Table of Contents Award Winners The DMA Robert Rodale Recycler of the Year Warner Bros. Studios Facilities (Honorable Mention) Quad/Graphics The DMA Robert Rodale Environmental Mailer of the Year Real Goods Trading Company Model Recycler Leanne Meyer, Recycling Coordinator, United States Postal Service of Lansing, Michigan Buy Recycled General Services Agency of Alameda County, California Clean Your Files Day State of Iowa, Departments of General Services and Natural Resources Closed Loop Recycling United States Postal Service Commercial Recyciing Programs City of Allentown, Pennsylvania Employee Education and Outreach City of Los Angeles, California Environmental Responsibility United States Postal Service Improved Recycling Rates Canon U.S.A., Inc. Public Outreach City of Burbank, California City of Louisville, Kentucky Award Applicants AlliedSignal Boise Cascade St. Helens’ Paper Mill Bowie State University, ARAhMRK Campus Services Chevron Real Estate Management Company City of Allentown, Pennsylvania City of Bloomington, Indiana City of Fountain Valley, California City of Irving, Texas City of San Jose, California City of Visalia, California Horizon Air Towson University, ARAMARK Campus Services United States Postal Service Introduction ~~ ~ The National Ofice Paper Recycling The Recycling at Work Awards were There is something to be learned from Project has evolved since its founding designed to not only recognize the govern- every recycling program highlighted in this in 1990 to reflect a new emphasis, the ment entities, organizations and businesses publication. From motivational public out- Recycling at Work Campaign. As the whose leadership has ensured the success of reach campaigns to fruithl Clean Your Files program has grown to encompass new workplace recycling nationwide, but also to Day programs, all demonstrate the dedica- workplace recycling issues, so have the highlight these achievements as inspiration tion, cooperation and creativity that com- Annual Recycling at Work Awards grown for others. It is our intention in this publi- bine to make workplace recycling success- in 1998 to encompass the DMA Robert cation to celebrate and recognize these suc- ful. Please call the Recycling at Work Rodale Environmental Leadership Awards cesses. The following pages are dedicated Campaign at (202) 223-3088 with ques- creating new categories and facilitating to presenting the innovations and accom- tions and comments, and thank you for broader participation. plishments of the entrants in the 1998 recycling! Recycling at Work Awards Program. Recycling at Work, a Campaign of the National Ofice Paper Recycling Project is. .. a collaborative effort by leaders in the public and private sector to establish an office recycling ethic in America. The Project’s goal is to maximize recycling and minimize disposal of ofice paper. Project Sta8 David Gatton, Managing Director Sharon Oxley, Director Lisa Subick, Program Manager Imoni Washington, Research Associate Tara Widholm, Project Assistant Sponsoring Members of Recycling ut Work PrincZpal Benefactors: Boise Cascade National Conference of State Legislatures Browning-Ferris Industries National League of Cities Canon U.S.A., Inc. National Wildlife Federation The Document Company Xerox Union Camp Corporation Fort James Corporation United State Conference of Mayors Hewlett-Packard Company United States Postal Service Lexmark International, Inc. Waste Management, Inc. Moore Document Solutions Weyerhaeuser Company National Association of Counties National Sponsor: The Direct Marketing Association Award Winners The DMA Robert Rodale Recycler of the Year Award Winner: Warner Bros. Studios Facilities The Warner Bros. Studios Facilities, There has also been a remarkable in- Through the “Second Time Around located in Burbank, California, cover crease in the diversion of materials that community reuse program, materials are approximately 108 acres, and employ were previously not recovered, including donated for reuse by matching available between 3,500 and 5,000 people during laser toner cartridges, office equipment, goods with the needs of over 800 non- peak production. Like a small city, the computers, film and video tape, carpet profit organizations and schools. Examples studio has its own fire department, nxd- and cloth scraps, furniture, and food dona- of donations include paint to anti-graffiti ical team, construction, electric, plumbing, tions. And perhaps the most significant groups, furniture and carpeting to social metal, wood, and print shops, photo-lab, statistic is the comparison of the total and community agencies, computers and camera, sound, make-up, and art depart- waste generated by the studio in 1991 electronic equipment to schools, colored ments - all utilizing a variety of materials and 