1726 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. [SLATER's VOLUNTEERS. Fourth Volunteer Battalion Manchester Regiment, '7th Lancashire ltoyal Garrison Artillery Volunteers Burlingtun Street, Oxford Street, Con M. (The Manchester Artillery), Hon. Colonel-The Ea.rl of Ellesmere, v.n. Lieut.-Colonel Commandant-lion. Col. W. A. Lynde, v.n. Position Artillery. Hon. Lieut.-Colonel-J. B. Pollitt Hyde House, 28 & 30 Hyde Road, Ardwick. Major8-T. Gill and S. L. Mandleberg Hon. Colllne!--Ralph Peacock, V. D. Commanders of Companies:- Lieut.-Colonel Com'71anding-Colonel R. K. Birley, C.B., V.D. 1, Capt. H. Hawkins; 2, Hon. Major w, Lees; 3, Capt. H. E. Majors-J. Magnus V.D. and W. Walker Gresham; 4, Capt. T. Pa.rker; 5, Capt. V. Saha.l; 6, Capt. G. W. Captaim-(Hon. Major) F. H. Oogbill, S. G. Goldschmidt, H. Lowcock; 7, Hon. Major A. Furniss; 8, Capt. H. G. ThomiJl'on; 9, Bowler, J. H. Hall, Joshua Hall, 0. B. Goldschmidt, F. Sowler and Capt. H. Pollitt; 10, Lieut. A. E. Taylor; 11, Hon. Major J. C. C. J. Caulfiel<l. Nichol; 12, Capt. F. T. Prince and Mounted Company, Capt. W, Lieutenants-V. L. Bnrnett, T. H. Leigh, W. H. Holland, H. Pattooon, Hardwick. D. Heith, L. E. Walker, R. S. Lord, A. A. E. Hohr and T. Walker LieutwantJ-W. Mansfield, S. Pilk:ington, E. A, Cla.remont, .A.. ll. Second LieutenantJ-F. S. Ball & G. V. Clay Taylor, H. T. Moller, G. B. Hertz and C. J. Slade Adjutant- 2nd Lieu.tenant~-r. Henderson, W. C. Ponter, T. L. Needha.m & F. W. QuartermaJter-Hon. Major E. Moreland, V.D Staveacre Medical Officer-Surgeon-J.i,eut.-Col. R. A. S. Daly, \,D. Adjutant-captain H. C. Evans (Royal Marines L,I) Veterinary Lieutenant-H. C. Harrison Instructor of Signalling-Capt. F. T. Prince Acting Chapl.ainr-Rcv. R. P. Willock, B.A. Imtructor of .MlUtetry-Qa.pt. Gresham Sergeant-Major-Frank Wilson, 28 Hyde road Secretary&: Quartermaster-captain N. Linwood Batteries in :Manchester :- Medical O(fieer- No. 1, Captain H. Sowler; No. 2, CaptainS. G. Goldschmidt; No.3, Acting-Chaplain-Rev. T. G. Cox, M.A. Captain J. H. Hall and No. 4, Major J. Magnus, commanders Sergeant Imtructors-Alfred Cook, S. Pugh, G. Simpson a.nd G. Co!Jus · Paymaater--Captain & Hon. Major F. H. Coghill Fifth (Ardwick) Volunteer Battalion Manchester Regiment Manchester Volunteer Infantry Brigade. (late Twentieth Lancashire, or Second Manchester), 7 Ardwick Green North. Headquarters, Ashton-nnder-Lyne • Place of Assembly, Manchester Lieut.-Col. Commandant-Ran. Colonel Jas. E. Lloyd, v.n. The Brigade is formed of the :- Lteut.-Colonel « Hon. Colonel Second in Command-Harry 1\Ioore, V. D. 1st Volunteer Battalion, Manchester Regiment. Major-T. W. Ashwortb. 