July 2010 NEW ADDITIONS TO PARLIAMENT LIBRARY English Books 000 GENERALITIES 1 Singh, Sher, ed. Indian books in print 2010 : a bibliography of Indian books published in English language / edited by Sher Singh and Bhawna Singh.-- Delhi: Indian Bibliographies Bureau, 2010. 3v.; 30cm. 015.540221 SIN-in B191373-B191376,Vols. 2 Gupta, S.P. Modern Museum management / S.P. Gupta and Mohit Srivastava.-- New Delhi: D.K. Printworld, 2010. x, 149p.: plates; 22cm. Bibliography: p. 135-142. ISBN : 81-246-0445-2. 069.068 GUP-m B191476 3 Ambedkar, B.R. Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / B.R. Ambedkar.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2010. x, 97p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-06897-6. 080 AMB-w B191493 4 Aruna Asaf Ali Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / Aruna Asaf Ali.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2010. xii, 120p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-06898-3. 080 ARU-w B191491 5 Azad, Abul Kalam Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / Abul Kalam Azad.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2010. x, 99p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-6889-1. 080 AZA-w B191482 6 Bhagat Singh Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / Bhagat Singh.—- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2010. xiii, 112p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-06888-4. 080 BHA-w B191481 7 Bose, Subhash Chandra Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / Subhash Chandra Bose.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2010. xi, 129p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-06895-2. 080 BOS-w B191492 8 Jois, M. Rama Presidents's address to Parliament and governor's address to legislature: need to change the practice / M. Rama Jois.-- Gulbarga, Karnataka: Vijnaneshwara Research and Training Centre in Polity, [2009]. 20p.; 22cm. 080 JOI-p C67693; C67694,v.1 9 Khan, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2010. xi, 107p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-06891-4. 080 KHA-w B191489 10 Nehru, Jawaharlal Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / Jawaharlal Nehru.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2010. xii, 127p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-06899-0. 080 NEH-w B191485 11 Patel, Vallabhbhai Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / Vallabhabhai Patel.—- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2010. xii, 120p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-41401-8. 080 PAT-w B191487 12 Prabhakar, Manohar Great Indians and their landmark speeches / Manohar Prabhakar and Sarita Prabhakar.-- Jaipur: Shyam Prakashan, 2009. v.2; 22cm. ISBN : 978-93-80018-01-0. 080 PRA-g B191081,Vol. 1 13 Rajendra Prasad Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / Rajendra Prasad.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2010. x, 100p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-06893-8. 080 RAJ-w B191486 14 Rajagopalachari, C. Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / C. Rajagopalachari.—- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2010. xii, 98p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-06892-1. 080 RAJ-w B191484 15 Ramaswami, Periyar E.V. Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / Periyar E.V. Ramasami.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2010. xii, 97p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-06896-9. 080 RAM-w B191488 16 Reddy, P. Veera Gems of wit and wisdom / P. Veera Reddy.-- New Delhi: Authors Press, 2010. 2v.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-7273-523-4. 080 RED-g B191304-B191305,Vols. 17 Naidu Sarojini Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / Sarojini Naidu.-- New Delhi: Penguin Book, 2010. xii, 130p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-68887-7. 080 SAR-w B191483 18 Tagore, Rabindranath Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / Rabindranath Tagore.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2010. xi, 132p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-06894-5. 080 TAG-w B191494 19 Varghese, Alexander P. comp. Pearls of wisdom / Collected, complied and arranged by Alexander P. Varghese.-- New Delhi: Peacock Books, 2010. vii, 255p.; 21cm. ISBN : 978-81-248-0213-7. 080 VAR-p B191105 20 Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand Words of freedom: ideas of a nation / Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2010. xv, 127p.; 18cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-06886-0. 080G GAN-w B191490 21 Bartlett, Sara Simply Feng Shui / Sara Bartlett.-- New York: Sterling Publishing, 2010. ix, 150p.: illus; 23cm. ISBN : 978-1-4027-5457-9. 133.3337 Q0 B191275 150 PSYCHOLOGY 22 Stone, W. Clement The success system that never fails / W. Clement Stone; introduction by Charlie "T" Jones.-- Mumbai: Embassy Books Distributors, 2009. xv, 256p.; 21cm. ISBN : 978-93-80227-15-3. 158 P9 B191097 23 Holden, Robert Be happy: release the power of happiness in you / Robert Holden; foreword by Louise L. Hay.-- New Delhi: Hay House India, 2010. xvii, 285p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-81-89988-73-9. 158 Q0 B190992 24 Finley, Guy The secret of letting go / Guy Finley.--rev. and expanded ed-- New Delhi: Hay House India, 2010. 