DOCUMENT RESUME ED 101 183 CE 002 952 AUTHOR Levine, Eugene, Ed. TITLE Research on Nurse Staffing in Hospitals; Report of the Conference, May 1972. INSTITUTION National Institutes of Health (DREW), Bethesda, Md. Div. of Nursing. REPORT NO DREW-(NIH)-73-43-1 PUB DATE May 72 NOTE 193p.; Report of the conference (Fredericksburg, Virginia, May 23-25, 1972) AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. :n402 (Stock Number 1741-00055, :2.35) EDRS PRICE MF-80.76 MC-89.51 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Administrative Problems; *Conference Reports; Costs; Evaluation Criteria; Facility Requirements; *Hospital Personnel; Human Services; Information Systems; Medical Services; Nurses; *Nursing; Patients (Persons); Personnel Needs; *Research; Research . Methodology; Research Needs; Speeches; *Staff Utilization ABSTRACT The conference brought together 45 persons who have had extensive experience in nurse staffing research. After the leadoff paper by Myrtle K. Aydelotte, which presented an overview of nurse staffing research, 10 papers werepresented on variables considered to be significant in influencing the quantitative and qualitative demand for nurse staffing. These included patients' requirements for nursing services, architectural design of the hospital, administrative and cost factors, andsocial-psychological factors. In addition, papers were presented on the evaluation of quality of nursing care and the impact of computerized information systems on staffing. The papers were followed by presentationsby discussion leaders who addressed themselves to points raised in the papers. These presentaions, the openingremarks of Jessie N. Scott, and a summary and synthesis of the entire conference are also included in the publication. Appended are four task force reports offering recommendations on future directions for research. (Author/MW) 6 BEST COPY AVAILABLE in U S. DIPARTMINT OP HEALTH, EDUCATION & WILPARS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OP EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRO OUCEO ExACTL Y AS RF.CEIVEO PROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN MING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY rch on \urse Stactg in Hosottals Report of the Conference i'robibitedTit le of the Civil Rights ,\(-t ol I!H states; "No etson in the!tined states shall. on the ground of um C. Color, or national origin, he excluded how patticipationIII,be denied the Lic.nefits ol, or he scil.ijected to discrimination 1111(h.)' any, progiam or ii(iiity teceiving Federal financial assistan(e." There- tore, the ntirse stalling progiant, like eve, y program or aclivily receiving financial as5istan«e nom the 1)cp11r11tent of I lealth, 1(111- tat ion. and 11'ellarc, must he operated in compliance with this law. 1))1%.11('I) 111).S1111e1.1111(1)11(.111of 11))1Inrnrnt., 41,(,11%rititilr111 Ptin,ing I) (.1.1)1112 Piny. ':' ';`1 Sin(I, \mullet 1711 mu)) Research on Nurse Staffing in Hospitals Report of the Conference MAY 1972 Conducted by DIVISION OF NURSING Eugene Levine, Ph.D. Scientific Editor DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 73-434 U.S. DEPARTMENT or HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATI.:NAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Bureau of Health MON.te"orf Education Division of Nursing Foreword This publication contains a report on the Conference on Research on Nurse Staffing in Hospitals, sponsored by the Division of Nursing and held in Fred- ericksburg, Virginia, May 23 through 25, 1972. I am hopeful that it will prove to be a valuable addition to the literature on nurse staffing. As the opening paper by Dr. Myrtle K. Aydelotte makes clear, the existing literature has many deficiencies, not the least of which are the many gaps in knowledge. The papers presented at the conference contain the latest findings on many important areas of nurse staffing research and will help to close they! gaps. The Division of Nursing's concern with the problems of nurse staffing goes back many years as we have attempted to improve the quality and quantity of nursing care in the Nation. We have supported considerable research in this area, both by our own staff and through grants and contracts to researchers in universities and professional organizations and in hospitals and other health care settings. The many publications issued by the Division in addition to study findings include descriptions of methodology for studying the use of nursing skills, assessing the quality of nursing care, and planning for better matching of nursing resources and needs. The conference and this resulting publication are natural extensions of our efforts to improve nurse staffing. This publication is a companion volume to Dr. Avdelotte's comprehensive critique of nurse staffing methodology. These two publications should lie useful to