Carr named player of the Students should have Span,ish film series runs week. a life outside of school. throogh March 11. See page 16 See page 5 S~e p-age 12 DAILVolume 43 • Number 80 UNDIALSince 1957 Tuesday, March 6, 200 I A financially independent student newspaper http://sundial.csun.edu ·CSUN reacts to deadly shooting By JER EMY GOLDSTONE "They said the kid smiled when SUNDIAL STAFF he tired," she said. There was a wide range of emo- SUN students and faculty tion regarding the unnamed shooter. reacted with confusion to yet While Ehren Beckwith. a sopho- Canother high school shoot- more heallh administration major. ing. this time in California. thought the shooting was wrong. he At 9:20 a. m .. a 15-year-old had empathy for the emotions 1hat ninth·grnder from Santee - a mid- may have caused it. dle c lass suburb about I 0 miles cast " It's 1ough 10 be a high school of San Diego -< allegedly began tir· freshman." he said. "Society pres- ing in a school bathroom. killing sures us wi1h more than we are able two students anti wounding 13 peo- to handle. and some people c<Jn't ple. take it." The shooter's name had not been Frank Henry. a senior sociology released because he is a minor. major, couldn't empathize with the Most uf CSUN's students and shoo1er at all. faculty either had very li11le knowl- "What he did is completely edge of the· shooting or lrnd not wrong," Henry said. "There is no heard about il a1 all. right in killing. poin1 blank." DanfL Nagad. a junior marketing While no o ne can prove exact- major. first heard· nbOut lhc story ly what may have sparked the when her aunt called her but had shootin~ this did not stop people limited knowledge of what hap- Rain or shine, clothed or not, Angelenos and ath.letes from 100 countries participated in Sunday's LA. Marathon pened. \ r • L.A.'s version of the bull run Another high By MELANIE SCHAFFER ning went into preparing for the also mental. not just physica\. .. by the time yov get to mile 20 you SUNDIAL STAFF marathon. "Formal training starts in August think that you won' t be able to make and I walk three to five miles daily. it, the last six miles are the worst S·chool sh0oting everal .CSUN Students were among the 21,000 people par- always increasing." Guerrero said. and you have to be able to tell your- SANTEE, Calif. (AP) - A The boy, a freshman whose , S1icipating in the 16th Annual "I'm also pan of the L.A. Runners self to keep going," Guerrero said. surren~ 15-year-old boy who had been name was not released, Los Angeles Marathon Sunday by Club where we meet every Saturday "At the end eyerybody should be picked on and had talked about dered in the bathroom, dropped running in the race or volumeering. in Venice." proud that they had the dedicution shooting classmates allegedly his gun and said he acted alone, Those who took part in the 26.2- For the week before the and goals to'tinish. no mutter what opened tire in a high school bath- telling ofticers: "It's just me;· mile race were greeted by volun- marnlhon Guerrero said she. pre- time they came in at." room Monday, killing two people accordini__ to sheriff's officials. teers who were passing out water pared by eati ng carbohydra1es. The one thini Guerrero wishes and wounding 13 in the nation's They said he will be charged as and cheering on the participanLS. drinking a lot of water and watching was different aboul 1he marathon was deadliest school attack since an adult wilh murder, assault with Two CSUN representatives were the news to see what the weather the main focus on the elite ru.nners. Columbine. a deadly weapon and gun posses- alumni l:eonoa Guerrero and fresh- would be like on race day. ''The whole marathon · seems to One s1udent said the boy had a sion. man Jo nathan Mardel. G uerrero "Last year it poured._ so I hilt was be about the time rather than the fin- smile on his face as he fired away Both of the dead were stu- panicipated in the marathon for her a big concern for runners, this year ishers and it should be the other way with a pistol at Santana High dents, and at leas! one of the vie- fifth year ~nd finished with a time the weather wa.i; perfect until later around," Guerrero said. School in this middle-class San • of 7:50. on in the day," Guerrer said. Diego suburb. See SHOOTING, page 2 Guerrero said that a lot of plan- "Preparing. for .the