-F “ -i ,■*■■* •tf’ i,Syg!fJs&> FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1960 |AQB E|PHTEE> jllanrhfBtifr ^oi^ning Today^s Edition Js The Herdld^s Annual to Its AVinrage Daily Net l^resa Ron " ■The'9yeatIieri-%>;^ f l ' A t : F«r We(tk Aided Dee. 17, IMO Rpreeewt et’ D. 9, OPEN TONIGHT HU Seme light eaow Ukely 13,326 Low 15 to 20. Meetly Heir Member ef the Andlt net eo cold. Hlgli M to 88. ' BBreea et ObeoletlMi Manchester^A City of Vittago Charm VOL. LXXX, NO. 72 (TWENTY PAGES WITH TV SECTION) )MAN(^1ESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1960 (Oleeelllbd Adverttelag 00 Page 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS Christmas Spirit Fills the World # ith Joy Alhambra, Calif., Dec. 24 •V FREE GIFT (yp)—The pre-holiday political campaigioing left its mark on WRAPPING one Alhambra tyke. NaWh Pole, Dec. 24 Wrote.Cparlene Cans: time* gat left off the list. “Dear Santa Claus UtiiRohted by whlrliiur aatel T in t's needed is a full-scale “Please .day hello to Ru­ litea in the dky, Santa Chita overitauling of the books for the Christmas Eve hitched np hia gift-hddn whole world, so that no needy lit­ dolph, Nixon, Vixon and Plan­ rieii^, eradted hia whip over tle ones wiU be missed, but things ner,” hia Mindeer team and off have Just been hectic around here. 'The letter was processed But don’t woriy. By a reindeer’s north via the Alhambra Post tta ily on hia annnal vuit of hoof, I promise I’m going to get c h d ^ . to your house this time. I have be­ Advocate. UN Units C l FT fore me a copy of the letter you *^hoeka,* Ac aaid when re­ wrote from your farm . home at Philadelphia, Dec. 24 UP)— A 2- minded that thnre were 37 Viola, Ark., to the Police Depart­ month-old baby abandoned Hiurs- Good Idea No. I Good'Idea No. Z Good Idea No. 3 Gobd Idea No. 4 Aaserican .and Rusdan iqiace ment in New York Chty, saying; day in sub-freezing temperatures objects in orbit, ‘Tve* been ‘Is there a real Santa . .? You has been named Christopher Noell Watch on docking meteors for cen­ see if there is a real Santa he by workers at the Child Welfare GIFT-BOXED LADIES' POPLIN doesn’t know where we live . Center, / ' Ladies' SLACKS turies. Satellites don’t fright­ you know he hasn’t been to our *nie Christopher comes from a UMBRELLAS! en me.” house for a. long time. He must St. Christopher (safe Journey) 2 Fronts ALL WEATHER have been dead for a lot of years. medal the blue-ey«l blond boy was S a n t a’s Headquarters, If he is live, I hope you ■will read wearing when found outside a hos­ and GAPRIS this letter to him. .’ pital. Noel is the French word for By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LADIES'- /AANY STYLES North Pole, Dec. 24 (A>)— Christmas and for some reason, Festive parties and reli- ' reg. 14.99 to 17.99 COATS Dear Coleta Burns:, (ConHnned on Pago Nine) the welfare workers added the gious observance marked Shiver my whiskers! My other 1. Christmas eve from the new­ m j o NYLON AND NOTE PAPER reg. 17.99 The baby had been well-insulat­ face is as red as my suit. ed against the cold. The center est nations of Africa to Eu-. Please forgive me for not get­ No Herald says that—as befits a child with rope, America and Asia. reg. 7.99 8.97 reg. 1.00 and 1.25 . ting to your house at Christ­ his name at this season—he Is as African carol singers in flowered mas for such a' long time. No On Monday healthy and happy. costumes paraded the streets of Lagos, Nigeria, in 91-degres tem­ by 15.88 .wonder you thought I was peratures ,and 90-degree humidity, The Manchester Evening Aberdeen, S. D„ Dec. 24 UP)— dead. Santa .gets help in strange ways. celebrating their first Christmas Pantino and Harburt e the poplin coat for all- ^ But rest assured, 1 am not. All I Herald will not publish* Mon­ Here, a train-truck collision help­ eve as an independent nation. 3.99 79c 2 for L50 year wear! can say is that my elfin secretaries day, the day after Christmas. ed fatten his pack. Churches' were expected to be help here Is Just not what it , Merry Christmas to all. crowded for the traditional serrices • the most famous name ahmdd be, and the names of many The crash scattered 'a truckload • iolid colors. slacks! • 100% pure virpn • zip-out linings of quilt­ of Christmas books in -the snow. in all except the Moslem North. e the most complete holiday collection from which to ed lambs wool or orlon As the .cold winds whirled them Stores sold gifts and Christmas • beautiful prints. wools • fine velveteens • rich across the fields an insurance ad puddings'. solid colors • lacy stripes and choose. pile. Near-zero temperatures, laced • all with the most exquisite imported handles. iVo Room in Any Inn Juster gave the Aberdeen Fire De­ with blizzards, gripped the north­ fabulous fashion styles • sizes • white, colored and fancifully designed papers. e black, loden or natural, partment permission to salvage the eastern United States from .the Up-, • men's . self opening styles. 