Geologic map of the southwestern part of the Tonto National Forest, Gila, Maricopa, Pinal and Yavapai Counties, Arizona Authors Richard, S.M. Citation Richard, S.M. (compiler), 2015, Geologic map of the southwestern part of the Tonto National Forest, Gila, Maricopa, Pinal and Yavapai Counties, Arizona. Arizona Geological Survey Digital Geologic Map, DGM-76 & DI-41, map scale 1:130,000. Rights Arizona Geological Survey. All rights reserved. Download date 05/10/2021 19:48:06 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/630066 112°10' 112°7'30" 112°5' 112°2'30" 112°0' 111°57'30" 111°55' 111°52'30" 111°50' 111°47'30" 111°45' 111°42'30" 111°40' 111°37'30" 111°35' 111°32'30" 111°30' 111°27'30" 111°25' 111°22'30" 111°20' 111°17'30" 111°15' 111°12'30" 111°10' 111°7'30" 111°5' 111°2'30" 111°0' 110°57'30" 110°55' 110°52'30" 110°50' 110°47'30" 110°45' 34°17'30" Geologic Map of the Southwestern Part of the Tonto National Forest, Gila, 34°15' @ @ @ 34°15' @ Tsy @ Tb Xagd @ Xvrg Maricopa, Pinal and Yavapai Counties, Arizona Tsy Xcfg Qy Xvrg Xct March 2010 Tb Tsy Arizona Geological Survey Tb Qls 34°12'30" Tb 5 2.5 0 5 Miles Qi 34°12'30" Qi 5 2.5 0 5 Kilometers Tb Qi Xvrg Qy Qls Tsy Tb 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Feet Tsy 34°10' Xu Xu 1:130,000 Scale 34°10' Xct Qi Tb Tsy Tb Xct Arizona Geological Survey Tsy Tcs 416 W. Congress Street, Suite 100 Tb Qi Tucson, AZ 85701 Xvf (520) 770-3500 Tsy www.azgs.az.gov 34°7'30" Qls Xvrg Tbo Xvrg Tsy 34°7'30" Qls Tcs Tby Qls Tbo Qls Tb Xvrg Tsy Tsy Tb Xdgv Xct Tby Xvrg Qal Tc Tw Tb Tb Tb Tw Qls Qtc Tby Shaded relief basemap produced from Tsy Tbo Qtc Xvrg Tsy Tbo Tbo 10m NED Digital Elevation Model Qls Tb Tb Xsq Xgc Tby Tss Qls Xvrg QTa Qls Tby Reference map including administrative Tby Xsq Tb Qir Tcs Tc boundaries, cities, water features, etc. Tb Tb Xvrg ( Qtc Qi complied by ESRI and accessed via 34°5' Qls Xsh d Xgc ( Xvrg Xsq web service: Tw ( ( 34°5' Tby Xvrg http://goto.arcgisonline.com/maps/Reference/World_Reference_Overlay Tss Tb Tby Xsq Tsy Tcs ( ³ ( Map projection: Universal Transverse Qir Tw ( Qal Xsq Mercator, zone 12. North American Tcs Tc Tsyf Qal Qls Datum of 1983 Xcb Qal Qy ( Qi Tb ( Tsy Tw Xsq ( Tc ( Tb Tb Qal Xvfe Tss ( Qls Xvrg Tby ( Xct Xsq ( ( ( ( Xbmm ( Tlc ( Tcs Tsy Qal ( ( ( ( Tb ( 34°2'30" Xvrg ( Tsy Qal Tss ( Middle Proterozoic Intrusive rocks Xvf Tbo Xvfe (( Qtc (( 34°2'30" Qi Tc Tc ( Tw Xvfe ( Porphyritic granitoid (Early Proterozoic) - Leucocratic, Xcb Tcs Xrh Granite and schist (Middle Proterozoic and Early Proterozoic) - Quartzo-feldspathic metasedimentary rocks (psammite) (Early Xct Tb Tsyf Xgc Xsp Xbmm Tlc Xsh ( XYgp pink-weathering, medium-grained, equigranular to slightly K-spar ( Prototerozoic - Fine grained, tan weathering psammitic schist in ( Zones of biotite granite (Oracle granite) with abundant, partially Xdgv ( porphyritic quartz monzonite. This pluton is completely Tb resorbed inclusions of Pinal schist. Mixed zones are common in which bedding is locally visible. Grain size typically in sand Tb Xct YXrw Xsh QTa post-kinematic with respect to the host rocks in the area, but it is Xtp Tc Tbo Xvfe