IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter Vol. 70, No. 4, December 2020 EDITOR: Salim El Rouayheb ISSN 1059-2362 President’s Column Aylin Yener A whole year has come and gone and what a convergence of communications, computing, year it has been. As winter sets in, we are now control and sensing, and building on the more experiencing a significant surge in COVID adaptable network design that had already and while hopeful news of viable vaccines is started in the current generation, we are in a here, there is still a long way until some nor- perfect position to consider the potential to malcy returns. Since my last column, we have realize information and coding theoretic ideas had to come to the difficult decision that, in for connecting everything, and if we are suc- at least a significant portion of 2021, we will cessful, there is a good chance we may see a continue to see one another in 2D in meet- repeat of the 2000s in the coming decade in ings and conferences. Specifically, ITW 2020, our community. which was postponed to April 2021 in hopes of holding a physical meeting, is now going On the flip side, as research dissemination to be virtual. Our flagship conference ISIT models evolve, we see information theorists 2021 will also be held fully virtual. The ISIT also expand their publishing portfolio, not organizers have worked hard over the past just in communications and signal process- few months, examined the alternatives and in ing, but also in machine learning communi- the end came to the conclusion that designing an innovative ties, reaching out to wider audiences. My own view is that all online conference is the best course of action. The chairs of the of these are healthy endeavors that enable us to recognize that conference are working on a number of innovations for the there is not one kind of information theorist, and while we next ISIT, including in timing/dates, delivery methods and are all known for our highest of intellectual standards with- live Q&A for paper sessions. Though we will not be able to in academia, there is also merit in demonstrating the reach visit Melbourne, I am confident that this will be an outstand- foundational thinking can have. After all, we all know that ing ISIT, and would like to invite the community to submit separation in system design (not to be confused with physical their best work. separation that is necessary) is optimal only in very specific instances, even if it is easier. Speaking of best work, research productivity of our commu- nity has shown no signs of slowing down despite this chal- More evidence to the potential and influence of the society lenging year. The foundational and principled thinking that is in the larger professional community of IEEE, despite being present in all information theory and coding research makes quite a bit smaller than the largest two societies (computer it easy for the bright minds in our community to contrib- and communications), is our society’s significant intellectual ute seminal results in adjacent and cross-disciplinary fields impact measured by the recognitions. The most recently an- alike, including communications, computing, learning and nounced 2021 IEEE medals and technical field awards include inference, information security and privacy, and quantum. In a number of information theorists. This year, our society has “machine” learning, we see results of significance from infor- also done very well in fellow elevations effectively doubling mation theorists, affirming that, the field has the potential for the typical success rate, a first that we hope very much will impact, both through the core expertise and through creative continue in the coming years. crossover ideas. Information theorists continue to work on a diverse array of problems with societal impact directly or Overall, we have had a good year despite the pandemic. We indirectly, including healthcare analytics, epidemiology, and have been able to grow our membership significantly. We responsible data science. Importantly, the next generation of connectedness, “6G”, vision is starting to crystalize: With the (continued on page 14) 2 From the Editor Salim El Rouayheb With the holiday season drawing near, I including the past three presidents, the BoG members, News- want to wish everyone a happy and healthy letter Editorial Board, Matt Lafleur, and of course, all those new year. Our last issue in 2020 opens up who contributed to the Newsletter. Special thanks also go to with Aylin Yener’s final column as Presi- my former student Rawad Bitar and current student Ghadir dent of the IT Society. Please join me in Ayache, for their great assistance in putting together these is- thanking Aylin for her dedication and hard sues. I want to wish the best for my successor, Changho Suh, work leading our society during this chal- and congratulations on his new appointment. lenging year. Also, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our incoming president As a reminder, Announcements, news, and events intend- Wei Yu. This issue features a report from ed for both the printed newsletter and the website, such as the SYSU Workshop on Network Informa- award announcements, calls for nominations, and upcom- tion Theory and Coding which was held in ing conferences, can be submitted at the IT Society web- Guangzhou, China in September. We con- site http://www.itsoc.org. Articles and columns can be e-mailed to Changho Suh at tinue with the BoG minutes from the last [email protected] with a subject line that includes the words “IT newsletter.” meeting in the summer. With sadness, we conclude with an in memoriam for Kamil The next few deadlines are: Sh. Zigangirov who passed last March. Jan 30, 2020 for the issue of March 2021. This issue of the newsletter is the last is- sue for me as the Newsletter Editor. For April 10, 2020 for the issue of June 2021. the past three years, I have enjoyed in- teracting with many of you through the Please submit plain text, LaTeX, or Word source files; do not worry about fonts or layout as Newsletter and learning more about the this will be taken care of by IEEE layout specialists. Electronic photos and graphics should vibrant society that we have. I would like be in high resolution and sent as separate files. to thank everyone who supported me and the Newsletter during the past three years, Salim El Rouayheb IEEE Information Theory Table of Contents Society Newsletter President’s Column . 1 IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter (USPS 360-350) is published quarterly by the Information Theory Society of the Institute of From the Editor . 2 Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Headquarters: 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, SYSU Workshop on Network Information Theory and Coding .................3 New York, NY 10016-5997. Cost is $1.00 per member per year (included in Society fee) for each member of the Call for Nominations ......................................................4 Information Theory Society. Printed in the U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and at additional mailing offices. IEEE Information Theory Society Board of Governors Meeting..................6 Postmaster: Send address changes to IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter, A Tribute to Kamil Sh. Zigangirov ..........................................13 IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854. © 2020 IEEE. Information contained in this newsletter may be copied without permis- Recent Publications.......................................................15 sion provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, and the title of the publication and its date Conference Calendar .....................................................24 appear. IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying. For more information, visit http://www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/ whatis/policies/p9-26.html. Promoting Sustainable Forestry SFI-01681 IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter December 2020 3 SYSU Workshop on Network Information Theory and Coding The Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) Workshop on Network of traditional receive-and-forward, at intermediate nodes, which Information Theory and Coding went well in the University’s has been widely used in distributed storage, coded caching, etc. Guangzhou South Campus in Guangzhou, China on September This workshop aims to provide a platform for scholars in South 26, 2020. This workshop was organized by the IEEE Information China to exchange new research results on network information Theory Society Guangzhou Chapter, co-sponsored by Sun Yat-sen theory and coding, which will be beneficial for the community, University and the Chinese Institute of Electronics Information Universities and the graduate students of the area. The workshop Theory Society. More than 50 scholars and industry partners from was chaired by Li Chen, a Professor of Sun Yat-sen University and mainland China participated the Workshop. A few others from also the chair of Guangzhou Chapter. Hong Kong, including the first speaker Raymond Yeung of CUHK, participated online due to travel restrictions. The Guangzhou There were seven invited talks in this workshop, with Chapter experimented resuming the first onsite conference after a coverage of multi-source network coding, distributed the outbreak of COVID-19. We were pleased it went well. storage, coded caching, subspace codes, etc. In the morning session, Raymond Yeung of the Chinese University of Hong Network coding is a technique to improve the throughput of infor- Kong presented recent results in symmetric multilevel mation flow by allowing coding on received data packets, instead diversity coding system (SMDCS), in which an explicit December 2020 IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter 4 characterization of the superposition coding rate region Berkeley Shenzhen Institute presented some new construc- was obtained. Then, Xiaohu Tang of Southwest Jiaotong tions of cooperative MSR codes. The last talk was presented University introduced the placement-delivery array (PDA) by Congduan Li of Sun Yat-sen University, who shared the and its applications in various distributed models.
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