May-June 2009 May-June 2009 EDITORIAL Focus on North Marin Is the MTC too HOT to Trot? Why The MCL MCL is Concerned About HOT Lanes “North Marin The long- awaited Unit” Always Highway 101 Gap Closure project’s HOV Has a Full Plate lanes, funded by Susan Stompe and Nona Dennis by Measure A, could Geographic “Units” of Marin potentially Conservation League be converted to HOT lanes When Marin Conservation League was under the launched by its founders as the “Marin MTC plan County Survey Committee” in late 1934, one of the fi rst objectives was to engage rep- resentatives from all parts of the county in photo: Dru Parker planning for its future. As the “Committee” evolved into “Marin Conservation League” n occasion, Marin Conservation The claimed attractions of the concept are and gained wide support, the representation OLeague fi nds itself questioning threefold: coalesced into geographic units – initially whether “the Emperor is wearing any It expands mobility options by providing Mill Valley, San Rafael, West Marin, and clothes” – or, put another way: is the pub- an opportunity for reliable travel times to then North Marin and Rural Land Use. At a lic being given all the facts while a grand users willing to pay a signifi cant premium time when there were few environmental plan is rushed forward with inadequate for this service (hence the nickname, organizations in the county, the League’s public education? The current discussion “Lexus Lanes”); Units provided an opportunity for people about implementing High Occupant Toll in a region to get together to discuss local (HOT) Lanes along 800 miles of Bay Area HOT lanes generate a source of revenue, issues, track local developments, meet with freeways seems to fall into this category. which can be used to pay for completing local offi cials, sponsor public meetings, and Recently a few Marin citizens and local an 800-mile HOT lane system and pay occasionally put on media events. The issues offi cials have participated in meetings at for other transportation improvements, addressed in the Units were not constrained which HOT lanes were discussed. In fact, including enhanced transit service; to specifi c issues such as land use or water. the Metropolitan Transportation Commis- They improve the effi ciency of HOV facili- Units could be established anywhere in sion (MTC), on April 22, has already includ- ties, which have shown recent decline in Marin: just get some MCL members together ed such HOT lanes in its 2035 Regional some metropolitan areas. Transportation Plan (RTP). Continued on Page 2 If these sound attractive, why should MCL What are HOT lanes? HOT lanes would be concerned about HOT Lanes? replace High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV or The MCL Board has not taken a formal In This Issue— “carpool” lanes) with a toll strategy which position for or against HOT Lanes and our President’s Message—Page 2 allows single occupancy vehicles, oth- own experts are not in complete agreement Status Updates—Page 3 erwise excluded from HOV lanes, to use on the technical merits, and environmental Upcoming Walks into History—Page 4 the HOT lanes by paying a toll. The lanes th information is missing. However, at this 75 Annual Dinner Recap—Page 5 are “managed” through variable pricing Meet Your Board Members—Page 7 to maintain optimum fl ow conditions. Continued on Page 6 PAGE 1 May-June 2009 A Message from the President- MCL Goes (Certifi ed) Green! arin Conserva- K Implement sound environmental prac- and solid waste generation; provide on- Mtion League has tices that prevent pollution and waste going opportunities for management and not only modernized generation employee participation (in MCL’s case, board its own logo; it has and member participation); inform custom- K Share environmentally responsible added a new one – ers (MCL members and the public) about practices with other businesses in our the logo for the Bay efforts to meet the green business standards; community Area Green Business and, assist at least one other organization in Program. On April 28, The Bay Area learning about the Green Business Program MCL became one of Program was started and encouraging it to enroll. MCL does its 320 Marin County businesses and non- more than a dozen part by continuing to host its Business-Envi- profi ts that participate in the Marin County years ago (Marin’s ronment breakfast forums to foster mutual Green Business Program. Dana Armanino, program was understanding between the two sectors. launched in 2002) who manages the program for the County’s While the certifi cation process was not and has grown to “Sustainability Team,” presented 18 newly diffi cult for MCL, the fact that hundreds of encompass busi- certifi ed businesses, including MCL, to the organizations in the Bay Area care enough nesses in over 20 Board of Supervisors, and Hal Brown, Presi- to have invested effort to meet the require- different industries, including auto repair dent, commended all of us for making the ments of