362 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. JULY, 1923 Lindblad, Bertil. RECENT PAPERS BEARING ON METEOROLOGY AND Radiative equilibrium and solar temperature. Uppsala. 1923. SEISMOLOGY. 34 p. fig.. 29 cm. (Nova acta Regiae societatm scientianim Upsaliensls. Ser. 4, v. 6, no. 1.) C. FITZFIWQEITALYAN, Meteorologist in Charge of Library. Miias Geraes. Servigo meteorologico. Boletim de normaes de temperatura. cliiiva e inaolat$o correspon- The following titles have been selected from the dentes aos annos de 1914 a 1921. hIina.9 Genes. N33. 20s p. contents of the eriodicals and serials recently received maps. 38+ cm. in the library of t?I e Weather Bureau. The titles selected Molchenov, P. A. npers and other communications bearing on Atmoufep. Stroenie i protsewi vozliishtchnoi stikliii po sovre- and cognate branches of science. TFs is mennun vozzrenimni. Peterburg. 1933. 1G3 p. illus. 24 indes of all the journals from which it cm. [Title and text in Rusakn.] It shows only the articles that Notes on climate, and other subjects in emtern Mediterranean nnd ad- likely to be of particular interest jacent countries. London. 11916.1 300 p. plates fin ocket). 19 cm. (Prepared on behalf of t e Admiralty and &e Kar work of the Weather Bureau. office. I. D. 1117.) di~icrirnnnuteoroloyircd sokty. Biilletin. Wmestmt Hirss. 1‘. 4. 1928. Quayle, E. T. Clough, H[omer] W. A4nimproved method of computing metero- Increyaing run-ofl from the -4voi.a river basin (due apparently tu logical normals. p. T2-73. (May.) [Abstract,] deforestation.) p. 143-152. 95 cm. (€’rot.. Eop. sur. Victoria. Haas, N[elson] W. A method for representing mnd directions at v. 35 (ner series.) lit. 2. 193?.) different levels on the same chart. 11. 71-72. (May.) [Ab- Quervain, A. de. stract .] Fhqlosion yon Oppau alii 21. SeptemLer 1921. >. 10-15. illiis. Henry, A. J. Terrestrial temperatures in the United States and 31 cm. (Scliweixer. met. Zentral-dnstalt. AnnAen. 1990.) the sunspot cycle. 680. (Mav.) [Abstract.] Humphreys, W. J. 8blique arcs’ through the sun. p. 70-71. R€thly, Antsl. (May.) [Abstract.] Mugyarorsiag c.sapatlBktCrk6pe. (111 (id,T. P., & othcrs. Zse- Marvin, C. F. Periodicities in weather and climate. p. 66-67. batlasz naptkral 6s statisztikui atlatokkal itz 1953. Bvre (May.j [dt~stract.] Iiiadja. 1923. p. 157-16G.) [With raiiifsll nirp of IIung:iry.] Marvin, C[harles] F. The status, scope, and problems of meteor- Rig& George B., & othtlrs. ology. p. 73-56. (May.) [Abstract.] Influence of planta on the air in houses. p. 383-3Sli. 251 c1~. Tingley, F. G. A proposed system of graphical extrapolation of (Amer. journ. botany. v. 10. July, 1993.) weather data, with posailde application to long-range forecasting. p. Ij9-50. (Yay.) [Abstract.] Sayers, R. R. & Earrington, D. Brooks, Charles F. Local climates of Worcester, hbs., as a factor Ph) siological effecta of high temperatures and huiilidities with aud in city zoning. p. S3-S6. (June-July.) without air movement. Effects on body temperature arid pdPe Brooks, Charles F. Unsatisfactory rain insurance policies. p. rate of subjecb at rest. Washinston. I G1H-163:. s’2-63. (June-July.) tig. 234 cm. (U. S. PubI ic health serv?:?