SIACJt, THE LIBRARY V."V \ OF HAVERFORD COLLEGE 'Haverford, Pa.) THE GIFT OF SlqAJX MO \0 - °\ 190 £ Accession No A ^ ^ ^ NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE LIBHAEY. : — — Entered at the Post Office, Haverford, Pa., as second-class matter. Vol. 4, HAVERFORD COLLEGE P. 0., MONTGOMERY CO., PA., OCTOBER, 1882. No. 1. School and College Text Books, porter &coates- new publications. ^-J ENGLAND,TmxrriT. a wn PICTURESQUE"PTiH rri"T"R"Risornn ANDatvtt* DESCRIPTIVE.ntnsr'-RTT>rpTT7TJi Byt*v JoelTaut Cook. With -1S7 finely engraved illustrations, descriptive of the most famous and attractive places, as well as of the historic scenes and rural life of England and Wales. With Mr. Cook's admirable descriptions of SCHOOL BOOKS. TO VISITORS, the places and the country, and the splendid illustrations, this is the most valuable and attractive book of the season. Quarto, elegantly bound. Libraries Purchased. great Cloth extra, gilt If you want a We have a side and edges, $7.50; full Turkey morocco, gilt edges, many people who $15.00. school book call at If you have a walk into our store THE FIRESIDE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF POETRY. Collected to sell, and arranged by Henry T. Coates. New edition, thoroughly revised, and our store, where large library and say, " do We containing Portraits of Prominent American Poets, with Fac-similes of their you will be waited send us your ad- notwishto buyany- hand-writing Imp. 8vo. Cloth extra, gilt side and edges. $.5.00; Turkey morocco, antique, full gilt edges, $10.00. The best most complete dress, will thing, only want to and on by polite and and we collection of poetry published. look around. Can accommodating call and examine THE ITS and, Our store is ENGLISH PEOPLE IN THREE HOMES; The we?" Practical Bearings of General European By Howard salesmen, who will it. The library can- History. perfectly free, and A. Freeman. LL.D.. author of " The Norman Conquest of Eng'land," etc. give you the same not be too large, any person is per- 12mo. Cloth extra, black and gold, $1.75. attention whether as we want all the fectly welcome to POLITICAL ECONOMY ; With Especial Reference to the Indus- come and examine trial History of Nations. By Robert Ellis Thompson. M. A. 12mo. you purchase a books we can get. Cloth extra, $1.50. our books without The book is one that should find a large circle of readers, not only among small spelling-book Good books bring feeling under the professed students but with the large body ot intellig. nt working men with whom the real interests of the country are safest." Public ledger, Philadelphia. or an unabridged good prices. slightest obligation " It is a book winch every one would do well to obtain, and, when obtained, dictionary. to purchase. to read with care and attention."— Toronto World. THREE IN NORWAY. By Two of Them. With a map and 58 illustra- tions. 12mo. Cloth extra, black an i gold. $1.75. "The story, as a story, is well told, and old hunters and fishermen will envy the trio their sport with rod and rifle; but while there is nothing either forced or silly about the narrative, it boils over with genuine fun until the reader LEARTS OLD BOOK STORE, feels not that the unnamed authors are making him laugh, but that he is simply laughing with them. He and they form a hilarious company with no nonsense about them."— Inquirer, P/nladc'phia, No. 9 South NINTH Street, '"While the incidents of the journey are interesting in themselves, the pleasant methods ot the author make the book among the most enjoyable of its kind." Inter -Ocean, Chicago. First Store below Market Street. MICROSCOPES. H. B. HART, ITllCROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES. Bicycles, SPY GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, Tricycles and DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS, Velocipedes. Spectacles, No. 813 ARCH STREET, EYE GLASSES, PHILADELPHIA. THERMOMETERS AND BAROMETERS. ^S*"Bicyde Purchasers taught to ride free of charge. Send 3 cent stamp for 24 page Catalogue. Physical and Chemical Apparatus. JAMES W.QUEEN& CO. J. B. TWADDELL, 924 CHESTNUT STREET, Fine Shoes. PHILADELPHIA. Gents' Fine Shoes a Specialty. Catalogues as follows sent on application No. 1212 MARKET STREET, Parti. Mathematical Instruments 162 pages. Part 2. Optical Instruments, 18 i pages. PHILADELPHIA. Part 3. Magic Lanterns, 112 pages. Part 4. Pliilnsouhical Instruments, ICO pages. wo squares from Broad Street Station. THE HAVER FORDIAN. STADELMAN'S PHARMACY. Homer, Golladay & 60. Compounding of Prescriptions a specialty. HUNYADI JANOS AND FRIEDRICHSH ALL Invite attention to their BITTER WATERS, Gents' Furnishing Goods Department, Together with a variety of Imported and Domest c Natural Spring Waters, constantly on hand. which will always be fuiiud replete with the ALL THE POPULAR MONTHLY AND WEEKLY MAGAZINES LATEST NOVELTIES IN NECKWEAR. AND DAILY PAPERS. STORE ENLARGED AND REFURNISHED. ALL SIZES OF Whitman's and other Fine Confectionery also the Choicest Cigars. Ready Made Shirts at $1.00 each. ; Cor. Cricket Avenue and Lancaster Pike, Measures taken, and made to Order. Fit, Workmanship and Materials Guaranteed. Directly opposite Station. ARDMORE. $18. OO per Dozen, Laundried. HENRY TROEMNER, 20.00 " " Open Front. 