257p.; 20cm. ISBN : 978-81-89988-49-4. 158.1 Q0 B190994 25 Shapiro, Ed Be the change: how meditation can transform you and the world / Ed Shapiro and Deb Shapiro; foreword by Dalai Lama and Robert Thurman.-- New York: Sterling Publishing, 2009. x, 342; 22cm. ISBN : 978-1-4027-6001-3. 158.12 P9 B191278 26 Sanyal, Indrani, ed. Ethics and culture: some Indian reflections / edited by Indrani Sanyal and Sashinungla.-- Kolkata: Jadavpur University, 2010. viii, 364p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-81-86921-52-4. 170.954 Q0 B190793 27 Okawa, Ryutio The laws of courage: unleash your true potential to open a path for the future / Ryutio Okawa.-- Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House, 2010. x, 152p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-8495-014-4. 179.6 Q0 B190248 28 Buddhananda, Swami Moola bandha: the master key / Swami Buddhananda; under the guidance of Swami Satyananda Saraswati.--2nd ed.-- Munger: Yoga Publications Trust, 1996. vii, 137p.: illus.; 22cm. Reprint: 200. ISBN : 81-85787-32-8. 181.45 N6 C67858 29 Saraswati, Swami Satyananda Yoga nidra / Swami Satyananda Saraswati.--6th ed.-- Munger: Yoga Publications Trust, 1998. viii, 261p.: illus.; 21cm. ISBN : 978-81-85787-12-1. 181.45 N8 C67855 30 Prasad, Muni Narayana, Swami The philosophy of Narayana Guru / Swami Muni Narayana Prasad.-- New Delhi: D.K. Printworld, 2010. xviii, 155p.; 21cm. ISBN : 81-246-0236-0. 181.48 Q0 B191475 200 RELIGION 31 Frey, Rebecca Joyce Fundamentalism / Rebecca Joyce Frey; foreword by Peter L. Berger.-- New Delhi: Viva Books, 2010. vi, 394p.: illus.; 23cm. (Global issues). Bibliography: p. 307-347. ISBN : 978-81-309-1419-0. 200.904 Q0 B191512 32 Sharma, Arvind Christianity for Hindus / Arvind Sharma.-- New Delhi: D.K. Printworld, 2010. vii, 109p.; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 101-103. ISBN : 81-246-0540-8. 261.245 Q0 B191477 33 Jha, Rajeev, ed. Life of Buddha: Asvagosha Bodhisattva / edited by Rajeev Jha.-- Delhi: KN Book House, 2010. iv, 132p.: illus.; 28cm. Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Dharmaraksha A.D. 420; from Chinese into English by Samuel Beal. ISBN : 978-81-906724-2-9. 294.363 Q0 B191251 34 Bloch, Esther, ed. Rethinking religion in India: the colonial construction of Hinduism / edited by Esther Bloch, Marrianne Keppens and Rajaram Hegde.-- London: Routledge, 2010. xv, 192p.; 24cm. (Routledge South Asian religion series; 4). ISBN : 978-0-415-54890-8. 294.509 Q0 B191257 35 Pal, Pratapaditya, ed. Goddess Durga: the power and the glory / edited by Pratapaditya Pal.-- Mumbai: Marg Publications, 2009. 200p.: illus.; 31cm. ISBN : 81-8502693-9. 294.52114 P9 B191451 36 Kuwadekar, Kaushalya Road to Shirdi: a journey of mysterious encounters and awakening / Kaushalya Kuwadekar.-- New Delhi: Wisdom Tree, 2010. xiii, 170p.; 21cm. ISBN : 978-81-8328-157-7. 294.5213 Q0 B190513 37 Dhyana yantras: tools for meditation.--2nd ed.-- Munger: Yoga Publications Trust, 2007. viii, 105p.: illus.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-86336-49-6. 294.5435 P7 C67857 38 Yogakanti, Swami, comp. Sanskrit glossary of yogic terms / compiled by Swami Yogakanti.-- Munger: Yoga Publications Trust, 2007. xii, 222p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-86336-31-1. 294.5436 P7 C67897 39 Openshaw, Jeanne Writing the self: the life and philosophy of a dissenting Bengali Baul Guru / Jeanne Openshaw.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2010. xxvi, 272p.: illus.; 22cm. Bibliography: p. 247-260. ISBN : 0-19-806247-8. 294.5512 Q0 B191046 40 Tilak, Lok Manya Bal Gangadhar An ignored historical research: Orion / Lok Manya Bal Gangadhar Tilak.-- New Delhi: Akash Ganga Prakashan, 2009. 144p.; 21cm. ISBN : 978-81-906932-8-8. 294.5921 P9 B191099 41 Subramania Mudaliar, V.P. Valmiki Ramayana and South Indian sociology and South Indian castes at the time of the Ramayana / V.P. Subramania Mudaliar... [et al].-- New Delhi: Asian Educational Services, 1909. 99p.; 22cm.(The Tamilian anti quary/ edited by D. Savariroyan; v.1,no7). Third AES reprint: 2006. ISBN : 81-2061-752-5. 294.5922046 D9 B191472 42 Suba Chandran, D., ed. Radical Islam and democracy: Indian and Southeast Asian experiences / edited by D. Suba Chandran and Sonali Huria.—- New Delhi: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2009. x, 134p.; 22cm. (KAS publication series; 25). 297.272 P9 C67911 43 Quraeshi, Samina Sacred spaces: a journey with the Sufi's of the Indus / Samina Quraeshi; with contributions by Ali S. Asani, Carl W. Ernst and Kamil Khan Mumtaz.-- Ahmedabad: Mapin Publishing, 2010. xii, 279p.: illus; 30cm. Bibliography: p. 272-273. ISBN : 978-81-89995-31-7. 297.40954 Q0 B191458 44 Knight, Michael Muhammad Journey to the end of Islam / Michael Muhammad Knight.-- New York: Soft Skull Press, 2009. 378p.; 21cm. ISBN : 978-1-59376-246-9. 297.8709 P9 B191502 300 SOCIAL SCIENCES 45 Sikand, Yoginder S., ed. Indian mass media prejudices against Dalits and Muslims / edited by Yoginder S. Sikand and Avinash K. Mishra.-- Gurgaon: Hope India Publications, 2010. 237p.: tables; 22cm. ISBN : 81-7871-173-7. 302.230954 Q0 B191040 46 Nayar, Keshavan A higher standard of leadership: lessons from the life of Gandhi / Keshavan Nair.-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2010.
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