‘lPr% . health re- G[reg 3, W. R. Meteorology and the record non-sto dietance ports. v. 38. no. 29. July 20, 1933.) fligft of Lieuts. Kelly and Macread p. 99-100. (Zne-July.) Shaw, H. Knox. &egg, W. R., & Van Zandt, J. P. $he wind factor in flight: an Observations of solar radiation, 1915-1921. p. 237-356. 27 cni. analysis of one year’s record of the air mail. p. 89-90. (June- (Min. of pub. works. Egypt. Phys. dept. Helwan observ. July.) [bbstract.] Bulletin no. 33.) Hand, I. F. An esainination of the dust content of the atmosphere. Shaw, Napier. p. 92-53. (June-July.) [Abstract.] The mr & its ways. The Rede lecture (1921) in the Vniversitg of Horton, Robert E. Do saturated mile increase rates of flood die- Cambridge, with other contribuhons to meteorolog for schools charge? p. 95-96. (June-July.) and colleges. C‘anibridge. 1923. xx, 237 p. ilks. plates. Horton, Robert E. Keep a ground-water level record. p. 96-97. 37 cni. (June-July .) Humphreys, W. J. Dusting the clouds for rain. p. 87-88. (June Sifontes, Ernesto. July.) Abstract.] P miinas sobre meteorologia tropical (regih de t’iudad-Bo1ivar.- Kiiball, erbert H., 8 Hobbs, Herman E. A new form of thermo- %uayana.-Venezuela.-S. A Zona a1 Sur del rio Orinocopailo electric4 recording pyrheliometer. D. 91-92. (June-Julv.) 1920. Ciudad Bolivar. 1933. 313 p. 25 cm. rAbstract .1 South Kensington museum, London. M&singeri d. LeRo . The accuracy of free-air pressure maps. p. Catalogue of sky sketches froiii . 1S83 to . lSSG, by William 90-91. (June-Jufy.) [Abstract.] Aecroft. Illustrating optical phenomena attributed to the erup- Mitchell, Charles L. Revised tracks of West Indian hurricanes. tion at Krakatoa, in the Java straits, August 27th, 18S3. p. 93-95. (June-July.) Abstract.] London. 1885. 1s p. 213 cm. Sherry, B. J. The meteoroI ogical service on the model airway. Suhara, Toyotaro. p. S9. (June-July.) fAbstract.1 New air velocity calculator. T6kyi3. -1922. 25-30. illus. Weeks, John R. Bwis of rain insurance rates. p. 81-82. (June- plates. 26 cm. (Xeport Aeron. res. inst., T8Iy8 imp. univ. July.) v. 1. no. 5. June, 1322.) Anwriran pldosophiral society. Proceedinga. Philaddphia. 11. 62. Sutton, J. R. 120. 2. Control of evaporation by the teinqerature of the air. p. 5-13. 25 Ward, Robert DeC. The “Indian summer” as a characterietic cni. (Repr.: Trans. Roy. sw. houth Africa. v. 11, Id. 1.) weather type of the eastern United States. p. 48-56. Some notes on rainfall and run-off in South Africa. p.4144. 34t cni. (South Africangeogr. lourn. v. 5, Dec., 1922.) Annnlen dpr Aydropph~ieund niaritimen Meteorologk. Hamburg. 61. Jnhrg. 192.3. Tamaru, Takur8. Ahlgrimm, Fr. Zur Aufhiingung des Meteorographen unter dem Hildki ni taisuru Gaze no Hb!iB to Hayasa wo liirokusuru Kilid. Fesselballon. p. 96-97. (April.) [TBkya. 1921.1 23 p. illus. 28 cni. (Report Aeron. res. Geiger, Rudolf. Ueber quantitative Meesungen an Inversione- inat. Ti3lry6 imp. univ. no. 1. Feb., 1921.) [With Engfilieh Atichen. p. S1-90. (April.) abstract .] Ktippen, W. Die Bora im niirdlichen Skandinavien. p. 97-99. Terada, Torahiko, & Kobayasi, Tatuo. (April.) On the diurnal variation of winds in different coastal Rtations of Schmidt, Adolf. Wie ist dm Jahr fur meteorologische Zwecke am Japan. p. 33-85. figs. 361 cni. (Report Aeron. res. inst. besten einzuteilen? p. 93-96. (April.) TZlkySimp. univ. v. 1, no. 3, July. 1922.) Schumacher, A. Neuere Versuche zur Messung der Verdunstung Vercelli, Francesco. von Seenflachen. .9!