Plant a Seed – Flowers Plant a seed in your mind of 8-letter bingos about the Plant Kingdom – FLOWERS (includes most trees) compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club A 8s ABATISES AABIESST ABATIS, barrier made of felled trees [n] ABELMOSK ABEKLMOS tropical herb [n -S] ABSCISIN ABCIINSS regulatory substance found in plants [n -S] ABUTILON ABILNOTU flowering plant [n -S] ACANTHUS AACHNSTU prickly herb [n -ES or -HI] ACARPOUS AACOPRSU not producing fruit [adj] ACAULINE AACEILNU having no stem [adj] ACAULOSE AACELOSU acauline (having no stem) [adj] ACAULOUS AACLOSUU acauline (having no stem) [adj] ACERATED AACDEERT acerose (needle-shaped) [adj] ACERVATE AACEERTV growing in compact clusters [adj] ACERVULI ACEILRUV spore-producing organs of certain fungi [n] ACHENIAL AACEHILN ACHENE, type of fruit [adj] ACHILLEA AACEHILL yarrow (perennial herb) [n -S] ACICULAR AACCILRU ACICULA, needlelike part or process [adj] ACONITIC ACCIINOT ACONITE, poisonous herb [adj] ACONITUM ACIMNOTU aconite (poisonous herb) [n -S] ACRYLATE AACELRTY acrylic (type of resin) [n -S] AECIDIAL AACDEIIL pertaining to aecium (spore-producing organ of certain fungi) [adj] AFFOREST AEFFORST to convert into forest [v -ED, -ING, -S] AGALLOCH AACGHLLO fragrant wood of tropical tree [n -S] AGALWOOD AADGLOOW agalloch (fragrant wood of tropical tree) [n -S] AGERATUM AAEGMRTU flowering plant [n -S] AGRIMONY AGIMNORY perennial herb [n -NIES] AGROLOGY AGGLOORY science of soils in relation to crops [n -GIES] AGUACATE AAACEGTU avocado (edible fruit of tropical tree) [n -S] AGUEWEED ADEEEGUW flowering plant [n -S] ALACHLOR AACHLLOR herbicide [n -S] ALBIZZIA AABIILZZ albizia (tropical tree) [n -S] ALBURNUM ABLMNRUU sapwood (newly formed outer wood of tree) [n -S] ALEURONE AEELNORU protein matter found in seeds of certain plants [n -S] ALGAROBA AAABGLOR mesquite (spiny tree or shrub) [n -S] ALLOGAMY AAGLLMOY fertilization of flower by pollen from another [n -MIES] ALLSPICE ACEILLPS tropical tree [n -S] ALLUVIAL AAILLLUV soil composed of alluvium [n -S] ALUMROOT ALMOORTU flowering plant [n -S] AMARANTH AAAHMNRT flowering plant [n -S] AMARELLE AAEELLMR variety of sour cherry [n -S] AMBARIES AABEIMRS AMBARY, East Indian plant [n] AMELCORN ACELMNOR variety of wheat [n -S] AMITROLE AEILMORT herbicide [n -S] ANEMOSIS AEIMNOSS separation of rings of growth in timber due to wind [n -SES] ANGELICA AACEGILN aromatic herb [n -S] ANGLEPOD ADEGLNOP flowering plant [n -S] ANISETTE AEEINSTT liqueur flavored with aniseed [n -S] Plant a Seed – Flowers Plant a seed in your mind of 8-letter bingos about the Plant Kingdom – FLOWERS (includes most trees) compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club ANTHEMIA AAEHIMNT decorative floral patterns used in Greek art [n] ANTHERAL AAEHLNRT ANTHER, pollen-bearing part of stamen [adj] ANTHERID ADEHINRT male reproductive organ of certain plants [n -S] ANTHESIS AEHINSST full bloom of flower [n -SES] ANTHODIA AADHINOT flower heads of certain plants [n] ANTIWEED ADEEINTW concerned with destruction of weeds [adj] APICULUS ACILPSUU sharp point at end of leaf [n -LI] APOCARPY AACOPPRY state of being apocarp (fruit having separate carpels) [n -PIES] APOGAMIC AACGIMOP APOGAMY, form of