LYNNFIELD ECRWSSEDDM PERMIT # 167 WOBURN, MA Vol. 4, No. 45 -FREE- www.advocatenews.net Lynnfi [email protected] 978-777-6397 Friday, November 9, 2018 EverettBank donates $1,000 Lynnfi eld voters to Kiwanis Club of Lynnfi eld largely back incumbents in general election By Christopher Roberson cent of the state vote and challenger James McMahon espite a decisive victory in garnered 30.1 percent. In Dthe September primary, Lynnfi eld the vote was much Jay Gonzalez was no match closer, with Healey winning for Gov. Charlie Baker, who by 718 votes. cruised to a second term in William Galvin received the Nov. 6 general election, 70.7 percent of the state vote capturing 66.9 percent of the and will continue to serve as vote. In Lynnfi eld, 5,012 vot- the Secretary of the Com- ers favored Baker while Gon- monwealth. He was chal- zalez garnered 1,056 votes. lenged by Anthony Amore, In the U.S. Senate race, who received 25.4 percent, 3,515 Lynnfi eld residents vot- and Juan Sanchez, who re- ed for challenger Geoff Diehl, ceived 3.8 percent. In Lyn- The Kiwanis Club of Lynnfi eld received a $1,000 donation from EverettBank recently. Shown, from left to right, are VP Kelly Zullo, Branch Manager Samantha Romboli and President Kar- 2,544 voted for incumbent nfi eld, 3,574 voters favored en Laplante. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world Elizabeth Warren and 191 Galvin versus 2,457 for Amore one child and one community at a time. EverettBank is also a proud sponsor of the Everett Ki- voted for challenger Shiva and 96 for Sanchez. wanis Club. Ayyadurai. Although Diehl In the congressional race topped the ticket in Lyn- to represent Massachusetts’s nfi eld, he did not fare near- Sixth District, incumbent ly as well on the state level, Seth Moulton secured 65.2 receiving 36.2 percent of the percent of the state vote as vote to Warren’s 60.3 percent. he soundly defeated chal- Ayyadurai fi nished in a dis- lenger Joseph Schneider, tant third with 3.3 percent. who had 31.3 percent, and In the race for Attorney challenger Mary Jean Char- General, incumbent Mau- ra Healey received 69.8 per- ELECTION | SEE PAGE 7 ÙÝîÏáéëîåÝèÝðÅåðõÊÝèèÒáÝÞëàõ We lend the credit so you can lend a hand. Selectmen confi rm Glenn Davis as choice for fi re chief By Christopher ÈëîáòáîõäëéááíñåðõèåêáëìáêáàóáĊîáàëêÝðåêãxðëÊÝÞåðÝðÒÎ×Õ Roberson ÝèëßÝèØáðáîÝêĊïëîãÝêåöÝðåëê ver since he joined Ethe Fire Department "'[ APR ÏÑÐÖÊÕËÐÖÔÑÆ×ÅÖÑÔÛÔÃÖÇ 28 years ago, Deputy Chief Glenn Davis al- "%"[ APR* ÏÑÐÖÊÎÛØÃÔËÃÄÎÇÔÃÖÇÖÊÇÔÇÃÈÖÇÔ ways had the goal of someday becoming the ÒÔËÏÇ­#[ chief – as it came to pass, someday arrived ÇØÇÔÇÖÖ®"'ÄÔÑÃÆÙÃÛ on Nov. 5. HOME LOAN CENTER®!'ÄÔÑÃÆÙÃÛ To learn more visit our new Home Loan Center or Although Davis was °ÇÐÖÔÃÐÅÇÑÐ ÐÆÕÖ± the unanimous choice LÛÐÐÈËÇÎÆ®%%ÕÃÎÇÏÕÖÔÇÇÖ EVERETTBANK.COM of the Fire Chief Screen- $%­!&%­ ing Committee, the Board of Selectmen also ÖäáåêàáôåïðäáÒîåéáÔÝðáìñÞèåïäáàåêðäáÙÝèèÕðîááðÌëñîêÝèëêðäáĜîïðàÝõëâðäáéëêðäßñîîáêðèõ# #[ÝêàðäáéÝîãåêåï#[ÏÝôåéñéÃÒÔåï&[ considered Lt. James Glenn Davis ÃñðëéÝðåßìÝõéáêðåïîáíñåîáàâîëéÝêÇòáîáððÄÝêçßäáßçåêãÝßßëñêðËâÝñðëìÝõåïàåïßëêðåêñáààñîåêãðäáĜîïð éëêðäïðäáÃÒÔóåèèÝàæñïððëÝéëêðäèõ òÝîåÝÞèáîÝðáÞÝïáàëêÒîåéá#[ÅèëïåêãßëïðïéÝõÞáîáíñåîáàîÝêãåêãâîëéx%#ðëxÃx#áÝîèõðáîéåêÝðåëêâááóåèèÝììèõåâðäáèëÝêåïìÝåàåêâñèè Alexander for the job. New Lynnfi eld Fire Chief óåðäåê!