Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Alumni Newsletters Alumni Spring 1994 re: Columbia Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/alumnae_news This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation re: Columbia College Chicago (Spring 1994), Alumni Magazine, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/alumnae_news/46 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Alumni at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni Newsletters by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. Chicago's South Loop is being revitalized and Columbia is a part of that new life. Make a mini­ vacation of the Alumni Reunion weekend to (re)discover what's happening on and off campus. Just to get you started, here's an ex­ tremely short list of places to go and things to do: bits & pieces of entertainment • Blackstone Jazz Showcase, the south loop Michigan and Balbo; Japanese pianist Mikoto Ozone • Grant Park, Petrillo Bandshe/1; Gospel Fest continued, page 2 gospel fest ALL-ALUMNT REUNION re: columbia no. 9/spring 1994 ou may not be familiar with it, but the passage below is from Colum- bia's (long lost) alumni piece of Columbia's ec­ lectic past, as well as a portion of this year's alumni reunion theme ... columbia college: past, pre­ tabatha russell-koylass will be performing in the sent & future . The all-alumni weekend, set for June 10-1t 1994, promises to be a alumni talent showcase on public celebration of Columbia's di verse academic community as well as a recognition of saturday, june 11. the significant achievements of alumni. The festivities begin on Friday cheon and alumni talent show­ evening with an alumni exhibit case will follow. Come and enjoy and opening reception hos ted the alumni version of "Class Bash" by the Columbia College Alu mn i featurin g notable performa nces Association Board. Everyone is by alum ni from ma ny diffe rent welcome to attend the exhibit fi elds. Fo r those who have been opening, meet the artists, greet away for a long time, tours of the members of the Alumni Board, campus (including the new dorm) renew acquaintences, and meet will be available. and network wi th other alumni. The hig hlight of the reunion will Saturday's events will begin with be the Sa turday evening alumni departmental open houses. lt awards dinner honori ng alum ni will be a great opportunity to achievement. Bruce DuMont, visit wi th fac ul ty and former '67, founder and director of the classma tes and to see what's new Museum of Broadcast Communi­ and different in you r old depart­ catio ns, will receive th e Lifetime ment. The Open Houses wi ll be Achievement Award. Bert Ga ll, followed by a state-of-the-col­ '69, provost/executive vice presi­ lege address by President John dent of Colu mbia College, will Duff. He wi ll talk about the pre­ receive the Awa rd for Outstand­ sent sta te of the co llege and share ing Contributio n to Columbia Col­ Alumni Relations Office 312/663- his plan for its fut ure. Michael lege. Janusz Ka mi nski, '87, 1600 ext. 420. See yo u in June. Jac kson, president of the Alumni Oscar-winning cinematographer Board and a Colu mbia Co llege for "Schindler's List," and Mary p.s. Anyo ne with information on Trustee, will talk abo ut the role of Johnson, '91, award-winn ing re­ the music to the Spanish Na ti onal Hymn please give us a ca ll, it's the Alumni Association. A lun- porter for the Chicago Sun­ Times, will each receive Awards the tune to our al umni song ... for Outstandi ng Contribution to a Field. Keep an eye out for your invita­ tion in the mail. ror more infor­ mation co ntac t Eric Mixon in the south loop, continued or ... Build your own tour • Buddy Guy's Legends, 754 which might include: South Wabash; artist not yet • The Harold Washington booked Library Center, Congress restaurants Parkway and State St. • Kitty O'Sheas Pub, • Dearborn Station, 41 West Chicago Hilton & Towers, Polk 720 S. Michigan A venue • Printers Row District • Printer's Row Restaurant, (roughly Dearborn Street 550 South Dearborn between Congress Parkway and Polk Street) ... outdoor cafes • La Margarita, 47 West Polk bookstores • Moonraker, 733 South • Sandmeyer's, 114 So uth Dearborn Dearborn • Deli on Dearborn, 723 South • Powe ll's, 828 South Wabash Dearborn More information about local architecture sigh ts and events will be included buddy guy's legends • Chicago Architecture Founda­ in packets to be distri buted at the tion Archicenter walking, bus Reu nion. unique national or river tours: 312/922-8687 stage design awards ceremony The Michael Merritt Endowment COLUMBIA! Fund Committee wi