
DFTS-06017 s " DFTS-06018 SUPREMESUPREME COMMANDCOMMAND THETHE MANMAN WHOWHO PPERFORMSERFORMS SADHANASADHANA TviICETI'IICE AA DAYDAY REGULARLY,REGULARLY, THETHE THOUGHTTHOUGHT OF'OF' PARAMAPURSA:PARAMAPURSA: (THL'(TilL' SUPREMESUPREME CONSCIOUSNESS)CONSCIOUSNESS) WILLWILL CERTAINLYCERTAINLY ARISEARISE ININ illS!liS !1IND!1IND ATAT TilETilE TIMETIME OFOF DEATH,DEAT/1, illSIllS LI1>­Lih­ ERATIONERATION ISIS AA SURE'SURE' GUARANTEE'.GUARANTEE'. THEREFORETHEREFORE EVERYEVERY ANANDANANDAA MARGIlMARGII WILLWILL liAVEliAVE TOTO PERFORMPERFORM SADIiANASADiiANA TWICETWICE AA DAYDAY INVARIABLY-VERILYINVARIABLY-VERILY ISIS THISTHIS THETHE COMMANDCOMMAND OFOF THETHE LORD.LORD. taTBOUTt'LTHOUT YAMAYAMA ANDAND :IIYAMA,:IIYI!MA, SADHANASADHANA ISIS ANAN IMPOSSIBILITY;IMPOSSIBILITY; HENCEHENCE THE'THE LLORD'SORD ' S COMMANDCOMMAND ISIS ALSOALSO TOTO FOLLOWFOLLOW YAMAYAMA ANDAND :iIYAMA.SIYAMA. DISOBE'DIE'NCEDISOBEDIENCE TOTO THISTHIS COMMANDCOMMAND ISIS NOTHINGNOTHING BUTBUT TOTO THROWTHROW ONr:SELFONT:SELF INTOINTO TilETilE TORTURESTORTURES 0"0'' ANIMALANIMAL LIFELIFE FORFOR CRORESCRORES OFOF YEARS.YEARS. THATTHAT NONO ONEONE SHOULDSHOULD UNDERGOUNDERGO TORMENTSTORMENTS SUCHSUCH ASAS THIS,THIS, THATTHAT HEHE MIGH7'11IGH7' BEBE ENABLEDENABLED TOTO E'NJOYENJOY THETHE ETERNALETERNAL BLESSEDNESSBLESSEDNESS UNDERUNDER THETHE LOVINGLOVING SHEL7'ERSHEL7'ER orOr THETilE LLORD,ORD, ITIT ISIS THETHE BOUNDENBOUNDEN DUTYDUTY OFOF EVEVERYERY ANANDAANANDA MARGIIMARGII TOTO ENDEAVORENDEAVOR TOTO BRINGBRING ALLALL TOTO l'JlE'1'/IL' PATIlFAT/! orOr BLISS.BLISS. VERILYVERILY ISIS TillSTHIS ,1,1 PARTPART AND PARCELPARCEL OFOF SADIIANA,SADHANA, TOTO LEADLEAD OTHERSOTHERS ALONr; TilETilE PATI!PAT// OFOF RIGHTEOUSNESS,RIGHTEOUSNESS, ::'i!RII::-i!RII SlJRIISJJRII ANlll'WltMPR'l'I,l.IlAN!J.,VDltMPR'l'I.l.Il The trial of Shrii P. R. Sarkar, (kumoJl1(knmm a.ffectionatelyaffectionately toto millions as Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji will soon be over. The well kno�nkno~n international Canadian lawyer, �r.~r. Sheppard, who returned fromfrom observing thethe case, has submitted his report in which it shows Onceonce again, the flimsyflimsy inadequate cas@,cas~?. which the Government of India has put forth against BABA and his coaccused.coaccused, The report states thatthat thE.'the- only dire<ct evidenceevidence in the case is that of :1adhavananda, the main persecution witness, who has v~ryv�ry little credibility toto begin with, due to his own crimes and characterless behavior �ow,~ow, Mr. William T. Wi!lls, formerformer British :Vlember;,lember of ParliaJ1leot,ParliaJ11eot, is in India, observingObserving the end of His case and we are all anxiously awaiting the outcome,outcome. Even so the tr�altr~al is reaching its final phase, however, we are still receiving reports of assaults and harassmentsharassments of BABA in the jail. (See page 2 ).) . At this critical time all concerned Ananda Hargiis should put their most directed effort to development of the Mission ru1druld into AJM (anti-persecution) work so that wewe may be ready for the eventuality of the verdict. We wishwish all of our readers vast success in His Glorious MissmS6'on. and we hope you can get some inspiration fromfrom our humble publication. This issue features a very important discourse by BABA (circa(circa 1970): ;:nother>!nother creative and stimulating article Ay Ac. Shivananda Avt.Avt. and the latest news of ourOur Clobal family around thPthl? world. Thank