researchers, educators, administrators, practitioners, and all who are concerned with the improvement of nursing staffing in hospitals. Juan M. Scorr Assistant Surgeon General Director Division of Nursing ill E. CONFERENCE, PLANNING COMMITTEE Dr. Eugene Levine, Chairman Dr. Myrtle K. Aydelotte Dr. Bernard Ferber Miss Marie R. Kennedy Miss Delores M. LeHoty Dr. Mary K. Mullane Miss Jessie M. Scott Mrs. Margaret Sheehan Mr. Stanley E. Siegel Miss Elinor D. Stanford iv CONFERENCE PARTICIPANTS Dr. Myrtle K. Aydelotte Dr. Charles D. Flag le Director, Nursing Director of Operations Research University Hospitals and Clinics School of Hygiene and Public Health Professor, College of Nursing Johns Hopkins University Hospital University of Iowa Baltimore, Maryland Iowa City, Iowa Mr. Richard G. Gardiner Dr. Alexander Barr Operations Research Specialist Chief Records Officer and Statistician Hospital Association of New York State Oxford Regional Hospital Board A1L.iny, New York Headington, Oxford England Mrs. Phyllis Giovannetti Project Director Mr. Jose Blanco, Jr. Nursing Research Controller and Assistant Administrator Hospital Systems Study Washington Hospital Center L niversity of Saskatchewan Washington, D.C. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Dr. Doris Bloch Canada Executive Secretary Mr. John Griffith Nursing Research ant! Education Professor and Director Advisory Committee Program in Hospital Administration Division of Nursing School of Public Health National Institutes of Health University of Michigan Bethesda, Maryland Ann Arbor, Michigan Dr. Mario F. Bognanno Assistant Professor Miss Verna Grovert University of Minnesota Stall Assistant to the Director Industrial Relations Center Health Systems Research and Minneapolis, Minnesota Development Service Veterans Administration Central Office Dr. Virginia S. Cleland Washington, D.C. Prof essoa. of Nursing Wayne State University Dr. Elizabeth Hagen Detroit. Michigan Professor of Psychology Mrs. Margaret Ellsworth Teachers College 763 St. Charles Street Columbia University Elgin, Illinois New York, New York Dr. Bernard Ferber Dr. Richard Howlancl Director, Bureau of Research Services Westinghouse Elect sic Corporation American Hospital Association Rescarch and Development Chicago, Illinois Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania v 7 Conference Participants (continued) Dr. E. Gartly Jaco Dr. Wanda E. McDowell Professor, Department of Sociology Associate Dean for Research University of California University of Michigan Riverside, California School of Nursing Dr. Stanley Jacobs Ann Arbor, Michigan American Hospital Association Dr. Mary K. Mullane Chicago, Illinois Professor, College of Nursing University of Illinois Dr. Richard C. Jelinek Chicago, Illinois Vice President for Research and Development Medicus Systems Corporation Mr. George J. Mullen Chicago, Illinois Senior Editor Engineering Services and Publications Miss Angie Kammeraad Gaithersburg, Maryland Regional Nursing Consultant Division of Nursing Dr. Maria Phaneuf Professor of Nursing National Institutes of Health College of Nursing DHEW Region IV Wayne State, University Atlanta, Georgia Detroit, Michigan Miss Marie R. Kennedy Dr. Lillian M. Pierce Nurse Consultant Professor, School of Nursing Nursing Education Branch The Ohio State University Hospital Division of Nursing Columbus, Ohio National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland Miss Pamela Poole Nursing Consultant Miss Dolores M. LeHoty Department of National Health and Welfare Program Analyst Ottawa 3, Ontario Manpower Evaluation and Planning Branch Canada Division of Nursing Dr. Muriel Poulin National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland Boston University School of Nursing Boston, Massachusetts Dr. Eugene Levine Dr. Reginald W. Revans Chief, Manpower Evaluation and Planning Branch Senior Research Fellow an -1 Scientific Adviser Division of Nursing Fondation Industrie-University National Institutes of Health 1030 Brussels, Belgium Bethesda, Maryland Miss Jessie M. Scott Miss Ruby M. Martin Assistant Surgeon General Director of Nursing Services Director, Division of Nursing The Ohio State University Hospital National Institutes of Health Columbus, Ohio Bethesda, Maryland Miss Marylou McAthie. Mrs. Margaret F. Sheehan Regional Nursing Consultant Nurse Consultant Division of Nursing Nursing Education Branch National Institutes of Health Division of Nursing DHEW ".egion IX National Institutes of Health San Fran4 isco, California Bethesda, Maryland vi 8 Conference Participants (continued) Mr. Stanley E. Siegel Miss Elinor D. Stanford Assistant Chief, Manpower Evaluation Director, Nursing Research Field Center and Planning Branch Division of Nursing Division of Nursing National Institutes of Health National Institutes of Health San Francisco,
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