-NEWS- -SPORTS- Are you wondering what Marist men's soccer fell purpose the fences being 2-0 to the Jasper's of :'• erected between the Manhattan College, their campus and Route 9 will first loss of the year, pg. serve? pg. 3 16 THE CIRCLE the student newspaper of Marist College VOLUME #53 ISSUE #2 HTTP://WWW.ACADEMIC.MARIST.EDU/CIRCLE SEPTEMBER 23, 1999 Tropical storms takes aim at Marist into New York after wrecking its Friday morning, the evidence pus, said the hurricane was an byLEEPARK way up the East coast- that Floyd had been through interesting experience. •'•/.". ,- • Staff Writer Classes starting at 3:30 p.m. was obvious. On Bain Street in "I took a nap because I was and after were canceled and the Poughkeepsie, a tree had fallen scared," he said. "A huge limb -"Strong winds, heavy rain, entire campus was shut down in the roadway, knocking down from a tree fell on to one of my -power outages, flooding, and at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday be­ power lines in the process. housemate's car and caused loss of water were some of the cause of the effects of the storm, Some off-campus students $5000 in damages." problems facing Marist and which had been downgraded to were without power and water Ed Polom, associate director Poughkeepsie last Thursday a tropical storm by the time it hit until Sunday afternoon. Junior ...please see STORM,pg. 4 when Hurricane Floyd smashed New York. Tim Kaulfers, who lives off cam­ Students to be honored at communication conference Circle photo/Icrcmy Smith WMCR General Manager Ian Philbrick in the main studio. WMCR hoping to prepare for big time munication and the Arts do not byTHEACIMMINO support the station. Philbrick StqffWriter . said there are pros and cons to Circle pholo/Nik Addivinola Marist College Radio (WMCR this. Students (L-R) Meghan O'Shaughnessy, Bridget Beherns, Jessica Holden, Lee Orthmann 88.1) recently asked the ques­ "It's good," Philbrick said, and Cynthia Scott will present their research findings in Chicago on Nov. 6-7. <. tion, "Watts up?" "because we don't have to fol­ search at the National Commu­ accepted by the National Com­ WMCR is undergoing some low strict regulations, but it's byDOUGDEISS nication Conference on Novem­ munication Association. technical upgrades this semes­ bad because we don't get fund-, StqffWriter ber 5 and 6. The conference, "I find that even though its not ter. The station has also taken mg. held in Chicago, is a culmina­ the typical project that you its first step to a major future According to Lynch, the A research paper completed tion of all the papers accepted would do in a class, it has upgrade of increasing wattage. School of Communications and last year is finally paying off for by the National Communication helped me immeasurably," The WMCR general manager, the Arts as well as the adminis­ some Marist students, and in a Association for the 1998-1999 Orthmann said. Ian Philbrick, issued a proposal tration will have to get involved big way. year. Two papers from Marist Orthmann and co-author, se­ to the College Activities office to seriously consider applying Five communication major College were sent to the Asso­ nior Cynthia Scott conducted late this surhmer. The proposal ...please see RADIO,pg. 3 students will present their re- ciation andhavebeen accepted. their research on nurse training. was to apply for a FCC educa­ These papers were part of a re­ Their paper, entitled, "An tional license,. WEEKLY POLL quirement for the Communica­ Analysis of Nurse Training on : Director of Student Activities, tion Research, Strategies and Infant Touch," examined the Bob. Lynch, has been working Methods course. particular training programs that closely with Philbrick on the ENSURE Guided by Dr. Daniel Cochece nurses go through on the han­ FCC proposal. Davis, assistant professor of dling of infants. "This is their (WMCR) major TODAY: Have you communication, the students in Orthmann and Scott submit­ goal for the year," Lynch said. the class were instructed to ted, their paper last February, A FCC license would allow II hi: 68 been to Home conduct research, analyze data, according to Davis. WMCR to increase wattage complete a literature review and "In April they were notified from its current 1/10 watts to lo:43 Depot yet? write a paper on a particular that their paper had passed the anywhere between 10 to 100 Community. 