Do you or do you not like the dirt col­ A FLAT HAT poll on the Presidential umn? If you do you better organize a election will be conducted this week. We letter campaign to keep it in the PLAT ask all students to cooperate by not fill­ HAT, for this week may see the last of ing out a blank more than once. Re­ it. Read the dirt column for further de­ member this is not Boss Hague's town tails. and you're entitled to only one vote. COLLEGE OF WILLIAM ARY WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA, TUESDA ( - »CT. 29, 18-10 Z-792 VOLUME XXX—NO. 5 irner Moss for r.jj.ifc. it ITS Willkie-Roosevelt Debate Of Season PLAT HAT MEET Smash Hit Political Symposium, There will be a meeting of the Phi Bete, Wed. 8 p. m. entire FLAT HAT Staff Wednesday evening at 7:3ft P. M. on the third Authority On The House of Burgesses on Wed­ floor of Marshall-Wythe. ..All re­ ReYiewer Gives nesday night at 8 P.- M. will pre­ porters and feature staff members His Plaudits sent in Phi Beta Kappa Hall a po­ and business staff must be present litical debate between Mr. Lewis C. for this meeting. Hart and Kaufman, the Ameri­ Williams of Richmond and Mr. can theatre's No. 1 typewriter Classes Out Warner Moss of Williamsburg. The clowns, dusting off a few ancient situations, peopling their comic At 10:45 argument on the side of Mr. Willkie 174 College Men will be presented by Mr. Williams whirlwind with an antic family of Tabbed by Life Magazine in a who is coming to the College Manhattan dafts, gave this review­ agister Under recent two page spread as one of through the courtesy of the Demo­ er tympanic disturbances as a re­ crats for Willkie Clubs of Vir­ Conscription Act sult of the Gargantuan concussion the country's ace newspaper-men, ginia. Mr. Williams is one of Vir­ of palms which accompanied the Dr. Douglas Sou thai) Freeman, ginia's most distinguished attor­ final act curtain—not to mention Editor of the Richmond News Lead­ neys. He holds the degrees of A. 1113 Sign Up the hysterics of laughter . which er, will speak on "Current Events" B. and A. M. from the University dappled the performance from start at a special 11:00 o'clock convoca­ of Virginia, is a member of. the In Williamsburg to finish. tion in Phi Bete on October 31. Raven Society of the University Deliberately banal, You Can't His talks on current events de­ At the same time that all other and of Phi Beta Kappa, and is a Take It With You is a parlor study livered here over a two year period American men of draft age were member of the Board of Visitors in tribe mania, turning out to be from 1036 to 1988 always brought registering for potential training of the-University. He is a member n expertly fabricated formula com­ an interested audience to Phi Bete. under the Selective Training and of the American and Richmond Bar edy geared to farce speed, nodding Life wrote up Mr. Freeman as •* Service Act, the students and fac­ Associations and an honorary mem­ agreeably to at least one pet na­ man devoted to the South, a men ulty of the college, and Williams­ ber of the West Virginia Bar As­ tive yarn, Alice Adams, and a dra­ who interprets current events dra­ sociation. His firm of Williams, burg men from 21 to 86 years of matic situation which has not matically with a gauge of Civil Mullen, Williams and Hazelgrove age were doing the same thing. grown any younger since Pyramus War history. William and Mary- is one of the leading law firms of Registration was held on October and Thisbe. Indeed, so theoretical­ audiences put him down as a teen Richmond. He is a Democrat. 16 at Matthew - Whaley High ly threadbare Is this narrative analyist of world trends, an inter­ School. scheme that it takes an ignited esting speaker, and a friendly sym­ The argument for Mr. Roosevelt Part of the thousands of high ichool students that were guests of the college at the Homecoming game last There were 174 college men with­ dish of red fire to bring down the pathetic person to meet. will be presented by Mr. Warner Saturday. We noticed that a 1 >t of them wore the W. and M. colors. Put that together with the fact that in the age limit, and of these, 15 first act curtain, an off-stage ex­ Moss. Mr. Moss is participating we won the game and impress: ad them no end, and you might be looking at a picture of a lot of prospective Mr. Freeman, in addition to his were exempt because they all ready plosion to close Act TI. These in the discussion at the request of freshmen. editorial duties, writes authorative- belonged to volunteer organizations punctuations are really not neces­ a group of Democrats and others ly in the field of History, mostly such as the National Guard, the sary, for in creating Grandpa Van- interested in the election of Mr. on the South. His Pulitzer-Prize Naval Reserve, or some other sim- derhof and his clan—the Girl's V (C Roosevelt. Mr. Moss is Professor Cavalier Men winning biography of Robert il, iliar group. 