you and ~amaskar�amaskar - THETilE EDITORS "Don't"Don't worry-worry- ThisThis is aQ victory year for usus .. :':' DADA .. DADA DFTS-06019 TRTRIALIAL NOTES: from the Indian papers Sarkar: I had no coconnectionnnect Ion wIthwtth Sark-ar:Sark.ar: AwadhootAwadhoot rules are COil­con· ­ PATNA, Aug,Aug. II (S(Samachar)­amachar) any organisation or wing except ttroll~droll�d by tthehe Awadhoot Doutt.boartt. Ananda �larga~larga c f 1'. r r Ananda chiefhie 1'. R.R. SSarkara ka tthehe Ananda "1arga'-1arg:a PracharaK :\I:\lyselt"yselt" and no non·Anon-Awadhoots:..... adhoots: yesterday ddisownedisowned the titles of Suneh..Saneh. were jtsits memember.mber. 1 am not an ""AnandmurtiAn an murt or baba or �targa~targa d i Court: Is It a raractct Ih.tth•t the bOOkSbooks Awadbuot S(I5(1 thisthis Qu{'stionQUt'Stion does nnotot guru" aandnd stated before the AAddi·d i· stilted before the d "ldea and Ideology," "A Discus·Discus­ arbC.arH~c. tiol1altioaal St'ssions Judge,Judge, :'\lr:,\lr Radha Radha sion," "To thethe Patriot" und a l.ourI:t..oun: Pro,secuoollPro.secuoou had ad.duceaad.duceu Ballabh Sim.:h,Sinl.\h. that the �lar�a~1ar~a was "Guide Book" were writt('nwrltt('n uunderndef eV,Ui;nceev.ut.nce tthathat at the tJme ot lnl·lm­ a cult bbasedased allon "supra mmundaneundane your dirtation and publi"hrc'lpubJi~~;hrc'l undrund('rr ttuliun you uusedsed ttoo say tthathat )'ouyou science" requiringe uiring no member. science" r q your supervisIon?super\'islon? werewct'e Ta'farakrak BrithmaBri:thma who protectsprotects Questioned bbyy the NJurt,f•CJurt, SSarkar,arkar, hI))hh followers and wwheneverhenever they the ptlmept1me accused in the :"I1ar£:t3:\tar~:ta SSarkar:arkar: PPhilosophyhilosophy contained In the b(mks arE'rE' mine but the publl­pubii­ h",dh<!d fear the) 6hould recite word murder r;-l:.l"ra:.l', �lh(l~lMl denit:d having b(mks a mine but t.he ti was ha "ArUitlumurtr''"ArU~nUmurti"' for protection,protection. What cclaimedlaimed that ht' wawa...... ·'God·incar­''God·incar· raC'ationon work was under thethe ccharC!en::-e puhlicity secretary (all the rive you hhateat e to say? nate," ··Timl.k··Timtk Rraitrn;1,"Rrahrn:-~." or ""ParamParam 411ui publicity secretary tall the rive wer shbwn Sark r. whIch Sarkar: 1 hhadad already repli�drepli~d rere·o PUTush"Purush" in thethe rrankank of Lord hooks weree shbwn to Sarkar.a whlch a �aru.mg~aru.mg this yestf;!rdal',yestl!rdal·· Krishna and LLordord Shha,Shha. "In my were admitteddmitted exhibits in the court). Court: It isis stated thatha In1n Ananda pphilosophyhilosophy this universe is macfO­macro· t t \lar;,:~ oor~anisationr�a isation there us d to psychic cconation.onation. Hence the ques .. Further examination of !'arkarf'arkar \lar;,:� n there usede to be hheideld two DDharmaharma Maha Chakra tion of "a,-atot""a,·atot" ddoesoes not aari,:e,''ri,:e:' wouldwould behe resumed on AAu:.:.u\.!. 12. be e r he aaddeddded functlonsfuncttons e\'erye\·ery yyeara and you used toto sit on a lotus-shapedlotus-shaped ppodiumodium Sarkar replJE'drepiJE'd ..._1111 qque~tinnsue�tions put on ,OU are bbyr. tht:-tht:o court with the help of an indicating that you are Tarat HHrahmtt?rahmlt? •alphabet phabet ch"rtch•rt which waswa. relayed PAT:'\PATXA, A, Aug, 1:1 \t SSamachar)­amachor )­ to thethe c0U11c01111 through two lawyers. Ananda }'1C1Tl;m}.1anm guru, P. R. Sarkar, !