Shores couple in Moscow during coup have front row seat By Donl'lll WIIIcer of Kiev, Dr. Rice, an ear sur- College of Nursing. On Monday, Aug. 19, they about and everything seemed were left. over from the parade Slaff Wnter geon, presented a five-day ear ; A strange thing happened to "For example, we were able woke up and turned on the tel- normaL" and were heading back to their sw-gery seminar to doctors William J. Rice of Gl'068e to visit people in their homes. eviSion, hoping to catch some They had planned to leave base. Dr. there while his wife gave a talk Pointe Shores and wife Gin. We wouldn't have been able to English.translated news, as the Sovlet Union the next day, The Rices shopped for 2 112 his to the nursing staff. me as they were shopping for do that a few years ago. And they had on other days. But the so the Rlces decided to go shop- hours, and then walked back to After eight days in Kiev, souvenirs in Moscow last we were allowed to walk only thing on was a ballet pmg for souvenirs. Revolutionary Square they flew to Moecow for a four- month. SWTOunded by tanks around and go sight-seeing by performance. The other stations On a street behind their ho- about 11:30. A Rusaian doctor day visit and a tour of a local ourselves." were broadcasting a test pat. tel, they saw a tank. But they was supposed to pick them up and coup resisters, they found h06pital. ttlemselves part of history in And only once did they feel tern and classical music thought it was left. over from at their hotel at 2 p.m. for a "The people we met told us the making. like they were being watched, an air force parade the day be- tour of a local h06pital. they were so happy with peres- The Rices had an'ived in the they said. "We thought that was fore, and continued on their Revoh.ltionary Square is like troika and the new freedoms In Moscow, the Rices stayed strange, especially for a Mon- way. the center of a wheel, with Soviet Union on Aug. 9 to lec- they had under it," said Ginnie ture at the Institute of Otolar- in a new hotel facing Revolu- day mommg," Dr. Rlce said, As they walked, they saw Rice, an associate professor at tionary Square, next to the "but when we went down to three tanks rolling down the yhgology in the Ukrainian city the Wayne State University Russian Federation Buildin~. the lobby, people were milhng street, but again, thought they See COUP. page 21A . - ~ --- -....---------- A Community Newspaper Grosse Pointe News Vol. 52, No. 37 54 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 SOt September 12, 1991 ~ - -------~--- Firsts and lasts arc.. Point.'s 7.ooo-plus IItIIMata lItarteel back to scbool last ...... on Weem..day. It stucleata cmd their par_Dla liDe up outside the school OD the i1nlt day. At Jeit, Unt gracle ...as a day for crylDg - from. both panatI cmcl stucleDta. but DOt from teac:hen, 1eara1Dg teacher E1eaDor Pawluk begins her 39th - cmd last - year lD the clawaoom. She will be lock. c:omblaat1oDs cmcl mcdrtng DeW frIeDdlt. Ahoft right. Trombly ElemeDtary School part of the 1992 retfriDg class. Possible sale of Schettler upsets residents Inside A sidelong JlYRonIIId J. Ben* mental to the health and wel- goes through. good idea to have a liquor store and longer hours," Campbell glance 6A. Staff Wnter fare of neighboring residents. Scott Shapiro of Schettler on a high school campus?'" said. "I believe the residents of ~ Several local groups are con- But aa:ording to Salim At- Drug Co. would not comment. State regulations don't allow Beverly Road will be inclined 1..ettl!rs SA. i:emed over the po6Ilible sale of tisha, the potential buyer, he The sale may hinge on ap- a liquor store withm 500 feet of to oppose any community busi- the Sc:hettler Drug Co. on has no plans to convert the proval of the liquor license a school or a church, but the ness like that." Autos 1OA Fisher Road in Grosse Pointe pharmacy into a party store. transfer and the LeC will not store has been grandfathered in He said the comer of Fisher City. 