MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MONROE COUNTY COURTHOUSE JUDGE NAT U. HILL, III MEETING ROOM BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA May 6, 2011 9:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PAGE I. PUBLIC COMMENT II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. April 8, 2011 III. APPROVAL OF PAYROLL AND CLAIMS IV. REPORTS A. County Treasurer’s Monthly Report for March 2011 1 B. Employee Health Clinic Update and Presentation (Rhonda 3 Foster, Human Resources Director) V. PROCLAMATIONS VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Indiana Department of Corrections Grant for Community 4 Transition Program (Tom Rhodes, Asst. Chief Probation Officer/Community Corrections Director) B. Resolution 2011-18: Nomination to the National Register of 21 Historic Places for the Matthews Stone Company Historic District (Erin Shane, Planning) C. Karst Farm Greenway, Phase 2a; LPA-Consulting 111 Agreement (Bill Williams, Director of Public Works) D. Hunter’s Creek Road Bridge #921; Modified INDOT LPA 134 Contract (Bill Williams, Director of Public Works) E. Temporary Contract Services Agreement with Doug Chapel 137 (Jeff Cockerill, County Attorney) F. Contract with HFI for Showers Building Heating and 140 Cooling Systems Maintenance (Jeff Cockerill, County Attorney) G. Contract for Property Management of the North Showers 141 Building (Jeff Cockerill, County Attorney) H. Amended Memorandum of Understanding with John Byer 142 Associates for Courthouse Structural Project (Jeff Cockerill, County Attorney) VII. APPOINTMENTS VIII. ANNOUNCEMENTS IX. ADJOURNMENT N:\Commissioners\2011\Agendas\Commissioners_Agenda_20110506.doc Prescri~dbySlaleBoardofAccounls C<JuniJFormNo 47-TR(Rev- 1997) 1046 COUNTY TREASURER'S MONTHLY REPORT Required by IC 36-2-10-16 and IC 5-13 Month ending March 31, 20 II MONROE COUNTY CHARGES: I Total Taxes Collected (Not Receipted to Ledger or Refunded) ... $ $2,916,210.72 2 Advance Collection of Taxes ..... $2,005.47 3 Bank, Building and Loan and Credit Union $0.00 4 Barrett Law Collections... ............................................................................ .. $0 001 5 Cash Change Fund. $500.00 6 Conservancy District Collections .. $4,724.65 7 Demand Fees .... $981.00 8 Dog Tax .. $0.00 9 Drainage Assessments .. $0.00 10 Excess Tax Collections ..... $1,921.83 11 Gross Income Tax on Real Estate ... $0.00 12 Vehicle license Excise Tax .. $5,463,007.61 13 Sewage Collections $6,444.74 14 Tax Sale Costs. $1,900.00 15 Aircraft License Excise Tax .. $228 901 16 Auto Rental Excise Tax .... $0.00 17 Watercrafl Title and Registration Fees (Boat Excise Tax) $35,674.45 18 Watercraft Use Tax $0.00 19 Weed and Trash Removal $0.00 20 21 Total Balances of all Ledger Accounts- Cash .............................................. $50,057,887.56 22 Total Balances of all Ledger Accounts- Investments.. $0.00 23 Total Charges .. $ $58,491,486.931 CREDITS: 24 Depository_ Balance as Shown by Daily Balance of Cash and Depositories Record (List in Detail on Reverse Side) $ $52,511,107.93! 25 Investments as Sho\\'11 by Daily Balance of Cash and I Depositories Record Column 12, Line 41 $5,979,978.261 26 Total Cash on Hand at Close ofMonlh: Currency... 450.00 Coins .. 50.00 Checks, Money Orders, etc .. 0.00 Total.. $ ____;::$5""0~0~.0"-!0l 27 ------------- ······ ·················· .................... 28 ______________ 29 _____________ 30 Total. $ $58,491 ,586.19! 31 Cash Short (add) ... $0.00! 32 Cash Lon~ (Deduct) .. ;;;::~;;-;-~-;;-:;11 -$99.26: 33 Proot: .. $ $58.491.486.931$ $58,491,486.93! 34 Balance in all Depositories Per Daily Balance Record (Line 24 Above) ... $ $52,511.107.931 35 Outstanding Warrant-Checks (Detail by I Depositories on Reverse Side) ............................................................. .. --.$8"'9'"'"1""""'.4"'7s:;-c_5=71 36 Balance in nil Depositories Per Dank Statements ' (Detail on Reverse Side) .......................................... -------'$ $53,235,657.281 37 Deposits in Tnmsit (Detail on Reverse Side) .. $166.929.221 i 38 Proot:.. $ $53,235,657.281$ $53,235,657.281 ANALYSIS OF CASH ON HAND AT CLOSE OF MONTH: (a) C<1sh Change Fund Advanced by County ... $ ------"'$5~0~0::o.O~O: (b) Receipts Deposited in Depositories ... (c) Uncollected Items on Hand (List on Reverse Side) (d) Total (Must Agree With Line 26 Above) $500.001 State of Indiana, Monroe County: SS: I, the undersigned treasurer of the aforesaid County and State hereby certify that the foregoing report is true and correct to the best of my ~wledge and bel~f. , . Dated this 25th dayofAptil, 2011 -~..£~~ County Treasurer Note: Prepare in quadmplicate, retain one copy and give three copies to the County Auditor. Original (White) --To be filed with County Auditor for Board of Finance. Duplicate (Blue) ··To be filed with County Auditor for Board of Commissioners. Triplicate (Pink) --To be filed with County Auditor for transmission to State Board of Accounts. Quadruplicate (Cnnmy) --To be retained by County Treasurer. IF!H;; 1011 ml /,/ .