CENTRAL UNION Lincoln, Nebraska, April 4, 1967 Volume XXXVI Number 14 Spirit of Prophecy Books Published in a New Dimension The denomination is just launching into a program of publishing the E. G. White books in the spoken word. This opens up a whole new field of reading as the physician, minister, or businessman may use his travel time in "reading" and "rereading" the E. G. White books. The busy housewife, too, may "read" and "reread" those messages of counsel which mean so much to the home and the welfare of the family. Through this means the invalid may hear the precious, assuring Spirit of Prophecy messages. (Continued on Page 2) Disaster and Famine Relief Offering "Thank God There Are People Like You" One morning at 3 o'clock Elder M. H. Jensen and his Last year nearly three million dollars worth of med- helpers in New York City received a call. One hundred icines, food, and clothing were shipped to the needy around and seven fire victims forced out into the cold needed the world. No doubt thousands of unfortunate disaster vic- clothing and care. Soon the Seventh-day Adventist welfare tims said or thought, "Thank God there are people in the team was helping these unfortunate people. As Elder Jen- world like you—people who care enough to help in times sen went about his work, a well-dressed man watching the of need." operations carefully, shaking his head with approval, said, And this service pays well in souls and good will. In "Thank God, there are people in the world like you—people Iloilo City, Philippines, one of the worst fires since the turn who care enough to help at a time like this!" of the century destroyed 15 blocks of the city. Fifty mil- "Thank God there are people in the world like your lion dollars worth of damage was done in just a few hours' What a challenge to every Seventh-day Adventist to main- time. Local Seventh-day Adventist welfare leaders were on tain the fine tradition of service the Lord has enabled us the job. SAWS in Manila sent relief clothing and foodstuff to build up through the years! During 1967 your Seventh- immediately. Appreciation on the part of the local people day Adventist Welfare Service shipped clothing and food was freely expressed. to 36 countries, besides providing large supplies of similar help right here in North America—because we love, be- cause we care enough to help in an emergency! Hfl AlRENTISTWELFARESERFICE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY BOOKS Continued EAST VISAYAN NISSION On slow-playing, double-track tapes, the books are available in compact form. They are provided in a choice of two speeds. On seven-inch reels the tapes play at 33/4 ips. On five-inch reels the speed is 17i ips. The books in this "Adventist Audio Library" now available are: Steps to Christ-2 reels INF Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing-2 reels Impending Conflict (the ten most important last chap- ters of Great Controversy) —2 reels The Adventist Home-5 reels Life at Its Best, the missionary edition of Ministry of Healing, is in preparation and will soon be released. The reading for the production of the master tapes is done by Adventist ministers, carefully selected for their reading voices. The work is superb. True, these books will Relief workers begin food distribution to fire victims in the Philip- cost scmewhat more in the spoken word than they do in pines. The Disaster and Famine Relief Offering provided food and cloth- the printed page. But when one considers the many hours ing after some of the most destructive fires of the century. of "reading" time one has, when the eyes are already fully engaged but the ears and the mind are open, what better The response was the same in Colombia when our investment can be made? people went to the aid of flood victims. The may or and The White Trustees take pleasure in announcing the policemen of one community escorted our members from E. G. White books in this new dimension. These volumes in door to door, passing out food, clothing, and words of en- this new form are published by the Review and Herald couragement. A letter from the city fathers, announcements Publishing Association and the tapes are marketed through in the paper and over the radio, all praised the effective the book and Bible houses at prices below materials of this help rendered by Seventh-day Adventists in the time of kind normally on the market. This is made possible by the need. gifts applied toward the initial expense made by several In the Philippines and in Colombia people affirmed, generous Seventh-day Adventists, eager to see the E. G. "We thank God there are people like you!" White books available in this form for the