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The story of why I first Dear friends, became a student nurse is a long, Welcome to another issue of this complicated, and painful one, and – increasingly peculiar, but generally furthermore – is one with which I am not sasfying, publicaon. I have gone going to burden you, today at least. And, I through the origin story of it on many allowed myself to be diverted from the occasions in these pages and – no doubt – more disagreeable aspects of my life with will do so again when the me is right. But whatever diversions came along. These the me isn’t right at the moment, were mostly chemical in nature, but somemes cultural, and my first forays 4 There was a surprisingly eclecc, though tumbledown, newsagent in the seaside town of Dawlish, which is where I spent three years studying to be (what was then called) a nurse for the mentally handicapped. into the world of Marvel Comics are a from Northampton with a huge mane of good example of the laer. hair and an inquisive nature as far as the way that the universe funcons is There was a publicaon called ‘The Mighty concerned. World of Marvel’, of which I was an avid reader. The stories I liked most were tales Roll on a few years, and a mate of mine of a Brish superhero called Captain called Richard Dawe (who sadly killed Britain. I later found out that the head of himself a few years ago) gave me a graphic Marvel UK was none other than Neil novel of ‘Swamp Thing’ as a Christmas Tennant, soon to aain global present. Again, it was wrien by Alan superstardom as the lead singer of the Pet Moore, although I sll didn’t put the pieces Shop Boys. Captain Britain was set in a of the jigsaw together. Then, towards the chilling dystopian UK, governed by a end of the 1980s, I discovered a band charismac yet barking mad Prime called ‘Pop Will Eat Itself’; one of their Minister with a silly haircut. Sound songs (a litany of everything they liked and familiar? This parcular PM was called Sir found culturally valuable) included the James Jaspers, and the forces of immortal words ‘Alan Moore knows the righteousness were led by the score’. aforemenoned Captain Britain. I was The penny dropped. totally engrossed by this alternate universe, and it wasn’t unl many years He most certainly did. To digress slightly, later that I discovered that it had been when I became part of the complex social coordinated and masterminded by a bloke network that surrounds the world of 5 Forteana, I became friends with a bloke called Steve Moore, who, despite being no bloody hell. relaon of Alan, was one of his best As I have eluded to already, I was already a friends and collaborators. And to digress devotee of comic books, but I was never even further, there are even moore (pun one of those people who believed that intended) social links with him that can be comic books were ever going to be other found in regular contributors to this than light entertainment. Indeed, over the magazine, such as Richard Foreman and years, I had encountered various people Chris Stone. who claimed to me vociferously that comic But even at the end of the 1980s, when I books were great works of art, but I felt was sll desperately trying to fool the (and reacted) in much the same way as world that I was a successful member of had the late Judge Argyll, when similar the nursing profession, it became obvious claims had been made about a cartoon of that these cultural and Fortean links with Rupert Bear brandishing his erecon in the the amazing Mr Moore were not going to notorious school kid’s issue of ‘Oz’. go away, and that I should really try and “Bollocks!” I said. invesgate them for myself. And so, I got hold of a copy of Moore’s meisterwork, But ‘Watchmen’ was different. I thought ‘Watchmen’. At the me, I was on night then, and I think now, that this gargantuan duty in a small Group Home for adults graphic novel is one of the greatest works with learning disabilies in the town of of non-ficon that I have ever read. Mul- Crediton, just outside Exeter, and once I layered, it is so complex and emoonally had finished doing my professional dues resonang that, even now – thirty years for the night, I seled down to read it. And since I first read it – I get something new 6 from it every me I read it. • Had no involvement with Alan Over the years, various aempts have Moore been made to film various books by Alan Moore. And most of these aempts have • Was set thirty four years aer the been truly dreadful. ‘The League of original book Extraordinary Gentlemen’ is truly horrid, • and the cinemac version of Moore’s Jack Was set in Oklahoma rather than the Ripper exposion, ‘From Hell’, is New York City equally as bad. For various reasons, the • people responsible for the film took two Had only a few of the original enrely different historical characters who characters in it had been two completely different • characters in the book, and lumped them Was already being accused of together as one and the same, having him ‘virtue signalling’ because most of the played, rather unconvincingly, by Johnny new characters were black, and the Depp. When – aer decades of shilly- whole thing was being presented shallying about – the movie of against a background of racial and ‘Watchmen’ finally arrived some years sexual prejudice ago, it was very much a breath of fresh air, but even that changed the ending to suit The thought of all this made my heart the script rather than the book, and I felt drop. This sounded uerly awful, and I that an otherwise excellent movie had made a mental note that I probably been spoiled at the ninth hurdle. wouldn’t bother to have anything to do with it. And then, last year, it was announced that a ‘Watchmen’ TV series was in the works, But, then again, when it turned up on and that it: Brish NowTV a couple of weeks ago, I was in a terrible mood, and felt like picking holes in something, and so Corinna and I sat down to watch the first episode of the TV series of ‘Watchmen’. AND FUCK ME! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? IT WAS AWESOMELY GOOD! One of the things that has always amused and intrigued me about Alan Moore’s work is that it is full of visual and socio-cultural puns. There are lots of ny lile references to other characters in the mythos, and to cultural works by other arsts and authors. It is only But the TV series, at least the first few upon watching the first few episodes of episodes, are a complete delight. The plot the TV show that I realised that this (and I’m not going to spoil it for anybody cultural mischievousness was something by giving any details) is meculously and that was almost enrely missing from the lovingly created by people who are movie. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t obviously fans of the original graphic want to badmouth the movie in any shape novel. Just to give a small example, the or form, especially as I’m dictang this to second Silk Spectre who – in the book – my lovely stepdaughter Olivia, who was went by her mother’s unpronounceable kind enough to give me a copy of the Polish name, has, in the TV series, adopted deluxe edion of the movie for a both the surname and many of the Christmas present some years back, and it aributes of her brutal rapist father, and is something that I watch regularly with the moral ambiguity of hero and villain great enjoyment. But, upon seeing the TV alike, which has always been the series, one realises how much of the underlying subtext of the original work is intellectual resonance of the book is beaufully explored in a remarkably subtle missing in the film. It is nowhere nearly as way. All these lile touches which delight noceable as it is in the movie of V for the ‘expert’ viewer are just there. Whereas Vendea, which takes Moore’s original in most works of this kind, the director or dystopian allegory, and makes it into a script writer couldn’t resist the temptaon fairly one-dimensional thriller, albeit a to put out how clever they are being, the thriller than launched a million team responsible for this new show not anonymous Guy Fawkes masks.
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