, . ., George Cluter Partly CIQudy n Defuta Detroit, Freddie I 10WA.-Plrtly cloudY and warm­ llutclllMon. See Story pr todlY; tomorrow partly cloudy I with scaUered showers On PI,e 4 .0 n L ., -- .. ' 101.0' 0 City', ' M ornin, New.paper 3 FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1940 Tbe A'- P..,_ VOLUME XL NUMBER 245 e ! - -z ;;;;;;; Ie lew trill , lSlde till JUrt trial • ns to till ***'No Desire ' to Be Candidate*** e jury, I Chicago National Convention notwith. thf iul') Nazis Predict Mass Attack Greets Statement With Loud· ot iUdl, Prefaced by Peace Offer Shouts to Draft Chief Executive Pro-Roosevelt Leaders Go Ahead WiLh Plans . ' For Renomination, Feeling Certain Believe Hitler Planes Battle Over England That He Will Accept BY RICHARD L. TURNER Will Propose ---------------------------------------------- . CHICAGO STADIUM, July 16 (AP)- Undeterred by Japanese Cabinet Resigns After Being President Roosevelt's first and long-awaited assertion on 'Last Chance' Report Three the third term-a statement that he had no "desire or Criticized for Not Using 'Firm Hand' purpose" to run again-the democratic national convention loudly demanded tonight that the chief executive be drafted Britain Must Answer Nazi Bomh,ers TOKYO, July 16 (AP)- Japan.night as a possible successor lor for another term. Axis Powers' Terms moved swifUy toward, more en- Yonai. Shot Down The president's statement, read to the convention by Or Meet FreUdJ Fate ergetic action in the tar east to­ Senator Alben W. Barkley, served only to send the delegates night. U,S, Opposes into a prolonged and noisy demonstration which had all but ih, Acrea BERLIN, july 1ft (AP)-In. The cabinet of Premier Admiral Road Closing British Air Force a few state standards parading the aisles, and the big crowd Attome, formed Gt','ma n q uart.ers protes­ Mitsumasa Yonai, recently criticiz­ shouting over and over what had become its theme : WASHINGTON, July 16 (AP) ~se nt the ltd to believe tonight that Adolr ed for fa iling 10 seize the "golden Raids Numerous "We want RQosevelt." and At. Hitler's decIsion for a mass on­ opportunity" created by the fall -The United States, siding with Objectives in Gennany • • • slaught on Grellt Britain might of Ft'ance and Holland, resigned China, let Japan 'and Britain Pro·Roosevelt leaders went steadily ahead meanwhile come any ttme now but there en bloc, apparently to make way know today that it opposed the LONDON,' July 16 (AP) -Bri t~ with their plans to accomplish the chief executive's reo • were indications it wou Id be pre­ lor a new regime ready to fulfill ish and German warplanes fought nomination, feeling certain that, particularly after to­ faced by B "Ia~t chance" peace army demands for a "firm hand" threatened closing of the Burma over the Engli sh coast today w hile policy in the orient. I'oad over which most of the m'ms night's big demonstration, he would comply with the lerms Mler. parliament heard angry charges convention's demand. Sure of victory, nazis began Emperor Birohito, cancelling his now move to the. hard-pressed that favoritism for the wealthy !I'eeli ng grand, tands' and lOud­ scheduled review of the Japanese Chinese forces for their ' Will' with was shown in the removal of refu- • • • speakers 011 Berlin's' famed 'Unt.er fleet, prepared to return, to Tokyo J apan. ~. .' •.•.:; .• gee children to the new world. I "The president," Barkley read to a suddenly hushed con­ den 'Lihden and in other German from his sea-side villa tomorrow. A formal statement from the The air ministry reported thl'ee vention, "has never had,' and has not today, any desire or cil! t! s ' to wel~ome returning Ii was widely expected he would state dcpartlnent sald', "this- gov­ enemy bombers were destroyed purpose to continue in ·the office of president, to be a candi­ troops. ask former Pt'emier Prince Fumi.- . ernment has a legitimate interest during nazi raids and thllt thc date for that office, or to be nominated by the convention Th~y are convinced that EQg­ mal'O Konoye. exponent of a plan in the keeping open " o~ 'arteJjes of British air force had raided nu­ for that office. land's filte will be sealed with for a one-party government more commerce in every Pilrt. of .the merOus objectives in Germany and • • • the same swirL success' Germany like the German and Ita~jan sys- world and cOlliliders., that . adion occupied territory yesterday and "He wishes in all earnestness and sincerity to make it had in knocking 'out Pouind. Den­ tems, to form a new cabinet. such as ti')is, .if taken, 'and. such as last ·night. FraDIilln D, 800sevelt clear that. all of the' delegates to this convention are free ma.rli. Norway, Hoiland, Belgium The cabinet's resignation was was taken recently in relatfon to The nazis dropped bombs on to vote for any candidat~." and F'.ance. precipitated by the resignation of the Indo-China l'ailway, would thr.ee Scottish towns but only , , Nihis sources said bases fOr Leaders of the "draft Roosevelt" movement promptly War Minister General Shunroku cbnstitute unwarranted intei'pqsi­ mi nor casualties W1!re reported. interpreted the message as placing no obstacles in their path. ies. Ihe invasion were ready':""lr90l Hllta, who 'also was mentioned to- lions of obstacles to·worLd ·trade." HIgh Explosives , .. \ ! • • : PI.