a green business is a good example shops, printers, hotels, restaurants, landscap- commitment. of the positive effects of “the hundredth ers, wineries, janitorial and laundry services, The Marin County Program is a member monkey” phenomenon, in which a learned grocery and retail stores, home remodelers, of the greater Bay Area Program, a voluntary behavior spreads from one group to related attorneys, architects, engineers, gift services, partnership among business leaders, govern- groups once a critical number is reached. We and a variety of offi ce and home-based ment agencies and nonprofi t organizations hope that “green business behavior,” too, will businesses as well as non-profi ts, that have that recognizes businesses that... continue to spread to a critical number until successfully met the standards and are now it is no longer necessary to reward it with a K Demonstrate continuous compliance recognized as Bay Area Green Businesses. with applicable environmental regula- certifi cate because it will have become the To be certifi ed as a Green Business, a busi- tions standard for all. ness or organization must pass an inspec- K Conserve energy, water, and other tion of current practices and also agree to materials continue to monitor water and energy usage Bahia Wetlands. troversial ten-year environmental impact North Marin Unit from Page 1 process. The Unit played a major role in One of the most extended and controver- and designate a chairperson as leader. strengthening environmental conditions sial battles fought by the Unit was during (mitigations) for environmentally safe opera- the transition of Hamilton Field from a North Marin Unit Persists tions. military airfi eld to a residential community Most of the units gradually dissolved with a thousand acres of restored marshland. The Unit was also active in getting Novato as new environmental organizations were The history included a proposal to move the to adopt an Urban Growth Boundary. formed, many of them around geography or Gnoss Field general aviation operations to One of the Unit’s “failures” was preventing specifi c issues. The North Marin Unit is the Hamilton. At a time when general aviation last active regional unit of MCL. This Unit the conversion of diked agricultural lands at Hamilton was favored by the Board of Su- at Black Point to the Stone Tree Golf Club. has persisted as the environmental guardian pervisors and even by some members of MCL of North Marin, largely because of Gail Wil- This project was the subject of a referen- as an economic boon, the North Marin Unit dum challenging the conversion loss of this helm and, later, Susan Stompe – MCL board adamantly opposed the proposal because member, past president, and Novato activist area and is now acknowledged by many to of the possible conversion of Hamilton to be a major loss of seasonal wetlands. The since 1970 – and a dedicated group of North commercial aviation. The development of a Marin environmentalists. Unit has been more successful in preserving residential community, reused hangars, and Scottsdale Pond, an historic wetland that has The North Marin Unit has never expe- restoration of diked lands to tidal marsh that been the object of frequent clean-ups and rienced a shortage of issues to take on. we can enjoy today seemed unachievable at removal of invasive plant species under the Among past actions, Unit members played the time. leadership of Unit members. signifi cant roles in promoting and raising Other long term issues in which the Unit The Unit is now working on new proposals. funds for acquisition of public lands that has participated actively include the expan- are prominent features of the North Marin One is the proposed redevelopment of the sion of Redwood Landfi ll. Although the Fireman’s Fund site (now owned by American landscape: Mt. Burdell and Rush Creek Open Landfi ll is currently beginning an expansion Space Preserves; Olompali State Park, and of capacity, this comes only after a con- Continued on Page 4 PAGE 2 May-June 2009 Status Updates Whaler’s Point summed up the problem in simple terms: The EIR and Master Plan, approved in 1996, “The applicant has tried consistently over the must be revisited in light of changed cir- On April 14, the Board of Supervisors years to force a highly constrained site to cumstances. MCL’s letter states, “We request upheld the County Planning Commission meet his expectations for economic return, that Planning Staff prepare an Initial Study, and Planning Staff recommendation to deny rather than adapting his economic expecta- conduct a scoping session, and retain a con- Jack Krystal’s proposal to build a 71-room tions to meet the constraints of the site.” sultant to prepare a Subsequent EIR which hotel (Whaler’s Point) on a Richardson Bay will be given the same notice and public parcel that has been the subject of similar Skywalker Properties, review as required under Section 15087 of applications since 1979.
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