THE TIMESiBCOTCH PLAINS PUBLIC LIBBAB.T VOLUME 11 NO, 24 SCOTCH PLAINS FANWOOD, N. J,, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1970 15 CENTS A COPY •* W Residents In Town Another Postponement On Overnight Parking Ordinance In Fanwood Ordinance OK's $170,000 For Special Meeting Storm Sewer Construction On Elementary An ordinance which would ban overnight parking on borough streets was postponed last Wednesday by the Fanwood Borough School Housing Council, due to the absence of vacationing Mayor Roland M, Beetham, This is the third postponment of the legislation, which has aroused The Scotch, Plains - Fanwood negative comment from some citizens who either have too many Board of Education will hold a cars to provide off-street parking, or have no parking area on their special public meeting regarding properties. the elementary housing program Acting Mayor William j. Nel- on Tuesday,'June 23, 1970at8:0Q son said the postponment will p.m. In the Scotch Plains - Fan- allow Beetham to be present for Named By wood High School Auditorium, a vote on the ordinance, the sub- The purpose of the meeting will ject of which he had proposed in Biographical be to discuss the board's activ- his annual address onNew Year's ity with regard to its study con- Day, cerning the expansion of the dis- The Council gave initial ap- Institute trict's elementary facilities and proval to an ordinance to ap- to hear comments from local propriate $120,000 for storm Mrs. Richard Dobyns of Scotch residents, sewers in Stewart Place, Farley Plains has been selected as an c'nr further ,.,, infC""Ti«»ti3R*~~, Avenue and Watson Road, The please contact Howard Click- America by the American Bio- CHIMPAN' AND DUMPLING, "Terry Lou", the new chimpan- effger, 322-5500, flow from a branch of Cedar graphical Institute for her years zee sweetheart of Terry Lou Zoo in Scotch Plains gets Brook. Qf the 1170,000, $8,500 of service to the community. This set to take the first gingerly ride on "Dumpling" the newly- would come from capital funds annual honor is bestowed to arrived 16 month old baby elephant from Thailand who has Plains Dems and $161,500 from bonding. Pub- leaders in all walks of life - now established permanent residency at the zoo in Scotch lic hearing is slated for July 8, Senators, Governors, business- Plains, "Dumpling," whose real name is "VIFHALLA" Two further new ordinances men, civic leaders, ministers Elect Officers passed would appropriate $950 and educators. was brought via jet from Bangkok to Holland and then on to for pavement and curbing in Cen- Kennedy Airport, She is now 38" high, weighs 350 pounds An organizational meeting of tral Crossing, and the joining of and drinks 20 quarts of milk daily. Frank Terry is shown the Scotch Plains Democratic a bulk purchasing plan for ma- helping "Terry Lou" get ready for her ride while Joanne Committee was" held last Monday terials and supplies, with Union Miniter of Fanwood holds "Dumpling" steady. evening. The membership, con» sisting of commltteemen and County handilngthe bulk purchas- women, winners in- the recent ing and many municipalities in Democratic Primary, represent the county participating, when the twenty Election Districts of desirable. Scotch Plains. The Council approved a final approval to a two-lot'subdivision Board To Study Fanwood All candidates for office were for Bayberry Estates, at 146 named through open nominations North Avenue, Another approval from the floor, was granted for attaching a por- Re-Zoning Proposals _ Elected were Russell Pagano, tion of a lot to the property of Scotch Plains Municipal Chair- Dr, William Gllne, at the Fan- The first Master Plan of the Borough of Fanwood was adopted man; Frederick Splngler, Vice- wood Animal Hospital at- 70 South In 1959 and since that time the remaining parcels of cavant prop- Chalrman; Jeannette Diet?,, Vice- Avenue. Both were recommend- erties have been developed, leaving practically no undeveloped lands Chairlady, Edith Powers, former ations of the Planning Board, Township Committee member, in the Borough except a few vacant building lots aggregating not Preliminary approval was MRS. RICHARD DOBYNS more than five percent of the total Fanwood area. was elected Secretary, and Thomas Da Luca was elected granted for two other subdivi- 1 In :he present rezoning of the sions, one for Mrs, Elizabeth Mrs, Dobyns impressive bio- Treasurer, graphical dam will appear in the Borough in connection with the Retiring Chairman Joseph Gautler at 33 Elm Avenue and pending revision of the Master one for George B, Draper at Fourth Edition of Community GOP's Name Gannon presented the gavel to Leaders of America. Her civic Plan the Planning Board was Mr, Pagano who addressed the 104 North Avenue, guided by a number of basic The Council approved invest- activities are numerous. She la Officer Slate group briefly and Introduced John a member of the Board of Di- considerations, the more Impor- Bronskl, the Democratic Candi- ment of $250,000 in U. S. Treas- tant of which were the following! ury bills. A similar Investment rectors