FIrstClass U.S.PostagePaid Permit#1 UPht 3BatoftnsontanDavidson,NC +"THESOUTHS WEEKLY" + Davidson College Wednesday, May 3,2006 Volume 97,Number 24 Froflcllng In the snn Forum explores options for former CoHo house By KateGillespie social spectrum, many non-PCC NewsEditor members feel that Patterson Court fosters a senseof exclusivity. Students proposed filling the " "Twenty-one-year-olds hiber- vacancy onPatterson Court with a nate!in the basemant while non-21- late-night hangout spot, a new year-olds are upstairs," McCrory women's eatinghouse and a space said. "It's not a place to meet peo- Ok^ I^^^J M^ for student organizations at last ple;it'sa place to go with peopleI Thursday's forum. already know. Our size forces kids The space opened when CoHo into their rooms or off-campus, shut down earlier this semester. which detracts from the sense of PresidentBobbyVagtopenedthe community." forum by asking students to hold a McCrory and Gupta have not "back-and-forth" to discuss the workedoutdetails yetbecause they possible uses for the emptyhouse. wantstudents to beinvolved. Students then presentedoutlines They envision opening the of theirproposals. Outpost from Wednesday to SGA senators Wilson McCrory Saturday and also holding student '07 andGagan Gupta '07 proposed meetings, coffeehouses and per- Students celebrated the reestablishing an Outpost on the formances inthe house. Court. Sara Madison Davenport '07 last weekendbefore exams McCrory and Gupta are mem- proposed a new women's eating bers of a barbecue, an SGA committee formed house. with bandand three weeks ago to look into the "There are 12 houses on activities in the middle options for filling the space. Patterson Court," Davenport said. of Althoughthe entire SGAhas yet to "Eight ' of these organizations are Patterson Courtr" vote on the issue, McCrory and men's organizations. Each of the Gupta determined after talking to women's houses has over 100 current students, Top left: BrianAlbers '07, Paul Paradis past students and members. There are less than 80 '06 and Larissa Hohe '08 racecars. administrators that a new Outpost for all of the men's houses." Top right: Beaux Jones '07andHunter fit W mt would fill a social void oncampus. Davenport saidthat a new eating Williams '07 celebrate Spring Frolics. "Right now, there is not a com- house would create more leader- Bottom right: Emmaline Harvey'07 jousts mon space for students to go," ship positions for women on cam- against afellow student. McCrory said. "Most colleges, if pus. they don't have it on campus, it's She believes that the size of eat- off campus. Students of all demo- inghouses keeps women from get- graphics can come together." ting involved and causes them to According to McCrory and drop out. She compared the self- Remembering Josiah Cameron Gupta, while the Outpost could By bring togetheropposite ends of the Forum,page Summerlee Walter where he would need to dress up, ondoorsand invitinghis hallmates See 3 Senior Staff Writer and, when Iwould ask him if he to allow him to treat them to din- planned to change, he would say ner. On April 11, Davidson College 'Maybe,'" Buckhout said. "I'd be Josiah would take those who mourned the loss of Josiah waiting all afternoon to see if acceptedto Bonsai,andthey would Cameron '09. Josiah would dress up or just go, eattheir food on one of thebench- According to those who knew and he would always come by the esonMain Street. him best, Josiah was a fun-loving room before he left to let me see His friends say that Josiah and pursuedhis own joy. that he'd gotten ready and dressed always gave more time to others Josiah would golf at Covington up." than he savedto himself. and, after finishing the round, Buckhout alsoremembers Josiah Josiah's visitation and his would set golf balls in the grass constantly interacting with his hall memorial service reflected the joy and attempt to hit them over the mates, playing basketball and and thekindness of his life. Senior Apartments or across the goofing around on thehall. At the visitation,held on April baseball fields. "Ialways come back to the way 13, members of the College com- Scott Buckhout '07, one of his he loved andcared for people who munity had the opportunity to hall counselors on Fourth weren't loved and cared for by share memories of Josiah with his Richardson, recalls Josiah's sense anyone else,"Buckhout said. "He family members. of humor and his laid-back atti- wasloyal tohis friends,but he was By the time that the visitation tude. alsoloyal to the people whodidn't was scheduled to begin, a large "Josiah would tell me early in have friends." crowd had already gatheredin the Themen's track team scored 83 points at the SoCon the afternoon that he would be Some evenings, Josiah would Championship, goodenough for third place.It the team'sbest going somewhere in the evening move through the hall, knocking See Josiah,page 4 finishever at the meet See page12. NEWS: Batten Lecture calls for media reform page 3 . Do you have ■Ua Rembrandt Commencement: One last look time for change at 2006 athletics a J^Hk in your B^BI H^^^H basement? see /%\VI ".avFrL d■seePERSPECTIVES,PAGE 