Youth Programs have been generously subsidized by the Beth Jacob Legacy Fund Shmiras HaLashon girls 9:00 - 11:30am 11:45am - 12:15 grades 1-6; led by Mrs. Mommy & Me for Moms Shabbos Davening for EREV SHABBOS Esther Pransky and THS with children 2 years old Young Children for boys & FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 students, FR will not meet and younger, ECD Precious girls ages 5-8, led by Rabbi Mincha, MS 6:10pm this week Parparim classroom Horowitz, DS Candle Lighting 6:09pm Earliest Shema* 7:04pm 8:00am - 9:00am 9:15am between Mincha & Maariv (*repeat Shema after this time) Pre-SKIP Childcare, Teen Minyan for boys and NCSY Shalosh Seudos for Preschool Mitzvah Bees’ girls grades 5 - 12, led by High Schoolers, led by Rabbi Classroom Rabbi Horowitz, CR Chaim Neiditch, CS SHABBOS SHABBOS, FEBRUARY 23 9:00am - end of MS services 9 - 10:30am between Mincha & Maariv SKIP Childcare, girls 18 BJ Game Room for boys in Youth Shalosh Seudos, led SHACHARIS months - grade 5; boys 18 grades 3 - 5, BR by Ely Landman, YL Early Minyan, K 8:00am months - grade 2, ECD Main Minyan, MS 9:00am 10:30am 9am Minyan, DS 9:00am 8:50am Bnei BJ for boys in grades 2 Teen Minyan, CR 9:15am Teen Boys Pre-Shacharis - 5, led by David Jaffe, BR Latest Shema 10:02am Cocoa Club led by Rabbi SHABBOS YOUTH PROGRAMS Horowitz, CR MINCHA Early Mincha, DS 4:00pm 8:30am SUNDAY 8:45-9:45pm Mincha, MS 5:50pm Teachings of the Chaburah Tefilas Hashachar Rebbe of Piaseczno 7:50am Rabbi Yaakov Zehnwirth, K (M) MAARIV Rabbi Ilan D. Kavana Minyan Rabbi Menashe Feldman, Office 9:30pm Shabbos ends/Maariv, MS 7:05pm Goldberger, K (M) Tehillim Teleconference Mrs. Maariv, K 7:15pm 8:30am Sarah Bayla Gross (W) Shabbos Morning 9:15 - 11am PARSHAS KI SISA Chumash Shiur Yesodei HaTorah K (M) WEDNESDAY WEEKDAY Rabbi Dov 9:15 - 10:15am WEEK OF FEB. 24 - MARCH 3 FEBRUARY 23, 2019 • 18 ADAR I 5779 CLASSES Foxbrunner, MS 12:00pm In-Depth Sefer Shemos Rabbi SHACHARIS Moshe Hiller, K (M) Jewish Potpourri Rabbi Yitzchok TORAH READING: PAGE 484 • HAFTARAH: PAGE 1160 10:40am Werbin, FR (M/W) Sunday, DS 7:00/8:00/9:00am 9:15 - 10:45am Shabbos Morning 1:20 - 1:30pm Mon & Thurs, DS 6:50/8:00am Interactive Service, Gemarah Workout Rabbi Tues, Wed & Fri, DS 7:00/8:00am Yitzchok Grossman, K (M) Mussar Teleconference Mrs. CS Esther Pransky (W) Mon - Fri, K 7:30am 9:30 - 10:30am 10:45am 8:00pm SHABBOS Advanced Text-Based Class Shabbos Shiur for WEEKDAY CLASSES Mrs. Esther Pransky, CS (W) Trei Asar Rabbi Doniel Pransky, MINCHA Men Rabbi Doniel FR (W) Sunday, K 1:22pm Pransky, K 10 - 11am Shira Smiles Class Judy Garber’s 8:00pm Mon - Thurs, K 2:30pm following 9am Home (W) Yeshivas Erev Rabbi Menashe Sun-Thurs, DS 6:15pm Goldberger, K (M) Minyan 7:00pm Boys’ Mishnayos Sefer Bamidbar will not meet THURSDAY MAARIV Rabbi Dov this week. Sun - Thurs, DS following Mincha Foxbrunner 8:45-9:45pm This Shabbos flyer is brought to you in loving memory of Marlene Mendel, z”l. ONGOING MONDAY Chaburah Tefilas Hashachar Sun - Thurs, K 7:40pm Rabbi Yaakov Zehnwirth, K (M) Sun - Thurs, DS 9:00pm 9am Minyan Kiddush 12 - 1pm Kiddush Talk, YL Sun - Thurs, K 9:45pm Book of Shmuel Rabbi Reuven Stein, FR (M/W) FRIDAY one hour before Mincha 1:20 - 1:30pm 12:30pm