The Shield University of ·Southern .lndiana USI gains control of 'Young Abe' from theme park One corner of a triangle India na Department of ll[atu­ that controlled the 1989 sea- ra l Resources. This agency son of the "Young Abe Lincoln" receives $200.000 each year musica l outdoor dra ma was from the India na General removed last week when USI Assembly to support the took over management re- dra ma. sponsibilities from Holiday During the 1989 season. World. USI's first yea r of afflialion This cha nge will be in with the drama. the paid ticket addition to the production sales increased by 9 percent. responsibilities the university USI president David L. assumed last year during the Rice said the additional re­ third year of the two-hour sponsibilities would extend musical drama based on Lin- the university's commtttment coin's years In southern lndt- to nurture the historic re­ ana. Holiday World will con- sources in the southern third Unue to operate the food serv- of the state through the His­ lee for the ,show. located In - leri<; Sowther-n -Indiana .Pro}- --- Spencer County. ect. a program s pearheaded The management shift has by the university to promore been approved by the third tourism and historic develop­ member of the triangle. The ment. New campus phone system; benefits outweigh expenses by Mlltt Potter on long distance. ability to Staff writer limit the number of long distance calls. and. since the USI's new phone system. system wtll be connected to USl's soccer team celbrates ~s 5-0 victory over Bellarmine to win the GLVC tournament Sunday at which will be Installed by Dec. the campus computer Strassweg Field. Story and more photos on page 6. 15. will prove to be an system. It will be able to expensive project. but one handle all ofUSI's data. as well university official feels it will as normal voice Gabennesch will speak to non-traditionals communications. be worth it. Dr Howard Gabennesch, Student." attend. The new system will be Starting next summer. associate professor of psy­ The event is a continu­ Refreshments and the replacing the 13-year system MASH and Campus chology at US! will speak ation of the monthly "Coming opportunity to talk with other presently In use. The current Apartments will also be able to Friday at 7 p.m . in the Univer­ . Together· series for non-tradi­ non-traditlonals will follow the system Is now at capacity _and share in the new system. Hays sity Center. Th~ title o{ Ga­ tiona] students, although speech. Addilionallnforma­ can not accommodate any said the Installation charge bennesch's talk Is "What I other students. family mem­ tion is available from the Office more growth. With the new wtll be less than th~ amount Wish I'd Known When I Was a bers and friends are Invited to of Admissions, 464-I 765 building on the way. more students are currently paying extentions will be needed. for phone service In the Jeff Hays. director of apartments. purchasing. summed up the For these installations. Joumalist to lead forum two new features will be need for the new system that Peter Jacobi, an Indi­ was organized In reponse has been under consideration added. A voice mailbox will ana journalism professor to suggestions from past for five years. serve as an answering and media consultant. will "We just outgrew the other machine for residents. and participants who identi­ one.· Hays said. ·we knew the with tele-regtstratton, be featured In a Nov. 15 fied responding to the new building would be on Its students will be. able to program. cosponsored by media a nd ensuring ac­ way around this time. a nd we regis ter for classes over the the Southern India na curacy of Information as knew that we'd need tt. We phone. Labor-Management Edu­ an Issue of major con­ also wanted to wait for cation Forum and the area cern. somet'htng better and we feel Cable is nciw being' laid for · chapter of tpe Society of The program will be tha t we ·now have the best the campi.Js. in:stallation . Professional .Joumalists. held from-8 to 11 :30 a.m. ayallabl« system q{ tts time.