+6-:"6(645r70- s!-/.4(,9.%73,%44%2&/24(%2%3)$%.43/&4(%#)49/&2/#+6),,%s 2OCKVILLES-AYORAND#OUNCIL !DOPT-ILLION"UDGET Utility Rates Rise; Property Tax Rate Remains Constant for Seventh Straight Year The property tax rate re- pensation based on established mains unchanged, but the av- pay plans. The fiscal year ends erage residential bills for City June 30, 2015. Music and fireworks are part of Rockville’s Independence Day utilities are increasing by ap- Forty-seven projects are celebration at Montgomery College. proximately $6.35 per month funded by the $74 million for the fiscal year that began Capital Improvements Program, 2OCKVILLE#ITY(ALL #ELEBRATE)NDEPENDENCE$AYWITH July 1. the City’s five-year plan for /THER&ACILITIESTO -USICAND&IREWORKSON*ULY The Fiscal Year 2015 budget, funding new construction and #LOSEON*ULY approved by the Mayor and infrastructure maintenance. Recycling, Refuse Collection Join your neighbors for Alcohol, barbecuing and open Council on May 12, includes The Mayor and Council a night of music, entertain- flames are not permitted at the scheduled increases in water heard from the public at a series Shifts One Day ment and fireworks celebrat- event site. Smoking is not al- and sewer rates, the ready-to- of hearings in March, April, and Rockville City Hall will ing America’s Independence lowed on campus. serve charge and the stormwa- May, and received written com- be closed Friday, July 4, in Day on Friday, July 4, from 7-10 Parking is available at ter management fee, according ments through May 6. observance of Independence p.m. at Montgomery College— Montgomery College and at to a plan approved by the “During the budget process, Day. Rockville, 51 Mannakee St. the parking lots on the corner Mayor and Council in May the Mayor and Council were Most Rockville facilities Rockville’s celebration, hosted of Mannakee Street and Route 2012. The budget also includes tasked with balancing and pri- and programs will not oper- by the Mayor and Council, 355. Please be respectful of sur- an increase of $7 per year for re- oritizing the many needs that ate on July 4. Parking fees at includes: rounding neighborhoods and cycling and refuse services. have gone unmet for several City-owned meters will be r.VTJDPOUIFNBJOTUBHFCZ park in the public parking lots The property tax rate re- years due to the recession,” suspended for the day. The Fugitive Brass Quintet at indicated. Please note that it mains the same for the seventh said City Manager Barbara B. Closures include: F. Scott 7 p.m. could take up to approximately consecutive year, at $0.292 for Matthews. “The FY 2015 budget Fitzgerald Theatre and r.VTJDPOUIFDBNQVTTUBHF 1 hour to exit the parking lots at real property and $0.805 for is based on the concept of re- Box Office; Croydon Creek by Get Off My Lawn at 7 the conclusion of the fireworks. personal property. Each of sponsible growth, and focuses Nature Center; Rockville p.m. For further details on park- these rates is per $100 of as- on infrastructure and facil- Civic Center Park Offices, in- r.VTJDPOUIFNBJOTUBHFCZ ing, directions and general sessed value. ity improvements, informa- cluding Glenview Mansion Rockville Concert Band at 8 information on the event, visit Rockville’s FY15 operating tion technology improvements and the Glenview Mansion p.m. www.rockvillemd.gov/events. budget equals $118 million, a and compensating the City’s Art Gallery; Lincoln Park, r'JSFXPSLT CFHJOOJOHBUBQ- For additional information, 3.6 percent—or $4.1 million— employees.” Twinbrook and Thomas proximately 9:15 p.m. call 240-314-8620 or email spe- increase over the previous year. To learn more about the Farm community centers; Enjoy patriotic songs, danc- [email protected]. It includes a 2 percent cost of City’s FY15 budget, visit www. and the Senior Center. ing and food that will be avail- For recorded information, call living adjustment for City em- rockvillemd.gov/budget or call The Rockville Swim and able for purchase. Remember the Special Events line at 240- ployees, as well as the potential the Finance Department at 240- Fitness Center will close at to bring chairs and blankets. 314-5022. for additional one-time com- 314-8400. 6 p.m. Swim center classes will not be held on July 4-6. The swim center’s normal 2OCKVILLE0OLICE2ESPOND summer hours can be found at www.rockvillemd.gov/ TO3IGHTINGSOF"LACK"EAR swimcenter. RedGate Golf Course will Rockville police and animal north again as they find places be open normal hours on July control officers responded to like Rockville not conducive to 4. For RedGate hours and in- several sightings of a black bear settling down in, Over said. near downtown Rockville in formation, call 240-406-1650 or If residents see or encounter a visit www.redgategolf.com. mid-June. black bear or any other wild ani- It is relatively common for Recycling, yard waste and mal, police advise the public to: black bears to be spotted pushing refuse collection will be de- r /PUJGZ3PDLWJMMF"OJNBM south into Montgomery County layed one day only for homes 25th"//6"-30$,7*--&16#-*$4"'&5:"8"3%4w from more rural northern areas, Control at 240-314-8900 so it with a Friday collection day. Forty-seven members of public safety agencies serving Rockville and the local police and animal can be tracked. Friday collections will be were honored for their service to the community on June 4. Seven control personnel have respond- r %POPUPGGFSBOZGPPEUPUIF made on Saturday. Call 240- members of the Rockville City Police Department were honored: ed to several sightings over the animal. 