixed defense installations. A short hike vegetated areas. Thumb Cove SMP has a toilet for Thumb Cove SMP also has two PUCs, Porcupine brown bears and mountain goats also have land access. There are no from North Beach will take you to these sites. You kayakers and campers located on the western end live in the Resurrection Bay area. Glacier and Spruce Glacier cabins, and can be public mooring buoys or docking are welcome to explore the ammunition magazine, of the beach, about 250 feet east of the Porcupine reached by boat. Spruce Glacier PUC is accessed facilities. Small boats can be base-end station, gun emplacements, and a few Glacier public-use cabin. from the beach by a boardwalk. pulled up on shore, but should be other shelters; however, you will need a flashlight. secured above the high tide line All four cabins have private toilets and nearby Ruins of a “garrison ghost town” on Caines Head to prevent losing them to tides or creeks provide fresh water. Drinking water must be SRA’s South Beach are also accessible by trail, rough surf. treated or boiled. Juvenile Black-legged Kittiwake though some of the structures are just off the trail and somewhat hidden by the dense vegetation. For more information or to make reservations, visit These structural remains are dangerous and http://dnr.alaska.gov/parks/cabins/. exploring them is strongly discouraged. If you Camping at North Beach are boating, you may also explore Rocky Point for remnants of another WWII-era fixed defense installation. Steller Sea Lions WWII structures can also be seen atop Chamberlain Photo courtesy of Carol Griswold Kayaker’s Day Trip Checklist: Point in Safety Cove State Marine Park (SMP), but Humpback Whale near Day Harbor access is difficult and not recommended. Photo courtesy of Tom Kain Life jacket (properly sized and fastened) Emergency locator beacon or SEND device Other deserted WWII structures in the Resurrection VHF radio Bay area include searchlight control stations at Whale watching in Resurrection Bay can be very Spray skirt rewarding, too. Look for spouts and fins of Hatch covers or float bags Topeka Point, including the Iron Door, and remnants Paddle of Fort Bulkley on Rugged Island. humpback whales and orcas in the bay. Smaller Spare paddle marine mammals such as harbor and Dall’s Paddle float Distress signaling devices (flares, mirror, porpoises, sea otters, and sea lions might whistle) upstage them by putting on a show. Bilge pump Caines Head State Recreation Area (SRA) provides First aid kit Dry bag with a set of spare clothes and three camping areas: Tonsina Point, North Beach, survival gear and South Beach. Toilets are available at each Enough food and water for trip Sunscreen and hat location, but there are no designated campsites. Knowledge of wet exit and re-entry Campsites should be at least 150 feet away from Float plan the picnic shelter and 300 feet from the public- use cabins. A food storage locker is located at Callisto Canyon Public-Use Cabin When boating in Resurrection Bay, take appropriate North Beach under the picnic shelter. Camping is safety precautions. Make sure you are prepared for prohibited around Fort McGilvray to protect the emergencies and file a float plan with the Seward 155mm gun at Rocky Point in Caines Head SRA (circa 1944) historic resources. Harbormaster, describing your trip plan, boat, gear, and Varied Thrush (male) Ghost Forest at Tonsina Point size of party. Always wear a life jacket. WWII-era dock at North Beach in Caines Head SRA Inside the Porcupine Glacier Public-Use Photo courtesy of Carol Griswold Background photo courtesy of Nicole Acevedo Background photo courtesy of sunnycove.com Background photo courtesy of Jack Blackwell Cabin in Thumb Cove SMP R e su rr ec ti on R iv ParkPark DDescriptionsescriptriptp ionions LandLand TTrail rail DDescri DescriptionDescripescriptionttioions er Loweellll Pointnt Staatee Rece reation Sitee Saanndsppitt Poiintn Statet Marrini e PaParkk CaC ines Head TrT ail ReR surrection Baayy Marrini e Traiil Marathon Access: Seewarard SmS ala l Boat Harbor ana d beach at ThThiss rececreaation sitet is a popopulaar day-use aarea that is ThT iiss undevveelooped staattee marini e paarkrk is lol caated on Accceesss : Lowwele l PoP innt SRSRSS, abobout 2.55 miiles souuthh of R Loowell Pointt SRSR (liimim ted parking) clc ose too Seewwaarrd and has roadd access. Enjjoyoy a stroll Foox IIsland aboout 12 miilles frf omom Sewwarrd.d Thee north downw townwn Sewwara d ata endn of LoL weelll Point Rd.d Mountain e TrT aavel Meaanns: Boat ono thhee sandyy beaach or launch your kaayyaak frromo siidde of the sspit, whhiich is a gllaciciala morrrar ine,, offere s TrT avvel Meae ns: Fooot 4459' s PPopular LaL ndn ini gss: Tonssina Point, Norrtht Beach, LoLowew llll Poointn to explore the Resurrectioonn Baayy Marine bboateers annd pap ddddllers a nici e beb ach laanddini g and DiD stanncec : Approoxix mmateellyy 7.88 milese onen waya to Foortr Race u Seward Thummb CoC vve, north sidee of sps iit in Saandndsps iti Poointt Trraiail. Hike frroom the traraiilheead at the upppper paarkkinng campping. McGiG lvraay (22.3 milileses frrom Loowew ll Point to Tonsn inna Point r r SMP, Sunnny Cove, Driftwood Bayy, SSafef ty Cove loot to Toonnsinaa Point, the ppublic-use cabbinns,s or Cainnees Point, 3.4 milese froom Tonsina PPoinnt to Noro tht Beach, Kayakersr accessssingng this park shoh ulu d haave Thumb Cove SMP 2923' e Distanncec : Abooutu 59.5 milees tootaal one waw y. Headd. CaCammpping iis prohiibib ted here, but thheere are WŚŽƚŽĐŽƵƌƚĞƐLJŽĨ:ƵƐƟŶtŚŽůĞLJ c intermr ediai ttee padddld inng sks ills and gete tit ngng herre ana d 2 milees frf omm Northh Beae chc to Foortr McGc ilvrray) k privvatte campmpgrooundds neeara byb . ee t 3DDGGOLQJ 'LIIÀÀFXOOW\\ Variiese by ttraiil sesegmgment and requires padddld ers ana d boata ers too crosss thrh oughgh ElE evatioon Change: 2499.2. feeet Loowew ll Poiointn to Lowell Cr i wweatheer. Maya reqe uiC ire intn ere meedid aate oor advvana ceed Tonsinna Pooint; 1565 .9 feee t Tonssinna Pooini t too Northh o DQQ DUHD RI KLJK VXPPPHU WUDIÀFF,W··VVD JRRGLGHHD WWR n rth padddlingg and self-rescue skik lls. CCainess Heead StS ate Reecreatit onon Area aannoounu ce on marine VHFH channn el 16 tht at you aree Beeaca h; 670.9 feet Nortr h Beaca h to Fort McMcGiG lvvraay ou F Exploring Resurrection Bay from the water is one croossiing.
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