plant reproduction [adj] ARABISES AABEIRSS ARABIS, mat-forming plant [n] ARACEOUS AACEORSU belonging to arum family of plants [adj] ARBOREAL AABELORR living in trees [adj] ARBORETA AABEORRT ARBORETUM, places for study and exhibition of trees [n] ARBORIST ABIORRST tree specialist [n -S] ARBOROUS ABOORRSU pertaining to trees [adj] ARBUSCLE ABCELRSU dwarf tree [n -S] ARBUTEAN AABENRTU ARBUTE, evergreen tree [adj] AREOLATE AAEELORT AREOLA, small space in network of leaf veins [adj] ARETHUSA AAEHRSTU flowering plant [n -S] ARILLATE AAEILLRT ARIL, outer covering of certain seeds [adj] ARILLODE ADEILLOR type of aril (outer covering of certain seeds) [n -S] ARILLOID ADIILLOR ARIL, outer covering of certain seeds [adj] AROMATIC AACIMORT fragrant plant or substance [n -S] ARRHIZAL AAHILRRZ rootless (having no roots) [adj] ASCIDIUM ACDIIMSU flask-shaped plant appendage [n -IA] ASHPLANT AAHLNPST walking stick [n -S] ASPHODEL ADEHLOPS flowering plant [n -S] ATAMASCO AAACMOST flowering plant [n -S] ATRAZINE AAEINRTZ herbicide [n -S] AUBRETIA AABEIRTU aubrieta (flowering plant) [n -S] AUTOGAMY AAGMOTUY fertilization of flower by its own pollen [n -MIES] B 8s BACCATED AABCCDET baccate (pulpy like berry) [adj] BAPTISIA AABIIPST flowering plant [n -S] BARBASCO AABBCORS tropical tree [n -S or -ES] BARBERRY ABBERRRY shrub (low, woody plant) [n -RIES] BARKIEST ABEIKRST BARKY, covered with bark (tough outer covering of root or stem) [adj] BASSETED ABDEESST BASSET, to outcrop (to protrude above soil) [v] BASSWOOD ABDOOSSW linden tree [n -S] BAUHINIA AABHIINU small tropical tree [n -S] BAYBERRY ABBERRYY berry tree [n -RIES] BDELLIUM BDEILLMU gum resin [n -S] BEARWOOD ABDEOORW small tree of buckthorn family [n -S] BEDSTRAW ABDERSTW woody herb [n -S] BEEBREAD ABBDEEER pollen mixture [n -S] BEECHIER BCEEEHIR BEECHY, abounding in beeches (type of tree) [adj] Plant a Seed – Flowers Plant a seed in your mind of 8-letter bingos about the Plant Kingdom – FLOWERS (includes most trees) compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club BEECHNUT BCEEHNTU nut of beech [n -S] BEEFWOOD BDEEFOOW hardwood tree [n -S] BEETROOT BEEOORTT root of beet [n -S] BEFLOWER BEEFLORW to cover with flowers [v -ED, -ING, -S] BENTWOOD BDENOOTW wood bent for use in furniture [n -S] BERBERIS BBEEIRRS barberry (shrub (low, woody plant)) [n -ES] BERGAMOT ABEGMORT citrus tree [n -S] BERGENIA ABEEGINR flowering plant [n -S] BERRYING BEGINRRY activity of gathering berries [n -S] / BERRY, to produce berries (fleshy fruits) [v] BETELNUT BEELNTTU seed chewed as stimulant [n -S] BETONIES BEEINOST BETONY, European herb [n] BIGARADE AABDEGIR citrus tree [n -S] BIGAROON ABGINOOR type of cherry (fruit) [n -S] BIGNONIA ABGIINNO climbing plant [n -S] BILBERRY BBEILRRY edible berry [n -RIES] BINDWEED BDDEEINW twining plant [n -S] BIOTOXIN BIINOOTX poison made by plant or animal [n -S] BIRDSEYE BDEEIRSY flowering plant [n -S] BLACKBOY ABBCKLOY Australian plant [n -S] BLACKGUM ABCGKLMU tupelo (softwood tree) [n -S] BLOOMIER BEILMOOR BLOOMY, covered with flowers [adj] BLOOMING BGILMNOO BLOOM, to bear flowers [v] BLOWBALL ABBLLLOW fluffy seed ball [n -S] BLOWDOWN BDLNOOWW tree blown down by wind [n -S] BLUEBALL ABBELLLU medicinal herb [n -S] BLUEBELL BBEELLLU flowering plant [n -S] BLUEJACK ABCEJKLU oak tree [n -S] BLUESTEM BEELMSTU prairie grass [n -S] BLUEWEED BDEEELUW bristly weed [n -S] BLUEWOOD BDELOOUW shrub (low, woody plant) [n -S] BOLTONIA ABILNOOT perennial herb [n -S] BOONDOCK BCDKNOOO pertaining to backwoods area [adj] BORECOLE BCEELOOR kale (variety of cabbage) [n -S] BOSCHBOK BBCHKOOS bushbuck (small antelope (ruminant mammal)) [n -S] BOSKIEST BEIKOSST BOSKY, wooded; bushy [adj] BOTANICA AABCINOT shop that sells herbs and magic charms [n -S] BOTANIES ABEINOST BOTANY, science of plants [n] BOTANISE ABEINOST to botanize (to study plants) [v -D, -SING, -S] BOTANIST ABINOSTT one skilled in botany [n -S] BOTANIZE ABEINOTZ to study plants [v -D, -ZING, -S] BOTRYTIS BIORSTTY plant disease [n -ES] BOURTREE BEORRRTU European tree [n -S] BOWWOOD BDOOOWW deciduous tree [n -S] BOXBERRY BBEORRXY evergreen plant [n -RIES] BOXTHORN BHNOORTX thorny shrub [n -S] BRACTEAL AABCELRT BRACT, leaflike plant part [adj] Plant a Seed – Flowers Plant a seed in your mind of 8-letter bingos about the Plant Kingdom – FLOWERS (includes most trees) compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club BRACTLET ABCELRTT small bract (leaflike plant part) [n -S] BRASSICA AABCIRSS tall herb [n -S] BREADNUT ABDENRTU tropical fruit [n -S] BRIONIES BEIINORS BRIONY, bryony (climbing plant) [n] BROCCOLI BCCILOOR vegetable related to cabbage [n -S] BROMELIA ABEILMOR tropical plant with stiff leaves [n -S] BROOMIER BEIMOORR BROOMY, abounding in broom (type of shrub) [adj] BRYONIES BEINORSY BRYONY, climbing plant [n] BUCKBEAN ABBCEKNU marsh plant [n -S] BUDDLEIA ABDDEILU tropical shrub [n -S] BUDWOOD BDDOOUW branch having buds that is used for grafting [n -S] BULLRUSH BHLLRSUU bulrush (tall marsh plant) [n -ES] BULLWEED BDEELLUW knapweed (meadow plant) [n -S] BUSHBABY ABBBHSUY small tree-dwelling primate [n -BIES] BUSHFIRE BEFHIRSU fire in wooded area [n -S] BUSHIEST BEHISSTU BUSHY, covered with bushes [adj] BUSHLAND ABDHLNSU unsettled forest land [n -S] BUSHLESS BEHLSSSU having no bushes [adj] BUSHLIKE BEHIKLSU resembling bush [adj] BUSHVELD BDEHLSUV veld with shrubby vegetation [n -S] C 8s CABBAGEY AABBCEGY resembling cabbage (leafy vegetable) [adj] CACHEPOT ACCEHOPT ornamental container for flowerpot [n -S] CACTUSES ACCESSTU CACTUS, plant native to arid regions [n] CALABASH AAABCHLS gourd (hard-shelled fruit) [n -ES] CALADIUM AACDILMU tropical plant [n -S] CALAMINT AACILMNT perennial herb [n -S] CALAMITE AACEILMT extinct treelike plant [n -S] CALATHEA AAACEHLT plant with colorful leaves [n -S] CALATHUS AACHLSTU calathos (fruit basket) [n -HI] CALISAYA AAACILSY medicinal bark of cinchona [n -S] CALTHROP ACHLOPRT caltrop (spiny plant) [n -S] CALYCATE AACCELTY calycine (pertaining to calyx (outer protective covering of flower)) [adj] CALYCEAL AACCELLY calycine (pertaining to calyx (outer protective covering of flower)) [adj] CALYCINE ACCEILNY pertaining to calyx (outer protective covering of flower) [adj] CALYPTER ACELPRTY calyptra (hood-shaped organ of flowers) [n -S] CALYPTRA AACLPRTY hood-shaped organ of flowers [n -S] CAMASSES AACEMSSS CAMASS, perennial herb [n] CAMELLIA AACEILLM
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