THE SOUTH AMBOY *••• SAYREVILLE Date: August 24,1996 PRICELESS Vol. 5 Issue 11 Senior Housing Phase I to Begin Sayreville Gains Bond Cleared to Fix South Amboy's waterfront dream is Recognition South Amboy Roads now becoming a reality. After years of hard A $250.(XX) ordinance to fund the con- work and research by the Mayor, Council. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Sayre- struction of a road leasing into the Raritan Redevelopment Agency. Housing Author- ville Mayor James Zagata, the Garden State Bay Waterfront Park, was adopted by the ity, Planning Board, etc.. concrete plans Parkway recently added the name Sayre- South Amboy City Council. The Park is have been made to proceed with the rede- ville to the Raritan South Toll Plaza signs. presently under development by Middlesex velopment of the South Ainboy Waterfront. One of Zagala's earliest promises after be- County. The money will also go towards coming Mayor was to give the borough of The first phase of the Shore Gate Vil- improvements at the lower George St. and Sayreville some long-overdue recognition lage, the mixed use community, called the Rosewell St. intersections, where the park "s on the Parkway. The Mayor also expects Grande, was recently introduced. Offering entrance will be. the signs for the Cheesequakc Rest Area to one and two bedroom, single and two story The city will handle $56,000 of the be changed, and to mention Sayreville. condos for seniors, and solo singles. 55 and cost, with the rest coming from the State of over, The Grande's exclusive sales and The cost tochange the signs are minimal, New Jersey Dept. of Transportation. marketing agent will be Murphy Realty/ and the highway authority is paying for them. Better Homes and Gardens. Mayor John T. Raises Given in Sayreville O'Leary stated, "We wanted to do some- Power Plant Closes Early The Sayreville Borough Council re- thing for our residents currently living in The E.H. WemerGenerating Station in cently approved pay raises for department South Amboy. It was important to create an South Ainboy, which was formerly Jersey managers. The increases were equal to opportunity for our Senior Citizens who Mayor John T. O'Leary Central Power & Light Co. closed its doors 5 hikes given to Sayreville's union employ- wanted to stay." weeks early on August 6th. A huge boiler ees. The 4.5% increase was included in the offer affordable housing to our residents. It ruptured, and darkened the plant, fortunately $30.8 million Borough budget, which was Future plans include single family gives them the choice to stay in their homes, injuring noone. Theextensive damage would approved in June. homes, a marina, and space for retail and or move into this new community," said be too costly, and take too long to repair, as professional businesses. "We are happy to O'Leary. the Plant was set to close on Sept. 15. The energetic Mayor O'Leary con- The loss of the Werner Station will not cluded: "Our redevelopment is moving for- Garsick Qualifies for cause any power shortages in the area. Power ward with single family homes which will Boston Marathon can be drawn from other sources, such as be built on the waterfront. It will offer other plants in the state which are operated Former South Amboy resident, Nancy young couples a chance to buy this type of by GPU Generation Inc. GPU has been Garsick qualified for next year's Boston home, and stay in South Amboy." Marathon by running the Pittsburgh Mara- operating the South Amboy facility. thon in 3-1/2 hours. One of the greatest Special Vote - August 24 athletes in Hoffman High School history, New School Dedication where she was a 1,000 points plus scorer, A poll will be held on Sat., Aug. 24 The dedication of the new South and all-everything in basketball and soft- from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Christ Church Amboy Community School will take place ball, she is just starting out in marathons, Hall, to recommend that the new high school on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. Ihe .schedule oi and is already quite a success! be called South Amboy's Hoffman High activities is as follows: 4:00-4:30 p.m. - Following her fine performance in the School. The nonbinding poll is opened to Gathering - Children's Activities; 4:30- Pittsburgh Marathon, she competed in the all registered voters, and results will be 5:30- Dedication and speeches; 5:45-6:45 San Francisco Marathon, and despite blis- submitted to the South Amboy Board of - Tours of the new school; 6:00-7:00 - ters and being under the weather, still man- Education. The Alumni & Friends of H.G. Dedication to Croddick Buffet. All South Amboy residents are aged to finish in a courageous 4 