7 to 13, 8 to 20 • second floor books for needy children. per Mississippi Valley to the sen- ' woman’s . slims, pagoda and regulation length styles. sports shop. • 36 sheets and 24 envelope sets. e sizes 8 to 20. After drying them out, the fire­ board. men put together a big bundle for President Eisenhower, ■"lighting Thousands of Pilgrims a state school delivery, another for the nation's Christmas 'free in Good Idea No. 7 Good Idea No. 8 the Salvation Army and used the Washington Friday night, ex­ Good Idea No. 5 Good Idea No. 6 rest for their usual round of dsUvr pressed gratefulness ‘‘f6r all the erlea to, needy youngsters ^ material comforts with which we :e on Bethlehemv Chriatmas eve. «- have been blessed.” But he urged the nation to look seriously at Its IMPERIAL Special Purchase of Luxurious MEN'S BOYS' ROYTEX By WEBB MCKINLEY f better than before,’’ he said. ’’First Los Angeles, Dec. 24 UP) — Imperfections racial prejudices BethlehSm, Dec. 24 (^ —Pilgrims of all we have more visitors. Sec­ Thirty-six years ago Robert Wil­ and apathy toward 'violations WASH and WEAR from scores of lands converged to­ ond, there will be weU contained son mailed a friend in Philadel­ law and standards of public and LUXURY SHEER WASHABLE ROBES day on this hallowed hillside town peace and quietness. phia a Christmas card. private' integrity. 100% NYLON' to celebrate Chriatmas where ^ Bethlehem itself looked not at The '/erse was iq, Scotch dialect, Pilgrifns from far comers of the Christ was bom. all like the Christmas card scene and the greeting ended with: world- in unprecedented numbeto ROBES Like years ago there wasn’t a of peaceful northern snow. Built ’’An’ dinna ye forget to return madn the deyput trek to the NYLONS vacant room in any Inh with a rec­ on a terraced hlU 13 miles from it.” nidnger scene in Bethlehem. About ord-number of visitors streaming Jerusalem, It was primped for the Vic Clark, Wileon’a Philadelphia 3,000 of them passed through DUSTERS reg. 8.95 to 11.95 4.99 Into bustling Bethlehem—tourists, celebration. frienct didn’t Jerusalem’s Mandelbaum Gate and nq. 1.00 pcdr aokUers, shepher^ diplomats, In Manger Square in 6ont of The next year ha aiailed Wilson the No-Man’s Land between IsradI priaits. poUtleiana shd possibly , a the msssive Church of the Na- thefaSW'---'' ' and Jordan. reg. 12.99 TO fSw wismett. wa*<fv; , AU eanie'to witasfi the Joy and ____t mailed -ft bonk. And the (OonUhaed oa Paga Tea) 6 pr. box 3 * 9 9 pomp which mark theretelling here colored Chriatmas... 5.97 of the story of the Nativity. one limb hung an ortogs ’This year Wilson got i t again. • full fashioned. Travelers filled all the hotels in proclaiming "Merry Chri It’s now enclosed In plastic and 7.99 nearby Jerusalem and spread out Gloria.” insured for $10. Wilson, now 6fl • proportioned lengths. e plaids, into RamaUaJi and Jericho. They and a metired Los Angeles police­ Now 9.94 I cotton flannel plaids, overflowed into convents, monas­ (ConjUnned on Page Nine) man, says of tile card: Bulletins • 60 gauge . 16 denier. e checks, teries and privata homes. “It looks like it’ll outlast both from the AP Wires solid color rayon acetate styles. The influx was quickened by the of us.” • sparkle and echo e solids. arrival of 2,8S2 Christian A i^s shades. sizes 10 to 18. a wide assortment of pastel shades e all in a tremendous selection for gift-giving! who crossed the forbidden border Busiest Train Miami Beach, Fla., Dec. 24 UP) ' small, medium, |arge from Isrgel yesterday. Each year —More than 310,000 worth of, toys C.\ROINALS GREET POPE • sizes 8V2 to 11. to choose from. and extra large. • ' ' sizes 8 to 20. \ Israel arid Jordan—though tech­ which had been on display for Vatican City, Dec. 34 (A)— '■S nically still at war—agree to let Stops to Honor three weeks on the Lincoln Road Pope John XXm, reepondtaig Israel Arabs through Jerusalem’s Mall will he distributed today to today to the Christmas greet* . Good Idea No. 12 Msndelbaum Gate to visit rela­ Cuban refugees, hospitals and ings of the College of Car­ Good Idea No.
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