AIX tie MEWS of I BASK SECTION •ad Surroandlnf Town* TtmA—if and Without HIM GISTER ONE VOLUME LXII, NO. 10. RED BANK, N.J.rTHURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1939. PAGES 1 TO RumsonPrepare^ For Local Women Gooseneck Point Home Old Shrewsbury Thatch Roof Cottages Will Serve As Estate Changed Labor Day Program Ushers At Benefit Sold to David Tishman Hands Recently At Scottish Games '* Large Game Party Jos. G. McCue Agency Schedule^ at Victory Park Field Content Property, Involved in Title Village to Be Set Up For Gathennaf ^ -|J to Be Held Saturday Sells Durand Property Events, Water Sports, Tennis to Aid Riverview Diapute, Bought by Nev/ York Man on Sycamore Avenue of Clans Labor Day at Holmdel -| ••- -f. • The annual, Labor day sports meet, The property of Harry Content, Mr. Dalton Sold It shortly thereaf- Captain Cameron King will addieM^ Mrs. George T. Llnton, president of well-known New' York stock broker, The estato'pf. the late Harry Dur. which, wu revived two years ago by the executive committee of River- ter and since' then, there have, been ho assembled Scots and their friend* the Rumson Men's club,, will take Elberon Society located at Gooseneck Point, was aold a large number of. transfers of th'o and on the north;side.,of Sycamore Dr. Rocco Moves n the memorial program In the Jor-' view hospital auxiliaries, has an- ayenue, Shrewsbury has been sold by place Monday, September 4 at Vic- nounced the names of the women during the past week. Charles ,E. various parcels. At the time Leon a im at the Scottish games on Tberoii'* Sweeney of Rumson was the.broker Dalton acquired it In 1B00, there was the Merchants and. Newark Trust McCampbell's farm, Labor day. Cap.^ tory Park, Rumson. The sports pro- To Hold Annual who will serve as ushers at the large Company of Newark, executors of the To Maple Avenue gram of the day will Include field benefit game party to aid'the hospi- who negotiated and effected tho sale. only the homestead on the tract and •aln King Is a colorful and forceful',* The new purchaser is David Tish- a large portion of the ground was low, state of Blanche . E. Durand, to pcakcr who knows the thrill of pu-.f events, water sports andt tennis. tal to be held Saturday night, Sep- 'ames V. Igoo of South Orange. The -Field events will begin at 9 a.m. Flower Show tember 2, at the Pirates ball field on man, Jr., who is one of the executives which was later-filled In. To Occupy Former onal experiences In events' On «e».| of the large Tishman Realty and Con- The allege! defect In the title only 'oacph G. McCue Agency of Rumson nd land. Ho was born on the lll;, and when they are finished the water Newman Spring road. All these negotiated tho sale. sports will Immediately, begin. The women are members of the various struction company of New York, , cams to pass during Mr. Content's Dr. Ticehurst Office Klntype, Argyllshire, Scotland^ 1 tennis tournament finals will 1U0.be Exhibition Opens Today auxiliaries of the hospital, The property is considered one of ownership. Some o( the heirs exe- The property embraces about 15 nd js now a resident of Nerw'YokV' the finest in the Gooseneck section cuted a release of their supposed In- crea and Is one of the oldest es- here he 1B directly associated witty. played Labor day. The singles will The ushers will be Mrs. Henry E. ates In this area as Is reflected by Dr, Leo C. Rocco, who for the past begin at H a. m. and the doubles at Convention Hall Tllton, Mrs. Stewart Cook, Mrs. John and contains a charming hous*e of terest but when others refused, Mr. loyds of London, "'* early American style of architecture Content started an action in tho he many largo pine and other shade year has conducted a medical prac- During the entire day, the : will get under way at 3:30 p. m. These Carhart, Mrs. Julius Strauss, Mrs. rees which grace the lawn. - Build- tice at 48 Monmouth street, moved events are opened; only to the resi- in Asbury Park Harry Madansky, Mrs. Harry Mcis- consisting, on the first floor, of a Court of Chancery in order to quiet lllage on tho games field wlll'have^' large solarium with tiled floor and title. The decision by Vice Chancel- ings consist of a main residenco of to 75 Maplo avenue this week in the ipen house for all visitors. Th»'; dents or summer residents of Sum- trlch, Mrs. Jacob Yanko, Mrs. Leo hooso formerly occupied by Dr. Rob- : fireplace, spacious living room with lor Berry was to the effect that the 13 rooms and 5 -baths; 2 cottages, 5- hatch-roofed cottages of the Scot son. Goldberg, Mrs. Murray A. Cowan, ert