314-8568 or go to www.rock- (l to r) Officer Chad Bates, Cpl. Jan Seilhamer, Sgt. Jon Berry, past two years, said Lt. Eric Over. r %POPUBQQSPBDIPSBOUBHP- villemd.gov/recycling-refuse Cpl. Kyle Dickerson, Cpl. Chris Day, and Cpl. Phil Parnell. Not Typically the animals move nize the animal. for more information. pictured: Cpl. Jamal Lewis. MAYOR & COUNCIL PRESORTED 111 Maryland Ave. STANDARD Rockville, Maryland U.S. POSTAGE Get Into It… 20850-2364 PAID ROCKVILLE, MD. PAGE PAGE PAGE PAGE PERMIT NO. 63 2 A Changing City 3 Longer Terms? 4 Crime Down 4 Recycling and Rockville examines The Mayor and Council A nine-year trend Refuse Changes its dynamic consider four-year terms. continued in 2013. Collection days will ECR WSS demographics. change for many LOCAL residents in September. POSTAL CUSTOMER */#3*&' Diversity In Rockville (ISPANICOR,ATINO 2OCKVILLE%MBRACES#HALLENGES ANYRACE OF#HANGING$EMOGRAPHICS #ENSUS !SIAN "LACKOR Forum Launches a New Community !FRICAN !MERICAN 7HITE Engagement Conversation NOT(ISPANIC 6OLUNTEERS7ANTEDFOR"IANNUAL Rockville’s increasing to connect newcomers, long- #ENSUS "ICYCLEAND0EDESTRIAN#OUNTS The City is seeking volunteers to count bicyclists diversity has brought new time residents, hard-to-reach ERHTIHIWXVMERWEX½ZI6SGOZMPPIMRXIVWIGXMSRWMR cultures, ideas, perspectives, populations and Rockville’s September. expectations and needs to the multicultural communities The data will be compared with bicycle and city in recent decades. to City resources and to each #ENSUS pedestrian activity measured by previous counts. On June 18, the issue of other. Understanding changing numbers will allow the City Rockville’s changing demo- In her inaugural speech XSXEVKIXWTIGM½GMRZIWXQIRXWMRGIVXEMREVIEWERH graphics brought community in January, Mayor Bridget members to Rockville City Race and Ethnicity gauge if projects are meeting the City’s goal of in- Donnell Rockville is increasingly diverse racially and ethnically. The percentage creasing bicycle and pedestrian activity. Twinbrook `We must continue our Newton of Rockville residents identifying as Asian, Black, or Hispanic or Latino Community Volunteers are needed to work shifts from 5-7 called for grew between the 1990 and 2010 census, while the percentage of the Recreation efforts to get new people city’s population identifying as white declined by more than 20 percent. p.m. on: Tuesday, Sept. 9; Wednesday, Sept. 10; and “building and Center for Saturday, Sept. 13. Volunteers can sign up for one, two involved, filling our boards and diversifying or all three dates. a forum our employ- For more information, or to volunteer, email City hosted by commissions and harnessing ment base” Transportation Planner and Bicycle and Pedestrian the City’s the talents of our diverse and called Coordinator Kevin Belanger at kbelanger@rockvil- Human on City offi- lemd.gov. Rights community to better serve the cials to work Commission. Rockville that we are now. a The forum together to m.BZPS#SJEHFU%POOFMM/FXUPO offered foster greater community participation members a chance to discuss in City government. the changing face of Rockville Some of the questions and be part of shaping a raised at the forum include: harmonious future for the r *OMJHIUPGUIFQBTUBOEQSP- community. jected changes to demo- U.S. Census Data !LL 7HITEALONE "LACKOR !SIAN (ISPANIC graphics, how is the City NOT(ISPANICOR !FRICAN OR,ATINO Dissemination Specialist prepared to respond to the ,ATINO !MERICAN !NYRACE Nesreen Khashan presented needs of residents? .FEJBO*ODPNFCZ3BDFBOE)JTQBOJD0SJHJO data showing how Rockville’s r )PXTIPVMEUIF$JUZCFTU The median income of all Rockville residents over a three- year period ending in 2012 was $96,650, as measured in 2011 racial and ethnic makeup has use its resources to serve .ATIONAL0UBLIC7ORKS7EEK dollars. changed over the past three residents in light of these 8LI'MX]SJ6SGOZMPPIGIPIFVEXIH2EXMSREP4YFPMG decades. Khashan also pre- changes? Works Week from May 19-23. The highlight of the sented data showing residents’ r 8IBUBSFPUIFSJNQMJDB- week was the annual equipment show on May 22 median income and where /WNER/CCUPIED EXXLI6SGOZMPPI7[MQERH*MXRIWW'IRXIVSYXHSSV tions of the demographic residents live—in owner- or 2ENTER/CCUPIED pool parking lot. Kids—and kids at heart—had an changes in Rockville? renter-occupied housing.
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