THEWESTPiELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County Publlahod EIGHTY-SEVENTH YEAR — NO. 42 •Hand Clue Pottw* P 24 Pnges—15 Cents »t WMtlldd, N. J. WESTPIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1977 Every Thursday Parade to Begin 9 A.M. Monday Burdge Seated Council tO Review Plans have been com- Foreign Wars, and the Commander, American Sunday. pleted for Monday's annual Westfield Bicentennial Legion, will serve as grand All units are encouraged Memorial Day parade and Committee are co- marshal. to march all the way to As Councilman T i -m/r • -n ceremonies, it was an- sponsoring the observance.- Harry D. Powers served Fairview Cemetery and David S. Burdge of 250 nounced by Joieph Sisto and Numerous civic and as chairman of the grave attend the . Veterans of Canterbury Rd. was sworn in Tuesday night as a Town Local Movie r are Thomas E. Bailey, co- patriotic organizations are decoration committee. The Foreign Wars services. If chairmen for the parade. participating as well as committee representing any unite must drop out they Councilman from the second Representatives of the Meeker, chairman of the and George Karros, The parade will auemUe at church groups. Some of many veteran1* groups must do so only at Chestnut ward. Burdge was con- management of the Rialto license committee, raised manager, and-or an »:15 a.m. at Hahne's these groups plan to have assisted in the decoration of Si., Well St., or Gallows Hill firmed by the mayor and Theater will be asked to objections Tuesday night to executive of the theater parking lot, west end. Cubs, floats in the parade. more than WOO graves at Rd. When a unit drops out, council to replace Charles discuss future films to be the type of movies being owner, the Metropolitan Brownies, Rescue Squad Norman T. Sprague Past Falrvlew Cemetery last the police escort will be H. Brandt who was named shown here before the Town shown at the Rialto, and Playhouse in Great Neck, and out of town bands will notified by the aides by town attorney earlier this Council acts to renew its tabled action on the 1200 Long Island, N.Y., is ex- assemble at the Plaza. radio, thus avoiding gaps. month. A Republican, theater license. license application. A pected to explore future Ceremonies win begin at 9 Parade Line of March „ The Westfield Junior Burdge will stand for Councilmen, led by Jack meeting between the council billings at the theater, but a.m. at the World War I (:lti.m. Paradeassesaksy fUvotetteaary Cemetery. Police under Lt. Jim election to the post in council members said they monument. / at Hahae's parktag " Anthony and Sgt. Frank November. might reject the theater Martin Wallberg Post No. (west). •. 1:41 a.m. SAB sad OAR Hanley, will be in charge of Brandt took the place of To Study Resurfacing license application unless a 3 American Legion and service on stept of parade, operations. All Robert J. T. Mooney who session is held. Auxiliary, Clark Hysllp S-.4S a.m. Units preeeed to Revesstleaary cemetery. participants are asked to began his duties as judge of In addition, on request of Post No. 645 Veterans of World War I Meawneat l«:M a.sa. After service*, cooperate with them. the County Juvenile and Of Tennis Courts Councilman John Brady, the Westfield special police will Domestic Relations Court council will study obscenity (Plata). parade win meve east on Five members of the First Ward Councilman Bread St. to Fairvlew assist, in the handling of May2. legislation in other com- Early Deadline traffic along the parade While not contesting newly formed Westfield John Brady. Vreeland munities to determine f :*• a.m. Americas) Leglea Cemetery. Tennis Association met with provided an appraisal of route. (Continued on page 4) whether such statutes might Bees aseef the MenMritl service ' starts at DavidS. Burdge Mayor Alexander Williams tennis court specifications. Day kettday Meaday, •• 11:3* a.m. Parade arrives In case of rain, services It is his opinion that the be considered here. early deadline will he and members of the Town at Falrvlew Cemetery. will be held at the Roosevelt Council last week when long most durable and Meeker said Tuesday ••served far the Jaae 1 »:lt a.aa. After services, Junior High School on Clark 70 Students Win night that so far this year, issae at tke ; Leader. and short term goals for satisfactory court would parade wBJ prstssd via I«:M a.m. VFW service. St. at 9:30 a.m. tennis court construction have a urethane surface and five weeks of PG (parental Classified aad display The order of procession guidance) movies have been advertWag —adMsjs Is t •Mad St. to Efasi Streetfittest*, and maintenance were that the presently existing aertfrto Orchard StIt. sad I1:1S a.m. Services will:be: Police