L, Ticehurst. -The eighteenth annual flower show Mrs, Samuel Greenblatt, Mrs. Joseph fireplace, dining room, pantry, children of. the two daughters, after car garage with living apartment lsh clachan have been set "up'as rs> Miss Harriet- .Taylor, playground of the Elberon Horticultural society above and a combination barn and supervision of Victory Park, will be Valleau, Mrs. Louise Cree, Mrs. H. R. kitchen and laundry. On the second they die, have a very definite interest minders of Scotland's valuable con."'; will open tonight at the Convention |weilbacker, Mrs. James Anderson, floor are four bedrooms and two tiled in the property, and the statute of table. It adjoins tho homes of Ma- rlbutlons to the progress ot^Amer in general charge of the events ana hall, Asbury Park, and will be con- jor General Graves on the cast, Chee- :a. In tho Clark ehop.-O, N. T. will be assisted by Larry McCormick. Mrs. Patrick Cotter, Mrs, Florence baths, together with two servants' limitations covering 30 years of unln-j tinued tomorrow. Robert H. 'Juska of rooms and bath. The third floor con- ver Hardwlck on the west and In the memorialized by views ot scenes Hiss Taylor Is now listing entries and O'Shea, Mrs. John E. Day, Mrs. Har- terrupted and adverse -possession, rear, tho estates of Alfred N. Bead- Deal is manager of the show and ry Brady, Mrs. Joseph Laurino, Mrs. sists of two servants' rooms with a would not to applicable or start to tho history of James and Patrick-,,] all entries must be In by Friday, Sep- Julius Gllly of Long Branch Is show leston and C. Frederick Nollson. Clark whose spool cotton helped .to.'.'f tember 1 • ••••,»• David F. Sheridan, Mrs. John Hogan, large game room. Tho house is heat- run until the death of the original secretary. '• Mrs. Charles Hawkins, Mrs. John L. The property originally belonged to mako Paisley famous. In the next* [ Four new. events have been added ed with a modern year-round heating two daughters, who at the present time , - The principal awards are the. so- Daly, Mrs. William Naulty, Mrs. H. system with oil burner. A two-car are still living. In other words, the Edmund Williams Corllcs, father of ihop thero will ba a display of g4w to the program. They are a 400-yard ciety's gold medal to be awarded to- Raymond Phillips, Mrs. Theodore Arthur and Howard Corlles, who re- hings to oat, brought from Scotland*; dash for men on roller skates, 200- garago is attached to the house. decision was to the effect that the d the i ibi Moss, Miss Ann Little, Miss Helen When Mr. Content purchased the owners of the property at the pres- sldo at Tlnton Falls. It then em- o America by Dunrlch, Ltd. ^The",! yard dash for boys on roller skates, Enrlght, Miss Martina Healy, Miss raced 100 acres and extended to the :ottago next door la : dedicated Jto 100-yard tlre> race for men and 100- property several years ago, It con- ent time merely acquired from the another society medal will be award- Agnes Hackett, Miss Helen Phillips, tained In excess of 200 feet river two original daughters the same In- Central railroad line. Moxnndor Graham Bell, Inventor of yard tire race for boys. ed to the most meritorious exhibit in Miss Mary Kelly and Miss Bluma After the Civil war it was sold to ho telephone. There will be » copy • Assisting Miss Taylor and Mr. Me frontage, arid at the salo of the as- terest that they had in the property jf the Edinburgh birth certificate, ,«* excellence in horticulture. There Harris, Red Bank; Mrs. George Hur- sets of the Universal Security com- or, namely, a. life interest during the Delafield Smith of New York. His Cormlck, am Charles McCormick, will be many special classes both for ley, Mrs. Henry Koch and Mrs. John two daughters Mrs. Annabel W. Bor- well as copies of other historic pa» John Lemig, James Lemlff, Frank the amateur and the professional pany three years ago, who had de- term of the daughters' lives. era and photographs associated with' Bell, Oceanport; Mra. Edwin Cono- veloped Gooseneck Point,, he pur- den and Mrs. Dornvncc Baldwin re- Balgent, Irving VanBrunt, Russell gardener and for members and non- ver,-Mrs. M. J. Moll, Mrs. Harvey The action, subsequently was ap- tho great inventor. There also wiu>'' chased an additional 35 feet adjoining pealed to the Court of Errors and Ap- sided there until tho death of Mr, McCue, John Ryan, Charles Bctta and members of the society. Smock, Mrs. Leon VanBrunt, Mrs. Borden In 1D11, when they moved to "}> duplicates of the models of til* ', Frank Frlscla.
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