of the Fanwood-Scotch date for Township Commlueeman Plains YMCA and is Chairman 1. Fanwood Is essentially a In Fanwood In the coming election. of $60,000 from the savings ac- count was authorized, in order to of ihe Annual Sustaining Mem- amali residential community, In his address, Mr, Bronski bership Drives. In the recent homogeneous in its make-up, de- Mrs. Robert Geer of 229 Bums realize a return of about 1 per- Way was re-elected Republican stated that he believes the para- cent more in interest, Building Fund Campaign, she was pending largely on out-of-town mount issues which must be con- one of the major gift chairmen, employment for its Income. Municipal Chairman In Fanwood sidered by-an candidate for office James B, Russell's appoint- 2. Although the homes are aging at the recent municipal com- ment to the Fanwood Fire Com- She also nerved on other fund the buildings are generally well mittee organization meeting held (Continued on page 33) pany was confirmed. raising campaigns - serving as maintained, and property values in the home of Mrs. Karl Samse, Community Chairman fnr the have sustained. The improved 46 Madison Ave. Vice-chairman American Cancer Society and properties In our Borough re- of the local committee is Mrs, as a worker and ilien as follow- main attractive to new purch- Samse, treasurer is Lawrence SPFHS Graduation Tonite up Chairman for the Community Fund Drives, asers and the community rem- Woodruff, secretary is Mrs, The Scotch Plains - Fanwood Benediction and Invocation, fol- ains viable, .Robert Nightingale, delegate to High School graduating class, lowed by a welcoming address Her civic interc-hi also runs 3. The feasibility of multiple the county executive committee numbering 513 students, will re- by Dr. Perry H, Tyson, prin- in the political field. For many dwellings was examined and the Is Charles Coronella and alter- ceive their diplomas tonight at cipal of the high school. years plie ha.s worked vigorously project was abondoned primar- nate delegate Is Charles Pfost, commencement exercises at the The graduates will be present- for the election nf qualified can- ily because of excessive land Other committee men and high school field. The exercises ed hy Fred j. Laberge, super- didates 10 ihu Board nf Educa- acquisition costs. It was also women elected during the recent are scheduled to begin at 6 p.m., intendent of schools, and Richard tion, even serving as Campaign felt that the introduction of mul- primary election include - 1st and will be moved to the new A, Solliito, vice president of the Manager for -,umt: of the candi- tlple dwellings would adversely district, Coronella and Mrs, gymnasium in case of rain, graduating class. dates, effect the present favorable char- Arthur Terry; 2nd district, Wil- Piiul Allan Sellers, president of Mi>, Dufoyn*. is married to Dr. liicliai-il' Dubyn-i.- They have five fred Boucher and Mrs. Samse; " Father John D« Sweeney of Im- the Class of '70, will address his acter of the community. maculate Heart of Mary Church children, Lynn, Mark, Katliie, In Scotch Plains will give the ^iHLiii nnrl Rickv, (Continued on Page 33) (Continued on Page 19) (Continued on Page 24) 2 ... The TIMES, June 18, 1970 ations and education effort bodies. in soliciting opinions anddesiresT hould be made to enlighten the A final' point, according to from various communities in lectorate about the roles of Gannon, is the need for Township town, particularly the minority Gannon Urges Closer ounty and larger governing Bodies to play a more active role groups. Citizen Ties With Town Government nniversary Oale Scotch Plains Democrats reorganized last week, with a new slate of officers, as Municipal Chairman Joseph A, Gannon prepared to assume a new post as salaried, full-time executive director of the State Democratic Committee, Gannon, his wife Lois and their six Great values ^.rom our reaular stocks* • children plan a July move from their jersey Avenue home to a new residence on Stalle Avenue in Plainfield, Come celebrate with us* /^{m* all, you Russell Pagano, a former "Now we only know via the news- Democratic candidate for the paper what's planned by the Board have made Tt all possible and Township Committee, succeeds of Education", Gannon said. In- Gannon as city chairman. Other stead, Planning Boards, respon- thank you* newly elected officials include sible for total development of both vice-chairman Frederick Sping- communities, should be aware of ler, vice-chairlady Jeanette proposed school plans. Teens and Juniors Dietze, Secretary Edith Powers The role of county government and Treasurer Thomas Da Luca, should have greater emphasis, At the reorganization meeting Gannon said, "There must be last week Gannon introduced developed in the community an otrdLiqht leq Vvrdnqler j Township Committee candidate awareness of the responsibilities John Bronsky, who addressed his of county government, since many £°ate to JO fellow Democrats, local needs are regional in As he retires from the local nature" he stated.
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