Reg. No. DR/ROSI I 9/96-97 GRAM VIKASA TANASIIAKTI FOUNDATION MATOLLI, Branch : Naragund, Dist. Gadag Tq. Saundatti Dsit. Belgaum Cell : 9535 g4g7g5, 87 4697 69A5 | Email' : [email protected] Ref. No. Date: (drddJ {pood oe) doqoCe* {rdpsn * ,Sd, q?' r i law /,e.ees I * I El ds;rud xo$rls dotodri ur!&:3;do or&.o (oc&-odow .e"re oetoJo drdaodd dilarrJd $eooJod'd) {.r.?f ,l n 11 c) w! ,9i I 'f, r\ {-- t\ s" -\1^\ , r-' \ \ * t ,.i 1 :t # it r\- "11t .--- .it , .i .bdc :l: =:;.$ i-r-oec;)lo;ga]:J;3odc €r dcoe:d drd,nrdedoicd.ed I n lcaa,:Jc ae5 *;u* v Jrwe^?\n\-njo-- w!,t lv(; !*' I : 0 t-odo .. ' I; _*- .'. .\ d$ xaadd roqlrdod ,' '.i' , ' l.,l qJ \ t,,gortcJo )^ D:::ii:d.t oado i8o m6do{.3 t:;i ed Fsi - ::i :*oSFS r$;*;ir*#r, iS$fffi a;\ de;rd. .ffi#s-&- QOteoilA , 1,. F.eglffif, Sf i*lti.:,ie * 6eag*'.rgq B$nritru, Bolgaur: ;-.:ccd do{ :i9i1996-97 dofrld duo,, d,oeodm.oea-oOrig dafeO, ddu-od escdgd qJdd, 1de --o<ed do{ , JOgfn-o dJod6, a:d*eO od.ood, Cdoo&-01 ooood .28-og-2ots idaod qe>osj _+$e asli doored nofrris doeodEd 6DoiA 1960 d de;o 13 ddo$ rBsr€ro _ist x.id8 g-rodeos, d:oo3JDego 6o:dild3 d:c#ru.,) "adcb i6f 01-04 *2014 Ooc 31_ il3--2018 ejdd de xned dgds${ idr ididd n?.jo$ doe u3xb, dcdpE 'asDdorl$$d 6rl,a iN' 2al}-rg de xood oaoJ:reoo dtus dW s,gri_ooaod ginqd#o$$* CI:02*08-2018 doei ngtudroDd aorl.n iaaro eb% &a.,2125/_. (d.emou ad6t xa,irom es; &ooo qtgdc ffigl aadg&cbo-od. ddo dsodaorlsd:* &soa: sen dl.oa a:zg-gg-261g doeb dr o-ooJoore.:oJ:do oo$Oad.o$*nd. m o o C^J Sdo O(9 a"si EC) 1. nofrd zu{ ooro3oe.:o$rigo edd" ojc-odce ee6-roo$dd d>od ceodi; ddao no#d ne,xd>t d,{d oa$eJrt$r ,xoqbdgdoe3: drddulO. 2- Bofido Aedo,tucbd aeD o€go$ dogri EDrtra ndnd* $.*ns* :iofrd eruqedileriEn a.:siid, o3nQde oeBo$ deo ej:cbdcdoriaaac aocb Joaa.rodd. 3' Boda$ CIeGd:d aa$ero8d$e3 o3c-o{de oe8o$ sEeidrJsc/e].oicJoCdsir dod: a^:ode) edaio Xo#d+ iouofidsod oJ:o{de OeBoJ: dod:i-i$c :;onesoCO. 4. ejd*dgd$b oddD eroooJ: *6 d*rlsg ddr d;ob8 oea iaordd* aiododceaod $%dg dcd: and8oxrDnd aod: ;oasesocg * eedd.go$$4 ddldanwrb{cb. 5' nofrdO oj:-oflde oeeo$ z3uodt3drl$c ladrag&dd booi8ri morh aodo.t slabda,aR ddobgcbdd dod: uode duorr,:d lofidg doeods a-oo[ i960 d c)o$,$ 27(2) dc no{o$ doeodrd deq ilarldg gd: d.,d,oq,eroro6a:. = =:i, 5J,J-;-; ii-=ll,i::,-9 Eo#- la:c;e: u=-=Gr,-rre;.. 'A : Y*)- l\g C:, l-t:oCr:e,- l:-.,-:. S. wvr): '.12-= ttiw . >, tl ^t .- : w v. C_yi- l:. -_. 4\ I )j ti /. n (,f. er -o L. C m o (-) :, .E' rD o E (D C. 1ffi rc a) 6 0 or 6 ? 