4437 and extra-parochial and other places of Elton, Railway, in the said township of Lower Walton, Thornton, Stoke, Wervin, Caughall, Croughton, all in the said county of Chester. Chorlton, Backford, Moston, Upton, Saint Mary-on- the-Hill, and Saint Oswald, and terminating by a And it is proposed by the said intended Act or junction with the line of the Chester and Birken- Acts, to incorporate a Company for carrying into head Railway, in the said township of Upton, and effect the objects aforesaid, and to empower the parish of Saint Mary-on-the-Hill, all in the said same Company to purchase lands and houses by county of Chester. compulsion, or by agreement, for the purposes thereof, and in particular to purchase by compul- Another branch from and out of the said in- sion, or by agreement, a piece of land and buildings tended main line of railway, commencing in situate in the townships of Cheetham and Man- the township of Altrincham, in the parish of chester, in the parish of Manchester in the county Bowden, thence passing from, in, through, or of Lancaster, bounded on the east by the Man- . into the several parishes, townships, and extra- chester Workhouse, on the west by Great Ducie- parochial and other places of Bowden, Altrincham, street, on the north by New Bridge-street, and on Timperley, Baguley, Etchells-in-Northen, Nor- the south by the Manchester and Leeds Railway then, Etchells-in-Stockport, Cheadle Mosley, and Company's station, and to levy tolls, rates, and- Stockport, or some of them, in the county of duties for the use of the said railway and branches. Chester, and Didsbury, Heaton Norris, and Man- And it is also intended to empower the said Com- chester, or some of them, in the county of Lancas- pany to alter, vary, or extinguish all existing rights ter, and terminating in the township of Heaton and privileges connected with such lands and Norris, in the parish of Manchester aforesaid. houses, or which would in any manner impede or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or Another branch from and out of the said in- use of such railway, branches, and works, and to tended main line of Railway, commencing in the confer other rights and privileges. township of Altrincham, in the parish of Bowden, and thence passing from, in, through, or into the And further notice is hereby given, that it is several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial proposed by the said intended Act or Acts to take and other places of Bowden, Altrincham, Timperley, power to alter and divert, within the several Baguley, Etchells-in-Northen, Northen, Stockport, parishes, townships, and extra-parochial and other Etchells-in-Stockport, Cheadle Buckley, and Bram- places aforesaid, or some of them, all such high- hall, to, and to form a junction with, the Man- ways, roads, tramroads, railways, streets, paths, chester and Birmingham Railway, at or near Lady- passages, rivers, canals, brooks, streams, sewers, bridge, in the township of Bramhall, in the parish waters, and water-courses, as it may be necessary of Stockport, all in the said county of Chester. or expedient to alter and divert for the purpose of making and maintaining, or more conveniently Another branch, all in the said township of making or maintaining, or using the said railway Cheadle Buckley, from and out of the last-men- or railways to be authorised by the said Act or tioned branch railway, to, and to form a junction Acts, or any of the works or conveniences con- with, the Manchester and Birmingham Railway at nected therewith. the point where the Macclesfield branch of the Manchester and Birmingham Railway joins the And notice is hereby also given, that on or main line thereof. before the thirtieth day of November instant, dupli- cate plans and sections, describing the line and Another branch, from and out of the said in- levels of the said railway, branch railways, and tended main railway, commencing in the said works, and the situation of the lands and property township of Altrincham, and parish of Bowden, proposed to be taken for the purposes thereof, thence passing from, in, through, or into the several together with books of reference to such plans, parishes, townships, and extra-parochial and other containing the names of the owners or reputed places of Altrincham, Hale, and Bowden, and ter- owners, the lessees or reputed lessees, and occupiers minating in the said township of Bowden, all in of the said lands and property, will be deposited the said county of Chester. for public inspection with the Clerk of the Peace of the county of Lancaster,, at his office in Preston, Another branch from and out of the said in- in the county of Lancaster; and with the Clerk of tended main line of railway, within the township the Peace of the county of Chester, at his office in of Latchford, and parish of Grappenhall, in the Chester; and that a copy of so much of the said said county of Chester. plans, sections, and books of reference, as relates to each of the parishes in or through which the said Another branch from and out of the said in- railway, branch railways, and works is or are in- tended main line of railway, commencing in the tended to pass or be made, will be deposited, on or township of Acton Grange, in the parish of Run- before the thirty-first day of December next, with corn, thence passing from, in, through, or into the the Parish Clerks of those parishes respectively. several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial and other places of Acton Grange and Lower Dated this second day of November, 1844. Walton, or one of them, and terminating by a Mallaby and Townsend, Solicitors for the Bill. junction with., the line of the Grand Junction Offices, Argyle-street, Birkenhead..
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