------ ------------------------·--------------------------------------------------------------------~ THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 96 MONDAY. FEBRUARY 27,2006 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM ND restructures .GLBTQ group University Existing Standing Committee renamed the Core Council for Gay and Lesbiafl Students tuition hits creato a wokoming environment The Core Council will have 12 Poorman said. ' By MADDIE HANNA at Notre Dame, and all within the members total, eight of them stu­ The eight studenL<> and student A<sociate News EJiror parameters of Catholic teaehing," dents - the majority or whom eo-ehair position mark a signili­ $33,407 Viee President for Student Afl'airs are gay or lesbian, Poorman said. eant inerease from the Standing The University Standing Father Mark Poorman told The There will also be four adminis­ Committee's current six student Committne on Gay and Lesbian Observer Friday. trators representing the members, said Sister Mary Increase is fifth in five Studnnt Needs will soon bocome The Standing Committee serves Counseling Center, the Gender Louise Gude, Assistant Vice tlw Corn Council for Gay and as an advisory board that helps Helations Center, Campus President of Student Affairs and years at Notre Dame J.nshian Studnnts - a rnstruc­ Poorman and the OITiee of Ministry and the OITiee of Student current ehair of the Standing turod group with increased stu­ Student Afl'airs identify the needs Affairs. Committee. doni. rnnmbnrship to bnttnr moot of gay, lesbian and bisexual stu­ A student and a representative Gude has served as chair sinee By AMANDA MICHAELS Assistant News EJiror campus nm~ds, University ollidals dnnL<> as well as coordinate pro­ from the Offiee of Student Affairs l'all 1998 and believes the expan­ said Friday. gramming, and Poorman said the - possibly Sister Susan Dunn, sion of the Standing Committee "It's oxeiting - I think it's a Core Council will eontinue to ful­ who was recently appointed to into the Core Council - an A Notre Dame diploma just stop forward in terms of service lill this role. Assistant Viee President of expansion that includes regularly got a little more valuable - t.o our gay, losbian and bisexual What's really changing, he said, Student All'airs - will serve as that is, in terms of how much it studonts and making sure we is the group's eomposition. the Core Couneil's eo-ehairs, see CORE/ page 6 costs. The University announced Friday that tuition for under­ graduates will inernase 5.H percent l'or the 2006-07 school year - up $1,S65 from the Fevver Holy Cross transfers accepted by ND eurrent academic: year's bill. Deeided at tho winter Board of Trustnes mentings in Hornn, N unzber of applications submitted steady the total eost for a year or undergraduate edueation will be $42,137, including $33.407 spring smnester in the last eight Hy BECKY HOGAN for tuition and $H, 730 for avnr­ ynars. About HO I loly Cross stu­ age room and board ratns. New' Writer dents apply l'or transfer to Notrn Tuition increases for the other I>arne each year. schools eonneeted with Notrn In orw of the most legendary Susan Joyce, assoeiate direc­ Dame are 5.H percent as well, tales of a eollngc transfer stu­ tor of admissions for Notre bringing costs for the Graduate dent. Hudy Hw~ttiger makes the Dame, said the deans who road Sehool to $32,HOO and both the switch l'rorn lloly Cross Collegn transfer applications advise Law School and Mastnr's of to Notrn Damn. But storins like anyone who hopns to transfer to Business Administration thn orw portraynd in "Hudy" are Notre Dame to go to the most Program to $33,6 70. hncorning lnss eormnon as tho competitive four-year school Though any tuition hike is Univnrsity has aeenptnd fewnr possible - a rneommendation painful for bill-paynrs, this lloly Cross transl'nr applicants that makes it automatieally year's incrnasn signals a level­ in rnemtl ynars. more dil'licult to transfer from ing out in eornparison to the lhn X5 studl~nls from lloly lloly Cross, which converted to or last five increases. Thn 2005- Cross who applind as transfers a four-year eollege in the fall of 06 acadnrnic year saw a 7 por­ to Notrn Damn in 2005, 40 per­ 2003 aft<~r 36 years as a junior cent rise, slightly higlwr than cnnt wnrn admitted, according college. 