'l a. C @ ,*' ,.i () af :t C E o -o z qu o o (, o o() o ffi o o o 7 Q u a ffi at x = 6, 3 d CT r o o_ tr, z (D o ao =q roo oat tr 3 H o c .'l o- o :,a CL (D O o x I e() co o !) @ oD , o o ! j o o r) a ,I, .1"' C J- t a, 'o a (f C) (? a f }-I .1. l> EI 3 3. o co 3( >a Elp t oFFrcE oF THE coMmlGioNER oF rNcoME TAx OPP. CIVIL HOSPITAL, Dr. B.R.AMBEDKAR ROAD, BEtcAUM-59000't. No.58/l 2A/C|T /BGMI2O10-1 I Doted: 2no Morch , 2011 CERTIFICATE UNDER SECTION 12AA (lXbXi) OF THE INCOME TAX ACT. I961 Nome ond oddress of GRAM VIKAS JANASHAKTI FOUNDATION, the Trust / lnstitution MATOLII, POST: HOSUR, TAt : SAUNDATTT, D|ST: BELGAUM. The obove Society/Trust hos filed its opplicotion u/s l2A(o) of the tncome Tox Act, I961 in the prescribed proformo olong with other porticulors on 2l .Og.2OlO. on perusol of the documents ond informotion ploced before me, I om sotisfied thot the objects of the opplicont ore choritoble in noture. Hence Registrotion is gronted w.e.f. Assessmenl yeor 201'l-2012, os provided by Section l2AA(b). 2. The opplicotion hos been entered ot F.No.58/Cll/BGM/2010-11 in the Register of opplicotions u/s l2AA(l)(b) of the lncome Tox Act lg6l, mointoined in this office. ,l961, 3. The Registrotion u/s 12A(o) of the lncome Tox Act does not outomoticolly exempt the income of the Trust. Also the obove Registrotion u/s 12A{a) of the l.T. Act, l96l does not confer ony exemption u/s 8OG or moke donotion to the lnstitution eligible for deduction u/s 80G of the l.T.Act, 1961. Seporote opplicotions with occounts hove to be filed before the respective Commissioner of lncome Tox who is hoving jurisdiction to seek benefit u/s 80G of the l.T. Act, 1961. 4. lf it is found thot the octivities of your Trust or lnstitution ore noi genuine or ore not being corried out in occordonce with the objects of the Trust or lnstitution, this Registrotion is lioble for concellotion in terms of Sec. l2AA(3). 5. The Assessing Officer is of liberty to determine the toxobility of lncome of the Trust with reference to section 11,12 & 13 of the Income Tox Aci, lg6l, ond olso verify the genuineness of the Trust/lrrstitution in future. sd/- (SEEMA KHORANA PATRA) COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX, BEtGAUM. Copy to: l. The Secretory, GRAM VIKAS JANASHAKTI FOUNDATION, pOST: MATOLLT - 591 I I t, HOSUR, TAL : SAUNDATTT, DtST: BEL AUM 2. The ACIT, Circle-1, Belgoum Il ( v.B.BUDTHAL ) lncome Tox Officer (Tech.) for Commissioner of lncome Tox, Belgoum t # OFFICE OF THE COMT,TTHONER OF INCOfulE TAX OPP. CIVIL HOSPITAL, DR. B.R. ******'****'(*****(****x********)k**)k*,(************************>F******{.*******r<***r<r.*>kr<>r.*,F*****<*********AMBEDKAR ROAD. BELGAUM No.59/80G /C|T-BGM/2O]O-] i Doted: 2no Morch ,2011 Nome ond oddress of : GRAM VIKAS JANASHAKTI FOUNDATION, IhE OTgONiZOT'ON MATOLII, POST: HOSUR, TAL : SAUNDATTI, DIST: BEIGAUM. D D E 19 on verificotion of ihe focts stoted before me / heoring before me, i hove come to the concrusion thot this orgonizotion hos sotisfied the conditions U/s.BOG of the lncome-tox Act, l?61. lt sholl henceforth sotisfy the conditions U/s.goG(5) os loid down below: I Donee orgonisotion shoil forfeii this benefit provided under the row, if ony one of the