\Ieetlngs1\leetlngs Sarkar ho, Dlong ith four Sarkar wwho, olong wwith four the prime act'u"edaCt'uqed iinn the Ma1"�aMal"~a Sarkar: There Is nnoo Ananda Others,others, i'4ti" f;lrin�f:~rin~ the �~harg-eharg- of kill· s e mmurderurde r {'asc"asc,, yes1crdayy e l crday asserted "IargaAlu.rga oror;.tanisation.;.tanisation. Ananda MMargaarga a ing �ix~ix deft'C'tors,deft.'C'torR, dJsown<'ddlsown('d anyny bMorebterore thethe AdditionalAdditiona l SessionsSess1ons }Jracllarak.Pracllarak Sangh iiss the organts·organis­ wine of the organisation.i on the organ sa ti . Jud�..Jud~e. �Ir~Ir Radha BallabhBaJlabh Sin�h,Sin~n. aation.tion, DMCs are held aatt regular Ht'HI:' ttoldold the COllrt:co11rt: ThereThere l�1~ no thatthat he had nneverever .saidsaid "enemies"enem1es intervals and workenworkel'l meeung.meeunga me-mlJ(>r. ThMe who bt>licve m 1t · me-mu('r. ThMe who bt'liclie 10 1t. tihoUldtthould bebe �'ncourag('d,"~·ncourage-d." are heJdheld twi'ce a year. are onlv supporters. Sarkar. (hargedtharged with killing slxsIx Court: ProsecutionProaecutJon has brought fnuri:rnuri: Is iitt A foctfnct thatthat one dt>!t.'t:tors,dt"l('(.'tots, aalonglong wi�hwi~h four ootherther co-co­ evidence that a hr;:!n('hhr;m(•h of thethe :\lar�a-SD'f-had:\1ar~a-SD'\f-had evidence that Sat),anandSatyanand wwass the 3I'cu..:ed.al'cu..:ed, wwa~a� replymg to the courtcourt fifirstrst Awadhoot Ofof Anand,Ananda Marga it�it~ headquarter�headquarter~ at VVarana:r::iarana:r::i where tor the second daday lnJ :a e by you? \\'holl'"-time\\'hOil'"-time worken durindurm!::!:: their y inJt!atedt t d by you? an Awadhoot training were tatam::.htm::.ht not to bebelievelieve t\ccused said he wwasas a�a;nsta"a;nst tne Sarkar: H.He I.Js not an Awadhoot of AAnandananda Marga butbut of Ananda in any·any' ootherther religion but ttoo have word "raj","raj". He also described as Marga l:ult. faIthfaith in you and your organisation? "well-knit··well-knit falsehood" the prosecu­prosecu· Marga .:ult. c that he used to show Court· TTherehere Wa.was •a (,las"Clasn Onon Sarkar:Sarkor: 8DMSDM is nnotot a bbranchranch of tion chargeha rge that he used to show Maroh 5, 1967 between Marga work­work· !hethe Ananda Mnr�a.Mnr~a. In my pphlioso·hllo,o­ some signs on his palm to hh_1s.ls f()J�fol~ Maroh " 1967 ers 3t'tdartd llocaloca l people atat Ananda�Ananda~ phy I1 never ",edU>ed Sadvipra Ral llowersowers claimin�claimin~ it to bl!b" tthe-he- .hfR•hm ers people nagar 'Pufulia)'Purulia) in which five (rule(rul• bybv mmoralim),or.lim) , billbut Sadvlpra of HParanlpuruJo:h"HParantpuruJo:h" WQtke,.wQtke,. includina two AwadboottiAwadboottt SamaSarna~.�. Raj i!ll a8 microscopicmirroscoplc part of Violent revolution were kJ'ledJdtled and youou olongalong withw th Samal.SamaJ. and y i your wife and son had fled. Court: TheThe VSS used ttoo teach COllt't:Cont>l: \:·ou\:"ou have been dctcp1cted.epicted. Sarka., The clcia•h•• h was not with military and spying actactivitiesivities ttoo Inln "'·Prahhai)aPrahhai) a �1udra"~1udra.. (a yogicyOgiC tthehe local people butbut wo were at.at• tthehe wwhole·timehole·time wworkers?orkers? pose) on the title page of tht'thv ttackedacked by ththee CPI workeworken.l'll, IIlie·•• Sarkar: VSS I.Jo nolnot a branch of hook "U�L�"··u~v~·· Itlt isis $tatcd thOltthut you gardinggarding my fleeing away,awa , the oboob­ tthehe :\targa, Witn@s�esWitn@s~es had been adopted this pposeose whilewhale blessin�blessin~ y servations of Midnapur aandnd Cal.Cal• ttrainedrained up with mala rtdertde mmotives.o ives.
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