%100. (A ril.) Le ecienze fisiche e niatematiche nelle opere di Dante. Roma. Bartels, J. Zur BerecEnung der tiigichen Luftdruckechwankung. 1923. 43 23 cm. [Meteorology. p. 33 ffg.] (Rivista marit- p. 153-160. (Juli.). tima. Fe!:, 1923.) Perlewih, P. Ueber Wettervorhmage. p. 166-170. (Juli.). Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/26/21 09:46 AM UTC JULY,1923. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 363 Annnles de gtoqmphie. Pa&. 32 ande. 15 iuillet 19OS. Meteorolon~isclwZeitsehri --Continued. Angot, Ued. F. de Monteaaus de Ballore (1851-1922). p. 369- Georgii, Walter. kur Theorie und Praxis der Wettervomage. 371. p. 138-143. .. (Mai.) Pard€, M. Lea grandea aversee aux Etata-Unis, d’aprb lea travaux Gockel, A. Uber die Durchksigkeit der Atmoaphiire fur Licht- du Miami conservancy district. p. 367-368. und Polarisationsmeaaungen in Freiburg i. d. Schweiz. p. Rouch, J. L’objet et lea mhthodea de la m6t.brologie. p. 289-297. 139-138. (Mai.) Annnlt-s de physinue. Paris. t. 19. Janvicr- PTIWT, 192.9. Eellmann, G. Regenfall auf den Marquesas-Inaeln. p. 145-146. Labrouste, H. Expos6 sommaire de 1’ dtat de la sismologie. p. (Mai.) 5-62. Maurer, E. Das Wandern des Rasserdampfes quer uber die Breitenkreise. p. 147. (Mai.) drchives da s&iires physipes et naturelles. Gtn2ve. ‘11. 5. Mai-jtiiw Pe pler, W. Die Wolkenhohen iiber Friedrichahden und die 1923. {eigun der Schichten uher Mitteleuro a. p. 150-153. (Mai.) Billwiller, R. La tempete de foehn des 415 janvier 1919. p. 319- Rouch. f Der Hohenwind auf der l%ftverkehralinie Pa& 280. Abstract. London. p. 143-144. (&hi.) Maurer, J. L’anonialie des plus rbcenta ph6nomPnes d’aurore Georgii, W. R.J. Humphreys: Das Hauschen des Waldes und das polaire . 220-221. [Abstract. Brausen der Beree. D. 218-219. (Juli.) Morikofer, b . La tempbrature de l’air dans la couche d’un Hirschfeld, Alexanier von. Beobachtungen uber Harmattantrilbe mPtre d’bpaisseur au-deseus du sol. p. 211-214. in Mittel-A.ngola. p. 230-221. (Juli.) British cistrwionlid association. Journal. Loiido)i. v. 33. Jutit, Klhler, L. Uber die Schwankung der elektriachen Raunilvdung 192.9. in der ;2tmosphere. p. 204-211. (Juli.) Meteors and the physical conditions of the up er atmosphere. p. Kerlnw, J. Eine bemerkenswerte Gefriereracheinung ini Boden 346-349. [ Abstr. of paper by Lindemann $Dobson.] nach einrr langen Kiillte. p. 21. (Juli.) Moltschanoff, P. Turbulenz der uuteren Luftschichten und Cipl et tmr. Brti.n.lles. 39 ann&. Juiii 1.023. Entwicklung der Haufenwolken. p. 323-216. (Juli.) Agamennone, G. Sur quelques types d‘acc61CromPtres sismiques. Roschkott, A. Rol iitzsch, Beitriige zur Striiktur des Bodenwindes. p. 137-113. p. 516-218. (Juli.) Eiigi)iemi)ig iictcr-rccord. New I-ork. v. 91. 192.9. Wisllii, Vilho. Ein Auswertungainatrunient fur Pilotl~allon- Ewing, Paul A. Predicting nest year’s rainfall for southern C‘ali- beohac-litungen. p. 220. (Juli.) fornia. 17. (July 5.) Wenger, R. Zur Theorie der Berg- und Talwinde. p. 193-204. Shannon, $illiam D. A new transmission line tested hy frozen (Juli.) fog.
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