conditions stoted herein is opplied with/flouted/obused/whitled not down o,. in ony violoted. *oy 2 This exemption is vorid trom 21.0g.2010 onwords withdrown unress it is for nof comprying with vorious crouses spu.iri"o in sec.8OG(5) or recognition gronted wos withdrown 293C u/s. of lncome Tox Act ond subject to the fottowing conditions. CCNDITIONS i) Accounts shoil be mointoined regurorry ond orso got oudited to compry with section 80G(5)(iv) reod with sec.r24(b) ond submii the some orong with the return of income os per provisions of lncome-tox.Act,lg6l . ii) Every receipt issued to o donor shoil beor the number ond dote of this order ond shoil stote thot this certificote is vorid from 2i.09.2010 onwords iii) No chonge in the Deed of the Trust/Associotion sholl be effecied without following the procedure of low. iv) The rnstitution sho, ensure thot no Non-choritobre purpose sho, be served or sought to be served by the Trust/Society/Non_profit Compony os is informed in terms of yogiroj chority .I03 Trusi reported in ITR 777(s.c.) v) It sholl be ensured thot of no time the institution or its funds shol be q utilized for the benefit of ony porticuror Rerigio's con munity or coste prohibited U/s 80G(5) (iii). Y t, t ;t 3*! IT L_- :2: (l 2 vi) Consequent io omendment to sub-clouse (o) of clouse 5) of Section of the lncome Tox Act w.e.f. 0,l.04.2009, if the Trust / lnstitution / Society corries on ony octivity in the noture of trode, commerce or business for o cess or fees or ony other considerotion, the oggregote volue of receipts from the octivlties is Rs.lO lokhs or more, such octivity is lioble for tox even if income from such octivity is opplied for obiects of the Trust / lnstitution / Society. This office ond the Assessing Officer sholl olso be informecl obout the Monoging Trusiee/Monoger of your Trust/Society/Non-Profit Compony ond the ploce where the octivities of the Trust/lnstitution ore undertoken/likely to be undertoken to sotisfy the cloimed objects. viii) The Trust/Soclety should mention its nome, PAN ond olso thot it is o ,,Choritoble lnstitution" in oll its correspondence, brochures, receipts etc., for the informotion of the generol public. a sd/ PATRA) t Copy to: l. The Secretory, GRAM VIKAS JANASHAKTI FOUNDATION, MATOLLI _ 59] I I ], POST: HOSUR, TAL : SAUNDATTI, DIST: BELGAUM 2. The ACIT, Circle-.l, Belgoum. ( v.B.BUDlHAt ) lncome Tox Officer (Tech.) for Commissioner of lncome Tox, Belgoum INDIAN TAX RETURI{ VERIFICATION ii(iRlVI Asssssment Year A ITR.V [Where the data of the Return of Income in Form ITR-I (SAHAO, ITR-2, ITR-3, 2018-19 ITR4{SUGAM), ITR-S, ITR-7 transmitted electronically without digital signature! , see Rule Name PAN GRAM VIKAS .IANASHAKTI FOI]NDATION F AABTG49O3D F z= Flat/Door/Block No Name Of PremisesiBuildinlVillage No.

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