$éëêðäïëâëìáêåêãÒèáÝïáßëêïñèðÝðÝôÝàòåïëîÝÞëñððäáàáàñßðåÞåèåðõëâåêðáîáïðÊëéáëóêáîĊïåêïñîÝêßáåïîáíñåîáàÕñÞæáßððëßîáàåðÝììîëòÝè Town Counsel Thomas ÑęáîÞáãåêïÑßðëÞáî # &ÝêàåïïñÞæáßððëßäÝêãáóåðäëñðêëðåßáÇòáîáððÄÝêçóåèèàëêÝðáxðëÊÝÞåðÝðÒÎ×ÕÝòáðáîÝêëîãÝêåöÝðåëêóäáêðäáäëéá áíñåðõèåêáßèëïáï Mullen had advised the board way of life once you become that in accordance with state a member,” Davis said of be- law, a second candidate need- ing a fi refi ghter, adding that Member FDIC ed to be included in the fi nal he believes in leading by ex- Member SIF NMLS# 443050 round of interviews. “It’s a love, it’s calling, it’s a FIRE CHIEF | SEE PAGE 12 Page 2 THE LYNNFIELD ADVOCATE – Friday, November 9, 2018 Crescent Avenue resident speaks out against neighbor’s actions By Christopher Roberson out waiting for the 20-day ap- how the Winsors were allowed peal period to expire. to move in; rules just don’t ap- arbara Dunn of Crescent Dunn said both conditions ply to the Winsors.” BAvenue was stunned when were included in the Oct. 2 de- Dunn also said that one of Norman and Erin Winsor were cision from the Zoning Board her neighbors, Megan, whose able to move into the home of Appeals. “How was this al- last name was not provided, at 74 Crescent Ave. without a lowed? Why isn’t anyone en- decided to sell her home as compliance certificate from forcing the zoning rules?” she a result of the controversy. the Board of Health and with- asked. “We do not understand “She told the Winsors they The residence at 74 Crescent Ave. has become a point of con- tention among neighborhood abutters. (Advocate Photo by Christopher Roberson) have ruined the neighbor- reationally” throughout the hood for her,” she said. “Me- summer months. “I did reach gan sold her home in mid- out to the Board of Health re- October and will be moving garding the summer use by the in mid-December.” Winsors, but I was told it was a Dunn said problems first Building Department matter – arose during the early months I let it go,” said Dunn. of 2017 when Norman in- Dunn also highlighted two formed his neighbors that he examples of property dam- was pondering the possibility age. “Mr. Winsor hit a gas line, of purchasing 74 Crescent Ave., and National Grid came out which was owned by his moth- and shut the abutters’ gas and er-in-law at the time. heat off for the day,” she said. “We were induced into giv- “The Winsors also broke a wa- PEABODY SKATING RINK ing our approval,” said Dunn, ter main and could not lo- adding that the original re- cate the shut off on the street. quest was for a “small two-bed- Thousands of gallons water * Public Skating room retirement home.” How- poured out.” ever, Dunn said, the Winsors Dunn said she and the oth- * Freestyle ended up building a two-and- er abutters have invested near- a-half-story house with four ly $20,000 to “protect our land * Pick-Up Hockey bedrooms and a lofted garage. and rights.” At this point, she “I feel like we were conned, said, they are looking to have * Jr. Stick Practice it was greedy of Norm to add “the build modifi ed so that it the garage,” she said. “It eats up is in compliance with the zon- * Birthday Parties additional open space