ll honor the firs t recipients of the Michael Merritt Awards at a fes ti ve gathering of the thea ter commun ­ ity on Monday, April 18, 5:30 p.m. at Piatti, 215 W. North Av­ enu e. These newly-created na­ tional awards are unique in recog­ nizin g individual achievements in stage design. Anyone can attend; reservations are $25 per person. This first annual event will pay tribute to three nationally-re­ nowned stage designers. linda UUCIICIIICJJI1 Cl rJOrt"' ora01ey kellog and michael yeargan ust annual ome and help us wi ll each receive an award for celebrate columbia! Excellence in Design and Collab­ colle e-wide oration. by attending a gala gala Also, Columbia Co llege thea ter event on the evening major, kristie maria jodlowski of May 7 at the Har­ wi ll receive the Student Schol ar­ old Washington Library shi p I Designer - Tn - Residence Award. As part of her scholarship Center. Bring a friend and residency, Kri stie designed wh~ unfamiliar wi th Columbia College so that he or she may experience the artis­ the costumes for "Antigone," which opened at the Getz Theater tic atmosphere of your alma mater. This will be the first annual public celebration in March. of the eclectic talent found in Colum bia's student body. Earlier in the day, at 1 p.m., the Merritt Award recipien ts and By showcasing some of the best will be repeated. A con tinuous prominent director kyle donnelly student wor k, we hope that showing of television shorts and will participate in a seminar on celebrate columbia! will reach music videos will take place in the theatrical/stage design at the individuals and orga ni zations Mul tipurpose Room. Getz Theater, 72 E. 11th Street. who have a history of philan­ These demonstrations of Colum­ The seminar is free and open to thropic gestures to the arts, but bia's student talent will be fol­ Columbia and DePau l design stu­ who have not had direct experi­ lowed by cocktails and hors dents and alum ni. ence with the co llege. d'oeuvres, then dinner and danc­ The Michael Merritt Endowment The curated even t will include a ing in the Winter Garden atop the Fund was created to honor the performance showcase of music, Library. A spectacular fas hion memory and artistic achievements theater and dance in the Au­ show wi ll take place during des­ of noted set designer and Colum­ ditorium at 6 p.m. Concurrently, sert. Bill Kurtis, WBBM -TV news bia Coll ege facu lty member in the Film Theater, there will be anchorman and Columbia College Michael Merritt, who died in a fi lm/video presentation, which trustee, will be th e Master of 1992. The fund supports both Ceremonies. Columbia Coll ege student scholar­ Co-chairs of celebrate colum­ ships in theatrica l design and the gala committee members (from bia! are trustees Ave ri ll Leviton, presenta tion of these professional top left) madeleine k.b. condit, Howard Mendelsohn (alum '49) awards. lf you wish to contribute michael e. jackson, college and Helena Chappellin Wilson to the fund, please use the en­ president john duff, and (alum '76.) closed contribution envelope and co-chairs averill Ieviton and note "M ichael Merritt Endow­ Tickets are $150; proceeds to sup­ helena chapellin wilson. ment Fund" on your check. port the Columbia College Stu­ dent Scholarshi ps Fund. Call 312/ 663-1600, ext. 287 for ticket in­ formation. COMEDIAN ANDY RICHTER alumni profile ndy Richter, a 27- year-old Columbia al­ umnus, admits that he's pretty lazy, has an authority fi gure prob­ len\ and that the high­ light of his week can be pus creativity, fashion columbia pizza and beer. So how does a guy who sounds more suited to night security or wi ll showca,se $tudents' fashion re­ Maytag repair work end up touring the country in a successful play, getting a sup­ lated wor~ from an interdiscipli­ nary pe(spective. The exhibition porting role in the recently released Chris Elliot film "Cabin Boy," and ultimate!)( will be 'Giisplayed in the Hokin settling into a sofa opposite Conan O'Brien on 'late Night" five nights a week? Anne April 22 and 23 and open to the public from 10 a.m . until " practica l and then you can have ducer Robert Smigel asked 5 p.m. those aspira ti ons on the side." to meet with Conan O'Brien, I ·( The college-wide call for work to once again he said, why not? So in the fi rst step of what he · ~e juried by industry profession ­ ca lls his breakdow n of com­ He was the first writer hired for als and Col umbia faculty repre­ pro mises, And y switched to the the new "Late Night" and so he skts fashion in the broadest Columbia fi lm/video departmen t.
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