'lbey believe the potential Attisha said he will keep the make a decision until Kennedy so the regulations don't apply. and Grosse Pointe Boulevard Seniors Tl£WS ••••••••••12A new owner plans to make the pharmacy and continue to run completes his report. He plans "Tlus in no way casts any- has become increasingly busy Blai:k runners 17A neighborhood drug store into a the store in a manner consis- on finishing the report and sub- thing on the character of the in recent years and students party store. tent with the neighbors' de- mitting it to the LeC next potential owner," Kennedy hang out there late into the Obituaries 18A • Grosse Pointe South parents, sires. week. He said he is still collect- said. "He appears to be a well- evening A late-night business school district administrators He would not comment any ing community input and has qualified gentleman." would only increase the traffic Join a new club 1B and local residents say they further because the sale is still not yet made a decision on Attisha operates three party and noise, he said Attisha said have written the Liquor Con- pending. whether or not to support the stores in Detroit. he doesn't yet know what the SIIJS benefit 3B .trol Commission asking that Bruce Kennedy, chief of po- sale . But the opposition is coming hours will be, if the sale goes Calling all transfer of the liquor license be lice for Grosse Pointe City, said ''The concerns of the com- through. from all sides. entertainers 8B denied because a party store in Attisha told him he would ex- munity are that Grosse Pointe Beverly Road IS a pnvate Grosse Pointe City ordi- that location would be detri- pand the liquor stock if the sale South has 1,350 students, and road one block from the store. nances don't pennit businesses BiblicJ.{ile 9B - . ~ based on the proximity of the Bill Campbell is president of to be open between the hours of store to the school one could the Beverly Road Homeowners midnight and 6 a.m. unless Football kicko/f. llB almost argue that Schettler and Association. they have special approval by Pointer of Interest Farms Market are part of the ''We've been informed that Soccer roundup 12B campus," Kennedy said. "So the new lessee was going to be Classified 5C Norbert J. Kaminski the question is, 'Is it really a a party store, with more alcohol See PROTEST, page 19A By P8t PIIhoIsky convertmg the ballroom of his Edtor Grosse Pointe Park home into a Park woman Four hours a day, Norbert train room to display his Lionel Kaminski sleeps 1'hf' rest of collection. wins big the time' he's a perpetual m0- That, along with numerous tion machine with interests other interests, is what the 37- ranging from dog-sledding to year~ld Kaminski does for fun. at the fair By profession, he is a dentist and his office is a reflection of Ruth Thomas of Grosse his belief that the dental pr0- Pointe Park was named Best of fession has oot done right by Show winner for needlecraft. millions of Americans who fear and other handicraft. minia- getting their teeth fixed. Ka- tures at the 1991 Michigan minski 18 out to change that. State Fair Community Arts .. For starters, he is a dental Show . " anesthesiologist, one of only Thomas, 70, entered a minia. two in Michigan. Part of his ture replica of Woodward Ave- practice consists of treating se- nue's Elwood Bar and Grill. vere dental phobics, the devel- Constructed of plywood, Plexig. opmentally disabled and people lass and tile ~, Thomas Wlth serious medical problems. spent almost one year gather. ... He is also an advanced car- ing materials, bwlding and de- ..... ~ diac life support instructor and taihng the mlmature . I"""" .. he teaches basic life support as well . Built to a 1 inch to 1 foot • .., :..I Kamlnski, who attended scale, Thomas twice viSlted the •• Austin High School, earned a Elwood, located across the :: bachelor's degree from the Uni. street from the Fox Theater, to "Most of my work IS from value and Iwanted my mmia. the Community Arts show for • versity of Mlclugan in 1975 He take pictures and research the memory, so Ican create It as I ture to reproduce the actual 10 years She has always re- bUlldtng layout before starti~ hke," she sald. "but the Elwood bar" ceived 8 nbbon, but this is her I construction. IS a real place WIth hlsWncal Thomas has partlClpated 10 first Best of Show. ,t _ ~~_ ......... c._.....-.. • ...-._.~_~_ I MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION SERVICES • SYSTEMS. CONSUL TAnON .I(~O-TE(-lftC. PHONE (51?) 792 0934 804 S HAMil TON 1/800\ 968 3456 2A September 12, 199'1~ News Grosse Pointe Newj) yt. Schools chart new direction for phys ed; 8 goals stressed By RoneId J. Bema mentary School, WM a member said that type of sit.up is dam- easy that 100 percent of the fore those norms and averages percent of the students receiv.e ~ Staff Wnter of the COmmlttee. Because all aging to the neck and that it's students pass it, nor can you can be fully established.
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