For official use only Uttarakhand Third Five-Year Plan Brief Progress Report 1964-65 (First Quarter ApriNJooe) LUCKNOW : Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, U. P; (India) 1965 GOVERNMENT OK INHTA PLANNING COMMISSION LIBRARY Class N o .. 3 5 i 4 r ! 0 P . C i i O . Book No........ ,l 3 .9 .3 i .U ..................... GIPNLK—l/AOPC/63—6-8-63—10,000. CONTENTS DEWELOPMENT ACTIVITIES UNDER THE UTTARAKHAND THIRD FIVE-YEAR PLAN Pages 1. Hlorticulture and Fruit Utilization .. 1—3 2. M inor Irrigation and Flood Control 4—9 3. FTorest and Soil Conservation 10-11 4; Aknimal Husbandry Development 12— 16 5. Community Davelopment and Panchayats 17—20 6. Power 21-22 7. D)evelopment of Industries 23—26 27-28 8.1 Tj'ransport and Communications .. 9. Eiducatian .. 29—34 10. Drinkicg Water Supply 35—39 11. Medical and Public Health 40—45 12. Imformatior and Publicity 46 Appeinddc—Staiement showing Government of India’s approval, and expenditure incurred during April—• June, 1964 on Plan Schemes in Uttarakhand Division. 47 1. HORTICULTURE AND FRUIT -UTILISATION (i) Expansion of Multipurpose Horticulture farm j—AU the 11 existing Horticulture Farms and newly establishetl 6 small £an\is (5 in Pithoragarh atid 1 in Uttarkashi District) at the Block Headquarters continued to function. Efforts were made to acquire suitable land for establishing 15 small farms more at remaining Block Headquarters (S in Pitlioragarh, 9 in Ciianioli and 3 in Uttarkashi) of the Uttarakhand Division. The Principal Physical targets achieved during the quarter under report a re: Item Pithoragarh Chamoli Uttarkashi (i) Fruit plants produced and dis­ tributed (nos.) 10,446 56,274 10,400 (ii) Production of vegetable seed (kg.) .. 231.700 6.000 82.400 (iii) Simla Potato sown (kg.) 4024.09 400.00 1.60 acres (iv) Vegetable sesd distributed sold (k g .).. N.A. N.A. 384.00 (v) Vegetable produced (kg.) 1,224.640 42.000 220,500 (vi) E^uit Production (kg.) 16.750 N.A. 119.95tr Besides, the farms and nurseries in the Pithoragarh District sowed 29.755 kg. vegetable seeds and sold 19.872 kg. honey. In the Chamoli District 25.600 kg. of vegetable seeds was sowh. At the farms and nurseries in district Uttarkashi 1,875 T h al^ were proposed, 136 pit dug and 70 fruit plants budded and grafted. A sum of Rs.1,70,450 was sanctioned on the scheme during the quarter under report. During this quahet sanction has Beeri accorded for the construction of building for Horticulture Multi-purpose Fanti and staff (Quarters at Jakh in distHct Charaoli at a cost of Rs.99,900. (ii) Horticulture Ptant Protection Mohite Teams—All the existing 23 plant Protection Mobile X^ams (8 in Pilhoragar^ with 2 sub-centres at Munsiyari and Dharchula Blocks, 9 in Chamoli and 6 in Uttarkashi) provided in each development block for disseminating up-to-date knowledge about the proper maintenance of old plantations and increasing survival rate of new plantations continued functioning. 'The principal physi­ cal targets achieved during the quarter are; Item Pithoragarh Chamoli Uttarkashi (i) Collection of indents for rainy season plants (nos.j 21,636 10,145 N.A. (ii) Vegetable seed distributed (kg.) 131.645 2.68.874 N.A. (iii) Budding demonstration (nos.) 5,538 7,944 N.A. (iv) Manurial demonstration (acres) 75.49 1,823 (v) Treatment of fruit plants against pests and diseases (nos.) 5,266 3,172 N.A. (vi) Vegetable/Agriculture crop treated against pests ^ d dis­ eases (acres) 76.39 100.50 1225.31 (vii) Systematic layout of land (acres) 58.38 51.71 54.62 Besides, 3,196 thalas were prep>arai and 1,567 pits dug by the Mobile Teams functioning in Pithoragarh District. In Chamoli District 2,426 thalas were prepared and 51,757 field rats eradicated by these teams. The 6 teams functioning in district Uttarkashi established 359 Kitchen Gardens, rejuvinat- ed 272.666 acres of old orchards and trained 432 cultivators in plant protection measures. They made 161.39 acres of land free from rats infection in that district. A sum of Rs.2,54,740 was sanctioned on this scheme during the quarter under report. (iii) Community Canning Centres—Pd\ the existing 4 Can­ ning Centres (1 in Pithoragarh, 2 in Chamoli and 1 in Uttar­ kashi) continued to function effectively. The 3 new Canning Centres sanctioned at Nala and Simli in district Chc^oli and at Naugaon in district Uttarkashi during 1963-64 are expected to start functioning soon. In Pithoragarh, Chamoli and Uttarkashi Districts 151.50, 1,041.500 and 1,611.50 kg. fruits -were canned. The total sale proceeds of fruit products amounts lo Rs. 1,282.97 Paise in district Chamoli alone. A sum of Rs.75,310 was sanctioned on tliis scheme during the