NEXT SHABBOS Tanach Top Twenty Rabbi Daf Yomi Rabbi Mussar Teleconference FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Reuven Stein, K Mrs. Esther Pransky (W) Menashe Goldberger, FR (M/W) Mincha, MS 6:15pm 8:00pm Candle Lighting 6:15pm ILAN D. FELDMAN CLIFF ALSBERG, President one hour before WEEKDAYS Mincha Yeshivas Erev Rabbi Menashe Rabbi MATT LEWIS, Vice President Goldberger, K (M) Daf Yomi Rabbi 6:30am RABBI YITZCHOK TENDLER, Executive Director Bavli Baboker Rabbi Menashe DR. EMANUEL FELDMAN Dovid Kapenstein, K TUESDAY ROBYN GROSSBLATT, Preschool Director Goldberger, K (M) Rabbi Emeritus 7:30 - 8:30pm SERGEY CHIRIPKO, Men’s Club President 8:00pm Divrei HaYamim Rabbi Menashe (BR) Board Room, (CS) Carson Room, TANYA ROBBINS & Rosh Hashanah Chabura Rabbi DOV FOXBRUNNER Goldberger, CR (M) (CR) Conference Room, (DS) Daily Shul, TZIPORAH WAYNE, Sisterhood Co-Presidents Yitzchak Grossman, K (M) (FR) Franco Room, (K) Kollel, (MS) Main Shul Assistant Rabbi DEVORAH FELDMAN, President, BJ Florence & Seymour Gerson Mikvah 8 - 9pm (YL) Youth Lounge In-Depth Sefer Shemos Rabbi Moshe Hiller, K (M) 1855 Lavista Road, Atlanta, GA 30329 | 404.633.0551 | www.bethjacobatlanta.org | [email protected] | facebook.com/bethjacobatlanta KIDDUSH SPONSORSHIP PURIM Upcoming KIDDUSH is sponsored by David Cordas and Family to commemorate the shloshim for their dear wife and mother, Barbara Cordas, and with gratitude to the Beth Jacob community, Beth Jacob rabbis, Gail Vexler, and office staff for their 28th Annual Purim Parade & heartwarming and sincere welcome, condolences, and kindnesses during shiva. With special thanks to Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman Festival and Rabbi Dov Foxbrunner for their guidance, Bill & Paula Gris for their unmatchable hospitality, all who helped make Sunday, March 17, 11:00am - 3:00pm Classes & Events minyan, Rabbi Yitzchok Werbin for leading shacharis, Dr. Barry Yaffe for leining, and everyone who provided meals. Register your family, group, or business Event sign-up links and additional information available in the Sunday email. float in our parade, and sign up now to be Annual Community Zayin Adar Chevra Ashley Blaker Pre-Purim Thank you to our Sponsors a festival volunteer. Special police vehicles in This Sunday! Film Premiere BENA Rosh Chodesh Series: Kadisha Dinner Thursday, March 14, parade and at the festival. Join us as we honor Comedy Show “Strictly SPECIAL DEDICATIONS “Pillar of Truth: The Adar II 6:00pm, Congregation Ariel. local law enforcement following the parade! MRS. RANDEE GOLDBERGER Unorthodox” Festival chaired by Sara Davis. Magnificent Legacy of HaRav Shabbos, March 2, 4:30pm, Wolf home, Tuesday, March 12, 7:30pm, HH Save the Date! Temima High School HAFTARAH by Yisroel & Chava Yaakov Weinberg” 1306 Christmas Lane (W). Ashley Blaker is an internationally for Girls Original Musical Production Herscovici in memory of Sura Reisa Megillah Reading and Ice Sunday, February 24, Reception 7:00pm; acclaimed Orthodox Jewish comedian Monday & Tuesday, March 25 & 26. bas Leib, z”l, Yisroel’s grandmother. Film 7:30pm, HH Sisterhood Creative Sparks and star of the BBC Show “Ashley Blaker’s “#T.H.I.S: Go on home and find the gift Cream Party