24.00 " " Extra Fine. 710MetSL Jerseys for Gymnasium, Tennis and Cricket, etc., in College Colors. ASSAY ANALYTICAL A full assortment of BALANCES, BALANCES COLLARS AND CUFFS. ASSAY WEIGHTS OF WEIGHTS, PRECISION. Nos. 1412 and 1414 CHESTNUT STREET, (Above Broad St.) DRUGGISTS' PRESCRIPTION SCALES, &e. PHILADELPHIA. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. Provident Life and Trust Company OF PHILADELPHIA, KEEP'S SHIRTS, No. 409 Chestnut Street. 933 Chestnut Street. 1st Mo. 1st, 1882. GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, UNDERWEAR, ETC. - - - Assets at market price, - - ' - - $6,013,4119.^ Custom Shirts Made to Measure from Liabilities, --...... 4,845.965 29 KEEP'S Wamsutta Muslin and Best Irish Linen. Surplus, including Capital Stock, ..... (1,197,41609 Bosoms 3-ply, all Linen. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Mortality Experience from 1866 to 1880. Probable Death Losses according to tbe American Ex- perienre Table of Mortality, the Standard of the SIX FOR $9.00! Pennsylvania Insurance Department (774 lives), - • $2,3IS,'JI5 00 Samples and Circulars Mailed Free. Actual experience of the Company during tie whole period (518 lives), ....... 1,014.908 00 Fine Assortment of Gents' Furn/sbing Goods. Difference, -----.... 571 3,307 I KEEP MANUFACTURING CO. A Low Rate of Mortality Makes Cheap Insurance. WM. C. WHELLER, SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, President. PRACTICAL ASA S. WING, Vice-President. ROWLAND PARKY, Actuary. JOSEPH ASH BROOK, Manager 0/ Insurance Dept. DR. THOMAS W1STAE, Chief Medical Examiner. BOOK-BINDER DIRECTORS. 152 SO. THIRD STREET, SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, Philadelphia. ISRAEL MORRIS, Philadelphia. Room A. 'i B 1 STAR BROWN, CHAS. HARTSHOKNE. ItlCHARD CADBURY. WILLIAM GUMMERE, PHILADELPHIA. HENRY HAINES, " ' BENJ. V. MARSH, Ji iSHUA II. MORRIS, FREDERIC COLLINS, RICHARD WOOD, MURRAY SHIPLEY, Cincinnati, O. despatch. WILLIAM HACKER. J. MORTON ALBERTSON. Old liooks and Magazines bound with neatness and ASA s WING, Norristown, Pa Vol. 4. HAVERFORD COLLEGE P. 0„ MONTGOMERY CO,, PA„ OCTOBER, 1882. No. 1. THE HAVERFORDIAN. we fear our eloquence and logic was not properly appre- ciated. It is very seldom that a report of our matches EDITORS : appears in the papers when there is not some confusion G. H. Evans, '83, Chairman. of names and places. We once saw two accounts of dif- Charles R. Jacob, '84. Samuel Shoemaker, '83. ferent matches in one of the papers which read the " Dorian, T. Herbert Chase, 'S4. Enos L. Doan, '85. " of Harvard," and Haverford, of Cambridge." Now it is Orren Bates, '84, - Business Manager. seldom that such a great mistake as this happens, but Rufus M. '85, Assistant Business Manager. Jones, every we see something day of the same nature ; although Subscription Price, One Copy, One Year, $1.0O less evident, still it is a mistake by which Haverford Col- lege is left out entirely. The Havehfordian is the official organ of the students of Haverford College, and is published monthly during the College year. The Cricket Club is one of the greatest advertisements Literary communications should be addressed to the editors. the college could wish, but if it cannot be known that it The regular price of subscription to the Haver- is the Haverford College Club how can the college be benefited it ? fordian is only $1.00 per year. Old Haverfor- by We say once more, let the name be changed so that Haverford College may get the full bene- dians in particular, and friends of the College fit ol her victories and help bear her defeats, and that generally, should give us their hearty support in she may have due praise both in her victories and defeats. our endeavors to raise the standard of literary zvork in the College. Arrangements having been With this number we publish a list of the prizes made with the publishers of the "Student" we are offered by the Cricket Club, and also the rules under which they are offered. They are offered for proficiency enabled to mail to any address the "Student" and in every branch of cricket, batting, bowling, and fielding, u Haverfordian " togetherfor $[.50 per year. and are of such value that every one ought to try for them. Of course, the first eleven prizes are open only to The experience of this year brings forcibly to our members of the first eleven, and new members are usu- minds the need of some new method in regard to the ally debarred from competition for these; but the prizes soliciting of members for the private societies. offered to those not on the first eleven are open to all, Some, if not many, before they become aware of the and every one should do his best to obtain one of these importance of the step, are induced to join the one which, prizes.
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