contacts between these units. Gradational contacts into range, with grains consisting primarily of quartz, minor feldspar, YXrw Tc considered early Proterozoic because of its similarity to the Verde Qi Xvb Tsy Qy homogeneous granite. and sparse to very sparse lithic fragments. Protolith is inferred Valley granites of the easterly adjacent Humboldt Mt. quadrangle Xcb Xsf Tby Tw to have ranged from massive medium- to coarse-grained Xvf Tb (Gilbert and others, 1998), and other granitoids of this map area Xsh Tss sandstone to interbedded thin- to medium-bedded, shale, Tcs Xsh Quartz-feldspar porphyry dikes (Middle Proterozoic). - These dikes (Grays Gulch) which are clearly concordant with respect to bedding Qtc Qi Tsy Qal Qi siltstone, and sandstone, generally more quartz and Tb Yi 34°0' contain subhedral cloudy- to clear-grey quartz and light grey feldspar-rich (compositionally mature) than protolith of Qi Tc K-feldspar from 2-8 mm wide in a light grey aphanitic matrix. volcanic-lithic metasedimentary unit (Xsv). YXrw Xsh Xsq Xvfe Granodiorite (Early Proterozoic) - Equigranular biotite granodiorite, 34°0' Xsf @ Qls Tc Tw Xvfe Contains rare biotite locally. Feldspar is commonly sericitized and Xagd w Tsy Xcs grain size typically 2-4 mm. Contains 4-6%, locally up to 20%, Xsh Qir Tss Xvfe @ weathers chalky white. Forms resistant ridges. Intrudes quartz Qls Xsf Xsh biotite. Some phases contain hornblende in elongate prisms. Only Tbo monzonite (map unit Xg) and is intruded by the medium-grained Very low-grade, fine-grained metasedimentary rocks (Early Xrh Qi Tbo Qi Xvm locally foliated, especially near contacts where granodiorite intrudes Xsh Surficial deposits Qls Tss Xrh Proterozoic) - Relatively undeformed fine-grained sedimetnary Xdgv Xsv Tsy granite (map unit Ygf) Qls Tby Pinal Schist. Xvb Xvb Tsy rock described on source maps as shale, siltstone, mudstone, Qy Xsf Tsy Xvfe argillite, fine-grained sandstone or similar terms. Laminated to, Water - Water Qtc Tb Xsv w Xsh Xsh Xsh Xvfe Pegmatite, two-mica granite (Middle Proterozoic) - No description thin-bedded shale and sparse, thin siltstone or sandstone Tsy Xvrg Qir Xdgv Tby Ygrp Dioritic intrusive rock (Early Proterozoic) - Fine- to medium-grained Xsh Xsf given Xbd Tcs weakly foliated to non-foliated diorite, small lenticular bodies interbeds. Locally associated with volcanic breccia or Tb Xsv Tsy Xsh Tc Qyr conglomerate; interbedded sandstone is common. Xsh Qy spatially associated with Bland Tonalite. Xsv Tsy Disturbed ground (recent) - Heavily disturbed ground due to Xsc Tsy Xu Xvb Fine- to medium-grained granite, locally with two micas (Middle Qtc Xvrg Qyr Ti Xsv Xsq d 33°57'30" d Tb Qi Ygf agriculture, extensive excavation, or construction of earth dams Tc Qls Tvf Xrh QTa Proterozoic) - This granite is mostly equigranular but locally Xva Qy Ti Xvft Qi Dioritic to granodioritic intrusive rock (Early Proterozoic) tonalite - Felsic meta-volcanic rocks (Early Proterozoic) - Generally Xvb Tc Xsv Xu Xvf Xvb sparsely K-feldspar porphyritic with light tan K-feldspar phenocrysts Xct 33°57'30" Qi Xvb Medium- to medium-coarse-grained hornblende-biotite