1113 men from Wil­ family which the Boy's family Debaters of Government at the College of Lee, together with his History of liamsburg proper registered, and of views with alarm—the playwrights William and Mary. He has long Spemk Up On Virginia, and his novel "The Last these 683 were white and 428 ne­ have conjured a species of dramat­ Team Picks been a student of political parties o Meet Parade" have all contribuled to gro. Gardiner Brooks heads the is personae which transcends plot, both here and abroad and some Wm, and Mary the enviable position Mr. Freeman local draft board. The rearistrars hursts the bonds of the established years ago published a study of po­ holds in the literary world. for the college students were John thca're, and mounts into the strat­ avaliers New Members litical parties in the Irish Free Apparently the old adage, "Fa­ Hocntt and Harold Dinges. osphere ol* literary lunacy. Neither In recognition of his literary and miliarity br.-eds contempt," can-1 State. Mr. Moss has also taken an The Men's Debating team o Last Wednesday afternoon at scholastic achievements, Dr. Free­ Each enlisting man was required author, however, pitching jests in! o active part in politics and is now College of William and Mai not be applied to Wm. and M. co- | five o'clock the Women's Debating man has received twelve degrees to fill out a card giving his name, the comedy with both hands—giddy a member of Mayor LaGnardia's off to a flying start by schedi ods from the University of Virginia Team, with Gertrude Van Wyck In from various colleges and universi­ home address, name of person combinations of pet snakes, print­ Progressive Committee for the Re- a debate with a team from viewpoint. charge, met at Philomafhean Hall ties. He has been Professor of knowing that address, age, date of ing-pressed, ex-icemen, xylophones, he Election' of President Roosevelt. University of Virginia for a ti Harris Bradley, the lanky Vir­ in the Wren Building to choose Journalism at Columbia University birth and a personal description of butlers on relief, etc., ad infinitum Mr. Moss is a Democrat. five date in the early part of ginia band leader, didn't seem any seven lucky girls to join their and a lecturer at the Army V/ar himself. This card provides all the resulting in ,a veritable psycopathic ward on Claremont Avenue in the vember. too enthusiastic about the co-eds ranks this year. College. At present, Dr. Freeman information necessary to the gov­ is a member of the Board of Educa­ Columbia University district of up­ The present presidential ele t i s .11 but with typical cavalier courtesy The tryout consisted of & five- ernment when the cards are drawn remarked that: the co-eds were very minute prepared talk on one of the tion of the Rockefeller Foundation Current Events for the drafts. Each man was al­ per Manhattan Island—gave the will be the topic that is disci S !''(! nice, at least what he had seen, of following subjects. and a Trustee of The Carnegie En­ so given a registration certificate audience a moment to relax, a with William and Mary suppo ting them; the boys in the band had 1. The United States should en­ dowment for International Peace. Books Available which he must carry with him at double-moment to take a full Roosevelt and Virginia upho di)i;r trouble keeping their minds on ter the war immediately on the all times so that he can present view and recognize the thinness of Willkie. Two members will b On Wednesday, November 6th, notes; and that he had never heard side of Great Britain. To All Students (Continued on Page Six) (Continued On Page Two) (Continued on Page Two' the Faculty Committee on Lectures of the sunken gardens! (He only 2. The United States and South and Special Events headed by Dr. , I. R. C. Club arrived Saturday morning.) America should form a military Wagner will present a dance recital Homecoming Is Gala Week~Bm£> On the other hand, Lynn Scott, alliance against foreign aggres­ by the Winslow-Fitzimmons Group Opens Shelves one of the boys who graced the sion at once.
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