hours and 3 Hoffman High School, a local group who cordially invited to attend. on Sept. 3 minutes. did not want the name changed to South The much-anticipated dedication of the Amboy High School, has organized the new South Amboy Community School's poll. Burgess New Administrator gymnasium in memoriam to James H. Ronald Burgess was appointed as tem- Croddick, will take place on Tuesday. Sept. Storm Wreaks Havoc porary part-time Business Administrator in 3rd between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. in Sayreville South Amboy. He replaces John Mason, Mr. Croddick was a dedicated family A tremendous downpour caused a ma- who held the post since 1988. Mason was man, educator, Principal, and athletic coach, jor washout to the entrance road to the dismissed, after he decided that he would who guided the Hoffman Boys basketball Trinity United Methodist Church near Eu- not accept the city's offer to continue as a team to the 1963 Group I state champion- gene Blvd. in Parlin. The enormous amount part-time Business Administrator. South ship. He was also an all-around athlete at of rain caused two drainage pipes to burst, Amboy's recent budgetary cuts led them to Hoffman High in the '40's, and was an forcing an overflow into a culvert which change the position to part-time, and in upstanding citizen, who was really proud of doing so, expect to save $50,000. Mason's was built in 1968. The road eventually his South Amboy community. salary, combined with his benefits was an collapsed from the excessive amount of The dedication to James H. Croddick is estimated $ 100.000 per year. City officials water. most befitting, and our sincere congratula- are currently looking for a permanent Busi- 200 youngsters were attending Bible tions go out to his entire family. He will ness Administrator. School, and were unable to travel their rou- always be remembered! tine routes to and from the church. Fortu- nately, no one was injured. American Diabetes Association Recognition A South Amboy-Sayreville Times to Raritan Bay Medical Center SPORTS HALL OF FAMER, Nancy con- Makransky Steps Down tinues to excel at whatever challenges may Sayreville's last Republican Council come her way Member, Frank Makransky shocked Bor- ough officials and constituents by resigning effective immediately. Makransky was ex- Fall pected to run for re-election in November, but cited health problems and increasing Special professional demands for his reasons for relinquishing his council seat. Issue GOP chairman, Randy Corman said the Republicans will choose from Kennedy O'Brien, Ken Olchaskey, or Richard Sept. 20 Vitkauskis to fill Makransky's slot. All Deadlines No Layoffs at DuPont 50 DuPont employees, who anticipated SEPT. 10 layoffs in the fall, were spared from the dreaded ax. Due to a recent upswing in Ms. Pat Gawdun, Chair of the Board of the New Jersey Affiliate of the American Diabetes Association presented recognition award to Dr. Ira Spiler (center), Raritan Bay Medical product growth, the workers are safe at Center Director of Endocinology and Metabolism, and Dr. John R. Middleton, Raritan Bay Call 727-0398 present, and it is definitely a positive sign Medical Center Medical Director. Recognition is awarded to Diabetes education programs for the company and their employees. that provide patients with comprehensive individualized education. 2 August 24, 1996 South Amboy-Sayreville Times in '84? a. Frank Minnick b. John Gilroy c. Talk of the Towns Pleasant Little Trivia Nicholas Smolney by Tom Burkard 9. Gas station located on the corner of by Tom Burkard 1. These popular South Amboy broth- Washington Rd. & Price St. in Sayrevillc in Bernice is Back Home '76? a. Pellicanes Citgo b. Hy-Fy c. Say- ers both served as City Councilmen. and Bernice Kovaleski of South Amboy is also State Assemblymen? a. William and reville Sunoco home again, after a glorious vacation in Andrew Kurtz b. John and Ed O'Brien c. 10. President of Eagle Sports Associa- sunny Florida. She\s still the same wonder- Tom and Fred Morrison tion in 1974-75? a. John Shuba b. James ful person she always was, and sends her 2. Grand Marshal in the South Amboy Murphy c. George Anderson Irish-American Assn. Parade in '86? a. 11. Barber Shop at the old A&P Shop- best to all of her local acquaintances. Robert Hackett b. Larry Benson c. William ping Center, Sayreville in '78? a. Ali's b. '69 Grad Pursues Law Degree Coman Johnny's c. Terry's Joe Casey, a 1969 St. Mary's graduate 3. Fabulous Hot Dog Stand on Broad- 12. S. Amboy Postmaster in '87? a. recently paid us a visit. He's been studying #1 HITS ON AUGUST 24 way, South Amboy in the early '7()'s? a.
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