diorite to low-grade metamorphic rocks interpreted to be derived from felsic Xvfe Xu Ti Xsp Xu Tcs Tcs rarely up to 2.5 cm long. Contains anhedral to subhedral crystals of Colluvium and talus (Holocene to Pliocene) - Unconsolidated to Qls Tb Tii Qi granodiorite containing phenocrysts of hornblende (Anderson and volcanic rocks, mostly based on relict quartz phenocrysts. Rock Qtc Tsy Tsy Xu Tc Tby Tsy clear quartz, biotite, K-feldspar, and plagioclase. Typically weathers weakly consolidated, very poorly sorted angular rock debris on hill Qls Qir Xrh Tcs Creasey, 1967). Includes tonalite of Cherry (DeWitt, 1989), and part may be massive, flow-banded, fragmental, or have preserved Tb Tc Tcbb Tsy into smaller, angular blocks instead of large spheroidal boulders. slopes Tb Tb Tw Qls Tcs Xu of Cherry batholith (Anderson, 1989a). Newly named herein for eutaxitic foliation. In more deformed outcrops distinction of tectonic Tc Xsv Xvft Weathered surfaces have a sugary granular texture. The rock is cut Tbo @ Qi foliation from eutaxitic foliation may be difficult. Porphyroblasts Tb Xu Qi Xu exposures near Cherry. Undeformed in most outcrops, but mildly to Tb Xvrg Xvfe @ d by aplite dikes. Includes McDowell Pass Granite. Tft Tcs Xva QTa strongly flow foliated in places. Strongly deformed along Shylock (relict phenocryts) of subhedral, partially rounded light grey feldspar Quaternary sedimentary deposits - Sand and gravel deposits along Qtc Tsy Xvrg Tb Qi Qal Tb Tb Xu fault and Shylock high-strain zone in southwestern Black Hills. 2-4 mm, partially rounded quartz up to about 8 mm, smaller valley and canyon floors Tcs Tby Tbo QTa Qi Qls Tb @ Coarse grained porphyritic granitoid (middle Proterozoic, Carefree, Hosts gold-bearing quartz veins in Cherry district that are anhedral to subhedral biotite and minor muscovite in varying Tcs Tft Tbo Tcs QTa Qy Yg Tb Qtc Yg Tcs genetically related to the tonalite (Clements, 1991). proportions are typical. Aphanitic matrix is the norm, may be Tby Oracle, Ruin, McDowell Pass) - Light brown to light gray porphyritic Tc @ 33°55' Holocene River alluvium - Unconsolidated, rounded to subangular, Tb Xsh Tsy Ydb Tc biotite granite; contains 2-8 cm diameter phenocrysts of K-feldspar Age of sample from near Cherry, from U-Pb zircon analyses, is altered to sericitic phyllite in deformed area. Crystals are more Qyr Tvf Tcs easily seen on weathered surfaces. Exhibits shades of pink, green, Qls 1,740 Ma (Anderson and others, 1971). Conflicting age (cuts 33°55' moderately sorted to poorly sorted, clast-supported sand, cobbles, @ QTa in a coarse-grained groundmass of plagioclase, quartz, K-feldspar Qir Tb Tsy and small boulders. Low terraces typically covered by sand and silt. Tc Yg Tby Xu QTa Tsy and biotite. Accessory apatite, zircon, magnetite and rare sphene 1,720-Ma Bland Tonalite but has U-Pb zircon age of 1,740 Ma) may and grey. This unit includes mixed lava and welded tuff, or rocks for Tb Xg Xsh Xva Xg @ @ Qi Minimal carbonate accumulation. Little vegetation in channels, bars QTa Yg Tb are present. Weathers rapidly to grus.
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