· · The cos~ of the system Is In . Ttm Mahoney. labor­ in 'the UC . Reservations the area of $1 mllllon. Hays Along with the Increased management forum coor­ are $5. Call 464-1863 for number of extentions, the new said it will be paid for with dinator, said the program Information. system wlll have oth er money that has been saved Peter Jacobi attractive features. Lower cos t durlr.g the past years. Opinion 2 The Shield -- November 8, 1989 B luelight special on flicks at ASA escort auction ' by Rick Davis Auction" [I won't point out the fact that say that it would be the Jan. 8 Indiana­ thirds of us to death (Vach is the minority Staff writer there's no such thing as a "first annual" Michigan basketball game at Assembly in that statistic-It was his idea in the anything, because that would be an ex­ Hall in Bloomington. But. if I say this. I first place) . What some people will do for charity. ample of taking pot shots at obvious suspect the strong possibility that sev­ Wh.l:tever happens. expect something Ever since I started writing for The campus mistakes). Proceeds wi ll benefit eral male members of the a udience will bizarre. silly and extremely oiT the wall Shield. all I've heard is that all we do Special Olympics. bid on me. I don't want that. .. so I'm going when the three Ricks hit the spotlight. down here is make fun of everything that According to a news release from the to have to lie and say that the perfect date Jick said his idea of the perfect dale goes on at US!. sorority, the "women"· at US! will bid on would be something cliche like a candle­ would be a heated game ofYahtzee. And True. And. to be honest. it's not ve ry "men" from different campus organiza­ light dinner. who knows. if you're a smart shopper. hard to do. Let's face it. US! is a colum­ tions. Third, what am I going to do after no you might be able to get a 2-for-l bluelight nist'sdr~. Bidding will begin after each "man· one bids on me? Where do I go? Is there special on Ricks. But thf'ee of the most vocal members stales his name a nd, "describes his idea a penalty box? Do I get a prize? I guaran­ And, it's for charity. of the staiT have decided to shed the of the 'perfect dale.'" tee I won't go for more than the price of a Shield's apathetic image and get involved To show you how cynical the three of bag of M&M's. I'm going to have to warn Buy-Sell-Trade or with campus events. us are. we've already discovered several the people who are putting this thing Rick Vach, Rick Jillson and myself. deiscrepancies in the newsletter. First of together in advance - you're going to just s04 1 '!:!:' the three Ricks of the staff. with a com­ all, the newsletter mentioned the word have to have some sort of consolation Get your message across in a - bined total of at least 12 letters lo the "man" in one way or another eight times. prize for selected members of the audi­ unique way. Advertise in th e editor (Vach holds the title with at least Jick (Jillson) has come to the conclusion ence who didn't get bidded. That could 10 of'em), several phone calls and nasty that we're a ll boys. He's right. We a re. be me. I could be the booby prize. Shield classifieds to over 5,000 notes, are going to auctio~ oiTour bodies Second, we are to describe the per­ A little personal background infor­ students for only 5 cents a word. for charity. fect dale (event) or the perfect date (girl). mation on the the boys entered from The Stop by UC115 or call. On Nov. 18, Alpha Sigma Alpha will If! was going to describe the perfect dale. Shield staiT. We're a ll girl friendless. 'Nuff be sponsoring their "First Annual Escort as in the process of taking out a girl, I'd said. The word "girlfriend" scares two- 464-1870 Driving disorders, not freeway, reason for wrecks by Rick .Jillson all get the ha ng ofit. ory, or at least I wanted to, until They are as follows: speed are of no consequence. It Staff writer Buicks will stop bashing into a bizarre wreck forced me to becomes especially dangerous the rears of jacked-up El Cami­ step back and do some serious when a rype C is tailing a Type_ We've all heard the excuses. nos and Gremlins will cease to re-evaluating. 1YPE A DISORDER- AIL LANES B who is attempting to pass a Evansville's new to this highway attempt multiple lane changes. I was pulling out of a park­ ARE EQUAL 1)rpeA. stuff. It takes time to master the Sooner or later, we'll all learn to ing lot onto Green River Road Sufferers of1YJ>e A Disorder art of freeway driving and soon , peacefully co-exist, right? Wrong. when, somehow, the car behind either can't grasp or have diffi­ TYPED DISORDER-- YOUEYE­ with a little more practice, we 'II I used to buy into this the- me managed to strike me in the culty remembering the concept BAUJN' ME BOY? side.
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