escort, Awards at WHS Westfield courts could be re- shown at the Rialto; the discussed. remainder have been Baulk ea Meaataki Ave. to completed. Antioue Automobile Club of More than 70 Westfield for Von Roesgen and Chew. John Vreeland, a tennis surfaced with urethane if (CantinuM on p»8« S) High School students were "Each award is important the substructure is strong. categorized as R (restricted fsr serial, css» aad geaaral court contractor of the firm to adults). Two of the latter, recognized for outstanding to the individual student of Vreeland and Guerriero, James Josephs, town •ews:. sperts articles achievement at the school's who had to put forth ex- engineer, .also was present. "Cheerleaders" and "Flesh swrtatelag te weekaai New York City, also was Gordon," Meeker added, third annual Awards Night (Continued on paflr 4) present at the invitation of (Continued on page 5) aVsaflsMal Vfffl aWft saJMi^a^at^J Monday. had been listed as "R" in aatsl • ».»..Tweeday. bat Awards varied from high New York. krevMy Is eecearaged. academic - achievement to The Rialto Theater, proficiency in fine and in- Meeker added, has been Rood Scholarship* dustrial arts. Some awards operating without a theater carried monetary value, (Continued on page i) Awarded to Two ranging from nine $10 the Joaeph J5. Rood Parent-Teacher Association Memorial Scholarship Fund awards to the *i7oo McCoy Town Pool announced today awards Scholarship.. More than MN given by Mrs; tkartay $3700 was awarded. Opens June 11 A. Hood •(ittei -£"•** Five new awards "The Westtteld Memorial peered on the Pool Is 1 pV. ESCn Vv.W toftancetort . g Marion W. Glass Memorial opening date," Bill Pratt, towtrtf tm collage ' Scholarship Grant for assistant director -•; of drama in memory of Mrs. recreation reputed at __ _ _ fB Monday's Recreation accepted at' the UMMy Glass who was active in the Commission meeting. Pratt of Delaware a»d Miss high school parent-teacher added that "John Davis, Scbrope at Boston association and in drama I Participating in reading of Soccer Day proclamation are, back row. Bob Lister, coach, pool maintenance Umvanity. and theatre in the com- Mayor Alexanders. Williams, and Fritz Mumlnger, assistant coach, along with team mechanic, hired last July, The Joseph B. Rood munity before her death in member* Eric Muniinger. Ed Haag Jr. and Kurt Mumlnger. has done a first-class job in Memorial ScholanMp rund 1978; the Lois Chew of Bayeaaw at tke grave af Reiser's fatker. the opening of the pool and was started ten years ago ofWeetflsMandBd Memorial Mathematics has saved the commission and to date 13 awards have Award given in memory of a money by not having to bean made to students of math teacher who died,in Westfield Soccer Day July 6 contract this duty out." WsstAeld High School who Westfielder Returns to France October after teaching at Mayor Alexander S. promoting youth soccer both chosen because it is the day This year's pool members are tontinuing / their in fall intramural league, on which a team of fifth and will notice several new education at a sehool of the Jack Von Roesgen Town Council have adopted which Involves 700 boys and sixth graders from West- improvements that have higher learning,, have a For 9th Memorial Graveside Visit award in memory of a lV7f a resolution proclaiming girls, and in the spring Mid- field will play a game at the been completed during the financial need and have one graduate who met an un' Wednesday, July 6 as New Jersey Soccer League Giant's Meadowland off season Most noticeable The Trenton Times called Moeller was contacted to Walter Warburton, who had timely death last summer; will be the painting of the parent misting • from tbe him a "modern Michael meet with Aime Leocard, a returned to France to marry Westfield Soccer Day. The where 11 teams of various Stadium prior to a Cosmos home. and the Howard Steffens proclamation salutes the age levels represent professional soccer game. pool bottoms and the pur- Anthony" from the bygone resident of Draguignan, after World War 1, formed a Memorial Award in honor of: chase of several new pieces television series "The France. He along with an society called the Franco efforts of the Westfield Westfield. Westfield will play a youth Last Call Saturday a former high school student j The date of July 6 was (Continued on page 5) Millionaire". Hie French American from Summit, (Continued on page 4) who WMinterested In music I Soccer Association in < Continued on page 5) For Bike Signup people call Mm Monseur before his death. Hie Glass! Moeller, the American and Steffens awards were Saturday is the last op- Legion official. In Westfield, Special Summer Program made by their families.
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