2 YES NO topic of interest. All of the pa­ first tier," he said. watts. A signal of that magni­ Features 5 pers were suggested to have a They received a non-rejection tude would enable the station 41 59 communication oriented topic. letter that simply told the au­ to broadcast as far north as • Opinion 8 RELATED PICTURE ON PAGE 3 Lee Orthmann, a junior radio/ thors that their paper had not Rhinebeck and as far south as A&E Ill This is an unscientific survey taken from 100 TV/film major is one of those been refused. Then, in late sum Route 84. Sports 16 Marist students. students whose paper has been ...please see RESEARCH, pg. 4 Currently the School of Com­ THE CHICLE THE: CIRCLE SEPTEMBER 23, 1999 News PAGE 3 Community - '^s^onalJNews-jA^ SEPTEMBER 23, 1999 PAGE 2 ' ^KsmNGtpN >TJ£NS£ Fence built to eikouragp crosswalk use '9, v. • m tiprial: Trarisportatioh\Safety : byLISABURKE Board , tpday decided against Staff Writer recommending -seat.belts • in CLUB schooi.buses after reviewirig.a The New York State Depart­ IN YOUR OPINION report showing they, can'some­ ment of Transportation and [BULLETINS] times increase injuries to chil­ Marist College have joined ef­ dren.- . - -; forts in building a fence along V ;:.cpmpiledibiy% Instead, the board recom­ ScottNeviUe \, Route 9 to encourage students mended that the National High­ to cross Route 9 using the How do you feel about way Traffic Safety Administra­ crosswalks. tion expand standards aimed at The black wrought iron fence keeping children contained in will run parallel to Route 9 on Do you like to compete? Do Thurs. Sept. 16 Tropical Storm the seating area. , the.campus side, with openings you enjoy playing trivia? Do Hillary Clinton running The safety board wants the Floyd toyed with Marist College, at the main entrance and Fulton you know three people on cam­ tearing limbs from trees, clogging currents standards, which say Street to allow for pedestrian pus? Then stop by the Student overworked water drains, and push­ children should be protected in traffic. ".'.' a cocoon of padded seats and Government office and pick up ing sewage levels dangerously close for Senate from N.Y.? The Town of Poughkeepsie high "seat backs, expanded so a College Bowl sign up form. to eruption. Luckily, Marist's was concerned about student that children will be kept inside The first tournament will be Oc­ ^physical plant and the City of safety in heavy traffic, and the bus in the event of a side tober sixth during activity hour. Poughkeepsie's' water treatment wanted to create a safe passage collision or a roll-over. Students will compete against a workers filled tanker trucks with for the many students and fac­ faculty team. Contact Beth at rising waste while a mechanic re­ ulty who cross the road daily. x2225 with any questions. paired a damage pump and restored .New York News With the Beck parking lot, West order to a potentially messy situa­ NEW YORK—New cases of Cedar and the library across the The Renyard, Marist Circle photo/Lee Park tion. St. Louis encephalitis have street, town and Marist officials College's yearbook, is seeking Some West Cedar residents said they are inconvenienced by the newly built fence. been discovered in the north- do not see it as a trivial.issue. energetic individuals to serve as "What are you wearing?" ap­ ern.suburbs of New-York, offi­ Marist's Assistant Director of only be another aggravation to "If there's no traffic, people will also in the works. Besides the staff members, editors, and to pears to be the favorite opening line cials announced Tuesday. Engineering and Mechanical deal with. still cross wherever, but now, usual pedestrian walk signs, assist with layout. If you want of a prankster who has resurfaced, Big cities like Yonkers and Services, Ed Polom, is excited West Cedar resident Brian they will be forced by the fence there will be new warning lights to help with production of this disturbing residents all over cam­ leafy villages like Scarsdale are about not only how this project Jingleski said he feels the fence to take a longer route," she said. embedded in the in the walk it­ year's Renyard, call x2149 and pus. scheduled to be sprayed-for will help students, but what it is not needed. Sophomore commuter self. They will have sensory leave your name and extension. 7 don't think she should "It's an embarrasment to "It disgusts me that New mosquitoes this week because represents. According to him, "I don't like the crosswalk," Vanessa Koch who parks in the receptors, so when someone An "Upper" Townhouse resi­ because she doesn't New York state if she Yorkers would even two cases of St Louis encepha­ this project is an example of the he said. And I don't like the Beck lot said she finds this so­ steps into it, they will flash to The Marist College El Arco dent called security officers for her litis have been detected in resi­ town, state and school working fence being built across the lution to be both good and bad.
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