in an al- ing laws.” ready congested area.” “This will restore our neigh- * Business Dunn also said the origi- borhood to the open sky space nal plan was for 4,421 square [and] safe passage on the Advertisement feet; however, the actual build right-of-way and remove the was 5,750 square feet with the current congestion of this new Opportunities foundation six inches from towering build,” said Dunn. “We the road. “We never agreed to are hoping the stewards of the such a close build, it is unsafe,” zoning laws enforce these rules ~ Learn to Skate ~ she said. and regulations.” In addition, Dunn said the The Winsors could not be Tuesdays, 4:15 - 5:05 Sundays, 11:05 - 11:55 AM Winsors used the home “rec- reached for comment. 8 Week Session - $125. 10 Week Session - $150. Oct. 9 - Dec. 4, 2018 Sept. 23 - Nov. 25, 2018 Fully Emergency Licensed Service All ages welcome. Ongoing registration for all classes. & Available Insured 24/7 50 Minute Class, Family Skate Day, and Medal Ceremony. SPECIALIZING IN KITCHEN & BATHROOM REMODELING ~ Upcoming Events ~ * Heating All * Cooling Estimates Done By Oct. 28, 2018 - Family Halloween Skate, 2:10-3:40 PM * Electric Owner * Dec. 23, 2018 - Skate with Santa, 2:10-3:40 PM * Tile * Drain Cleaning 511 Lowell St., Peabody * (978) 535-2110 * Peabodyskating.org '*91*1& [email protected] THE LYNNFIELD ADVOCATE – Friday, November 9, 2018 Page 3 Summer Street project narrowed to two proposals the Greenwood Road intersec- is not easily damaged. “Granite not scratch it. tion and again to 50 feet at the will hold,” he said. Another resident asked if any Todd Lane intersection. According to the Measure- short-term solutions are avail- Town Administrator Robert ment of Hardness Scale, gran- able for Summer Street’s side- Dolan told residents that if ap- ite has a hardness level of 6.5, proved, he would be “shocked meaning that even a knife can- PROJECT | SEE PAGE 12 if this project begins in 10 years.” In addition, more than EVELYN LIMBERAKIS ROCKAS Realtor, CNS, NHS, ABR, ASP two years would be required Premier Associate to overhaul the two-and-a-half Accreditied Staging Professional miles of roadway from Town (617) 256-8500 CELL/TEXT Hall to Salem Street. [email protected] “That’s a long way, this is a With crosswalks in diff erent directions, the intersection of Sum- pretty massive project,” said mer and Salem Streets has proven to be especially dangerous Dolan, adding that the total for pedestrians. However, the Summer Street Improvement cost is likely to run between Project would eliminate that danger. (Courtesy Photos) “$15 million to $20 million.” 1082 Summer Street However, he said the major- /\QQ¿HOG0D ColdwellBankerHomes.com ity of the cost would be cov- www.evelynrockasrealestate.com ered by the state’s Transporta- tion Improvement Plan. Dolan also assured residents that no land would be taken to com- plete the project. Speaking about the road’s current condition, Dolan said Summer Street continues to be plagued by poor drainage, bro- ken pavement and not being The proposed 43-foot-wide plan for the Summer Street Im- handicapped-accessible. He provement Project. also said that in many places, the sidewalks have been over- taken by tree roots.
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