1997. The comparison shows an paper cuttings from the print-shop to a and generating a diverse waste stream. increase of only 5%, which is very small children’s museum. Even used office sup- Warner Bros. has made a commitment in light of the studio’s tremendous growth plies such as manila folders, binders and to implementing a number of progressive in population and production activities. outdated stationery find a home. In addi- waste reduction, reuse/donation, recycling Source reduction and reuse are the fore- tion, the studio cafeteria and kitchen do- and educational programs in order to most endeavors at the Studios. For exam- nate food on a daily basis through a local conserve resources, benefit the economy ple, wood, which formerly comprised food bank. In 1997 the “Second Time A- and assist the local community in the nearly 35% of the waste stream, now rep- round program diverted 171,000 pounds course of doing business. Since the incep- resents about 15% of the waste stream, of material from landfill. tion of its recycling programs in 1990, due to an increased use of steel platforms Over the last five years, Warner Bros.’ Warner Bros. has increased its waste and scaffolding, an aggressive recovery of recycling program has been collecting nine reduction rate six-fold, from less than plywood and beams for reuse, and an grades of paper, all beverage containers, 7 percent to a current diversion rate of on-going stage set reuse program by televi- toner cartridges, film, video and audio more than 40 percent. When calculated sion shows. Smaller pieces of discarded cassettes, yard trimmings, and all metals. according to AB939, an additional credit dimensional lumber are diverted to high- In permanent construction, C&D recov- for co-generation (wood for fuel) raises school wood-shop classes, garden projects ery is a requisite of all contractors. All the diversion rate to 49 percent. and toy and furniture manufacturers. recovery is tracked by material on a mon- Some of the highlights of this increased What remains is ground-up for soil thly basis, and in 1997, the average mon- diversion rate include an 870% increase amendment and co-generation. thly recovery was 220 tons, an increase of in th: recovery of cardboard from 13 tons 27% over 1995. In addition, the current to 113 tons, a 485% increase in recovery waste hauler sorts the remaining mixed of beverage containers (aluminum, glass waste stream, recovering an additional 10 & plastic bottles) from 4,540 pounds to to 13%. In several office buildings, where 22,000 pounds, and a 42 1% increase no set construction materials are generat- in the recovery of wood from 185 tons ed, the recycling rate has reached 62%. to 782 tons. 5 Warner Bros. understands that to All of the copier paper purchased is The Recycling & Environmental complete the recycling equation, we must of recycled paper with 50% total recycled Initiatives Department maintains an edu- be helping to further the markets for these and 25% post-consumer content (P.c.c.). cational resource library and distributes materials by buying products with recycled No “virgin” copier paper is available. In information, including the department’s content. In order to do so, the Studio’s the past, company letterhead consisted newsletter, Recycling Here & Now, house- Recycling Department authored a compa- of 50% total recycled and 15% P.C.C. It hold hazardous waste collection schedules nywide Environmental Purchasing Policy, has recently been increased to 30% P.C.C. and regional recycling drop-off locations which was instituted in 1993, and has Colored paper, script covers, file folders, and flyers on waste prevention, recycling been distributed to all divisions of the hanging file folders, storage boxes, en- and composting. New employee orienta- company. The policy begins by defining velopes, adding machine rolls, post-it tion includes instruction on the WB the criteria for identifying environmentally notes, pencils, remanufactured toner car- recycling and waste reduction policies, a preferred products. These include high tridges, and a host of other office supplies ceramic mug and a desk-side recycling post-consumer recycled content, recycla- all have recycled content. All newsletters bin. The Recycling & Environmental bility, durability/reusability, reduced pack- and internal promotional materials are Initiatives Department also organizes aging, and decreased use of toxic chemicals printed on recycled paper, ranging from employee involvement in programs such in manufacturing (such as chlorine and 10% P.C.C. to 100% P.C.C. All of our as Coastal Clean-up Day, tree plantings, CFCs). It also provides instructions for janitorial paper supplies contain 90-95% and holds an annual Earth Day event. buyers
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