11 see SPORTS,PAGE15 2 The Davidsonian News Wednesday,May 3,2006 Students stay on campus to do summer research By Emily Kota assisted reproductive technology under Senior Staff Writer Case'ssupervision. Kristen Cecala '07 will conduct research Students will collaborate with faculty on under Dorcas' supervision. research projects spanning numerous disci- She.plans to study a specific salamander plines this summer. species in order to answer questions regard- ft l II I Research performed during the summer ing its distribution, movement, survival, allows students to gain experiencesnotusu- metamorphic behavior andother lifehistory ally offered to undergraduate students. characteristics. "In the summer, students can devote all Cecala will also continue independent their energies into conducting research," research from this past semester about the Associate Professor of Biology Michael effectiveness of amphibian anesthesia and Dorcas said. behavioral interactions of larvalstream sala- Some students develop their own research manders. ideas whileothers apply to work withprofes- Cecala saidthat research isan opportunity DAVIDSON sors already focusing ona certain topic. for students to gain valuable experience. KJH^^M "I am interested in attending graduate "In the summer, students can school following graduation from Davidson I i and this summer will provideme more expe- r'i'*i ■mriMlB .^^^^55^- devote all their energies intocon- " rience in conducting research on my ducting research. own and exposure to the field of ecology, -I i a B^J —Michael Dorcas, herpetology and research," Cecala said. .'■ Associate Professor ofBiology Nick DiLuzio '08 also cited gaining field experienceandbuilding hisresume for grad- Christie Brough '07 was attracted to her uateschool as two of his summer goals. project after taking Issues in Reproductive DiLuzio and LeighAnne Harden '07 will Medicine with Professor and Chair of the conductresearch withDorcas' assistance and Biology Department Verna Case. theyplan to study the effects ofdevelopment "I was fascinated by these topics so this onturtle populations inthe local area. research opportunity will give me good They will be developing mathematical insightinto what theresearch worldmight be models to allow for more efficient sampling like and allow me to gain a further under- of turtle populations to better estimate actual standing of this topic," Brough said. population sizes. Library director Leland Park spoke at acelebration of his retirement and more Brough will be working at Davidson as a Many summer research students look for- than 30 yearsof service tothecollege lastFriday. Park will continue toserveas Howard Hughes Medical Institute Summer ward to working with Davidson's experi- director thissummer while the college searches for his replacemment. Research Fellow. enced faculty members. She will analyze precedent setting legal See Research,page 3 Town constructs traffic cases relating to prenatal intervention and roundabout near 1-77 4/29/06 Patterson Court Fire ByColleenMcKown The retail development on Griffith Street $120 Senior Staff Writer is expectedto amountto million. Officers were dispatched to KA because the fire alarm had been activated. Upon The new development will include a arrival,the officers were approachedby astudent whosaidhe hadobserved a white male Constructionofatraffic roundabout is cur- Harris Teeter grocery store, anew Davidson runningfrom thehouse minutes after thealarm sounded. Twoother officers entered the School, rently inprogress on Griffith Street near the Day restaurants and over 200 addi- house to ensureit was empty. The Davidson Fire Department arrived and found a fire entrance ofInterstate 77. tional residential areas such as Davidson extinguisher thathad been dischargedinthe basement. The Fire Departmentmade sev- According to Chief Jeanne Miller of the Court and Homewood Suites. eral attempts to reset the alarm but were unable to doso. The policeofficers called the Hall, Davidson Town the town needs the With the increased volume of traffic that Physical Plant and asked them to check the system. Several hours later, the officers roundabout because of the current retail willresult from thedevelopment,Miller said received acall from Physical Plant advising them that the alarm had been repaired. development being constructed on Griffith thatthe roundabout will facilitatetraffic flow Street. better than traffic lights would. "Signalization, unlike roundabouts, pre- 4/30/06 Patterson Court Party Control concerns, can vents traffic from moving quickly in a con- "Ifpeople have they flow," tinuous she said. Anofficer was sent to the KappaSigma housebecause the on-dutyofficer was having call and make an appointment According Miller, to roundabouts are safer trouble having keeping the partyunder control. Theofficer saidIDers were norcheck- with thepolicedepartment. We'll roundabouts, for pedestrians. At pedestrians ingIDs;IDbracelets were beingremoved andgiven tounderage students;the bartender drive them through in apolice car crossone-way, slow-moving traffic.
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