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W)c i LEISURE TRAVEL AMONG AFnUENT URBAN GHANA1ANS:AN EXPLORATORY 'FRANCIS ADU-FEBIRI B.A. @IONS.),UNIVERSITY OF GHANA, LEGON, 1984 THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS in the Deparbment SOCIOLOGYANDANTHROPOLOGY 0 FRANCIS ADU-FEBIFU 1988 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY AU rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopy or other means, without permission of the author. " - Permission has been granted ~'autoriti4tiona &t& accorc$&e. to the National Library of h .la ~i6liothhque natiwle Canada to microfilm this du Canadg de ricrofi%mer thesie and to lend or sell cette thhe et de pr9te"ru copies of the film. de vendre dee exemplaireu du film. The author (copyright owner) L'auteur ftitulaire du droit has reserved other d'auteur) ae r&serve 10s publics-t-ion rights, qnd . autres droits de publication; neither the thesis nor ni la thbse ni de longe extensive extracts from it extraita de celle-ci ne may be printed or otherwiee doivent 8tre imprimes ou reproduced without his/her autrement reproduits aans son written permission. autorisation bcrite. ISBN 0-315-48694-5 APPROVAL Name: FRANCIS ADU-FEBIRJ Degree: MASTER OF ARTS - Title of thesis: LEISURE TRAVEL AMONG AFlXUENT %AN GHANAIANS:AN TOURISM Examining Committee: Chairman: DR. GARY TEEPLE Vf SOCIOLO /ANTHROPOLOG17 --" - - v-/,-V - --- DR. RANDERSPN EXTERNAL EXAMINER DEPARTMENT OFCOMMUNICATION SIMON FRASER UNIV33RSITY Date Approved: ...................................November 25, 1988 11 / PARTIAL CDPYRIGHT LICENSE I hereby grant to Simon Fraser University the right to lend my thesis, project or extended essay (the title of which is shown below) to users of the SLmon Fraser University Library,,and to make partial or s i ng I e copies on I y for such users or i n reiponse. to a request from the I ibrary of any other university, or other educational Institution, on ?f - its own behalf or for one of its users. I further agree that permission for multiple copying of this work for scholarly purposes may be granted by me or the Dean of Graduate Studies. It is understood that copying or publication of this work for financial gain shal! not be allowed without my written permission. Title of Thesis/Project/Extended Essay Lei sure Travel among Affluent Urban ~hanaians: An Exploratory Sociologica1 Study of Incipient Domestic Tourism Author: - (signature) Francis Adu-Febi ri (date) ABSTRACT The thesis examines leisure travel behahour and attitudes in Ghana, a country where domestic tourism is in a formative stage and confined to relatively affluent members of the urban population. As an exploratory study, it presents empirical data on a hitherto neglected subject, and tests the utility of certain theretical ideas -- developed in research on international tourism -- \ in analysing domestic tourism in Ghana. From an interview smey condltcted with sixty business and higher profsssional persons in Accra, we derive data on travel preferences and expectations, as well as deWof such persons' previous experiences as tourists. These data are analysed using a fourdimensional framework based upon, but erte?&ng the basis of, Cohen's typology of towists' roles. It is seen that the respondents do not neatly fit anydofCoben's tourist types, though their preferences are inclined towards "familiarity", "autonomy", "relaxation" and "modernity". P In visits ranging from me day to three weeks, a number of popular tourist destinations are directly observed. The focus of enquiry here is the touristic encounter between hosts and guests, . but attention, is also given to the nature of social interaction within each of these groups. The analysis of behaviour and attitudes in tourist settings is informed principally by the 1976 UNESCO framework and by Turner's seminal work on the pilgrimage. It is found that intense interaction occurring between hoteVrestaurant workers and Ghanaian guests is, to a large extent, characterized by hostility, while that occurring between local residents and guests is low and harmonious. Intra-host interaction is cooperative or competitive, depending largely upon the degree of commercialization of relationships. Intra-guest interaction is virtually nonexistent.. The thesis also consid& Jafari's positive estimation of the sociocultural benefits of domestic tourism for developing countries and suggests that, in Ghana's case, these may be rather modest. Finally, some proposals are made for future research on the subject, the most important being the mfluence of socidernographic and sociwultural factors on leisure travel behaviour and attitudes inbGhana,and sociosultural impac~sof domestic tourism in Ghanaian society. DEDICATION To Ernestina for her patience ' q TABU3 OF CONTENTS 'AVL9 L *%> Approval .............................................................................................................................LIT( ;+ \\;: ABSTRACT .............................................. .ii..................................,*,........................,...,........... iii .. -2 * - Dedication ................................................................... :........................................... ................. v :\: ... ., 25- .... " -2 List of Tables ......................................................................................................................... vlll - INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................1 +a- SCOPE OF THE THESIS ................................................ ......................... ................. 1 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................4 ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................... 14 b METHODOLOGY ........................... .... ............................................................................ 24 SUMMARY ..................................................................... ............................................. 29 II. TRAVEL AND TOURISM IN GHANA: AN OVERVIEW ............................................,, . .. 32 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 32 PRE-.INDEPENDENCE TRAVEL IN GHANA ............................................................... 34 TOURISMv-INMODERN GHANA .................................................................................. 4 1 i 7' . DOMESTIC TOURISM: A QUANTITATIVE APPROACH ............................................. 66 THE RESPONDENTS: SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS .......: ................. 57 DOMESTIC LEISURE TRAVEL PATTERNS ..............................................................,-- 60 AFFLUENT GI-QWAIA-NS AND DOMESTIC TOUFUSM ............................................... 96 DOMESTIC TOURISM: A QUALITATIVE APPROACH ................................................99 a INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 99 SOCIAL CATEGORIZATION AND BEHAVIOURAI, IMPLICATIONS ........................ 103 THE QUALITY OF TOURISTIC ENCOUNTERS: HOSTS. GUESTS AND TKE QUALITY OF TOURISTIC ENCOUNTERS: INTRA-HOST AND INTRA-GUEST INTERACTIONS ................. :.................................................. 129 TOURZSTIC ENCOUNTERS: CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS ................................. 136 V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ................................................................................ 137 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 148 APPENDIX 1 ............................................................. ......................................................... 152 FREQUENCY APPENDIX 2 ...............; ...................... .-............................................................................. 163 INTERVIEW'SCHEDULE ........................................................................................... 163 APPENDIX 3_........................................................................................................................
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