County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone (01482) 393939 www.eastriding.gov.uk Caroline Lacey Chief Executive Your Ref: Our Ref: summons/ER Enquiries to: Liz Russell E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. Direct: (01482) 393330 Date: 14 November 2017 Dear Councillor I hereby give you notice that a meeting of EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL will be held at COUNTY HALL, CROSS STREET, BEVERLEY on WEDNESDAY, 22 NOVEMBER 2017 at 2.00 pm. The business to be transacted is as set out below. A G E N D A 1. Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests - Members to declare any interests in items on the agenda and the nature of such interest. 2. To receive the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 11 October 2017 (pages 1 - 5). 3. Any petitions as may be submitted. 4. Questions by Electors (if any). 5. To receive such communications as the Chairman or Chief Executive may desire to lay before the Council. 6. To receive and consider the minutes of The Cabinet and Committees: The Cabinet:- 17 October 2017 (pages 6 - 11) 31 October 2017 (pages 12 - 17) Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Sub-Committees:- Children and Young People of 27 September and 18 October 2017 (pages 18 - 31). Safer and Stronger Communities of 19 October 2017 (pages 32 - 39). Health, Care and Wellbeing of 24 October 2017 (pages 40 - 46). Environment and Regeneration of 25 October 2017 (pages 47 - 56). Overview Management of 2 November 2017 (pages 57 - 64). Non-Executive Committees:- Standards Assessment of 28 September, 9 October and 7 November 2017 (pages 65 - 69). Pensions of 29 September and 3 November 2017 (pages 70 - 76). Appointments of 2 and 12 October 2017 (pages 77 - 78) Planning of 5 and 26 October 2017 (pages 79 - 100). Licensing of 23 October 2017 (pages 101 - 102). Standards of 7 November 2017 (pages 103 - 105). 7. Leader’s Update - An oral report will be submitted by the Leader. 8. Questions Under Procedure Rule 8.1(i). 9. Humberside Fire Authority Questions - No questions have been received. 10. Outside Body Questions - No questions have been received. 11. Portfolio Holder Report - An oral report will be submitted by the Portfolio Holder for Operational Services. 12. To consider the following Motion(s), notice of which has been duly given and to pass such resolutions as may be appropriate. (a) By Councillor Pearson “That this Council writes to the appropriate Minister and Local MPs, including the Prime Minister, urging them to vote for the £2 maximum stake on fixed-odds betting terminals (FOBTs).” (b) By Councillor Owen “That this Council asks for relevant Officers to investigate the cost and implications of introducing a smoking ban at all Council owned children’s play areas and other places and venues, in and outwith Council ownership, where children meet and congregate and reports to Cabinet with the intention of resultant recommendations being brought to Full Council for debate.” 13. Committee Timetable 2018-2019 - Report of the Interim Director of Corporate Resources (pages 106 - 118). Yours sincerely Caroline Lacey Chief Executive NOTES: IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 8.2(a), ANY MEMBER WHO WISHES TO ASK A QUESTION, MUST INFORM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE IN WRITING BEFORE 4.00 PM ON FRIDAY, 17 NOVEMBER 2017. IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULES 13 AND 16, ANY MEMBER WHO WISHES TO SPEAK ON OR MOVE A FIRST AMENDMENT TO ANY MINUTE, OR TO MOVE A FIRST AMENDMENT TO A NOTICE OF MOTION, MUST INFORM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE IN WRITING BEFORE 4.00 PM ON MONDAY, 20 NOVEMBER 2017. Under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 members of the public may film, record, take photographs or use social networking during Council meetings that are open to the public. Members of the public who do not wish to be filmed during meetings should make this known to the committee manager prior to the start of the meeting. Democratic Services kindly requests advance notice from anyone wishing to film, record or take photographs during open meetings so that suitable provision can be made. EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL 11 OCTOBER 2017 PRESENT: Councillors Fox (Chairman), Abraham, Aitken, Barrett, C Bayram, L Bayram, Billinger, Birmingham, Bryan, A Burton, R Burton, Chadwick, Cracknell, Davison, Dennis, Evison, Finlay, Fraser, Galbraith, Green, Hall, Hardy, Harold, Head, Healing, Hogan, Horton, Jefferson, Kingston, Lisseter, Mathieson, Matthews, McMaster, Medini, Meredith, M Milns, T Milns, Mole, Moore, O’Neil, Owen, Parnaby OBE, Peacock, Pearson, Pollard, Robson, Rudd, Skow, Smith, Stathers, Steel, Strangeway, Temple, Turner, Walker, West, Whittle and Wilkinson. Also in attendance: Press - 1 Public - 1 The Council met at County Hall, Beverley. Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Aird, Boatman, Elvidge, Harrap, Healy, Holtby, Jump, Sharpe and Tucker. 2392 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY AND NON-PECUNIARY INTERESTS - Councillor Evison declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute 2399 as she was the chairman of Holderness Area Rural Transport and Councillors Aitken, Barrett, C Bayram, Bryan, Dennis, Fox, Galbraith, Head, Moore, Pollard, Skow, Stathers, Steel, Strangeway, West and Wilkinson declared non-pecuniary interests in minute 2402 as they were the Council’s representatives on Internal Drainage Boards. 2393 MINUTES - Moved by the Chairman, seconded by the Vice-Chairman, and Resolved - That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 July 2017 be approved and signed as a correct record. 2394 MINUTES OF THE CABINET AND COMMITTEES - Moved by the Chairman, seconded by the Vice-Chairman, and Resolved - That the minutes of the under-mentioned meetings be received and the recommendations contained therein be approved and adopted with the exception of Minute 555 of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee held on 6 September 2017:- The Cabinet:- 5 September 2017 19 September 2017 Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Sub-Committees:- Environment and Regeneration of 12 July and 13 September 2017 Overview Management of 20 July and 14 September 2017 Children and Young People of 6 September 2017 Safer and Stronger Communities of 7 September 2017 Health, Care and Wellbeing of 12 September 2017 Health and Wellbeing Board of 13 July and 21 September 2017 1 Democrat_CR\Council\MINUTES\11oct17.docx dh/km The Council 11 October 2017 Non-Executive Committees:- Audit of 20 July and 15 September 2017 Planning of 20 July, 17 August and 14 September 2017 Pensions of 21 July 2017 Standards of 18 July 2017 Standards Assessment of 18 July and 30 August 2017 Appeals of 1 September 2017 Licensing Act 2003 of 1 September 2017 Licensing of 11 September 2017 2395 CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY SUB- COMMITTEE WORK PROGAMME 2017/18 - Moved by Councillor Medini, seconded by Councillor Harold, and Resolved - That the excepted minute be received. 2396 LEADER’S UPDATE - The Leader of the Council submitted an oral report updating the Council on current issues. At the conclusion of his report, Members had the opportunity to ask questions related to the content of his update. 2397 QUESTIONS ON PROCEDURAL RULE 8.1(i): - (a) Councillor Billinger asked whether the Leader would be able to tell him if a risk assessment had been carried out into the financial implications on the East Riding Housing Revenue Account in light of the imminent roll out of the Universal Credit Full Service, especially the impact on rental arrears. Councillor Fraser replied. Councillor Billinger asked a supplementary question Councillor Fraser replied. Councillor Hogan asked a further question. Councillor Fraser replied. (b) Councillor Moore asked whether, following the recent Wakefield City Academies Trust capitulation that affected 21 schools including Goole High School, the Leader would agree to lobby the Secretary of State to put in place legislation to allow all failing academies to be returned to Local Authority Control. Councillor Abraham replied. Councillor Moore asked a supplementary question. Councillor Abraham replied. (c) Councillor Aitken asked that, whilst noting the Council’s continuing support to the £3.7m Flood Alleviation Scheme protecting residents, businesses and some of the most productive arable land in the region, whether the Leader would join her in congratulating the Ouse and Humber Drainage Board on commencing work on the two large pumping stations on the banks of the River Ouse. 2 Democrat_CR\Council\MINUTES\11oct17.docx dh/km The Council 11 October 2017 Councillor Parnaby replied. (d) Councillor Walker asked whether the Leader welcomed efforts of this Authority to progress the adoption of roads and verges on the Welton/Brough development where residents had now been living for over a decade. Councillor Parnaby replied. (e) Councillor Wilkinson asked that whilst appreciating the great success the Council has had in delivering broadband capacity in conjunction with BDUK across the East Riding, could the Leader advise as to the ongoing position regarding broadband delivery in the light of the fact that there were still businesses in the Howdenshire wards struggling to obtain a service to optimise their business. Councillor Owen replied. 2398 PORTFOLIO HOLDER REPORT - Councillor Evison, the Portfolio Holder for Transforming Lifestyles, submitted an oral report on matters within the remit of her portfolio. At the conclusion of her report, Members had the opportunity to ask questions relating to the content of the report. 2399 COMMUNITY TRANSPORT GROUPS - Moved by Councillor Evison, seconded by Councillor
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