quarter under report. During this quarter a revised estimate of Rs.43,500 has been sanctioned for the construction of build­ ing for C. C. C. and staflf quarters at Joshimath. (iv) Mali Training—NecessBry training of local people in the art of pruning, grafting, plant-protection measures, etc, for a period of three months is provided by the trained depart­ mental staff at the multi-purpose horticulture farms. A batch of 20 trainees received suitable training in district Pithoragarh during the quarter. In the remaining two districts of Chamoli and Uttarkashi no training could be imparted during the quar­ ter due to the non-availability of suitable candidates at the present rate of stipend of Rs.40 per head per month. A simi of Rs.5,000 was sanctioned on this scheme for district Pithora­ garh during the quarter. (v) (a) Long term Loan and Grant-in-aid—This has greatly assisted the plantation of new orchards to improve the economic well-being of the local people on a long term basis. A sum of Rs.2,00,000 (Rs.50,000 each for Pithoragarh and Uttarkashi Districts and Rs. 1,00,000 for Chamoli District) was sanctioned during the quarter under report. (b) Grant-in-aid for Transport Subsidy—A sum of Rs.20,000 (Rs. 10,000 for Pithoragarh and Rs.6,000 for Chamoli and Rs.4,000 for Uttarkashi District) was sanctioned during the quarter under report. (c) Purchase and sale of fruit plants on ‘'No-Profit No-Loss Basis”—A total sum of Rs.80,000 (Rupees 30,0’00 each for Pithoragarh and Chamoli Districts and Rs.20,000 for Uttarkashi District) was sanctioned during the quarter. 2. MINOR IRRIGATION AND FLOOD CONTROL SCHEME A sum. of Rs.9.91 lakhs was provided in the original draft Uttarakhand Third Plan for Minor iTrigation Schemes. On a survey of the local felt need this provision was found to be quite inadequate and the Chief Engineer, Irrigation accordingly pre­ pared a Revised Third Plan amounting te Rs.42.76 lakhs in respect of schemes costing above Rs. 15,000. This revised plan has been submitted to the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs (Kashmir Affairs) for approval which is still awaited. The Government of India have approved a financial ceiling amounting to Rs.26.725 lakhs for the current financial year. All Minor Irrigation Schemes costing below Rs. 15,000 are exe­ cuted by Development Block Agency under the supei-vision of the District Magistrate concerned. 2. Of the three irrigation projects, viz. (1) Mali Badhan Gaon Minor in district Uttarkashi, (ii) Sari Minor in district Chamoli and (iii) Haldu Kwitar and Gol Minors in district Pithoragarh, work on which had started during the Second Five-Year Plan and which were included in the Uttarakhand Third Five-Year Plan the first two were completed by the end of 1961-62. The third scheme was completed by the end olE 1962-63. 3. The work is now in steady progress on Pithoragarh Hill Channels Project (Estimated Cost Rs.3,52,000), which includes (i) Ramtoli Minor (ii) Gargia Minor, (iii) Madkot Minor and (iv) Jainiti Minor, Uttarkashi Hill Channels Project (Esti­ mated Cost Rs.4,90,546, which includes (i) Nagan gaon Minor (ii)Sainj Minor and Chamoli Hill Channel Project (Estimated Cost Rs.2,85,787), which includes (i) Khalla Mandal Minor (ii) Adra Minor and (iii) Kethyal Sain Minor. The Govern­ ment of India, Ministry of Home Affairs (K. A.) have already accorded administrative approval for these three Projects. Necessary sanction for execution of Uttarkashi and Chamoli Projects has .been accorded recently. The Ramtoli Minor under Pithoragarh Hill Channels is projected to have a length of four miles channels at a total cost of Rs.1.20 lakhs and would irrigate an area of 150 acres. The Uttarkashi Hill. Channels Project will be 6-6-330 miles in length _ and will irrigate 348 acres. Similarly the Chamoli Hill Channels Project will be 3—6 miles in length and will irrigate 156 acres of land. 4. Total expenditure on Minor Irrigation Schemes executed by Irrigation Department during the years 1961-62, 1962-63, and 1963-64 was Rs.1,41,000, R s.l,12,552 and Rs.3,08,000 respectively. 5. Under the Revised Plan referred to in para 1 above 14; schemes for district Chamoli, 5 schemes for district Uttarkashi and 16 schemes for district Pithoragarh are under investigation. The nanies of these schemes are given in the appended state­ ment district-wise. An amount of Rs.8,83,000 has been plac­ ed at the disposal of Chief Engineer, Irrigation for execution of these schemes in 1964-65. 6. Minor Irrigation Schemes executed by Block Agency—In the year 1962-63 it was decided that schemes costing less than Rs.
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