//'V 7 Auditor :":1onioe County, fndiana Page 1 of 143 STATEMENT OF DEPOSITORY BALANCES AT CLOSE OF MONTH Balance Per Daily Balance Per Bank Deposits in Transit Outstanding Warrant- Balance Cash & COUNTY TREASURER'S Name and Location of Depository Statements (Add) Checks (Deduct) Depositories Chase $902,415.91 $0.00 $116.34. $880,683.47 $0.00 $21,616.10 ## $0.00 $0.00 Required by IC 36-2-10-16 Monroe County Acct #01 $249,144.30 $403.85 $30.10. $147,772.79 and IC 5-13 $26,633.16 ## ... $75,112.10 MONROE COUNTY Month ending Chase Savings ' $19,275,935.28 $0.00 $5,722.86 • $19,270,212.42 March 31. 2011 ' First Financial Bank-Ck $8,590,910.94 $166,423.37 $1,831.58 $8,010,754.73 '· $102.00 $590,239.45 $0.00 $154,610.55 First Financial Bank $20,702,410.56 $0.00 $13,178.75. $20,689,231.81 '" Monroe County Acct #02 .~ $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 • $500.00 Monroe County Acct #03 ' _;J $3,514,340.29 $0.00 $2,387.58 • $3,511,952.71 Totals $53,235,657.28 $166.929.22 $891,478.57 $52,511,107.93 . Interest •• Outstanding Checks ...Reconcilling item per St Bd of Accts ....Bank Error (Checks and other items returned by depositories and in process of collection at close of month) Returned by (Name of Reason for Date Originally Received Received From For Date Returned Amount Depository) Return Page 2of143 Total Note: If additional space is needed attach sheet giving above information for all items. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUESTED AGENDA INFORMATION FOR THE COMMISSIONER'S MEETINGS TITLE OF ITEM THAT APPEARS ON THE COMMISSIONER'S AGENDA: ------,--­ • THE COMMISSIONERS WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS ITEM FOR THEIR BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' MEETING IF THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY IS NOT WRITTEN. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Employee Health Cliniq update and presentation DATE ITEM WILL APPEAR ON THE COMMISSIONER'S AGENDA: May 6, 2011 --~~----------------- CONTACT PERSON: Rhonda Foster PHONE NUMBER: ---------------------X 7313 PRESENTER AT COMMISSIONER'S MEETING (if other than contact person OFFICE/DEPARTMENT: Human Resources/Commissioners HAS THE MONROE COUNTY LEGAL DEPARTMENT REVIEWED ITEM? Yes ___ No ___:_:_X___ INFORMATION PERTAINING TO A GRANT 1. CURRENT STATUS OF GRANT REQUESTED: (new or renewal ------------------­ 2. AMOUNT OF GRANT MONIES THAT WILL BE AWARDED: Federal or State? Local Match Total? SIGNED: Rhonda Foster DATE: May 2, 2011 (2 copies must be made: 1 given to Auditor's Office, 1 given to the Commissioner's Office) Page 3 of 143 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUESTED AGENDA INFORMATION FOR THE COMMISSIONER'S MEETINGS TITLE OF ITEM THAT APPEARS ON THE COMMISSIONER'S AGENDA: 11-13 Community Corrections Amended Grant • THE COMMISSIONERS WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS ITEM FOR THEIR BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' MEETING IF THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY /S NOT WRITTEN. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Indiana Department of Correction (I DOC) has awarded Monroe County Community Corrections $682,840 for base grant programming and $6,950 (advance on reimbursements) for the Community Transition Program (CTP). The new grant contract will cover July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2013. Monroe County Community Corrections programming includes: Community Alternative Supervision Program (4 levels of supervision using day reporting and home detention with electronic monitoring ), Juvenile Alternative Management Services (various services such as Aggression Replacement Training, Functional Family Therapy, home detention and tutoring) Road Crew and Public Restitution. Monroe County Community Corrections was assessed by a State grant review committee and designated as a Level 1 program -which is the highest designation for implementing evidence based practices. DATE ITEM WILL APPEAR ON THE COMMISSIONER'S AGENDA: May 6, 2011 --~~~--------------- CONTACT PERSON: TOM RHODES PHONENUMBER: ~34~9~-2=0~00~------------- PRESENTER AT COMMISSIONER'S MEETING (if other than contact person OFFICE/DEPARTMENT: Probation/Community Corrections Yes X ·No HAS THE MONROE COUNTY LEGAL DEPARTMENT REVIEWED ITEM? --- INFORMATION PERTAINING TO A GRANT 1. CURRENT STATUS OF GRANT REQUESTED: (new or renewal __R_en_e_w_a_l_____________ 2. AMOUNT OF GRANT MONIES THAT WILL BE AWARDED: Federal or State? $682,840 Local Match Total? $682,840 SIGNED: Linda Brady DATE: _4_-....,.2_8-.,..,1_1-=-----=---=----:--=-=,------,­ (2 copies must be made: 1 given to Auditor's Office, 1 given to the Commissioner's Office) Page 4 of 143 Department of Correction .. Indiana Government Center- South Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. 302 W. Washington Street • Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2738 Bruce Lemmon Governor PhOne: (317) 232-5727 • Fax: (317) 232-6798 • Website: www.in.gov/idoc/ Commissioner April20, 2011 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners The Courthouse, Room 322 Bloomington, IN 47404 Re: Intent to Award Dear Monroe County Board of County Commissioners: The Indiana Department of Correction is pleased to announce Monroe County Community Corrections will be awarded State funding for July I, 2011 through June 30, 2012 in the amount of$689,790.00. This award amount is contingent upon the General Assembly's approval of the funding currently being requested for the upcoming fiscal year and is subject to change.
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