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Manchester Regiment. - Companies :- 3rd Volunteer Battalion, l\!anchester Regiment; headquarters, No. 1, Capt. F. I. Bentley; No. 2, Capt. .r. C. H. Cro~land; No. 3, Ashton-under-Lyne Capt. .r. W. Lees; No. 4, Capt. R. Ashworth, jun,; No. 5, Capt. W, ·Hh Volunteer Battalion, Manchester Regiment. Particulars below E. Lloyd; No. 6, Capt. and Hon. Major E. H. Preston, V.D.; No. iith (Ardwick) Volunteer Battalion, Manchester Regiment. Par- 7, Capt. and Hon. Major G. 0. Erookes, v.n.; No. 8, Capt. W. G. ticulars below Heys; No. 9, Capt. and Hon. Major A.. H. Smith; No. 10, Capt . .A.. 6th Vol. Battalion, Manchester Regiment; headquarters, Oldbam Moore; No. 11, Capt. I. M. Stevens; No. 12, Capt. W. J. H. Stonier Supply Detachment and No. 13, Capt. H. D. Halstead Bearer Company Lieutenants-Capt. P. C. Johnson, E. K. Peters, G. B. Heywood, R. Commanding Brigade-The Officer commanding 63rd Regimental Dist Cocbran, F. F. Knowler, G. II. Ermen, F. F. Crook and P. G. Supply &: Transport 0.ffice7'-Captain J, Earlow, 5th Volunteer Batta­ Maudley lion, Manchester Regiment .ddjutant-Capt. H. J. Tbompson (The West India Regiment) Senior Medical Officer--Brigade-Surgcon-Lieut.-Colonel J. Duncan, Quarte•·master-Hon. Major W. H. Hopkins, V. D. M.B. 3rd V.E.Manchester Regt Medical Officers-Surgeon-Major John George Sav:ille and Surgeon· Captain S. Nesfield Acting-Chaplain-Rev. H. G. Barnacle, M.A. Sergeant-MaJor William H. Worrnll First Volunteer Battalion Manchester Regiment. Sergeant Imtructors-Joseph Dakin, Patrick Clifford & Enoch Pomfret Drill Hall, Patricroft. Hrm.. Colonel-The Earl of Crawford, K.T., V.D. Lieut-ColoneZ Commandant-Hon. Col. ;r, Higson, V. D. Lancashire Volunteer Infantry Brigade. Lieut-ColoneZ-Lieut.-Col. Henry Darlington, v.n. Headquarters, Bury Field Officers-Major Hon. L10ut.-Col. P. Fletcher, V.D. and Major The Brigade comprises the:- J. H. Walker 1st Volunteer Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers; headquarters, Bury Lieutenants-G. K. Dury, A. E. Cronshaw, W. K. de 0. Shearman, 2nd VolnnteerEattalion,Lancashire Fusiliers; headquarters, Rochdale H. C. Darlington, N. S. Brown, A. Hewlett, T. Hunter, H. M. ilrd Volunteer Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers; headquarters, Cross Rogers, C. Fletcher, R. H. Leech and A. L. Eryham lane, Salford Adjutant-Capt. C. T. W. Church 1st Volunteer Battalion, The Prince of Wales's Volunteers (South Quartermatter--Ron. Captain H.. Gardner Lancashire Regiment); headquarters, \Varrington Medical Officers-Surgeon-Major W. M. Roocroft, Surgeon-Captain W. 2nd Volunteer Battalion, The Prince of WH.!es's Volunteers (South F. O'Gradyand Surgeon-Lient. J. Orr Lancashire Regiment); headquarters, St. Helens Acting Chaplain-Rev. H. W. M. Gunning, M.A. Supply Detachment /Jrill Imtruetor and Orderly Room Clerk-Sergnt.-Instructor S. Wilson Bearer Company Officers Commanding Companies :- Commanding Brigade-The Officer Commanding 20th Regimental A, Capt. J. N. Fairhurst; E, Capt. Lord Ealcarres; C, Capt. A. District Ellis; D, ; E, Hon. Major W. France, Wigan; F, Capt. P. Nightingale, Swinton; G, Capt. & Hon. Major Andrew, Patricroft; Senior .Medical O_fficer-Erig.-Surg., Lieut.