DRUNKEN SAILOR BLOOD RED ROSES Our packet is the Island Lass What shall we do with a drunken sailor? Our boots and shoes are all in pawn Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! What shall we do with a drunken sailor? Go down, you blood red roses, go down There's a laddie howlin' at the main What shall we do with a drunken sailor? It’s flaming drafty round Cape Horn topmast Ear-lye in the mornin'? Go down, you blood red roses, go down Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! CHORUS: CHORUS: The old man hails from Barbados Way, hey, and up she rises, Ah, you pinks and posies Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! Way, hey, and up she rises, Go down, you blood red roses, go down He's got the name of Hammer Toes Way, hey, and up she rises, Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! Ear-lye in the morning. 1. It’s round Cape Horn with frozen sail Around Cape Stiff to hunt for whale He gives us bread as hard as brass 1. Chuck him in the long boat till he's sober Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! 2. Take 'im and shake 'im, try an' wake 'im 2. It’s round Cape Horn the ship must go Our junk's as salt as a bailer's arse. 3. Trice him up in a runnin' bowline For that is where them whalefishes blow Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! 4. Give 'im a taste of the bosun's rope-end 5. Shave his belly with a rusty razor 3. You’ve got your advance, and to sea The monkey's rigged in a soldier's clothes 6. Send him up the crow's nest till he falls you’ll go Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! down To chase them whales through frost and Where he got 'em from, God only knows. 7. Tie him to the taffrail when she's snow Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! yardarm under 8. Put him in the scuppers with a hose-pipe 4. It’s growl you may but go you must We'll haul 'em high and let 'em dry on him You growl too hard your head they’ll bust Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! 9. Soak 'im in oil till he sprouts flippers. We'll trice them up into the sky. 10. Put him in the scuffs until the horse 5. The topman at the mate he roars Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! bites on him “Its lay aloft you lazy whores!” 11. Heave him by the leg and with a rung It's up aloft that yard must go console him 6. Rock and shake her is the cry Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! 12. Put him in the bilge and make him drink The bleeding topmast sheave is dry Up aloft from down below. it Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! 13. That’s what we’ll do with a drunken 7. Just one more pull and that will do sailor For we’re the boys to kick her through Lowlands, me boys, and up she goes Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! CAPE COD GIRLS BULLY IN THE ALLEY Get changed, me boys, to your shore-going Cape Cod girls ain't got no combs CHORUS: clothes. Heave away, heave away Help me, Bob, I'm bully in the alley, Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low! They brush their hair with codfish bones Way, hey, bully in the alley! Lowlands, lowlands, lowlands, low… Bound away for Australia Help me, Bob, I'm bully in the alley, Bully down in shinbone al! MOLLY MALONE CHORUS: In Dublin's fair city Heave her up, me bully, bully boys Well, Sally is the girl down that I love Where the girls are so pretty Heave away, heave away dearly, I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone Heave her up, now don't you make a noise Way, hey, bully in the alley! As she wheeled her wheelbarrow Bound away for Australia Sally is the girl that I kissed nearly. Through the streets broad and narrow Bully down in shinbone al! Crying cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh Cape Cod kids ain't got no sleds CHORUS Heave away, heave away Alive, alive, oh They slide down the hills on codfish heads For seven long years I courted Sally, Alive, alive, oh Bound away for Australia Way, hey, bully in the alley! Crying cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh All she did was dilly-dally. Cape Cod wives don’t bake no pies Bully down in shinbone al! She was a fishmonger Heave away, heave away CHORUS And sure, t'was no wonder They feed their babies codfish eyes For so were her mother and father before Bound away for Australia I left Sal and I went a-sailing. And they wheeled their barrow CHORUS Way, hey, bully in the alley! Through the streets broad and narrow Signed on a big ship, I went a-whaling. Crying cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh Cape Cod ladies don't wear no frills Bully down in shinbone al! Heave away, heave away CHORUS Alive, alive, oh They’re plain and skinny as codfish gills Alive, alive, oh Bound away for Australia If I ever get back I'll marry little Sally, Crying cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh CHORUS Way, hey, bully in the alley! We'll have kids and count them by the tally. She died of a fever Cape Cod cats ain't got no tails Bully down in shinbone al! And sure, so one could save her Heave away, heave away CHORUS that was the end of sweet Molly Malone They lost them all in the northeast gales Now her ghost wheels her barrow Bound away for Australia THE ISLAND LASS Through the streets broad and narrow Call for the Captain ashore She made no sound-no word she said, Crying cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh Let me go home, let me go home Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John. I want to go home, yeah yeah And then I knew my love was dead. Alive, alive, oh Well I feel so broke up Lowlands away. Alive, alive, oh I want to go home Crying cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh She waved her hand-she said goodbye, The first mate he got drunk Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John. DEEP BLUE SEA And broke in the Cap'n's trunk I wiped the tear from out my eye. Deep blue sea, darling, The constable had to come and take him Lowlands away. on the deep, deep blue sea. away Deep blue sea, darling, Sheriff John Stone And then awoke to hear the cry, on the deep, deep blue sea. Why don't you leave me alone, yeah yeah Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John. Well I feel so broke up, I want to go home 'Oh, watch on deck, oh, watch ahoy!' It was Willie, what got drowned Lowlands away. out in that deep blue sea. Ah- So hoist up the John B's sail See how the main sail sets BLOW THE MAN DOWN Dig his grave, darling, Call for the Captain ashore Come all ye young fellows that follows with a silver, silver spade. Let me go home, let me go home the sea Dig his grave, darling, I want to go home, let me go home To me, way hey, blow the man down with a silver, silver spade. Why don't you let me go home Now please pay attention and listen to (Hoist up the John B's sail) me It was Willie, what got drowned Hoist up the John B Give me some time to blow the man out in that deep blue sea. Ah- I feel so broke up I want to go home down Let me go home Lower him down, darling, I'm a deep water sailor just come from with a gold, golden chain. The poor cook he caught the fits Hong Kong Lower him down, darling, And threw away all my grits You give me some whiskey, I'll sing you a with a gold, golden chain. And then he took and he ate up all of my song corn It was Willie, what got drowned Let me go home When a trim Black Ball liner's preparing out in that deep blue sea. Ah- Why don't they let me go home for sea This is the worst trip I've ever been on On a trim Black Ball liner I wasted me Golden sun, prime bring him back, back to me. So hoist up the John B's sail When a trim Black Ball liner preparing for Golden sun, See how the main sail sets sea bring him back, back to me. Call for the Captain ashore You'll split your sides laughing such sights Let me go home, let me go home you would see It was Willie, what got drowned I want to go home, let me go home out in that deep blue sea. Ah- Why don't you let me go home There's tinkers and tailors, shoemakers and all SEA OF LOVE LOWLANDS AWAY They're all shipped for sailors aboard the Come with me, my love I dreamed a dream the other night, Black Ball To the sea, the sea of love Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John. I want to tell you how much I love you My love she came dressed all in white, When a big Black Ball liner's a-leaving her Lowlands away. dock Do you remember when we met The boys and the girls on the pier-head That's the day I knew you were my pet I dreamed my love came in my sleep, do flock I want to tell you how much I love you Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John.
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