marali1on is See MARATHON, page .10 Students hooked-up By C YNTHEA ALVARDO going to happen. bu1 it"s wonderful SUNDIAL STAFF because he knows a lot abou1 the business." said Karen Stutts. irtual Wireless by the employee. University Student Union "It was not an easy process. It is V isn·1 just a store that serves nOI like · anybody on the streets CSUN studen1s. could come by and sa.Y.. ' I want to lt was founded by a CSUN stu- open up a business on campus,"' dent. Peykar said. "I was to ld by so many people A business proposal prescnta· when I firs1 brought up the idea tion had to be presented and revised about opening my own store that it by 1he Board of Directo rs and was not going to happen. (that it) is Facility Commiuee before Pe~kar impossible," said Jacob Peykar . a could open his store. finance and real estate major. ··1 was Peykar and Stutts met at C optimistic because I think anything Cellular, the campus cellular busi- is possible when you really want ness that closed down in December. L~•NAY,l!U.SOA& / CWlY $1.#ot~ · something 'and I really wanted. Jacob Peykar, owner,ol Virtual WlrelHI, knew the chall9nge1 ol opening hi• 1tore and accepted them. • "At first I didn't think it was See VIRTUAL, page 10 Wire SHOOTING ti me," student Jessica Moore pointed the gun right at me bu1 C l ~ssmates and acquain- said. ..He was picked on he didn ·1 shoot ." Kaforcy said. tances of the boy described hi111 Continued from page 1 because he was one of the A s he and the guard ran oul. as skinny and the su bject 01 scrawniest guys. People called the gunman shot the guard in constant harassment. Student ;.. tims was a campus supervisor. him freak, dork, nerd. stuff like the back. Kaforey said. said he boasted about owning ,1 Sheriff Wi ll iam Kolender said. that." Jn v~sti"ga tors • said ·the boy ·gun. One stUdent also suffered minor Student John Schardt. 17. used a .22-caliber revolver. Over the weekend, the bu) injuries in a car ac~dent while was in a nearby classroom stopping once to reload. and "was joking on and off that he fieeing the I:900 -siudenl when the shooting started about retreated after the shooting into was going to come to school school. 9:20 a. m. in a boys' restroom 1he bathroom. and shoot people,'' said Joshua "l know in your minds is the and spilled ir1to a 'tUad. The atwck wa~ the nation·s Stevens. 15, a friend of the boy. overriding question: ' Why?'"' "I looked al the kid. and deadliest school shooting "He had it all planned out. but District Attorney Paul Ptingst he was smi li ng and shoot- since the April 1999 blood- at the end of the weekend he said. ··The suspect has made i11g his weapon,'' Schardt State bath al Columbine High in saiciJe was just joking and he statements. I will not share the said. "It was total chaos. Linleton. Colo.. where wasn t really going to do it. contentS of the -statements with People were trying lo take two 1een-agers killed 12 "I said. 'Like, you better be.' Doom day looms for Napster you at lhis time. but there is no cover." fe llow students an" a teacher And he said, 'No, I'm serious."' ·- real answer. I am not sure in any Schardt said he took photos before committing suicide. "I should've stepped up even SAN JOSE. Calif. CAP) - Napster's self- real way we will ever know of victims and another studem In Washington. President if it wasn't true and stuff to 1ake impos<d weekend deOOline to start blocking why." videotaped the gunman's arrest. Bush called the shooting "a dis- that precautiont said Chris the free exchange of copyright music fi les Fellow students and an adult but au'lborities confiscated the graceful act of cowardice." Reynolds, a 29-year-old who is through its service: loomed with users repxt- acquainta nce said 1hey had fi lm and the tape. ''This is my worst night- dati ng Stevens' mother. "'Thar's ing no problems swapping their fo\!Orite tunes. ' heard the boy's threats over the Andrew Kaforey, a ! 7-year- mare. Principal Karen going to be haunting me for a Searche.• of the top 10 songs in the weekend but thought he was old senior. said he ran into the Degiescher said. She said that long time; that's goi ng to be Billboard Ho« 100 were successful through- joking and did not report him to bathroom with a security guard the campus will be closed with me for a long time.
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