widest possible On May 13 the annual Disaster and Famine Relief use. Other volumes will soon be added to this, "The Ad- Offering will be received in all of the churches. Are you the ventist Audio Library—Enduring Books in the Spoken kind of Seventh-day Adventist people thank God for? Shall Word." not you and I both reveal how much we care for those ARTHUR L. WHITE, Secretary whom violent misfortune has rendered destitute by giving The Ellen G. White Estate liberally on this Sabbath? May it be said of each one of us, "Thank God there are people like you—people who care enough to help at a time this like!" The Central Union Reaper is published (50 issues a year) by ROBERT H. PIERSON, the Central Union Conference at P. O. Box 6127, Lincoln, Nebraska 68506. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska. Vol. 36, No. 14 President, General Conference 2 CENTRAL UNION REAPER, APRIL 4, 1967 Speaking ol Aoki Plan a Full Biography of George McCready Price Loaf for Them "Among twentieth century Protestant opponents of evolution, one man and one alone stands head and shoul- ders above all others. He is the 'geologist' whom William Jennings Bryan cited as his chief au- thority at the famous Scopes trial in Tennessee, and almost every funda- mentalist attack on evolution in the Disaster and last three decades has drawn its major Famine Relief ammunition from his writings. He is, in fact, the last and greatest of the Offering anti-evolutionists. "The name of this remarkable man Sabbath, May 13 is George McCready Price." This statement was made by Mar- "More People Are Excited" G. McCready Price tin Gardner, a man who completely Books and periodicals are God's method of getting disagrees with Mr. Price's conclusions, in his book Fads and the message of the hour before the exploding population. Fallacies in the Name of Science. But even Mr. Price's op- The printed page is preparing the world for a great har- ponents recognized his stature and influence. vest. This idea is shared by a letter from the lay activities Bernard Ramm, a well-known conservative theologian secretary of the Ghana Mission, which states: who also disagrees with Mr. Price, evaluates him as follows: "More people are excited over the Signs than over any "One of the strangest developments of the early part other magazine. The Signs go like hot cakes. It is purely a of the twentieth century was that George McCready Price soul-winning journal. Recently several souls were non to a Seventh-day Adventist with very limited professional Christ solely through the reading of the Signs." training, became fundamentalism's leading apologist in the Let us continue to send out more Signs, so that the domain of geology. At any rate, the influence of Mr. whole world can be lightened with His glory. Price is staggering." (Italics supplied). A. R. MAZAT, Circulation Manager, Probably few Seventh-day Adventists, if any, have Pacific Press Pub. Assn. made so great an impact beyond the confines of the Ad- ventist church, as George McCready Price. Now, Professor Harold W. Clark, who has been closely acquainted with Mr. Price's work for over four decades, has written a bi- ALUMNI ography of this remarkable man. The book is called Cru- Mount Vernon Academy sader for Creation, and the p r i c e, paperback, is a mere Home-coming Week End—April 28, 29, 1967 $1.50. "If you want to become great" writes Professor Clark, All graduates "you should espouse an unpopular cause and crusade for Please contact Alumni Association it through thick and thin, against all odds, and in spite of Mount Vernon Academy, Box 311 all opposition. If this is the criterion for greatness, then the Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050 name of George McCready Price will appear high on the list." Professor Price is a man worth remembering. We be- lieve thousands of our members will profit from reading L1-1)<C)C3`7.1"LB`ii Crusader for Creation, just released by the Pacific Press. 1---I CD I —FAL Items of Interest from Worthington News Notes from the Hospital Worthington, Ohio—Nearly $13,000 in Investment The Porter Hospital cafeteria will be used by the Insti- funds were provided in 1966 by Worthington Foods, Inc., tute for Fund Accounting to be held in the Denver South through the label allowance program, according to Allan R. church, April 10-12. More than 100 hospital administrators, Buller, general manager. accountants and union auditors will attend the three-day Worthington Foods also will be featured on the Wal- session sponsored by the General Conference Medical De- ter Cronkite "21st Century" series on either May 7 or May partment.
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