2004-05's (~,1) percent and to the lloly Cross Web site. This Joyee said the eredit require­ 2003-04's 6.5 percnnt incrnas­ snnwstnr. four out or the 15 ments for transfers to Notre ns. The 2001-02 and 2002-03 applicants from lloly Cross were Dame's School of Engineering LAURIE HUNT and KATIE RIVARDrrhe Observer accnptml to Notre Dame - thn Students walk to class at Holy Cross College. Transferring from lownst aeceptanen rate for a see TRANSFERS/page 4 the College to Notre Dame has become increasingly difficult. see INCRFASE/page 4 Ordinance changes Robinson celebrates anniversary Jenkins and Luecke focus of proposal in attendance at event complaining" tone. By KELLY MEEHAN By MADDIE HANNA The main foeus, he said, A~sistant News Editor Associate News Fdiwr will be to present the student perspeetive on the amend­ The sometimes-strained ties Six Notre Dame student ment and appeal for the between Notrn Dame and the govern 111n 11 t rep res e 11 ta ti ves Council's consideration of a greater South Bend eommuni­ will spoak at tonight's South resolution passed in Student ty disappeared at the B1~nd Common Council rnoet­ Senate on Nov. 30, 2005. Hobinson Community Learning ing about an issun associated Tho Senate resolution rec­ Center's fif'lh anniversary cele­ this year with rumors and ommends changing South bration Friday evening. reality, evictions and emo­ Bend's system· from the cur­ . The event brought out many tions- community ndations. rent notice to abate and l'ine members of the eommunity, l>ospitn student govern­ after the tenant's first viola­ ineluding University President nwnt's opposition to the .July tion, a response that Baron Father John Jenkins and 25, 2005 anwndnwnt of tlw believes encourages land­ South Bend Mayor Steven South Bend Public Nuisance lords to evict tenants before Luecke, to commemorate thP Ordinan<:n - a chango that. they havo had a ehanee to work of the Conter's volun­ has rosulted in sevnral stu­ abate thn activity. teers and rc11oct upon how tho dnnt evietions as well as mul­ Instead, the resolution ree­ Hobinson Center has strength­ tiple fines and notices to omrnends one of two options mwd the University-communi­ ahato and- studont body - after the second violation, ty bond. prosident Dave Baron said fining both the .landlord and The Center opened in tonight's prnsontation would tenant an amount based on CLAIRE KELLEYrrhe Observer not be delivored in a "com­ South Bend community members gather In the Robinson bative, conflictual or oven see RELATIONS/page 6 see ROBINSON/page 4 Community Learning Center for Its fifth anniversary Friday. .--------------- - page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Monday, February 27, 2006 . ' INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF T'HE DAY: WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW CHARACTER AND WHY? Lessons learned Nter three and a half years of class presentations and journalism inter­ views, a room full of elementary school kids shouldn't have fazed me, right? Ben Solomon Christine Clark Danny Saad Grace Shen Pete Gargula Tony Salpino Nevertheless, I found myself quite sophomore freshman sophomore sophomore sophomore sophomore nervous Thursday as I drove toward Keough McGlinn Keough Howard Keough Keough Nuner Primary Center in "Mr. Eko and "Phoebe from "Chuck Norris "The Brain, - "Lock from ''The Count Mishawaka. My friend Becky, stu­ his beat stick." 'Friends,' -he's the because we 'Lost,' because from Sesame dent teacher in a because she's reason Waldo have the same his wisdom Street, because fourth grade class­ just so funny, is hiding. '' aspirations - knows no I'm a math , room there, out there and to take over the major. , thought I would be bounds. a good addition to Megan O'Neil not afraid to do world!" her lesson on anything. Also, I newspapers. In admire her other words, I was Saint Mary's the guest expert. Editor style." Now, I would like you to stretch your memory back to your own ele­ mentary school days when there was a classroom visitor. Remember how wise IN BRIEF that classroom visitor seemed? How professional? How ... old? A "Discussion on Academic I felt compelled to do my best to live Freedom" will occur tonight up to this image. I evp,n wore my most at 7 p.m. in the basement of adult outfit: button-down shirt, wool Keenan Hall. slacks and heels, but I still felt I embodied none of the aforementioned A campus and community characteristics. Instead, I felt like a conversation about stage actress with a tape recorder and "Understanding· Juvenile notebook as props. Justice in South Bend" will What I was most concerned about, take place at 6 p.m. Tuesday however, was not seeming grown-up at Robinson Community or impressive. I was terrified of being · Learning Center ·on Eddy boring. I had an image of glazed-over Street. eyes staring back at me, or worse yet, heads resting on desks. I didn't want to Jim Towey, Director of the be yet another reason why kids tell White House Office for Faith­ their parents their day at scbool was Based and Community "tine." Initiatives, will speak about Nter the students filed in from "Compassion for America's lunch, settled in their chairs and Poor: What Happens When turned expectantly to me, I launched God and Government Mix" into my "journalism is exciting" spiel.
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