Sunday, March 3, 8:00-9:00pm, BR Wednesday, March 20, Following Megillah Rabbi Weinberg, zt”l, was Rosh Yeshiva of Goyish Guide to Judaism.” Tickets on sale. that’s waiting there for you.” RABBI’S SERMON by Yisroel & Chava Contact Linda Minkow or Tziporah Wayne Reading, HH Ner Yisroel, and the father of Mrs. Miriam Herscovici in loving memory of Feldman. Dessert reception followed by an for more information. (W) Ruach Kabbalas Shabbos Chava’s sister, Susan Rudolph (Simcha introduction by Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman and Friday, March 15, 6:15pm, CR bas Refoel), z”l, on her first yahrtzeit. Feldman Pancake House ASK Chinuch 2-Part Series Thursday, March 21, 11:00am-1:00pm, Alan Solon. Directed by Elan Sloan; Film RABBI DONIEL PRANSKY In addition to regular services in the Main MAZEL TOV! KOLLEL KIDDUSH Reading, Feldman home, 1582 Beechcliff dedicated by Alan & Wendy Solon. Monday, March 4 & Wednesday, March Shul, we are pleased to offer a parallel by Harold Drive. 13, 9:00pm, Kollel service featuring an enhanced focus Friedman in honor of all of the Rabbis Pop in to Rabbi Ilan D. & Miriam Feldman’s Monday Night Class Series: Geared to fathers of children who are on song as we welcome Shabbos. Men, Meyer & Marci Greenberg on the for teaching daily classes. engagement of their daughter Gavriella home on Purim morning for some delicious Torah Live - Kosher II dating, engaged or newlywed. “The women, and children are invited! to Yacov Aronowitz, son of Ron & KOLLEL KIDDUSH pancakes and Purim festivities! RABBI REUVEN STEIN Shidduch Process, Mechutanim, and The by Meyer & Marci Rochel Aronowitz of Monsey, NY. Monday, February 25, 8:00pm, CR Role of the New Father-in-Law”. (M) BJ Sisterhood “Bring Light into Greenberg in memory of Meyer’s This is the final Torah Live class. Your Home: Candlelighting and Arlene Appelrouth on the birth of a mother, Faigel bas Yehuda, z”l, on the Children’s Megillah Reading observance of her Yartzeit; and in honor Thursday, March 21, 12:00pm, MS Feldman and Feldman on granddaughter born to Rabbi David & Becoming an Ezer Kenegdo” of the engagement of their daughter Megillah excerpts, stories, and dancing led by Marriage: Play-by-Play Dalia Appelrouth in Toronto. Torah@Work “Navigating the REBBETZIN DEVORAH KIGEL Gavriella. Rabbi Dov Foxbrunner. Workplace as a Torah Jew” from the Doctor with Color Sunday, March 24, 8:00pm, Isaacs home, Suzan Tibor on the Bat Mitzvah and Bar New date! Tuesday, March 5, 8:00pm, CR Commentary by the Rabbi 1386 Biltmore Drive This event kicks off Mitzvah of her grandchildren, Rachel TEEN KIDDUSH by Drs. Ze’ev & Elena Purim Seudah Led by Rabbi Dov Foxbrunner with Jewish RABBI ILAN D. FELDMAN AND DR. Sisterhood’s new Shalom Bayis Initiative. and Jordan Tibor, and to parents, Mark Oliker. Thursday, March 21, 5:00pm, HH non-profit professionals Rachel Wasserman AARON FELDMAN Contact Sarah Werbin for more information. & Allyson Tibor. Registration open this week. RSVP required. and Rabbi Yitzchok Tendler. Wednesday, March 6, 8:15pm, CR Adam & Dvora Ogen on the birth GROWING G-D’S GARDEN by Mira The 3 C’s: Conflict, Communication & AROUND TOWN of twin boys.
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