-CoL C. W. Thorp, v.n. 2nd H, Capt. J. E. Selby, Leigh; I, Hon. Maj. E. Fletcher, Atherton; K, V. B. Lancashire Fusiliers Capt. :r. Andrew, Patricroft; L, Capt. L. E. G. Eryan, Leigh; ::\1:, Capt. W. Tomlinson, Athcrton; N, Capt. S. Stott, V.D. }'lixton; 0 (Cyclist l'AJ.), Capt. J. Stott Third Volunteer BattaHon Lancashire Fusiliers (late Seventeenth I.a.ncasbire, or Salford.), The Armoury, Cross Lane, Salford. Second Volunteer Battalion Manchester Regiment lion. Colonel- (late Sixth Lancashire, or First Manchester Rifles), Colonel Commanding-Hen. Col. F. Haworth, v.D. l & 3 Stretford Road-T N 447 Nat. Lieui.-Colonel--Lees Knowles, M, I',, D.L., J .P. Hon. ColDnel-Earl of Wilton Lieut.-Colonel-H. B. Moss Lieut.-Colonel Commandant-Lieut.-Col. B. C. P. Heywood Majors-Quartermaster-Major J. M.·Carus, :r. E. R. Hall,W. Humphre~, wut.-Col. Second in Command-Lieut. -Col. W. Compton llall H. S. Hardy and H. R. Moss MajorJ-Major J. C. Philips and Major Noel Lee Captaim-R. B. Lilly, C. T. Alexander, F. E. Yahr, W. H. Foyster, A. Lieutenants-W. S. Cunliffe, P. Thompson, A. A. Hopkinson, R. H. Wall, E. G. Archer, N. Gillibrand, L. W. H. Zimmerman, R. G. Ca.wley, H. J. Eehrens, 0. St. L. Davies, H. M. Blair, E. M. Usher, A. F. Maclure, C. S. Lakeman, J. A. Fallows, A. J. Bailey, Philips, B. G. W. Milner, W. Bindloss, W. G.Hockin.G. S.Routley, R. A. A. Armitage, ;r. T, Smith and A. S. Pearse H. D. Lowe, C. S. Worthington, A. D. Hunter, C. R. Alien, junr Imtructor o,f MuJketry-Capt. Lowe Liwtenants-F, A. C. Leigh (I. of M.), F. H. Smith-Ca.rri.ngton, H. Eoddington, C. Dodd and C. D. Taite Adjutan~apt. D. R. Patun Quartermaster-Hen. Captain W. Facer 2nd Lieutenant1-E. M. El well, H. C. Holden, Fitz B. 0, J. Rooee and Medical Officers-Surgeon-Captains G. H. Darwin, M.D. c. C. Hey- S. S. W i.lson wood. M.B. and J. A. K. Renshaw, M,D, Instructor of MU1ketry--Major H. S. Hardy .Acting Chaplain-Rev. J. W. Challenor Sergeant-Mujor-W. V ass Adjutants-Ca.pt. W. M. Witbycombe (Yorkshire Light Infantry) and Capt. D. T. Seckham Sergeant-Instructar~--R Eurton, G. Sykes, C. Vickers and J. Ple!!ted Commanders of Companies:- .Medical Officers-Surgeon-Captain W. M. Hamilton, M. D. & W.H.Heslop A, Hon. Major F. Pratt, V.D.; B, Capt. T, H. Da.vieB-Colley; C, Acting Chaplain-r.ev. J. Reeve, M.A. Capt. Lowe ; D, Capt. G. G. P. Heywood; E, Hon. Capt. F. H. Westmacott, V.D.; F, Capt. Otho Hnlme; G, Capt. W. Mnrray Drill Instructora-Sergeant-Majors C. Gallop & J, Cook; Sergeant Mathew; H, Capt. E. M. Philips ; I, C. R. Pilkington; K., Capt. Instructors, F. Bennett, J. H. Cmpper and J, S. Macdonald W. A. Hooton; L, Capt. T. H. Cunliffe; M, Capt. G. B. Behrens ; Companiet! :- Mounted CompilllY1 M. I. Capt. Cawley and College Company, Capt. A, Capt. A. F. Maclure; B, Capt. R. A. A. Armita.ge; C, Capt. A. W. Thorburn Wall, D, Capt. .N, Gillibrnnd; E, Capt, W, H, i'oyster; F, Capt. :S. .
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