Shellfish at Work – Reducing Nutrient Pollution in the Budd Inlet Watershed

Shellfish at Work – Reducing Nutrient Pollution in the Budd Inlet Watershed

Appendix A-N Shellfish at Work – Reducing Nutrient Pollution in the Budd Inlet Watershed National Estuary Program (NEP) Toxics and Nutrients Award No. G1300037 Appendix A: Biodiversity and Mussel Distribution Data – Sample Data Sheet Appendix B: Mussel Length and Weight Data – Sample Data Sheet Appendix C: Phytoplankton Data – Sample Data Sheet Appendix D: Biodiversity Summary Appendix E: AmTest Laboratory Results – Average values reported as wet and dry weights Appendix F: Helen Dziuba’s Senior Paper (TESC) Appendix G: Shellfish at Work Classroom Presentation Appendix H: Shellfish at Work Classroom Worksheet Appendix I: Teacher Feedback Appendix J: LOTT Wet Science Center – Spring Activities and Events Appendix K: Stream Team Fall Edition Newsletter Appendix L: Longlines Fall and Winter Newsletter Appendix M: Shellfish at Work Interpretive Signs Appendix N: Shellfish at Work “One-Pager” L,lNJ Q'€A'Vlov··e.of 11 _--- 6 \,ft,~ @).r:t, Yr Appendix A BUDD INLET MUSSEL BIOEXTRACTION DATA SHEET (Monthly Sampling) H1= Questions? Contact PSI stallat 360-754-2741 Site (BHM, STM(POHyWBM): Sample 10: (e.g. 13BHM-0615-1) Date: 1-/ W'C> Arrival Time: 9-.:lJ Am Leave Time: 9 ~SS" 1Tride: lCMJ Musselcolle~ors: rnl~q fu~ i hohlRA.4 \A>IV\I ClfY) , And.L1 . • . ). i I' I· Data Recorder: ,'SITE'DEsCrdP'fioN Water Temp. (celcius): DO: I >....__ , Salinity: '2 V I 33 pH: '15 \ \~ ORP: -----:...- _ Site Description: lA,O f:rh-tdLn+S - 'QC'f.-Lftr4, C~N'fC1J Sf - ,5"cmv cJ.~J h\Avf;u !S;~ Itn,rfDESCRiPTION,L,.. .. "...."...:. .... ...... ".." ...r ....".""ITi 'YT'" .... Line #1 WoF Location: (See Site Map Attachedfor Reference) Position # (e.g, 98): /2- ~ t2~2- Top Mussel set (heavy, medium, light, none) Fouling Community Description ~-teA.o~hP\.. -'-!-h I~ JA1 VO, 1 ft '"'" 1Cih. ~ Nitti - 2 ft .' ~~ s -I7A/ ().At\t~ --11\ 3 ft 4 ft 5 ft Bottom ,~ ,~/,Notes.. CJ\,lf)u I?.I 1. JAA ~~\~'} l,.~f'.V'0 ±b c&{2\a,y\IL---t-M-W 1J~/~~~'\ OrQ Clae L . \ ------­ A-1 Sample Data Sheet Appendix B BUDD INLET MUSSEL BIOEXTRACTION DATA SHEET (Monthly Sampling) Site (BHM, STM OH, WBM): Sample 10: (e.g. 13BHM-0615-1) Date: 1-'- l Arrival Time: Leave Time: Mussel Collectors: A:-5 + A-C", Data Recorder: -Ptv--...-;....-., ~__ Line # >3 Line # Ltg Line # Length (mm) Length (mm) Length (mm) 1~ 1 \5 2 "'.' l-=t 3~ :+ :¥ 4 :\ \ 4 \ to 4 \ \ 5 LP 5~ 6-~ l~ :=1!c 6 7 \3 7.-----lL 7 «\ 8 t5 8 2> 8 \~ 9~ 9 \3= 9 to 10 llP 10 3­ 10 \4 11 Z 11~ 11---lL­ 12 \ 5 ~:k 12 15 13 \3 13-.J 0 14 \ \() 14 ILP 14 13 15 ,q 15~ 16 ,\5 16 ;;)0 ~:=ill= 17~ ~:± 17 dO 18 T 18_\5 19 lo 19---li~ 19: \5 20 T 20----lti­ 20--J-L­ 21 tiP 21_\a-.=O~ 21," \0 22~ 22' \ 5 22-----lO­ 23~ 23 9 23_' 5 24~ 24~ 24 \ \ 25 --.J ?:, 25 -Ie;- 25 ~ 0 26~3 26 ,0 26 Q 27 \1O 27 ---.J ~ 27 l \ 28~' 28 I J. 28 3­ 29 1= 30 \3 ::=& ::r Composite wt + fouling (g): ~-.... LJ Fouling wt (g): Composite wt - fouling (g): B-1 r \u:.A - 5,/ ~. ~,;J\'4 . ~X---- ~ ~ Shellfish at Work - Phytoplankton Net Tow U~ I{)~ '0.,..)"' Location ~ I I Appendix C "'f' Date f Time ~~ ~V ~~7J) Tide (ebb, flood, slack) ~ ~ l't Collection Depth ~ .......... q(~~ Centric Diatoms Actinoptychus senarius x Dinoflagellates Akashiwo sanguinea ..... ~ .... Asteromphalus heptactis " Alexandrium spp. "x... \1' Attheya spp Amphidinium spp. ~ ;)~ Au/acod/scus kittoni Amy/ax triacantha )()I Y x Bacteriastrum spp ~ Ceratium spp. ~ I','X) x x Cerataulina pelaglca ')( /v Cochlodiniurn spp ~I'~ ~ II.. .. Chaetoceros spp y , x.. x. r:.... Dinophysis spp. fA)1 X If XJ J".... Corethron hystrix 7 Dissodinium pseudolunula '-.