CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E891 In the months leading up to the Normandy FIT FOR LIFE INTRODUCTION degree in elementary education and her mas- Invasion, Rudder’s elite group of Army Rang- ter’s degree in educational administration, both ers underwent rigorous training in preparation HON. MARCIA L. FUDGE from the University of Iowa. for the part that they would play for the inva- OF OHIO Mary Ellen was selected for this award by a sion named Overlord at Normandy. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES committee of Iowa central office administra- tors. Mary Ellen has proven that she is a lead- Colonel Rudder put his 2nd Ranger Bat- Friday, May 30, 2014 er at her school and throughout the Cedar talion through hell in order to prepare them for Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, May is Health Rapids community. I’m proud to call her a their mission at Pointe du Hoc. He made them and Fitness Month, a critical time to encour- constituent, and congratulate her on all of her march in full gear for over 20 miles. He had age our communities to live healthier lives. It success. them train in hand to hand combat, climb rope is also an appropriate time to highlight an f ladders without safety harnesses and endure issue that, in recent years, has greatly im- difficult amphibious training. pacted the physical and economic health of COMMENDING LOCAL 2014 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES FOR THEIR The success that the Rangers had on D- our country. DECISION TO ENLIST IN THE Day was a direct result of Rudder’s intense Nearly one third of all children in this coun- UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AND personal involvement with their training. The try are overweight or obese—a rate that has OUR COMMUNITY SALUTES OF amount of effort and dedication he put forth tripled over the past fifty years. Largely due to obesity and obesity-related diseases, this is NORTHERN VIRGINIA FOR into the training is why the troops were able to HOSTING THE FOURTH ANNUAL manage the chaos and complete their mission. the first generation of Americans that are likely to be less healthy and have shorter life HIGH SCHOOL ENLISTEE REC- Rudder made sure that every man was pre- OGNITION CEREMONY pared to do the impossible. expectancies than their parents. Though this is a nationwide epidemic, child- James Earl Rudder was born in the small hood obesity disproportionately affects low-in- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Texas town of Eden, about 45 miles southeast come and minority populations. Earlier this OF VIRGINIA of San Angelo, in 1910. After graduating from year, scientists touted some significant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES high school, he played football for two years at progress in the fight against childhood obesity Friday, May 30, 2014 Tarleton State. He then transferred to Texas among the youngest children, however, Afri- A&M in 1930. He graduated in 1932 with a de- can American and Hispanic Children experi- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- gree in education. After graduation he joined enced a smaller reduction in obesity rates and ognize 13 graduating seniors in my community the US Army Reserves as a second lieuten- remain three and five times more likely than for their record of academic and athletic ac- ant. Caucasian children to be obese. complishment and for their admirable decision to enlist in the United States Air Force. I also In 1937, he married Margaret Williamson To address this troubling epidemic, I intro- duced the Fit for Life Act of 2014, which in- express my appreciation to Our Community (who graduated from the University of Texas), Salutes of Northern Virginia for providing this and together they had five children. In 1941, creases access to healthy foods, expands pre- vention and treatment options for low-income opportunity to be among the first to say to he was doing what he loved, coaching foot- children, and increases opportunities for phys- each of these young men and women: ‘‘Thank ball, when duty called. ical activity for our youth. Further, this critical you.’’ These brave men who cracked the Nazi grip legislation supports mobile healthy food pro- I have had the privilege of working with Our on Europe began with the liberation of France grams, broadens access to healthy foods for Community Salutes of Northern Virginia since 70 years ago. From there, the Rangers went children in child care, increases coverage for its inception in 2011. That year my office was on to fight in the Battle of the Bulge and U.S. obesity prevention and treatment options for contacted by one of the founding parents who forces on to Germany. Nothing like it had ever low-income children, and expands opportuni- upon learning that her son and other students been done before in history. Over 150,000 Al- ties to take part in joint use agreements, open- at his school who had decided to enlist would lied soldiers hit the beaches during the assault ing existing facilities in low-income areas to not receive any recognition during graduation, landings on the 6th of June. By the 4th of community use. joined with other parents to organize the first July, over 1 million joined in the invasion force This country cannot afford for our children to enlistee recognition ceremony of its kind in the through Normandy. It was a miraculous feat continue to feed into the cycle of obesity. We region. The first ceremony recognized a total of 9 students. This year, we will recognize 129 for 1944. must begin to aggressively combat this epi- demic before it puts more of our children at young men and women who have chosen to Colonel Rudder received many military hon- risk. serve our country in uniform. ors including the second highest award, the I encourage my colleagues to stand with me With graduation season upon us, thousands Distinguished Service Cross. He was a full in this fight and cosponsor the Fit for Life Act. of young people in my community, and mil- Colonel by the end of the war and was pro- f lions across the Nation, are preparing for the moted to Brigadier General of the U.S. Army next chapter in their lives. Some will pursue Reserves in 1954 and Major General in 1957. HONORING IOWA CENTRAL OFFICE higher education or vocational training, others ADMINISTRATOR OF THE YEAR After the war, Rudder returned to Texas. He will seek to enter the workforce immediately, MARY ELLEN MASKE remained a highly successful and distin- and many will answer the call to serve their guished Texan until his death. community and their country. HON. BRUCE L. BRALEY The United States of America has distin- He served as Mayor of Brady for 6 years, OF IOWA guished itself from other nations through the visited the White House frequently—advising IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES entrepreneurship and spirit of our people, the Lyndon Baines Johnson on many military knowledge that we can achieve any goal if we issues and was hired to clean up the corrup- Friday, May 30, 2014 set our minds to it, our inherent compassion tion going on in the General Land Office. Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise and generosity, our fierce patriotism, and the Col. Rudder became president of Texas today to congratulate Mary Ellen Maske on extraordinary sacrifices and dedication to A&M University in 1959 and president of the being selected as the Iowa Central Office Ad- country exhibited by the members of our entire A&M system in 1965, holding both posi- ministrator of the Year. Mary Ellen serves as Armed Forces. The young men and women tions until his death in 1970. the deputy superintendent of the Cedar Rap- from our community who will be enlisting pos- ids Community Schools in my district. Mary sess an abundance of each of these qualities. The boys of D-Day came; they liberated; Ellen was selected because of her leadership I join with their families and friends in con- and some went home. Over 9,000 other GIs in establishing Professional Learning Commu- gratulating and commending the following are buried at the top of the cliffs of Normandy nities and her efforts to create school-commu- graduates on their enlistment in the United France. As we reflect on those Rangers on D- nity partnerships for parents and students in States Air Force: Day, 70 years ago, and the Texan who led the community. Joshua Gragg, Jaren Gregory, Erin Harmon, them into battle, Lt. Col. James Earl Rudder, Mary Ellen began her career as an elemen- Skylar Johnson, Calvin Kim, Alan Menacho, we once again marvel at the lives of those we tary school teacher in Iowa City. She also pre- Joshua Mims, Patrick Moon, Christopher call the Greatest Generation of Americans. viously served as an executive administrator in Pidgeon, Shaun Reardon, Cassidy Smith, Car- And that’s just the way it is. Cedar Rapids. She received her bachelor’s los Soto-Flores, and Jackson Sullivan. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E892 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me on an understanding with the United States mote peace, social justice, and global safety in applauding the courage and dedication of Trade Representative, Ambassador Froman, through nuclear disarmament. these graduates and in assuring them and that he would work very closely with Chairman Carol first voiced concerns about nuclear their families that the full support and re- Camp and me to conclude a strong and ambi- weapons testing in the 1960s and imagine her sources of the U.S.
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