~tform Drafters Agree I ! Norway . to France's Atlantic The air ministry said nearly • • • • • • .They made that clear in coastline'-:and soldiers and a,ir­ statement after statement, four and one-half tons of hililh ex- R " h U' * D* pc*larati'on Comfor· t: WI·n men only' await Hitler's, "10" Spain Breaks off ' Relati~~8 ". ploslve bombs were dropped on eac nanimous Agreement on '" promptly issued.· signal. an ' oil storage plant at Hanover, Of Party Policy W h Harry HopJdns, secretary ot ITY There were' signs. however. Germany, within a half .hour dur- commerce. and Roosevelt liaison U,arGe" f1!any rpight tlrst pro~e it 24 V ()tes :With Government of Chil~ " ing' widespread raids by the 'Royal . rnan • here, pl'edi('ted Ihat Mr. ~\ Entllond '4111 in.te. line with Air ~'otce Monday ilight. GIUcAGO, July 16 (AP)-Thc. · Secretary of Agn!:ultu.re;. Wit.. o Ott ailS powers' pIons for a new Roosevelt ~ould be nominated by UNDS . ------------~--~~~ Flying tht'ough severe thullder- I democratic convention platform ).ace said the farm plank satisfIed EUrope before any invQsion order Diplomats Ordered storms, heavy raIn and sleet, the d r aft e r s ' I'each~d unanimous him. He added that Senators Bank- New Committeeman acclamation tomorrow night, and jl given. Mine Explosion . 'd B " b b head of Alabama and Hatch ot Senatot· James F. Byrnes, of S9uth mInistry sal, rltish on: ~'S agreement late t6night on a dec~ Succeeds Utterback An imminent decision was re­ To Return Home; spent "an hour or more" Cl'ulsmg . .. .. New Mexico "deserved lots of Carolina, the third-term floor gardM as "Inevitable" by the Hint Anti-Nationalism Kills 63 Men Ilround in search of targets. ~arlltl.on o~ party pollcy, .mclud- credit" for the work done on that For Iowa Democrats leader, said that in his opinion German press which cited Pre­ An enemy raider bombed north- Hlg a foreIgn pla~ descnbed as plank. nothing could delay the nomi na­ mier Churchifl's as f .... tion Britain MADRID, July 16 (AP)-Spain In Pennsylvania. east Scotland tonight in continua- "satisfactory" by those who de- Pledged to secrecy, the drafters CHICAGO, I1I., July 16 (AP) tion beyond that point. lVould fight to the end. severed diplomatic relations with tion of aitacks in which three manded a strong anb-war stand. dodged questions as to det~i1s but - Fran I, Comfort, Des Moille'S at­ (The convention program had Chile tonight in a startling move not called for presidential ballot­ Hundreds of German pilOts SON MAN, Pa., July 16 (AP) bombers were reported shut down Senator. Burton K. Wheeler of some of them said the farm torney, tonight was elected Iowa hive flown over the British Ililes against an American republic now -Grief stricken kinfolk tonight efending British fighter Mont~na, who on, c.e t.hreatened to plank was largely a commenda~ ing before Thursday). by d democratic national committee- familiarizlng themselves with the busy combating pro-nllz! elements. claimed the bodies of 63 miners planes earlier. 1eave the party if It became a tion of what the Roosevelt , ad- Hopkins said he felt sure that rountry and bombing many ob­ The Spanish foreign ministry killed by an explosion in the Kop­ Protests Rlu&, "war party," emerged from the ministration had done in the ag- man to succeed Hubert Utterbflck. "the situation that has developed ltctives, but tlle nazis have said Sll id it broke off relation, be­ pers Coal' company mine while Angry protests that thousands platform d~afting committee room ricultural field in the last. seven also of Des Moines, who was not in the past year and particularly those operations were merely a cause of the Chilean government's authorities mopped a four-way of weulthy children are being sent. wit~ this comment on the foreign years. The social security plank, a candidate for re-election b ause our domestic problems that are taste of what Is In store for 8':i­ tolerance of an anti-nationalist related to that" would be "com· Inquiry into the tragedy , Penn­ to safety in the new world while policy plank: they said, called for extension of of ill health.
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