-Y ....-... Coscinodiscus spp. ")(... ?-...... Gonyaulax spp. ~?le-h<~) Dactyliosolen fragilissirnus Gyrodmium/Katodinium spp. ~ ~ Dactyliosolen blavyanus Heterocapsa triquetra X) r'X.. Detonula purnila Kofoidinium velleloides --- ~ Dilylurn brightwellii x. Minuscula bipes ::J»>A. ((\c,LW'.. t Entornoneis spp: .... Nematodinium armatum ~ )( ~p(>v,i~t Eucampia zodiacus I' )f..... Noctiluca scintillans x ,7'.. XI x o Grarnrnatophora Oxyphysis oxytoxoides '><, I~ x.' Gumardia spp Prorocentrum spp. Hemiaulus spp. '"" Protoceratium reticula tum Lauderia spp. Protoperidinium spp x 'X.. x ~ ~ Leptocylindrus spp x Pyrophacus horologium /"""'5\ Melosira spp. ;x... y r...... Scrippsiella trochoidea \..XI ~ I ()'.,.../ y , .... \ Odontella spp. Unidentified Dinos >< 7'. ......1 "iZ' Paralia sulcata Others Mermgosphaera mediterranea )< 1'... II ' ..... -..,.­'X Plagiogramopsis vanheurckii Coccolithus pelagicus .... Proboscia alata Dictyoca spp. .x x.. IlX A Rhizosolenia spp. .X )(, Heteroslgma akashiwo Skeletonema costatum x. ~ Euglenoids ~ Stephanopyxis spp Ebria tripartita ~ ~" o nx./ Thalassiosira spp. x ~ 'l v Zooplankton Tintinnids r-Y V I x 'X. ""I Unidentified centric " " copepoda ~I 'X ~ Pennate Diatoms Achnanthes spp barnacle nauplii >':' Asterionella formosa crustacean nauplii x "XI x Asterionellopsis glacialis rotifers I x Asterionellopsis socialis tiarina >4: X' A Bacillaria paxillifera Urochordata x ~ Cylindrotheca closterium x 'X, )( other x ~ x 'X- Fragilaria crotonensis r o\~~~J~ I Fragillariopsis spp. I I I I IPictures and Notes: ~ ,.... Licmophora sp. / \.(j- .J..,/ Navicula spp .~ \ I we,{)'l~ ?~ Nitzschia )<... W(f\ + /\ .. Nitzschia acicularis y ( ':J'V 'X x ,..>- Petrodictyon/Raphoneis B~ \'\,i' ~ I I '" ~ o~Jo.,\~~ Pleurosigma spp )<.... (J- , ~ \ f P-N Pungenslmultiseries y ~ I~I~ Sf~~ ~ ~o-t-4J'C r-- ~)S~ O.~ • P-N Australislfraudulenta '-:./ I~I~ (t-' a. P-N Delicatissima/p-delicate H ~ ~~\\~~~_\ Stnatella unipunctata t) l ''J,' ,", 1--1 "I Thalassionema nitzschioides ~ ~ Tropidoneis antarctica ~ ",,,,:/!,~ C-1 Unidentified pennate x v "X' ~tR r"" ~ c,~~f -' "' ~t'\t-eJ(.,t'A \\/01-1A \A Appendix D Fouling Community Species List WBM HF BW BHM Algae Brown Diatomaceous XXXX Filamentous reds ( Polysiphonia sp. ) XX Green Ulvoids (Ulva sp. ) XXXX Porphyra (Porphyra sp.) X SugarSugar KelpKelp (SaccharinaSaccharina latissimalatissima ) X Witch's hair (Desmarestia aculeata ) XX Fish Gunnel (Pholidae spp. ) X Shiner perch (Cymatogaster aggregata ) XX Pacific Herring Eggs (Clupea pallasii ) X Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus ) XXX Invertebrates Ascidians (Ascidiacea spp. ) X Amphipods (Amphipoda spp. ) XXX Anemones (Actiniaria spp. ) XX Annelids (Annelida spp. ) XXXX Barnacles (Balanus glandula ) XXXX BryozoansBryozoans (BryozoaBryozoa sppspp. ) X Calcareous tube worm (Serpula spp. ) X Caprellid (Caprellidae spp.) XXXX Crangon shrimp (Crangon spp. ) XX Flatworms (Platyhelminthes spp.) XXXX Fried egg/Egg yolk jellyfish (Phacellophora camtschatica ) XX Hydroidy (Obelia longissimag ) XX Kelp crab (Pugettia producta ) X Shore crab (Hemigrapsus spp.) XX Hermit crab (Pagurus spp. ) X Isopods (Isopoda spp. ) X Moon jellyfish (Aurelia sp. ) XX X Nudibranchs (Nudibranchia spp. ) XXXX RibbRibbon worms ( PtParanemertes spp. , CbtlCerebratulus spp .) XXXX Scale worm (Harmothoe spp. ) XXX Seastars (Asteroidea spp. ) XXXX Tunicate ( Tunicata spp. ) X Total #18162319 D-1 Appendix E Lab Analysis Averages Based on mussel dry weight Nutrients (ug/g) n=3 WB HF BW Total Nitrogen 64666.67 61000.00 54000.00 Phosphorus 5580.00 5296.67 4096.67 Carbon (%) n=3 Total Carbon 32.333 31.667 28.000 Metals (ug/g) n=3 Arsenic 3.467 3.207 2.290 Cadmium 0.862 0.725 0.608 Lead 0.604 0.406 0.442 Copper 28.500 21.467 21.400 Nickel <3.623 <2.747 <4.217 Mercury 0.061 0.067 0.074 PAH's (ug/Kg) composite 2-Methylnaphthalene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Acenaphthene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Acenaphthylene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Anthracene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Benzo(a)anthracene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Benzo(a)pyrene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Benzo(b)fluoranthene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Benzo(ghi)perylene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Benzo(k)fluoranthene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Chrysene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Dibenzo(ah)anthracene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Fluoranthene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Fluorene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Indeno(123-cd)pyrene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Phenanthrene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 Pyrene <2.8 <2.97 <2.86 PCB's (ug/Kg) composite PCB-1016 <87.5 <84 <88 PCB-1221 <87.5 <84 <88 PCB-1232 <87.5 <84 <88 PCB-1242 <87.5 <84 <88 PCB-1248 <87.5 <84 <88 PCB-1254 <87.5 <84 <88 PCB-1260 <87.5 <84 <88 E-1 Appendix E Lab Analysis Averages Based on mussel wet weight Nutrients (ug/g) n=3 WB HF BW Total Nitrogen 10266.67 10833.33 8100.00 Phosphorus 888.33 938.67 627.33 Carbon (%) n=3 Total Carbon 5.167 5.633 4.300 Metals (ug/g) n=3 Arsenic 0.556 0.569 0.351 Cadmium 0.137 0.129 0.093 Lead 0.094 0.072 0.069 Copper 4.510 3.800 2.815 Nickel <0.57 <0.487 <0.657 Mercury 0.010 0.012 0.011 PAH's (ug/Kg) composite 2-Methylnaphthalene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Acenaphthene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Acenaphthylene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Anthracene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Benzo(a)anthracene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Benzo(a)pyrene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Benzo(b)fluoranthene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Benzo(ghi)perylene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Benzo(k)fluoranthene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Chrysene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Dibenzo(ah)anthracene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Fluoranthene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Fluorene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Indeno(123-cd)pyrene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Phenanthrene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 Pyrene <0.45 <0.52 <0.46 PCB's (ug/Kg) composite PCB-1016 <14 <14.9 <14.1 PCB-1221 <14 <14.9 <14.1 PCB-1232 <14 <14.9 <14.1 PCB-1242 <14 <14.9 <14.1 PCB-1248 <14 <14.9 <14.1 PCB-1254 <14 <14.9 <14.1 PCB-1260 <14 <14.9 <14.1 E-2 Appendix F Shellfish at Work On Evergreen’s Organic Farm Helen Dziuba The Evergreen State College 2013 Credit: Aimee Christy, Pacific Shellfish Institute F-1 Appendix F Acknowledgements Special thanks go to Aimee Christy of Pacific Shellfish Institute and Dave Muehleisen and Melissa Barker of Evergreen’s Organic Farm.

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